Lord of the Witches

Chapter 637 Don't Papa

"So, as long as you don't respond to Him, you're safe?"

Tang Qi stood on the ice, staring at the big blue octopus that was supposed to be terrifying, but now it looked funny and cute. The eyeballs on his body and tentacles were still blinking and shining with dim light.

But in the face of His enthusiastic retention and inquiries, the scientists on the Qiuzhi were all panicked and hid in the hiding cabin, not daring to show their heads, let alone respond.

If it was in the comics, there should be a huge question mark above the head of the "monarch octopus" at this moment.

After the incident on the Qiuzhi ship, the Navy did not know the truth, so the order to deal with it seemed a bit dangerous, and it has been corrected by Rose Madeleine and other polymath consultants in the follow-up.

Now the military, give orders to the officers and soldiers on the "Frost Dragon":

Don't attack lightly, you can use the "trap" method to bring the sea monster back.

The "entrapment" here naturally has a bait.

But it was nothing else, it was the Frost Dragon itself.

This mechanical monster with an extraordinary power source, from a foreign land, easily crushed the frozen continent, appeared in a straight-line distance from the Qizhi, about a kilometer away, and did not continue to move forward, but released a strong light source with its searchlights.

Stopped in the frozen ocean, like a big light bulb.

No creature in the area can ignore it unless it is blind.

The reason for adopting such a drastic trapping method is to save the dying scientists on the Qiuzhi.

Although every monarch octopus will deliberately suppress the pollution released from its own body in order to prevent the victim from dying when it "strikes up a conversation".

But even so, as a divine creature, even a slight leak of pollution is enough to kill some fragile lives.

Qiuzhi is equipped with a "radiation-proof cabin", but it cannot be protected for too long.

The rescue was too late, even if the monarch octopus left, the navy could only bring back ice lumps one by one.

Sure enough, the blue woof octopus with a lot of eyeballs can't ignore the big light bulb Frost Dragon.

His head slowly turned to the Frost Dragon, stared at it for a moment, then turned back.

After a few seconds, he turned around again.

Immediately, turned back again.


In this scene, not only Tang Qi laughed a little, but the officers and soldiers on the Frost Dragon were also speechless, and the scientists on the Qiuzhi even wanted to cry without tears.

I really want to rush out and roar at the monarch octopus: As a "sea monster", can you be a little decisive?

After several rounds of tossing, the big guy finally made up his mind.

His tentacles slowly let go of the number of knowledge.

The huge body was about to sink into the icy ocean, and before leaving, one of its tentacles swayed towards the Knowledge for a moment. Scientists and officers and soldiers naturally had the impression of "waving goodbye" in their minds.

But before the navies on the Frost Dragon were ready, it was only a second later.


The Frost Dragon, which was as stable as an iceberg for billions of years, suddenly let out a muffled sound.

Because the Frost Dragon looks much bigger than the "Monarch Octopus", and the seemingly terrifying sea monster, after observation, is actually more of a stupid and cute big guy, so the officers and soldiers are not very nervous.

Until this time, a strip of blue tentacles that swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye entangled up, causing the Frost Dragon to sink rapidly and directly touched the warning water level. "'s head, and the officers and soldiers looked at each other.

The blue "lanterns" began to flicker.

Invisible sound waves pervade the new area.

What happened on Qiuzhi, almost exactly the same scene, repeated itself again.

On the Frost Dragon, there was a mess in an instant.

warn! warn! The hull has sunk too much and is in danger of capsizing!

Report! The radar system encountered unknown radiation and is failing!

The turret system is contaminated and is about to fail!

Frost Dragon Intelligence is actively shutting down. It is writing a backup log to warn the driver. The reason is exactly the same as the advice given by the consultant: don't answer! don't answer! don't answer!

"Sure enough, the Monarch Octopus not only deliberately suppressed pollution, but also suppressed its size."

"Then how big is his true form? To what extent can he be reduced?"

Witnessing the accident on board the Frost Dragon, Tang Qi's smile subsided, showing a look of solemnity.

Silently, he activated his special ability.

Since it is certain that he is deliberately suppressing himself, then this is an excellent opportunity to peep, and there is a high probability that there will be no backlash.

Of course, he was also prepared.

The Fool's Ship appears below him, once there is a change, he can escape into the mystery in an instant.

The next moment, Tang Qi saw the answer, and at the same time, he immediately understood why the monarch octopus, which is only a "divine creature", was judged by Rose's teacher, the "ancient observer", and he could be selected as a list of experimental subjects to be captured .

Unexpected hidden knowledge exploded in Tang Qi's mind:

[Extraordinary creature: Monarch Octopus. 】

[Status: Normal. 】

[Information Fragment 1: A divine creature with a lot of extraordinary power, his power is almost equivalent to the superposition of the powers of the two different gods, "Cold God" and "Sea God", and he is also a "Master Level" A split entity of a deity. "

[Information Fragment 2: The "mysterious monarchs" that all monarch octopuses are looking for are actually themselves. 】

[Information Fragment 3: The mysterious monarch is one of the oldest master gods in the "mystery". He is older than the furnace, but he split into dozens of 'monarch octopuses' for unknown reasons during the Mengmeng period. These Some octopuses will die, and some will regenerate after entering a certain stage. 】

[Information fragment 4: Every reborn monarch octopus will split into several different individuals, inheriting different divine powers... They are constantly reborn, split, and eventually scattered in endless mysterious places. It is almost impossible to regenerate. Formed as 'mysterious monarchs', this also means that they will always be looking for. 】

Looking at the fragments that flowed past, Tang Qi looked at the big blue octopus entangled with the "Frost Dragon", watched him approach the naval officers and soldiers with great enthusiasm, his eyeballs flickered with all his strength, and sent out inquiries one after another. information.

The picture suddenly looks like a tragicomedy. These big guys have been looking for the great "mysterious monarch" all their lives. In fact, it is themselves, but they will never find it.

"Knowing this, why do you feel a little guilty about trapping them again?"

As soon as this thought came to Tang Qi, he shook his head immediately.

Expelling the inexplicable guilt thoughts, his gaze immediately became firm again.

Before doing it, he thought for a while, and confirmed that this big octopus possesses the divine power that coincides with the authority of the two gods of "Cold God" and "Sea God". Although it is powerful, it has a gentle temperament and does not pose much danger.

Without any further hesitation, the arrangement that had been prepared would take effect in the next second.

In the sky above the quiet ice ocean, above the incomparably distant sky, the scene that everyone couldn't help but look sideways appeared.

Silent, but extremely beautiful illusion burst. Bunches of twisted, meandering, incomparably dreamy, blurred lights tear apart the dark void, revealing a brilliant starry sky, and a "galaxy" of almost all colors runs through the sky.


The Qiuzhi ship that was about to escape, the panicked Frost Dragon ship, and the scientists, officers and soldiers on board cast their gazes at the sky at the same time.

The blue monarch octopus, as a divine creature, would not have been attracted by the aurora.

But at this moment, He raised his head faster than humans.

The eyeballs on his body flickered much faster than before.

The officers and soldiers quickly noticed his "abnormality". Following the direction of his gaze, everyone also quickly saw the picture that made them stunned and unable to speak: in the dreamy Aurora Galaxy, an extremely exquisite ship was like a work of art. The wooden boat is swaying and swaying.

"Inside the Aurora..."

"There is a boat!"


When the officers, soldiers and scientists exclaimed, they saw that the "monarch octopus" had let go of the Frost Dragon very happily, and the lantern-like eyeballs flickered with blue light frantically, as if they had seen some incredible scene. The invisible sound waves are quickly passed up.

Under him, a violent storm was generated out of thin air, wrapping him directly, heading towards the wooden boat in the aurora.

Tang Qi, who was paddling in the "Fool's Ship", clearly received some information in his mind.

Initially obscure, esoteric, and heavily polluted.

But soon, the pollution subsided, and the problems contained in it were analyzed by Tang Qi's special ability.

"Friends on the ship of fools, please wait a moment."

"I'm your old friend, a warm and friendly big octopus. Although we haven't met each other yet, my companions all agree that the creatures who can own the 'Ship of Fools' must be wise and philanthropic." Or, so you will definitely not refuse my sincere request, right?"

"I have a few questions for you, or your companions."

"Ah, maybe we can have a gathering, a gathering between the sincere and great big octopuses and the wise and fraternal sages. I will send an invitation to my companions nearby. Don't worry, they will meet soon. Arrived as fast as possible."

"Besides, they will all bring gifts. Let me think about it, what do the sages who made the Fool's Ship like best?"

"Thinking about it, you guys like things that are crazy and contain mystical philosophy. How about the eyeballs of a 'Chaos Monster'? Or the heart of a 'Parallax Monster'?"

A lot of passionate and informative words echoed in Tang Qi's mind.

At this moment, he even fell into a very short daze.

The warning information extracted subconsciously made Tang Qi quickly enter a certain state of stress.

"The Monarch Octopus Clan, do you know the Ship of Fools?"

"The big guy who is about to wind up is contacting other monarch octopuses... They are going to initiate a party, a party with me?"

"Also, they will bring me presents."

Tang Qi just had a little "careful movement" in his heart, and was immediately extinguished by the extremely violent tide of danger omens.

Without any hesitation, his paddling movements, which were originally slow, suddenly sped up by an unknown amount.

The Fool tilted his bow and knocked away the mystery.

The oars hit a point in the aurora, and the hull immediately turned into a thick yellow streamer, sailing into the boundless darkness and nothingness.

At this moment, Tang Qi was like a boatman trying hard to beat the waves, paddling the oars with all his strength, the boat lights swayed, and the lights surged, reflecting the extremely rare look of panic on his face.

Behind him, the monarch octopus is also accelerating, continuing to call:

"Friend, good friend on the Fool's Ship, you...don't go!"

With an extremely strange feeling, Tang Qi actually heard a cry in his voice, which made him run faster.

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