Lord of the Witches

Chapter 673: Darwin's Hand of Steam

Outskirts of Eagle's Nest City, Madeleine Manor.

In the study belonging to Rose Madeleine, the hostess here is going about her daily life.

After encountering the "husband mutation incident", this polymath, who is recognized as one of the most knowledgeable women in the Federation, has launched an attack on the real "big polymath". She is immersed in work almost every day, Absorbing a large amount of mysterious knowledge at an unimaginable speed.

At this moment, Rose, who wears glasses, has a strong bookish atmosphere, and gives off a noble and mature temperament, is reading a book called "The Encyclopedia of the Dark Order Sect" and responding to some inquiries based on the information document.

The latter is her real job.

As a consultant of various extraordinary organizations, she can easily obtain knowledge from these organizations, but she must also provide consulting services.

In this study room full of mysterious books and strange things, there was no other movement except for the rustling sound.

Although Rose's maid and assistant, Gracie, is always at work, she is a ghost, and her movements are silent.

Just when Gracie put back the dozen or so books Rose had read, and she turned around to prepare refreshments for the hostess, Rose Madeleine, who was writing the response document, suddenly stopped her wrist movements. She put down the quill naturally.

With the other hand, she also put down the "Dark Age Sect Encyclopedia" and raised her hand to adjust her glasses. She said to the busy ghost assistant: "Gracey, go and rest, I want to conduct an autopsy experiment, If there is no important business, let other people not bother me."

"Yes, miss."

Gracie, who looked like an old lady, bowed with a smile, and immediately floated through the wall and left the study.

Without the busy figure of Ghost Assistant, only Rose Madeleine remained in the quiet study room.

But she got up straight away, left the desk, and went deeper into the study, where there was a laboratory that looked small but had all the tools.

Every polymath has an extraordinary laboratory?

This is of course not true, polymaths are actually divided into theoretical schools and practical schools.

But as long as they reach a higher level, as they know more and more knowledge, almost all theoretical schools will become practical schools.

Rose Madeleine is attacking the great polymath, and naturally she has already turned into a practical school.

At this moment, she entered the laboratory and began to proceed step by step in an orderly manner, preparing work in advance, preheating and opening such as "extraordinary cutting tools" or "extraordinary flame tools". Before she was promoted to a higher level, she was still an ordinary person.

Therefore, Rose Madeleine could not conduct experiments in an extraordinary way like Tang Qi.

Just as she was moving, a terrifying change appeared silently behind her.

However, in the gaps between the gate and the wall, the dark, viscous liquid penetrated without hindrance. They flowed and gathered together to form a hollow face covered with black spots, and the edges were constantly alienated.

It seemed to have wisdom, and quickly avoided the obstacles in front of it, and moved towards Rose Madeleine, who was holding a dissecting knife, but did not prepare the "experiment object" and was lost in thought.

It was extremely fast, like a phantom, but it didn't make any sound.

But the moment it entered the laboratory area, it encountered an accident, and it was a series of accidents.

What happened initially was that in front of it, the figure of Rose Madeleine disappeared.

From reality to nothingness.

Immediately, the entire laboratory was sealed off.

The faint blue light gushed out, turning the laboratory into a square "prison of light".

Immediately afterwards, a strange object placed in a corner of the laboratory, which looked like a "record player", suddenly burst out with ripples visible to the naked eye, and what then ravaged the laboratory was a special sonic attack aimed at "extraordinary creatures". .

The dark-spotted face was immediately shaken by the surging sound waves and couldn't maintain its shape. It turned into a mass of twisted black flesh, each side was irregular, with densely packed granulation protruding.

Without giving it any time to resist, at least a dozen strange objects erupted in various parts of the laboratory, containing terrifying power, but a dozen completely different lights flickered in the closed laboratory.

A hiss resembling a scream resounded throughout the laboratory in the next few seconds.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

It was like the sound of a hot knife cutting fresh meat.

In the laboratory, dozens of red lasers cut a piece of dark, viscous flesh into equal parts, and they fell into a strange-looking mechanical wonder with a glass container on the top. The container quickly closed the lid, Thin steam instantly.

Then inside the vessel, above the pieces of pitch-black flesh that were trying to re-merge, at least a dozen kinds of "supernatural instruments" such as scalpels, drills, and tweezers protruded out.

The purple light with the power of special investigation swept across the vessel, and the results were quickly obtained.

A cold mechanical sound resounded in the laboratory.

"Target detection is part of some kind of biological aggregate, and does not have independent intelligence. The energy level...according to the extraordinary law, it is between the professional level and the legendary level, and the threat level is medium."

In this sound, the closed laboratory reopened.

Rose Madeleine, whose expression remained unchanged, walked in slowly, and at some point changed into a white overalls.

She walked towards the strange object named "Darwin's Steam Hand". Its function is to allow an ordinary person to have the ability to dissect extraordinary creatures whose upper limit is legendary level. This is specially given by the "Ancient Mystery Library" organization to win her over high-level wonders.

Most of the strange things that broke out in the laboratory before and weakened the strange creature at an extremely fast speed were gifted to her by various extraordinary organizations.

As she began to operate the strange steam thing with a long name, she asked the air, "How did it escape the security guards and sneak into my study?"

"Drip! Drip! The result analysis...unknown!"

In the study, the mechanical voice responded.

Rose frowned, and asked again: "Check the database, is there any related information?"

"Query results... The target is a new life form, whether to temporarily name it."

Listening to the new response, the doubts on Rose's face deepened.

Through the glass, she looked at the black liquid that was divided into small pieces, which were turning into silly, slug-like creatures. They crawled slowly, touched each other, and merged at an extremely slow speed. .


Suddenly, Rose focused her eyes on the tentacles of one of the "slugs".

There, a faint light quickly emerged, and then disappeared in the blink of an eye.

But even faster, following Rose's thoughts, the purple light swept across again.

"Drip! Drip! An energy source that exceeds the upper limit of the level has been detected. The extraordinary law describes that the energy source is some kind of unknown divine power."

"The threat level has increased, and it is recommended to destroy the target."

Amidst this voice, Rose Madeleine was already sitting in front of the cold experiment table with great excitement, reaching out to the strange thing "Darwin's Steam Hand" with both hands.

In the eyes under her glasses, strong curiosity about unknown and mysterious knowledge emerged.

Obviously, it is impossible to destroy any more, and she seems to be about to enter the state of an experimental madman.

While she was about to operate the strange object, she lowered her head, and the mirror was a bit reflective, and she murmured to herself:

"A kind of life aggregate actually contains unknown divine power. This may be a creature radiated from a temporarily unowned 'source of divinity'. If the secret inside can be solved... By the way, Don It must be very interesting, maybe I should send him a copy?"

As Rose spoke, she operated her hands quickly, but the expected scenes of those extraordinary knives dissecting and cutting this strange creature did not appear.

On the contrary, following Rose's operation, all the knives were retracted, and at the same time, the extremely high-level strange object suddenly made a sharp buzzing sound, and inside the vessel, one gas after another directed at those stupid " Slugs" erupted.

The cold mechanical sound sounded at the right time.

"The self-destruct procedure has been activated, and the target has been paralyzed. It will explode in ten seconds. Ten, nine, eight..."

The countdown began, but inside the container, those little slugs were still performing silly and cute performances, as if all of this was just Rose Madeleine's overreaction.

She can reach out at any time to prevent the strange thing from exploding.

But at this moment, Rose Madeleine didn't say a word, with a look of sarcasm on her face, instead of stopping the self-explosion, she turned around quickly and rushed out of the laboratory.

Even more terrifying changes happened immediately.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

The entire laboratory seemed to be in a state of rampage.

While frantically trembling, the Prison of Light reappeared.

And below the laboratory, with the cutting of the gloomy light, cracks emerged one after another, behind the cracks was the boundless mystery, and the terrifying suction force was born, which would drag the entire laboratory into the mystery, and then the rumbling sound self-destruct.

The only survivor will be Rose Madeleine, the light curtain that is enough to block legendary extraordinary creatures will not cause any harm to her.

At this moment, half of her body has already left the laboratory area.

But just when Rose Madeleine was about to leave completely, time suddenly stopped.

Containing a strong air of pollution, centered behind Rose, began to overflow.

Wherever it passed, everything was covered by some kind of black liquid called "Darwin's Steam Hand". Tarmac-like black liquid bridging.

The small "slugs" that were originally contained in the glass vessel penetrated out at the same time, and they flowed together to form an extremely discordant, twisted human body, with a torso, limbs and head, but nothing special obvious features.

It seems that it is a sexless person.

It didn't seem to adapt to the human body, and walked forward awkwardly, and came behind Rose Madeleine, and then its head automatically meandered, and came in front of Rose.

In the next second, in Rose Madeleine's eyes, a hollow, distorted face that seemed to be exaggerating and grinning was reflected.

From the dark, wide-open mouth, unprecedented malice gushed out.

It was as if countless voices overlapped and drilled into Rose's mind.

"Tell me, how did you find out...?"

ps: This is actually the second update. My work and rest time has caused the update time to be disordered. As long as you know that Fat Fish has been working hard to update more, it is customary to ask for support on Monday, recommend tickets and monthly tickets, please support me. The flag is not over yet, Fat Fish is still working hard.

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