Lord of the Witches

Chapter 622 How to become one of them?

"14 Polynesian Street, Dreamland Bar."

Tang Qi got off a yellow taxi, shook the knowledge seeker's copy of paper in his hand, glanced at the bar entrance with a weird style in front of him, especially saw a woman standing on the left and right sides welcoming him. After the guest waiter, his brows immediately frowned.

His special ability is difficult to trigger in the real world, but at this moment, when he looked at the heavily made-up, black cloaked, gothic waitress on both sides, fragments of information appeared in his mind.

"Extraordinary creature: a devout follower of Nelomon, the god of dreams, has a certain hypnotic ability..."

"Two extraordinary people are here to welcome you?"

Tang Qi muttered something in his heart, and at the same time quickly came to a judgment.

"The Oneiroi Goddess Nalomon is a powerful deity that oscillates between chaos and order, and his believers are also split because of this. Believers who prefer the chaotic side have created the well-known evil organization 'Oneiroi Palace', while those who favor order Believers, on the other hand, hide in various parts of the origin star, doing some mysterious but seemingly harmless things."

"Obviously, running bars is one of their industries."

While his thoughts flickered, Tang Qi nodded to the gothic waitress with thick "black eyes", and immediately stepped forward, releasing the iridescent entrance.

The two waiters did not stop them.

The Dreamland Bar only accepts extraordinary people. If you can know this place and see their existence, and you can pass the "Dream Judgment" at the entrance, you will not be blocked by anything.

As with almost any bar, the vibe changes dramatically upon stepping into it.

But the deafening noises that most bars should have did not appear. Tang Qi only felt that he had entered an incomparably psychedelic world in an instant. The ceiling, walls, and floors seemed to be non-existent, only the colorful aurora. The glow is bursting and flowing.

In the ear, there is even a song that makes people's hearts sway, as if they are about to fall into a dream.

The corners of Tang Qi's mouth couldn't help but curl up, giving birth to a peaceful and happy mood.

But soon, this "pollution" was suppressed by him.

Scanning the fragments of information about the "singing voice of the extraordinary creature 'Dream Banshee'" that exploded in his mind, a half-smile appeared on his face, and he casually glanced at the layout of the bar, which was different from the "old pub" in Mihuang City Somewhat similar, but with a very different vibe.

Here, privacy seems to be taken very seriously.

Although there is also a huge "performance stage", the booths below are all shrouded in a layer of psychedelic fog, as are the boxes in other places. In the mist, some blushing but hazy pictures are reflected.

Most of the waiters who come and go are Gothic, but they also include many races other than humans.

Tang Qi glanced over, and even saw the gothic bunny girl, and the most incredible, half-human, half-snake waitress.

Most of the trays in their hands were extraordinary wines.

And every kind of wine is amazing after seeing it.

At this time, a waitress walking towards Tang Qi seemed to be a descendant of the bloodline of the ancient creature "Harpy". She walked along with the blurred singing. The wine in the container was bubbling "gudu~gudu".

In each bubble, a different world emerges, wealth, beauty, power...almost can satisfy anyone's desire.

The banshee habitually threw a wink at the new guest, and she was stopped.

But without waiting for her to sell, the new guest smiled and described another guest's body and appearance, and asked to take him to her.

The banshee subconsciously wanted to refuse, but after seeing the handsome new guest, she involuntarily handed the tray to a snake lady passing by, and led Tang Qi to a box with a smile.


Tang Qi expressed his gratitude politely, and immediately pushed open the portal that seemed to be purely composed of illusory light.

Rose Madeleine, who was completely different from the first time he met, came into his eyes, this mature woman with profound knowledge, but at this moment, she was as drunk as a girl who had just lost her love.

She was lying on the table, wearing normal clothes, a cartoon T-shirt, and jeans. Her hair was messy, her face was flushed, and there were all kinds of extraordinary drinks in front of her. On one side was the main body of "Knowledge Seeker". The wine is soaked, and the quill floats on it.

"So, even a genius who has the potential to hit the 'great polymath' will choose to turn to alcohol after suffering an emotional blow?"

Tang Qi looked at the somewhat unfamiliar Rose Madeleine, and secretly sighed.

In my mind, I recalled two days ago:

After solving the "Devouring Beast Incident", Tang Qi politely declined the invitations of the two speakers to join the Eagle Scholar and the Sword Holder, and only agreed to join the "Artisan" organization, and later agreed to join the "Pharmacist" organization, and then brought Returning to the real world with her friend Rose Madeleine.

Since the entire "Loveke No. 426" house was dragged into the Holy Eagle's Nest Mountain, naturally there was only a big hole left in the original address.

The two chatted by the pit for a while. Although Rose Madeleine looked complicated at that time, she was still emotionally stable. She thanked Tang Qi, and then asked Tang Qi to stay in St. Eagle's Nest City for a few more days. She will invite him after she has gone to handle official business.

As friends, the two have never met face to face.

It's just that Tang Qi didn't expect that her invitation was to buy a drink.

Not seeing her for two days, she has become so decadent.

"The 'perfect husband' in her own eyes was actually a psychopathic monster, and has been so since she was a child, and her marriage was essentially a fraud... As a wife, after Howard Rowling disappeared. She has been insisting on Lovek 426 Waiting for her husband's return in the big house."

"One of the motivations for her to keep learning and try to attack the 'great scholar' is probably also to get Howard Rowling back."

"Looking at it this way, even if you have so much knowledge, you will inevitably become decadent after being emotionally hurt."

When Tang Qi sighed, he seemed to feel the movement. Rose slowly raised her head, and her eyes in a half-asleep state were particularly blurred, a little red and swollen. After seeing Tang Qi, a smear appeared on her flushed face. He forced a smile, and immediately sent an invitation to his friends:

"Come, drink with me, every kind of wine here tastes very good, you will definitely like it... If you are a man, you should try 'Drunken Life Dreams', it is said that those rigid agents from the World Tree and the Mystery Research Institute are the most popular. beloved."

"Hey, no, no, you are still a little boy, so try 'The Beautiful Legend of Sicily', you will definitely fall in love with it."


After talking a lot, and then hiccupping, Rose fell down again.

Although she turned her face sideways, Tang Qi could still see the liquid that didn't look like wine slipping down, tick-tocking along her white chin.

Tang Qi didn't sit down immediately, but glanced quickly at the table.

The names of various drinks with "extraordinary effects" came to his mind one by one.

Among them, the two wines that Rose drank the most were called "Amnestics", and the other was called "Tranquil Dreamland".

The role of the two can be seen from the name.

The former allows the drinker to choose to clear some memories in his mind, but the effect is not long-lasting.

The latter is to drag the drinker into a peaceful dreamland for happiness.

Most of the rest of the wine she drank was for this kind of effect.

But judging from Rose Madeleine's current state, the expensive extraordinary drinks can't help her either.

"Although you are not an extraordinary person with powerful combat power, and in terms of physical strength, you are even similar to ordinary human women, but you have extremely huge knowledge, and you have obtained the blessing of a certain 'ancient god', these functions Drinks for the spirit and the soul, it's hard to affect you."

"Even if you let go of the ego, those effects pass in the blink of an eye."

Tang Qi sat down beside Rose Madeleine while talking.

At the same time, thinking about how to help Rose Madeleine recover.

A normal man should drink with him now, comfort his emotionally hurt friend by the way, and condemn the scumbag who hurt her, that shameless and sick Howard Rowling.

But Tang Qi, ignoring the words "the nasty little boy is too long-winded" that Rose began to mutter, began to choose a method in his mind.

Crimson plus illusion spell?

The first thought popped up. Esmeralda, who was also hurt by strong emotions at the beginning, had already developed a will to die, but was still rescued by Tang Qi with this method.

But soon, Tang Qi ruled out this idea.

The reason is the same as those extraordinary drinks. Although Rose Madeleine is far from Esmeralda's opponent in terms of combat power, Rose has received the blessing of an ancient "spirit" above the mystery, making her She is almost immune to such extraordinary abilities.

If she succeeds in being promoted to "Great Erudite Scholar" in the future, the amount of extraordinary power she can be exempt from will increase dramatically.

Since even the Illusion Charm was useless, Tang Qi directly put an end to the idea of ​​using magic and witchcraft to help her.

His thoughts turned again, as if thinking of something, Tang Qi's eyes lit up.

Leaning directly to Rose's ear, ignoring the smell of alcohol coming from his nostrils, Tang Qi began to reveal some secrets, and each secret could extend a secret that would fascinate almost any polymath or occult researcher. The subject comes.

for example:

What is the true relationship between the Lord of Light and the Lord of Thorns?

Or, the current state of the Lord of the Furnace?

Also, the "black hand" behind the Devouring Beast incident is actually a member of a foreign race called "Whiztonians". Its name is Engineer, and the combination of Howard Rowling and Devouring Beast is just one of its experiments body, it has more conspiracies...

Tang Qi was talking about the third secret, but he saw Rose finally raised her head again, looked at her with blurred eyes, a look of interest finally appeared on her charming and decadent face, but she seemed to be thinking of something again, and she was about to come back soon. Restore.

Until Tang Qi glanced at it, and continued in another tone:

"Rose, I'm currently researching a subject that exceeds my knowledge base, and I need your help."

"I want to know, what are the 'all spirits' above the mystery, and... how to become one of them?"


As if hitting her soft spot, the decadent Rose Madeleine straightened up almost immediately, her blurred half-closed eyes suddenly opened to look over, Tang Qi saw a familiar expression inside, a doctor Scholars are enthusiastically curious and excited about new knowledge and new fields.

ps: Is there any update? Fat Fish: Yes... Do you still have tickets? It has been settled, and the two updates today are interesting, and we will update it with all our strength, and ask for your monthly ticket support!

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