Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 203: Cornelia's choice

Under the stars, a pair of bonfires ignited raging, stretching the backs of the men and women sitting around the bonfire on the ground.

The aroma of the broth made Cornelia, who had just walked back and forth from the pass of life and death, couldn't help but move the corners of her mouth, but she still ate the bowl of broth in her hands while maintaining the most basic etiquette. .

"Thank you very much! Kay." Cornelia put down the empty bowl in her hand and nodded slightly.

"No. The conditions are simple, I hope His Highness won't mind." Lei Mingkai signaled that he could add another bowl. Right now, the kitchen utensils Lei Mingkai used to cook the broth were found in the hunter's hut, and the main ingredient of the broth, the rabbit, was caught from the woods by a certain lion who took advantage of the fire and looted him.

"No. This bowl is enough." Cornelia shook her head, and said more subconsciously: "In the past, when the front line was fighting fiercely, this bowl of broth might only be enjoyed every few days. "

"No?" Lei Mingkai was surprised when he heard Cornelia say this.

As the second emperor of the empire, even if Cornelia is the first to charge at the forefront, but with the strong strength of the empire as the support, Cornelia's battlefield life shouldn't be in such an embarrassing situation.

"Well. I asked for it myself. Although the empire is very strong, it cannot take into account all aspects in the case of multi-line combat. Therefore, I will make the logistics department treat everyone equally when it is unnecessary. Too many resources are spent on me alone."

Cornelia's gaze fell over the bonfire, staring at the swaying flame and slowly talking about her past when she fought for the empire in various parts of the world.

Maybe it’s because of a trip from the Pass of Life and Death,

Perhaps it was because of Lei Mingkai’s intention to rescue her,

Cornelia now has an extra softness inadvertently.

With that said, Cornelia looked up at the starry sky above the woods.

"It's just that the knights who followed me, Gilbert, Dalton, they all died in battle."

Lei Mingkai was silent for a moment when he heard the words, put down the spoon in his hand, and allowed it to rotate slightly in the boiling pain.

"Perhaps, this is where the knights belong. Your Highness, please don't feel sad for Gilbert and Dalton. As long as you are alive, their sacrifice will be meaningful."

"Does it make sense?"

Cornelia laughed mockingly.

"The whole Knight Order was sacrificed, leaving me alone. This is perhaps the biggest irony. We have been born and died so many times on the battlefield together. They are no longer my knights, my adjutants, they are more like It’s my siblings, my relatives."

The atmosphere fell silent again.

Lei Mingkai is not good at comforting others, so he didn't know what to say for a while, but silently watched the blazing campfire crackling.

After a long time, Lei Mingkai's eyes flashed, and he took out the personal terminal from his pocket.

"His Royal Highness, here you are."

Cornelia, who was silent in sorrow, subconsciously raised her head to look at the octagonal object in Lei Mingkai's hand that was crystal clear, as if it were a work of art.

"this is?"

"My personal terminal. Through this, you can get in touch with Yuffi, Your Highness Yuphemia. Perhaps, there are some things that are easier to talk about between the two Highnesss." Lei Mingkai raised his hand to the top, holographic The projection then lights up from the personal terminal.

"Yuffie? Wait, if you come to save me, isn't Yuphie..."

Suddenly, Cornelia seemed to be aware of something, but at the next moment he was attracted by the holographic screen that began to change the picture.

"Kay? Is it Kay?"

As soon as Euphemia's voice sounded, Conelia's very familiar face also appeared on the holographic screen.

"Yuffie?! It's really you. You, where are you now?" Cornelia exclaimed, and was surprised by the pajamas that Yufemia was wearing.

According to her speculation, since Lei Mingkai has come here to rescue her, Yuphemia must be on the other side too, and it is right to participate in the rescue of the Q department.

In other words, now, it should be in a fierce battle. Why, what Yufimia was wearing turned out to be pajamas, and there seemed to be a few chubby **** bouncing back and forth around her, and they kept shouting Hello, Hello's little doll.

"Sister Huang?! Sister Huang! Sister Huang, you are already awake! How are you doing? Do you still feel hot?"


When the two sisters began to communicate, Lei Mingkai quietly removed the pot containing the broth from the bonfire and put it aside, then slowly withdrew for a certain distance, leaving space for Connelly Sisters Ya and Euphemia.

"It's really incomprehensible! Kay."

Just as Lei Mingkai walked behind a big tree, the white cat Zero's voice came from above, and then Lei Mingkai sank on his shoulders, and the white cat Zero's voice jumped down from above and landed on it. On his shoulders.

"Doesn't you understand the style? Maybe! In addition, zero type, you jump down like this, won't you squash me? You know your weight is calculated in tons."

Lei Mingkai glanced at the White Cat Zero and said unceremoniously.

"Weight? Humph, this body is only the cat's standard weight at best. It will not cause any pressure on your body." The white cat snorted coldly and said lazily.

"This is your strength?"

"Of course. Otherwise, you think how this weak body can become that mechanical beast with a steel body in the blink of an eye. Kay, as a community of destiny, you don't have to worry about this aspect." Lying on Lei Ming The white cat on Kay's shoulder shook his paw, showing disdain for Lei Mingkai's obsession with unnecessary things.

Lei Mingkai smiled and looked back at Cornelia, who was still sitting next to the bonfire, holding a personal terminal and chatting with Euphemia, and then stepped away again.

"Zero form. Is the Bangzha form already your full strength?"

After looking up at the starry sky above his head, Lei Mingkai asked the question in his mind.

"Bangzha? How is it possible? As the core of the world, how can I only have these forms? Kay, you may forget about other things. But, you must remember this clearly for me." The white cat looked zero. Suddenly became serious, and even the posture of lying lazily on Lei Mingkai's shoulder also changed to squatting without knowing it.

"As the fragments are retrieved, my strength will also be restored. Therefore, in addition to the current Lieou, Schneider, and Bangzha forms, there will be more forms in the future."

"Really? It sounds like a collection game! Every time a collection reaches a new stage, new elements will be unlocked. Zero type, besides form, you should have other abilities, right?" Lei Mingkaiqing Said with a smile.

"Perhaps! It's just that when my strength is fully restored, our hometown may be able to be resurrected." The white cat shook his head in Zero Form, with a little uncertainty in his tone.

"Really? According to the current situation, we only have to collect debris." Lei Mingkai changed his mind and returned to the problem of zero form. "Zero, if other fragments are collected, what will be the next form? Reloaded tusks? Or other types of tusks?"

"How do I know this kind of thing?" The white cat gave Lei Mingkai a fierce look and let out a low growl.

The next day, early morning.

After a night's rest, Lei Mingkai woke up early in the morning, preparing for the next breakfast. According to Cornelia's current situation, it should be able to withstand the load caused by the high-speed movement of the European tusks.

Although there is still a long distance from the high overload that fully bears the extreme speed of the European hunting lion, Lei Mingkai believes that it should not be a big problem if it is only moving at a high speed. And White Cat Zero also made a guarantee.

After all, the driver's seat of the Leo Tooth Lion also has a design that can offset the high overload caused by high-speed conditions. As long as Zero pays a little attention to Cornelia's state, the problem will not be much.

In this way, if everything goes well, you can join Euphemia and the others before sunset. However, Lei Mingkai knew that the enemies who had not been chased yet would not watch the hunter tusks swaggering across the depths of their territory, coming to Langlansi country unharmed.

Therefore, Lei Mingkai still has to prepare for the battle.

"Good morning! Kay."

With the sound of the door being opened, Cornelia walked out of the hut with a ruddy face again.

"Good morning! Your Highness. Come, breakfast is ready." Lei Mingkai filled the fresh broth in the pot and handed it over.

"Thank you." After Cornelia thanked him, he suddenly said something that caught Lei Mingkai by surprise.

"Kay. I think the next actions need to be adjusted."

"Huh? Adjustment? Need to take a circuitous route to avoid the enemy?" Lei Mingkai paused in his hand and looked at Cornelia suspiciously. The white cat Zero Shi also opened his eyes and looked at Cornelia with a slight change in aura.

In Lei Mingkai’s eyes, the weak emperor last night had quietly disappeared at some unknown time. With the rising of the sun, the Valkyrie who smashed the battlefield and the second emperor Cornelia returned again. To this world.

"Yes. Kay, Yuffi's thoughts, I already know." Cornelia nodded, her eyes sharpened.

"To be honest, I was very surprised when Yu Fei took the initiative to confess his thoughts, and even some wanted to scold Yu Fei for this unrealistic idea on the spot. But..."

"But?" Lei Mingkai put down the spoon, sat up straight, and watched the aura in front of him gradually become sharper, like an unsheathed sword, her Royal Highness.

"However, I saw the world that Yuffi had experienced with you after leaving this world." At this point, Cornelia's sharp gaze became a little dim. "To be honest, I kind of want to stand next to you, not you, but me, but in that case, you can't see and experience the magical world with my own eyes."

"His Royal Highness, do you believe it?" Lei Mingkai knew what Cornelia was referring to. Unexpectedly, in the conversation with Cornelia last night, Euphy chose to confess everything.

"Believe. Yuffi also showed me her inspector badge. Kay, you should have them too."

Lei Mingkai nodded, took out his badge and showed it to Cornelia.

After taking a few glances, Cornelia sighed slowly.

"If the world you see is true, then this world cannot go on like this. What's more, the empire has changed. Since the return of my brother who didn’t know where he came from, the whole empire has changed. It became so unfamiliar."

"So, your Highness, you want to be martyred?"

"Yes. As an imperial queen, I who lost the Knights have only this value. It's like Lelouch and Nanaly who lost my mother back then." Cornelia laughed mockingly. , But there is not much care in the demeanor.

Obviously, Cornelia seemed to have walked out of the previous haze.

"What's more, Yuffi is still alive. And, she has a wish to be fulfilled. As her sister, I need to help her fulfill her wish. Then, I want to see the one that made Yuffi a change. A brand new world."

Having said this, Cornelia's eyes lit up a flame called yearning.

"Trust me! Your highness, your wish will come true."

"Well. I will believe you! Our knight."

and many more!

What did Cornelia say? What does the sentence just now seem seems to contain? Could it be that Euphy said something to his sister last night? Did you even tell Conelia about your relationship with Yuffi?


Lei Mingkai did not dare to ask a few more questions.



This small river running from north to south passes through the center of a small town, providing daily water for the residents of this small town, and also for the storage and protection of a place near the small town in Britannia. Sakura stone energy used by the four guardian knights of the Empire of Europa is an energy storehouse set up.

But at the same time because of being far from the front line, the residents of this small town, and even the soldiers responsible for guarding the energy warehouse did not show too much tension. At most, those soldiers were more nervous than the residents.

"Is it here? Your Highness."

Somewhere on the hillside, Lei Mingkai pressed the button and couldn't help it. As soon as he saw the energy warehouse at the foot of the mountain, he felt a little eager to move.

"Yeah. If my memory is correct, this place should be the Sakura Stone Warehouse that was used by the Four Knights. As long as this is destroyed, the actions of the Four Knights will be greatly restricted. For at least 72 hours, their bodies will not receive any Sakura Stone supplies." Cornelia nodded after putting down the monoculars he found from the hunting hut.

According to Cornelia’s new plan, the Tooth Lion Zero still needs to stay in the territory of the Britannia Empire for a period of time in order to contain the actions of the four great knights, so that Euphemia and ZERO made some adjustments.

So, it is natural for Yuphemia to forge a road to the sky that is enough to ascend to the throne.

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