Lord of the Witches

Chapter 670: Sally's Killing Intent (Second Update!)


The "uneasiness" in Tang Qi's heart was directly raised to the peak by the simple and rude words of Klaus Lovech.

Don't give Tang Qi a chance to object at all. As soon as the street painter woke up and saw Tang Qi's appearance clearly, he simply knelt down on one knee, obviously learning from those TV dramas and novels, the appearance of loyal subordinates when they saw the leader.

"This is a guy with a weird brain circuit. There is not much reference. There is a high probability that other new furnace wizards will not be like this."

Although Tang Qi tried to comfort himself with these words, the effect was mediocre.

He completely ignored Klaus Lovech, a painter who dared to look directly at the sun. After he found out the truth, he quickly thought about the possible consequences in his mind.

"The new furnace wizards did not immediately sacrifice to the evil god because they had to follow the new rules, which is just like the way I did things in Messer City. Most of the time, I kept my heart and sacrificed when I found the opportunity."

"This kind of rule will undoubtedly make some furnace wizards go from one extreme to another. They will become cautious and cunning. For the evil god camp, this will not be good news."

"Of course, the side effect is that the furnace cannot harvest a large number of sacrifices that satisfy him in a short period of time... Although there are a large number of new furnace wizards, they are all extremely weak. It is good to be able to harvest. High-quality sacrifices only I'm afraid I'll have to wait a long time."

"Another possible consequence..."

Thoughts flickered, Tang Qi's eyes fell on Klaus Lovech who was kneeling in front of him again.

The painter, with red and swollen eyes, was kneeling on one knee, looking at Tang Qi secretly from the corner of his eye while he was thinking, with a look of hesitation.

Tang Qi felt a little headache. Although Klaus Lovech was indeed a furnace wizard with unusual brain circuits, his current behavior also represented another more likely trend.

"When the melting furnace bestows meditation methods and other inheritances to newborn wizards, there will be a guide attached. I appear in the guide, and the melting furnace has left no other special explanations. This will make some newborn wizards of the melting furnace... they will think , I am the appointed leader of the furnace."

"Especially when these furnace wizards come into contact with the extraordinary world, gradually understand my achievements, and know that I was the last furnace wizard, they will start looking for me and want to get guidance from me."

Tang Qi's headache became even more painful as some images that he imagined in his mind emerged.

Hugging is one of human nature.

What's more, those new furnace wizards, because they were cut off from the "convenient sensing" function, couldn't gather together as quickly as the predecessors of the Dark Era, and became an extraordinary force that made other mysterious organizations daunting.

At this moment, they are probably very careful to hide themselves. Some of the powerful ones will start to secretly search for the evil god parts that can be sacrificed, and exchange rewards from the projection of the furnace to make themselves stronger.

And some wizards will try to find me, trying to get guidance from me.

There are still some that will be uncontrollable and disappear.

"I tried my best to avoid spreading the seeds of the furnace, but I didn't expect that the furnace would directly pull out the bottom line. Is this forcing me to stuff a lot of subordinates who don't know their minds?"

"In addition to the unknown number of melting furnace wizards, the light camp may also be looking for me everywhere, as well as those evil gods who have enmity with the 'forging furnace'. If you take the blame, whether I did it or not, those evil god organizations will come. Find me."

"Especially the evil gods. Their numbers are even more unknown and terrifying. Who knows how many chaotic and evil spirits the seniors offended during the Dark Era? The scope of the enemy has suddenly expanded to an unpredictable level."

"And once the unknown them use conventional methods and cannot find me, will they consider using some extremely dangerous methods... Will there be a risk of exposure in the fantasy kingdom? Will it affect my friends?"


Although Tang Qi feels himself, the speed at which he becomes powerful is definitely at the forefront of the mysterious side of Origin Star.

But at this moment, with the divergence of thoughts in his mind, Tang Qi's whole body tensed up, his heart trembled slightly, as if he was about to face a life-and-death crisis, and he didn't know at all that the source of the malice transmitted from somewhere was Where exactly?

The unknown is the scariest thing.

Sure enough, there has never been a free lunch on the mysterious side... In the early days of my arrival, my identity as a furnace wizard brought great convenience. A dangerous level, I have been avoiding the appeal of the furnace since then, but I still can't avoid it.

Since it is unavoidable, let's accept it, but not now... You can't be reckless and accept an unknown number of newly born melting pot wizards with unclear minds, you must think about how to arrange it in advance.

With this in mind, Tang Qi's eyes fell on Klaus Lovech who was still kneeling again, and he quickly walked around in his collection, and quickly selected a "strange thing" in the shape of a drawing board, and let it floating in the air.

A dignified and indifferent voice sounded in the studio.

"Meditate more!"

"Practice the tempering method!"

"Don't look directly at the sun!"

As these voices fell, Klaus Lovech was digesting a kind of witchcraft called "Tempering Method" that suddenly appeared in his mind, while raising his head in a daze, and immediately he saw the thing exuding A strange thing with a faint light.

The decadent face of the street painter who longed for something extraordinary, almost immediately became vivid, and the color of ecstasy immediately emerged, and at the same time, the three orders were completely imprinted in his mind.

As for Tang Qi, who left behind three cold orders, his body disappeared into the studio in an instant before his words fell. He wants to return to the dreamland, so he needs to make some preparations in advance, and formulate detailed countermeasures against possible dangers. plan.


Green Dragon Ridge Lake in Mihuang City, inside Dragon Heart Fort.

On the fourth floor of the library tower, Sally sat at Tang Qi's original work position, frowning slightly, looking at a large piece of information spread out on the table in front of her.

Her eyes moved back and forth, and suddenly, her fair, slender palms stretched out, quickly twisted out a few copies from the materials, and read them again.

"On December 9th, the extraordinary organization Blue Lion Society was attacked by a mysterious extraordinary person. A demon hunter named 'Lock' was taken away for a short time, and was let go a few hours later without any harm. Locke himself claimed that In a coma for hours."

"On December 11th, two southern continent adventurers who had served as temporary teachers of our school, Lena Swinton and Yucatan Assassin, strayed into an unknown secret realm during an adventure. The two later told reporters Reports show that they lost consciousness for several days."

"On December 15th, Zoe the White Witch, a senior agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and her lover accidentally lost contact for several hours during a mission. Unable to maintain a state of self."

"On December 17th, Jansen, who was under house arrest in the secret realm of Tyros, was attacked by a mysterious and extraordinary creature during a routine escape. According to Jensen, the creature looked like a disgusting black blob."

When she saw the fourth copy, Sally stopped flipping through it.

Her brows frowned even tighter, and she saw a special "thread of fate" in the dark.

In that line, some vague information was transmitted.

This is the power she possesses now, and the path she has chosen is no longer a simple "Witch of Doom", but an even more incredible "Witch of Fate".

While digesting the background of the entire Melada witch group, she also fully accepted the original divine power of the Witch of Doom.

Her pair of eyes can already peek into the fuzzy future.

That is not a prophecy, nor a divination, but an insight into fate.

"Since the big thorn incident, many people related to the school, no, people related to him have encountered mysterious incidents, most of them were attacks. They all showed a phenomenon of losing themselves for a short time. Is there a mysterious force targeting him?"

"Moreover, the degree of correlation is getting higher and higher. According to this speed, it will soon be..."

In front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, Sally, who was already the principal witch, seemed to be completely immersed in her thoughts. She tapped the information with her fingers and murmured subconsciously.

As if completely unaware, behind her at this moment, where no shadows should appear, a sticky black spot appeared out of nowhere, silently rushed to the back of Sally's head, and gradually opened, as if to envelop Sally's whole body. .

And at this moment, Sally was whispering to "soon...", just when the word "I" was about to be uttered.

Suddenly, the temperament of Sally's whole body changed. Her beautiful face, which was mixed with innocence and charm, became as cold and severe as an iceberg hundreds of millions of years old. There was a murderous intent in those eyes, which seemed to be able to discern the future fate. surge.

"Anyone who has malice towards him will be backlashed by bad luck."


Sally's words sounded, and the sticky black spot on the back of her head that was about to touch her immediately froze in the air, and then seemed to be in severe pain, and let out an incomparably sharp neighing, it seemed to be peeled off, even if it was just slowly flowing air, It also brought unbearable pain to it.

Just as it screamed, the secret place of the island in the center of the lake, which was originally in sunny weather, suddenly dimmed, as if the brightness of the whole world had been lowered.

On the fourth floor of the library tower, the former and current office areas, from the surrounding walls, ceiling, floor, and even the transparent glass, sticky black spots began to appear one after another, extremely terrifying malice, like a never-ending The tide is raging.

On the patches of black spots, empty, pitch-black faces with only five sense organs emerged, their mouths were wide open, and they curled up into a sneering grin that made people feel cold all over, and was so disgusting that they almost fainted.

The one who greeted them was Sally, who had confirmed in an instant that there was nothing wrong with the rest of the school, and got up slowly. The killing intent in her eyes was unprecedentedly cold.

"In the name of fate, Sally wants you..."


Before the words were finished, the incomparably brilliant magical brilliance bloomed like the sun, and the invisible mighty force filled the entire library tower.

ps: The third update will be a little later, but there will be, I will code it if I don’t sleep, ask for your monthly pass.

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