Lord of the Witches

Chapter 581 Defection

Tang Qi is not proficient in divination and prophecy-like witchcraft, and he doesn't even have similar strange objects in his collection, but he always has a sharper intuition than other extraordinary people. This may be his so far unable to explain the source. Extension of special abilities.

From the first contact with Sims' divine avatar, the subsequent signs have almost clearly informed that an unimaginable catastrophe is about to happen at a certain moment.

This change involves "big cataclysm" and "master god", and he needs to try his best to arrange more.

Recalling Macaulay, is just one of them.

After finishing these, Tang Qi dealt with some internal affairs of the school, and then went straight to the lower three floors.

"Let's read a book for a while, my occult level can be regarded as erudite for most extraordinary people, but for an existence of Mrs. Rowling's level, it can only be said to be half-baked. Oh no."

Tang Qi's so-called "for a while" here obviously means a whole day.

For a whole day, students of several grades in the Witch School could see their own "Principal" in the library tower, completely immersed in all kinds of esoteric and obscure books, only the speed of turning pages at that "crash" , Let some skeptical students wonder if Mr. Principal is really reading?

Soon, the brave appeared.

A girl wearing black-rimmed glasses with extremely thick lenses, her red hair is messy like a bird's nest, and her temperament is somewhat similar to Sally, except that this girl has too many freckles on her face, and her facial features are also more cute than charming and beautiful.

Holding a thick book called "The Autobiography of the Great Erudite Randall", she found Tang Qi in the "Mysterious Events" area. At this moment, there were a lot of books floating around the Mr. Principal, and she easily avoided the rows of books. Dark red brassica bookshelf.

The girl was a little nervous, so that she stuttered a little, she stumbled and said, "School~ Principal, I'm Anna, can I ask you a question?"


Tang Qi smiled gently, releasing his strong affinity.

The girl named Anna immediately became much calmer. She pointed to a large pile of books behind Tang Qi, and asked curiously: "Can every polymath use the reading method you just read, Mr. Principal? That seems to have incredible efficiency?"

Hearing this, Tang Qi glanced at the books in Anna's arms, and immediately understood what the girl was thinking.

At the same time, at least a dozen eyes from around cast their gazes.

Obviously, like Anna, they are all students who aspire to become polymaths and mystics. The reading method Tang Qi just showed really makes them extremely envious.

At this time, the thoughts in their minds were roughly similar: "If I can also read at this speed, I will soon become a polymath with a lot of knowledge."

Seeing the curious eyes of the students, Tang Qi smiled again, and replied: "Of course not, even among the 'erudite' group, very few people can read like that."

"Why can you?"

Anna subconsciously asked, but she quickly realized that although Tang Qi looked not much older than her in appearance, he was not the image of a powerful middle-aged man or a wise old man, but he was well-known throughout the Federation. By.

Shouldn't it be special?

Anna was about to apologize, but Tang Qi shrugged his shoulders, smiled brightly and complacently, and immediately replied: "Because..."

The students were waiting for an answer, and soon they all heard:

"I'm a genius."

In an instant, Tang Qi saw that the students, including Anna, were startled and their faces were stiff, obviously shocked by the shamelessness of his principal.

But they thought about it again, among Tang Qi's many titles, there was indeed a "genius polymath".

Just when they had no choice but to accept this strange setting, Tang Qi saw a narrow smile on his face. He clicked on the autobiography in Anna's arms, and said in a serious tone: "Every polymath, Have your own favorite way of reading."

"For example, this Sir Randall, as one of the most well-known great polymaths in the Dark Era, she most often uses a reading method called 'Sleep Thoughts', which allows her to read and think in her sleep , which means that she has been studying almost her whole life."

"If the historical ranking of great polymaths is carried out, even if the bonus of female status is removed, Sir Randall can still enter the top ten."

"However, what you need to know is that Sir Randall did not acquire the 'sleep thinking method' until her old age. Before that, she could only use normal learning methods until she found her own path and gained a unique understanding of knowledge. understanding."

"My method is still incomparable with 'Mianzhi', but it is not something you can use at this stage."

"So, do you know what to do?"

"Study hard, kids."

After finishing speaking, Tang Qi touched Anna's messy little head, and went to the second floor with a lot of books.

He didn't cheat Anna. His reading method, which was close to cheating, was indeed not suitable for that group of students.

In fact, it is not mysterious. As long as you have Tang Qi's majestic mental power and strong body, and practice the "tempering method" all the time to obtain unparalleled control skills, plus some "talents", you can use this kind of method.

Of course, these few conditions almost eliminated most "polymaths".

As far as Tang Qi knows, there are only a few people like Rafael who can use this method like him.

Jennifer, the "receptionist" of the Castle Bureau, and her father are also polymaths, but they can't do it.

Moreover, Raphael and others are far slower than Tang Qi.

As soon as he left, the students behind him immediately gathered around Anna and touched her messy hair one after another. Excited voices continued to be heard, mixed with some exclamation.

"Wow, Anna, you are so lucky, the principal is really kind."

"And it's beautiful, and the knowledge is too profound."

"Have you finished reading this book, Anna, I want to see too. Is this Sir Randall a woman? It's amazing."


Late at night, on the fourth floor of the Book Tower.

Tang Qi let out a foul breath, put down a book with a long title in his hand called "The Twenty-Eight Tests of Loshimit", and rubbed the center of his eyebrows with his hand.

The content of this book is related to defeating the gods. It depicts a human hero named Loshimit in the early days of the Dark Era. After passing twenty-eight tests, he successfully gained great power and killed an evil god of the chaotic camp. s story.

In the real world, there are similar legends, but obviously not as detailed as those recorded in the mysterious side books.

The story itself still cannot escape the set of myths and legends, but some details in it gave Tang Qi some inspiration.

"Gods are not all invincible."

With this thought in his heart, Tang Qi was about to get up and go to the meditation room.

He is not planning to do "Nihility Meditation", but the regular melting pot meditation, cheating reading methods, and there is a price to pay. The loss of mental power caused by high-intensity reading in a day is about the same as a fierce fight.

But the moment he stepped into the meditation room, a familiar movement came from his arms.

With his hand in his arms, the badge of the Holy Eagle's Nest was shining brightly, and a message came immediately: "In an emergency, all members need to vote."

"Something big has happened!"

After receiving the message, Tang Qi's complexion changed slightly, and he said subconsciously.

The Holy Eagle's Nest is not a small organization, and it can hold gatherings at any time. Every meeting, except for the routine joint meeting of all members, must point to every other gathering.

At this point in time, the Eagle's Nest will gather suddenly, and a vote of all members is required. Something extraordinary must have happened.

Without any hesitation, Tang Qi entered the meditation room, and took the "Existent Mask" from the gluttonous belly to cover it, and the dim light immediately enveloped him, and familiar images flashed before his eyes one by one.

Soon, Tang Qi once again appeared in the towering, unbelievable ring-shaped building in the image of a "yellow squirrel".

Its periphery is boundless darkness, lightning and sea of ​​clouds.

As the thunder surged, Tang Qi's eyes reflected, and the figures on the simple seats flickered rapidly.

All members are gathering quickly.

There were no "new members" joining this time, and all Tang Qi could see were figures covered by various strange objects and witchcraft.

As soon as Tang Qi sat down, his eyes had not turned to the high place. The "spire"-like building, the five seats exuding terrifying coercion, and the five "speakers" sitting on it, he himself was caught by a gaze first. locking.

Although the owner of the gaze was restrained enough to try to observe Tang Qi secretly, Tang Qi discovered her immediately with his perception.

The lens of the single-frame glasses flashed, and Tang Qi saw the source.

It was an area shrouded in black mist, and the person sitting on the seat was vaguely visible as a woman.

The seat level is a bit higher than Tang Qi's. According to his rough understanding, it should be a "middle-level deacon" in a certain state or region.

"It's that persistent lady!"

Tang Qi made a judgment in an instant, and felt a little headache at the same time.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have turned into this yellow squirrel. The image is too cute. It really provoked a lady with a special hobby. Next time I will try an uglier creature. I heard that there is another big cartoon movie coming out recently. The protagonist It's a yellow duck."

As Tang Qi thought about it, he looked at the area of ​​the five-person speaker.

At some point, all the members of the Holy Eagle's Nest had arrived.

In the middle area of ​​the five people, the one who was obviously the "rotating speaker", his body covered in hazy light, leaned forward slightly, with eyes full of unimaginable power, he seemed to be watching all the members of the Eagle's Nest.

Immediately, a cold voice, even with a trace of killing intent, rang in everyone's ears.

"Condor Blessing!"

"One hour ago, in Bunker City, in the Thorn Monastery, the first disciple of the Penitent, the 'Born Swordsman' York Sims, chose to defect from the church and wounded several light knights. He is guilty of the encirclement and suppression of the second rotten leader."

"I propose to all members of the Holy Eagle's Nest to assist the Church of Light in finding and hunting down York Sims."

"The church has issued relevant orders. Any member who provides information or takes action can receive rewards from the church offices at all levels."


Tang Qi, who was thinking about whether the "little yellow duck" is more suitable for transformation than the yellow squirrel, heard the voice in his head, his face immediately changed, and his horrified eyes turned to the towering spire, which could hardly conceal the holy light above the figure.

ps: there is an update, please ask everyone for the guaranteed monthly pass, it is double now, it is very cost-effective, the fat fish was exploded miserably, please support.

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