Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 293: White Phantom Continued

The torrential rain gradually decreased.

The black clouds covering the sky also gradually revealed a trace of golden light. I believe that with the cessation of this torrential rain, the rainforest covered by this downpour will finally see the sky again.

"The rain stopped."

Norris, who was sitting in the land-type Zaku ii, uttered these words slowly.

He understood that this torrential rain and the darkness that enveloped this rainforest would be an excellent cover for the enemy hiding in the deep forest.

However, as long as he persisted for a while, perhaps the sun breaking through the dark clouds would bring Norris a glimpse of the unidentified enemy, and even bring the hope of victory into Norris' hands.

"The rain stopped."

The same words sounded again.

The only difference is that compared to the moment when the sun is ready to return to this rainforest, Norris, who launched the offensive, took advantage of the darkness and heavy rain to hide Lancelot from Lei Mingkai.

For him, the bonuses of heavy rain and darkness are excellent, but not absolute.

With the help of powerful guide wheels and claws, Lancelot, even without the cover of heavy rain and darkness, can still travel freely in this rainforest.


A faint sound of breaking through the air passed by, and then the claws ejected by Lancelot pierced tightly into a thick tree trunk.

In the next moment, Lancelot flew out of the shadow of the dense forest, turned around in the air, and landed on the branches lightly.


With a soft sound, the two infrared detectors on Lancelot's chest popped out again.


Lei Mingkai's eyes lit up, and something in the image fed back by the infrared detector that appeared in front of him surprised Lei Mingkai.

"Unexpectedly, your teammates are so uncomfortable!"

Lei Mingkai smiled slightly, and Lancelot retracted the infrared detector again, and fell into the shadow of the dense forest as soon as he turned over.

Immediately afterwards, a shadow quietly appeared behind the ground combat Zaku II piloted by Norris. Seeing that the cold-lighted front end of this shadow was about to pierce directly into the back of the land-based Zaku ii, the land-based Zaku ii moved again.

I saw it suddenly fell forward and waved his right hand, swinging the thermal axe in his hand to the back. At the same time, this land-type Zaku II rolled on the spot due to the inertia of falling forward.


The huge humanoid weapon will never be a calm scene when it rolls, but just behind the sound, Norris caught a slight noise.

Cut something!

This feeling is correct!

Norris was sure that this time under his control, the land-based Zaku II had definitely cut something.

Mixed with fallen leaves and muddy water splashing, he quickly turned around and changed the forward-rolling posture to sitting on the ground. At the same time, Norris locked the landline camera on the land-based camera for the first time. Not far in front of Zaku II.

over there,

A sharp object that was so small that it couldn't be used as an MS weapon was stuck upside down in the stagnant water full of fallen leaves.

"What a small thing?! This is the weapon to attack Zagu?"

Obviously, Norris couldn't believe that the sharp metal on the screen, which was less than the size of an adult, turned out to be one of the real culprits that put the Zaku II he was driving into a dilemma.


At this time, there was a burst of air breaking sound.


Then Norris saw it.

A metal object very similar to the sharp metal inserted in the standing water is penetrating the body of the thermal axe in the hands of the land-based Zaku II with amazing penetrating power.

The sharp metal object that penetrated the thermal axe from left to right, in Norris's eyes, was undoubtedly an existence mocking him.

"It was so despicable!!"

Norris yelled and moved his hands repeatedly.

His land-type Zaku ii suddenly exploded with one-eyed one-eyed, a huge force burst from his arm in an instant, he just raised the heat axe.


There was a soft sound of a steel cable, and it was the land-based Zaku II who penetrated the heat axe, and the sharp metal object just stuck on it tried to pull out the black hand hidden in the shadow.


The steel cable connected to the sharp metal object was stretched silently, and the force added to it was getting stronger and stronger, gradually exceeding the upper limit of the force designed for the steel cable when it was manufactured.

But even so, the land-based Zaku II and the murderer hiding in the dark still refused to let go, stubbornly using this steel cable stretched by two huge forces to decide the outcome.

"Sure enough, is the difference in size?"

The power of the guide wheels has been increased to the maximum power. As long as you see the sludge and water that is constantly being thrown into the sky when the steering wheel is running frantically, you know that Lancelowe has exhausted all his strength at this moment and is wrestling with the land-based Zaku II.

However, due to the huge difference in body size, there are also differences in the output of the energy system. In terms of wrestling alone, Lancelot is far inferior to Zaku II, who is more than three times the size of Lancelot.


The steering wheel suddenly made a painful noise, as if it had reached its limit. If we persist, I am afraid that Lancelot's steering wheel power system will inevitably fail irreparably.

"Let's stop here!"

Although Lei Mingkai was unwilling, he had accepted the facts before him.


As Lei Mingkai decisively raised his hand to press the emergency button of the steel cable that disconnected the hook and claw link, the ground-type Zaku ii, which suddenly lost the interaction force, couldn’t help but continue under the strong inertia. Backed up, until the sixth step, and stopped the body with an embarrassment.

However, at the moment when the land-based Zaku II retreated again and again, Lancelot's hand once again lit up the unique cold light of the Radiation Vibrating Sword.

At the same time, in the midst of the wrestling, the guide wheel that was almost damaged due to overload still faithfully exploded all the potential he had, pushing Lancelot in this muddy, water-filled rainforest. Quickly run.


In just a few short breaths, the land-based Zaku ii took the sixth step and was able to stabilize his figure. Lancelot, who arrived first, rushed out of the shadow of the dense forest like lightning, hand As soon as he lifted it, the pair of radiating vibration swords had already cut onto the left foot of the land-based Zaku II.


Under the indestructible blade of the Radiation Vibration Sword, the land-based Zaku ii is forged from super-tensile steel. In the past, it was able to withstand the direct attack of most of the Federal Army’s small and medium-caliber artillery. The strong armor was as tender as water. The tofu was just as good as it was, and it was easily split apart by the shock of radiation.


A hit.

Lei Mingkai didn't have a love for battle, and he didn't stay where he was to watch his record. He still directly controlled Lancelot and rushed towards the dense rain forest ahead.


Lancelot had just rushed out, and it was not a loud, but very deadly explosion.

"Not good! Left foot!!"

This time, the system of the land-based Zaku ii failed to suppress the damage to the left foot. Because Lancelot's sword swept across the knee of the land-based Zaku ii, forcibly cut off the left calf of the land-based Zaku ii.

The picture in front of him fell quickly, and Norris kept pushing and pulling the lever with both hands and feet, and stepping on the valve, but he could only watch the muddy ground feebly, taking up half of the picture in front of him.

"Damn it! Get up! Zaku!"

Norris clenched his teeth to his feet, still trying to control the landing type Zaku II to stand up again.


The fiery flames roared at this moment, and it was the propelling backpack of the land-based Zaku II.

Under the scorching flames, the muddy ground behind the land-based Zaku ii quickly dried up and hardened until it was burnt and blackened by the flames.

Under the explosive force of pushing the backpack, the huge land-based Zaku II dragged a long drag mark on the muddy ground until it hit a big tree not far away. The big tree that had been knocked on the side reluctantly returned to its standing posture.


Before Norris could observe the surrounding situation, the picture in front of him made a red color, and there was a vague sword blade.


That's right.

It's a sword!

Although the size of this blade was somewhat unexpected from Norris's expectations on the screen, it was actually similar to the size of the sharp metal object previously cut off by the land-based Zaku II.

"do not move!"

A strange and young voice sounded.

But no matter how Norris called the one-eyed camera of the land-based Zaku II to move back and forth, he couldn't see the owner of the red blade that appeared on the screen.

Norris gritted his teeth and couldn't help but sighed in his heart: "I'm the end of it?"

The meaning of the enemy is already obvious.

Under this overwhelming advantage, even if Norris has a powerful ms technology, it cannot make up for the difference in performance between the units.

Especially the inequality between the intelligence information of the two sides. People in this world don’t know the existence of minicomputers such as Lancelot, but Lei Mingkai knows the performance difference between MS and Lancelot and other kmf units. .

Therefore, the land-based Zaku ii was targeted.

"Da da da!"


A spark burst out in the dense forest.

It's shooting!


Norris vaguely saw Zaguna's unique one-eyed head appearing behind this burst of sparks.

"Colonel! It's okay! Let's support now!"

Masad's voice also sounded in the next moment.

Norris was shocked, and suddenly yelled:

"Idiot! Go away!!"


There was a low sound in the dense forest, but Norris heard a very clear sound at this moment.

Then, a ball of sparks exploded.

Norris clearly saw that at the moment this group of sparks exploded, the ground-type Zaku II that launched a support shooting from the dense forest had its left leg broken.

"Idiot! Go! The enemy just wants to delay the time..."

Norris's roar was not finished yet, another spark exploded in the dark dense forest.

This time, the ground-type Zaku II, who came to support, broke his arms.

Both his left leg and both arms were broken, and Zaku II, who lost his balance, was struggling feebly, just like Norris did, watching helplessly as his landline was poured into the mud full of fallen leaves and branches. In the ground.

In the next second, a faint spark made Norris clenched his teeth.


When the faint spark pulsed, it was a red blade that penetrated the cockpit of the land-based Zaku II.

"Da da da!"

A roar of rapid bullets reappeared.

This is another land-based Zaku II.

Although the attack just now took a long time, it actually only took less than a minute. Therefore, the ground-type Zaku II at the rear has no way to react, and can only watch his teammates. Lancelot chopped off his left leg, both legs, and then a sword penetrated the cockpit before yelling in horror and pressing the trigger.


The screaming bullet hit the ground type Zaku II with the cockpit penetrated without any hindrance. Its ice-cold armor leaped into bursts of sparks, and a series of dark holes were punched out by its former teammates.



The land-based Zaku II, which had lost all reactions, was blown up.

"Stop! Fool!"

Norris' roar finally awakened the pilot of the third ground-type Zaku II.

"Go... Colonel."

The pilot stared blankly at the land-type Zaku II who was engulfed by flames.


When an afterimage flew from the dense tree canopy, the red flash also bloomed.


It is the slight sound of metal being cut by some sharp object.

"Ah! Can't see! Can't see!!"

Amid the screams of horror, Norris witnessed the scene of the head of the third land-based Zaku II being chopped off.

However, Norris still did not see the murderer's true face, but vaguely saw a vague white shadow flashing past.

"Not human!!"

Norris gritted his teeth in the cockpit.

"Colonel! Colonel! Quickly! Help me!"

The ground-type Zaku II whose main monitor was severed backed up again and again, and the pilot driving him was even more frightened and subconsciously pressed the firing button of the 120mm machine gun to death.

"Da da da da da da da!"

The screaming bullets swept around frantically, breaking the branches, tearing the branches and leaves, and whizzing away from the ground-type Zaku II driven by Norris, and even a few times it was just one click away. Hit Norris' land combat type Zaku ii.

The corner of Norris's eyes throbbed wildly.

The enemy hidden in the dark was indeed delaying time, but in fact Norris discovered one more thing.

He is playing with them like a cat catching a mouse.


The red flash appeared again.

The flames of random shooting ceased, but what followed was the roar of ammunition exploding, and the flames that illuminate everything around.

"That! That is!"

Suddenly, Norris's eyes widened.

He saw his hands quickly pass over the keyboard, and the picture in front of him instantly freezes and is rapidly magnified ten times.

"Then, that is ms?! How could it be possible?! How could ms be so small?!"

In Norris's shocked eyes, the true face of the ghost murderer finally appeared.

That is a white steel warrior like a knight!


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