Lord of the Witches

Chapter 584 Your circle is really chaotic

"How many times is this the first time? If things go on like this, Ludwig and the Church of Light can join hands to make up the list of the Twelve Saints. The people on the mysterious side must be looking forward to this scene."

Tang Qi pinched the battle report and recalled the people who helped the "Second Rotten Chief" at critical moments in the past few weeks.

Each of them, who had never appeared before this accident, seemed to have jumped out of the cracks in the rocks, but every one of them had a horrifying background.

For example, this time, the mysterious man holding the hammer and the round shield claimed to be the disciple of the "Holy Craftsman" Sam Negrori, and when he blocked the "Holy Blood Spear" for the second rot power, there is no doubt about it.

Although the mysterious man claimed that he was doing it to fulfill the teacher's commission, it would only happen this time, after which he and the Saint Craftsmanship would not have any involvement.

However, in order to maintain its authority and status, the church still terminated its cooperative relationship with the Saint Craftsman Association.

Having the same experience, there are descendants of several other "saints", and the supernatural organizations derived from them. The "saints" that have appeared include the gunfighter Klau Lopez, the holy warrior William Seed, the saint Axe Justice Lincoln, Holy Gunner Mologan, Holy Priestess Penelope Vitara....

"Saint Teresa is a devout follower of the Lord of Light, and she is unlikely to help Sims, as is Paladin Dorsey. Except for these two, the rest of the saints have extraordinary friendship with Martin Sims, Even Bram Crowley, the most solitary holy mage of the Twelve."

"Martin Sims' arrangement has taken effect, and now almost all the organizations and superhumans on the mysterious side believe that the parasitic second rotten head is actually the reincarnation of the Holy Penitent, and only in this way can there be so many The saints help, even at the expense of fighting the Church of Light."

"All eyes are projected to the past."

"So far, the Holy Confessor and the Holy Prophet have an absolute advantage, and the entire Church of Light has been tricked around, but as the 'Hanukkah' approaches, the Lord of Light is approaching to wake up, and the power the Church has gained is becoming more and more terrifying .”

"This is an almost irresistible trend!"

Tang Qi suppressed the urgency in his heart, remained calm, and read the battle reports that were similar with minor differences one by one.

Immediately, the affairs in the school were quickly dealt with.

Without stopping, he skillfully took out a simple quill and a piece of white paper from the drawer.

When his eyes fell, he saw lines of soft handwriting emerge, a reply letter from "Mrs. Rowling", a scholar of the Federal University.

The first line made Tang Qi feel refreshed.

"Dear Don, remember the question you asked a few weeks ago, the relationship between the Lord of Light and the Lord of Thorns, and the secrets related to the Lord of the Forge, because it involves the 'master-level' gods, I am very interested in this , after this period of research, I think I can answer some questions."

"The supernatural beings on the mysterious side know that there are all spirits above the 'mystery', and they have existed since the ancient Mongolian period. In fact, the birth of all spirits originated from an incredible event in the early period of the Mongolian period war."

"I have no way of knowing the cause of the war, but after that battle, Wanling was born. Among them was a pair of 'brothers', who were almost indistinguishable from each other. They fought together, spread the seeds of faith, established the kingdom of light, and became the king of all spirits. The most powerful faction dominates."

"They are inseparable and share the supreme authority of the gods... until the accident happened not long ago, and the thorns no longer entangled the light."

"It's hard to predict whether the reincarnation of the Holy Penitent will succeed in obtaining the gift of 'thorns'. Even if he succeeds, I'm afraid it will be difficult to compete with the light. The authority of the camp will completely fall into the hands of the Lord of Light. This is not true for the mysterious side. Good thing."

"Bright's belief is pure, but too absolute, which can easily lead to madness. During the Dark Age, several gods in the light camp degenerated into chaos and evil, which proves that only the 'thorns' can form a check and balance on him."

"Speaking of which, I'm skeptical that the Thorns really fell, and while there are indications that it was, I think I need to do more research...well, before Hanukkah comes."

"boom bang"

Seeing this, Tang Qi's heart stopped suddenly, and then beat even more violently.

This is the intuition of the great polymath?

Fortunately, she has no evidence, and I'm afraid she is not afraid to find out the truth in a short time, but she can leave a psychological hint in advance when she replies later, so that she will not announce it even if she researches it.

Think a few quick thoughts, and continue reading.

The topic changed, and even more shocking information fell into Tang Qi's eyes.

"Last time you mentioned the Lord of the Forge, I have already heard about this very special 'Master', so I deliberately spent a week on investigation, and even used strange objects to communicate with the 'Mystery', an extremely Old 'spirit', I've got some very interesting information."

"The melting pot is likely to be a master with extremely low intelligence!"

Just this one sentence caused Tang Qi's expression to change a lot.

What's the meaning?

Do you think the Lord of the Forge is a retard?

Although a bit vulgar, Mrs. Rowling obviously felt so.

Her handwriting continued to emerge:

"My investigation didn't yield anything, which is normal. After all, I'm just a humble mortal. Although I have a lot of knowledge, to the gods, the knowledge in my mind is like the skills and knowledge of roadside ants looking for candies The path back to the nest is ridiculous."

"The real conclusion comes from that ancient 'spirit'. My job is to translate."

"In terms that humans can understand: 'The Furnace' is a powerful fool. His birth was earlier than 'Bright' and 'Thorn'. He is a creature of the 'Genesis', but he has gone wrong from the very beginning. Road, this makes him approaching the doomsday rapidly, before that, he may instinctively carry out a crazy self-rescue... The furnace flame is a very good power, it is very close to 'eternity', but unfortunately the controller is a fool. "

There are some handwriting below, which is the usual gossip part of Mrs. Rowling.

But Tang Qi didn't go to see it immediately. He held the "Knowledge Seeker" with a strange expression on his face, not knowing how to react.

A thought was stirring in his mind.

"The Furnace is a fool!"

It took him a long time to react, and he quickly sorted out this shocking "secret":

The "spirit" that Mrs. Rowling communicates with is likely to be the ancient god related to knowledge in the outside rumors.

The Lord of the Furnace was born in the "Epoch of Origin", and he is older than the "Lord of Light", "Lord of Thorns" and other gods.

He doesn't have vast wisdom, he is close to destruction, and he is likely to go crazy to save himself?

Is the furnace flame a power close to "eternity"?

After sorting out, Tang Qi fell into silence. He suddenly realized that he needed to reconsider his identity as a "forge wizard".

"What a hassle!"

While muttering with some headaches, Tang Qi glanced at the content of the gossip shared by Mrs. Rowling this time: A senior agent of the World Tree named "Pedro" secretly fell in love with a special containment object, which was a man from a foreign land. creature with her reproductive organs in her armpits....

Although he has seen similar "gossip" many times, Tang Qi is still shocked.

Lifting the quill and replying quickly, I did not forget to express my thoughts at the end:

"Your circle is really chaotic, I hope Mr. Pedro pays attention to hygiene."


After replying to the letter, Tang Qi put the copy back in the drawer.

The affairs that should be dealt with have been done, and his eyes are looking at the large number of messy books around him again. The thoughts in his mind are swinging between "reading" and "meditation". Meditation here refers to the ability to quickly improve strength, But the kind that is extremely dangerous.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something, his expression moved, and the Book of Nothingness covered with "Chaos Mushrooms" appeared immediately.

On the cover of the boundless, dark universe, that eye blinked, and started to turn the page with a clatter, and soon paused. In the blank page, the scene of the dreamland appeared, and the world that was originally extremely quiet now became more vivid but also chaotic. breath.

In a forest, a palace, or a bustling street, some "monsters" are wreaking havoc.

But correspondingly, besides chaos, there is also order.

The dependents headed by "Amanda" are cleaning up the monsters. Compared with a long time ago, she is no longer alone. Under the red cloak fluttering in the wind, three pink pigs like mountains are very eye-catching.

Tang Qi glanced over, and soon landed in the depths of the country, located in the "mysterious" town of Deborah, in the arms of the huge goddess phantom, wrapped in endless divine tentacles, pure divine power It is playing a game with chaos pollution.

In the center, there was a sudden sound like an eggshell breaking.

Cracks appeared on several light clusters.

With a cursory glance, Tang Qi saw the familiar Tai Lun, fairies, magic piper... and "Bai Meilin".

The dependents are making their own efforts to break free from the pure light group and be born in this incomparably dreamy and incredible kingdom.

The light group belonging to Baimeilin, the old boy has woken up, he is holding a long magic wand, and is poking the crack with all his strength, trying to expand it, the snow-white unicorn beside him also uses his own The unicorn does the same.

From Tang Qi's perspective, both are small, as if they could be grasped with a slap.

Tang Qi didn't come down in person, nor did he help, he just watched.

Soon, without too many accidents, Bai Meilin with a helper broke the light ball as quickly as possible, the pure divine power split into two, and merged into the bodies of Bai Meilin and the unicorn at the same time, they glowed, The information that they should know as dependents began to flood into their minds.

A fairy with great power, as a second born kin.

It's just that as soon as she was born, when she saw Baimeilin and the unicorn, a will that they would obey from the bottom of their hearts suddenly came to Deborah Town.

In her eyes, the figures of Bai Meilin and the unicorn were disappearing bit by bit.

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