Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 306: The devil above his head?

   The propeller of the helicopter stirred the hot air in the desert, rolled up the sand and dust around the landing point, and guarded not far away. Most of the sight of the crowd waiting for the helicopter to land was obscured. https://

   This is the third team involved in the search and rescue of Shiro Amada.

   After Lei Mingkai and Aledoya reported the situation to Captain Kojima, Kojima did not hesitate to send a number of search and rescue teams to search and rescue the area where the Land Combat Gundam driven by Shiro Amada might fall.

However, due to the complexity of the surrounding terrain and the changing climate, the progress of the search and rescue is not very satisfactory. Moreover, after seeing the progress of the search and rescue team blocked, Karen, Eridoa, Mikael, and even Sandus They all took the initiative to ask for orders to participate in the search and rescue team.

   Out of many considerations, the captain Kojima finally agreed to their request. However, as a member of the eighth team, Lei Mingkai was stayed and was given the order to return to the station immediately.

   Therefore, this helicopter that brought the third search and rescue team has also become a vehicle for Lei Mingkai to return to the station.

   "Second lieutenant, don't worry! I will bring the captain back intact." Sundas has been worried since he was rescued by Shiro Amada at the cost of his disappearance. Counting the last battle in the universe, this is the second time Amada Shiro has rescued him.

   "Hmm. Sanders. Captain, please."

   Lei Mingkai looked behind Sanders and nodded.

Now, in addition to Sandas who came to see off the entire eighth team, Eridoya, Karen and Mikael have all devoted themselves to the search and rescue. Therefore, only Sandas is the only one to see off. .

   The dust was once again picked up by the propeller and swept towards the surroundings.

   Amidst the rolled up dust, Sandas's straight body was like a javelin stuck on the ground, and he marched in a military salute motionlessly, watching the helicopter Lei Mingkai was flying into the air.

   A few hours later, Lei Mingkai finally returned from the hot desert to the humid and sultry tropical rain forest.

   When his feet were on the soft mud, a major came up with two soldiers with live ammunition.

   "Second Lieutenant Lei Mingkai, belongs to the eighth team. Right?"

   After glanced at Lei Mingkai's rank, the major said flatly.

   "Yes! I am Ensign Lei Mingkai."

   Lei Mingkai glanced at the two soldiers with gendarmerie-style shoulder straps standing behind the major, and he knew that the visitors were not good.

   "Confirm your identity! Then, please come with us, the second lieutenant. There is an officer who needs to talk to you."

The major did not express anything too much, but after confirming Lei Mingkai’s identity, he motioned to the two military police behind him to take Lei Mingkai with Lei Mingkai to the ship parked not far away. They had never appeared before. The large pallet-class heavy land artillery battleship in the station.

Although this heavy warship with a total length of 215 meters and a full height of 85 meters looks cumbersome, it actually uses the air cushion function generated by the thermonuclear jet engine as a means of movement. Therefore, it can move on flat ground, even on water and other terrain. .

   At the same time, this big guy with two large main guns and three triple secondary guns is also used as a front-line command.

  According to the meaning of the major's words, it is not difficult to see that Lei Mingkai is probably going to enter this big guy this time to meet the big guys who are staying in the front-line command that appears here.


   When Lei Mingkai was taken to this land-based artillery battleship, he found that the only person standing in the dim room was Captain Kojima.

   "You are here! Lieutenant Lei Mingkai. Come here!"

   In the faint light, Captain Kojima waved to Lei Mingkai and motioned him to step forward. At the same time, the major and two military policemen who brought Lei Mingkai here exited the room.

   Lei Mingkai, who was a little surprised by this, suddenly felt that this time it was not a questioning of the teacher. This speculation was confirmed when Lei Mingkai walked to the island.


   The moment Lei Mingkai came to the island, a faint light suddenly rose from under Lei Mingkai's feet.

   Lei Mingkai subconsciously squinted his eyes, and at the same time he saw a pattern composed of many lines and a group of continuously flowing data appearing under his feet.


   After adapting to the light at the moment, Lei Mingkai also recognized the owner of the giant pattern that appeared under his feet.


   That's right.

The pattern that appears at the foot is Apsalas, and the data flowing around the pattern is gathered from data collected from previous encounters with Apsalas. Into.

   "Is it a who has had many encounters with us before?"


   Lei Mingkai would not say the name Apsalas stupidly, otherwise, it would definitely cause trouble.

"Yes. Based on the previous encounters and the intelligence combination obtained by our technical department's analysis of the multiple energy engines collected by the sixth and eighth squadrons, the enemy’s goal is probably to complete this a , A terrifying big guy."

   Kojima lowered his eyes to look at the screen on the ground and spoke slowly, then raised his eyes to look at Lei Mingkai.

   "The power of this big guy, even if I don't say it, the second lieutenant who has personally experienced the previous battle probably knows it very well."

   "Yes! Captain. Because of this, Shiro Amada, the captain of our eighth squadron, disappeared with the devil in order to save his subordinates from this demon."

   When Lei Mingkai said this, Kojima also sighed secretly.

   "Captain Amada is a very good boss. He did what he could and sacrificed his life in order to protect his subordinates. To this end, I will try my best to search and rescue Captain Amada's whereabouts."

   After speaking slowly in a firm voice, Kojima turned the topic back to Apsalas again.

   "Second lieutenant. Regarding the information about this big guy, I have reason to believe that it was the second lieutenant who discovered it first. I would like to hear your opinion."


   A hint of surprise flashed under Lei Mingkai's eyes, but he didn't show it.

  It is only now that Lei Mingkai understands that Kojima will deliberately let people bring himself here as if they are asking for guilt. It turned out to be to understand the intelligence of Apsalas.

   I am afraid that in this station, except for the sixth team and the eighth team, no one else can have a clear understanding of the existence of Apsalas. Perhaps only the captain Kojima, or the colonel standing behind him, was instructed to cause this situation.

   After thinking about it, Lei Mingkai took out the part of his memory related to Apsalas and told Kojima selectively.

"According to the information I have obtained, the Zeon army hidden in this tropical rain forest has been defeated and lurked around here since it was beaten heavily in East Asia. Maybe it was for revenge, or maybe it was for revenge. In the war with our Federal Army, we have the final word."

   Talking, Lei Mingkai stretched out his finger, pointed at the screen on the ground, and pointed to the silhouette of Apsalas.

   "In order to achieve this goal, they created this monster."

   "Is it the final word?"

   Kojima's eyes narrowed slightly, apparently he had been touched by Lei Mingkai's words.

  According to the current progress of the EFF on various fronts, Kojima can already conclude that the best time for the EFF's major counterattack is coming. The time for Zeon to jump is running out.

   Therefore, the power that Lei Mingkai mentioned is the final word, I am afraid it will be true.


   Is it really possible to rely on a large a to get the final word and the power to reverse the entire war situation?

   Feeling Kojima's doubts, Lei Mingkai wanted to say no, but he didn't say the negative sentence.

   Because Lei Mingkai knew that even if he denied this question, the colonel hiding behind the island would definitely think that Apsalas had enough power to change the entire battle.

"According to the circumstances of my encounters with this aircraft a few times, this aircraft has the ability to fly freely at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and it is also equipped with comparable equipment. No, it should be said that it is far more than a warship. A large beam particle cannon with several times the main gun and dozens of times more power."

   Lei Mingkai considered the words and described the Apsaras he was familiar with.

"Although in the battle in the desert, we did not witness the power of this beam cannon fired at full strength, but we could see that this beam cannon had the power to easily wipe out an entire s team in the blink of an eye. If so. If we leave it to perfection like this, I am afraid we will have an extra demon on our heads."

   After listening to Lei Mingkai’s description, Kojima’s brows jumped sharply, and the corners of his mouth tremble for a while, but Kojima was finally silent.

   He knew that what Lei Mingkai said was true.

   Whether it is the combat video extracted from the Marine Gundam of the Eighth Squad, or the investigation and research of the captured energy engine by the engineering unit, it undoubtedly points to a fact.

  The enemy is indeed developing a terrible weapon that can razor a mountain to the ground in an instant.

   After a long silence, Kojima slowly raised his head and looked at Lei Mingkai.

"That's it for today! Lieutenant Lei Mingkai, thank you for your hard work! But there are more tasks waiting for me in the future. I'm afraid that we won't be able to destroy the demon entrenched in our heads. I'm free to dream."

   "Yes! Captain! I fully understand and accept this point! As long as the Captain needs it, please give the order!" Lei Mingkai immediately saluted.

   "Hmm! Go down! Also, get your captain back as soon as possible."


   But when Lei Mingkai turned and left, Kojima suddenly asked a question that seemed inexplicable to outsiders, but in Lei Mingkai's view, it was a matter of course.

   "Second Lieutenant. Do you think Captain Amada will defect?"

   "Rebellion?" Lei Mingkai asked knowingly.

   "Hehe. It's just a hypothesis. Ensign, don't take it seriously." Kojima shook his head, revealing a helpless wry smile.

"Really?" Lei Mingkai groaned, turned around again, and said seriously facing Kojima. "In the eyes of his subordinates, the captain may be war-weary, but he will never betray the Federation. On the contrary, at certain times. , The captain will do his best to fight for the people he misses, and end this war."

   Lei Mingkai's words made Kojima stunned for a while, and finally Kojima burst into laughter.

   "Hahahaha! That's it! That's it! I understand! As expected of Shiro Amada! I understand!"

   laughed for a long time before Kojima gradually stopped the laughter.

   "Thank you! Lieutenant Lei Mingkai. Sure enough, the team members who get along day and night understand their captain. Okay. Lieutenant, go get your captain back!"



   Kojima watched the automatic goalkeeper Lei Mingkai blocking the door before raising his hands to pat.

   With applause, this dim room was suddenly shrouded in bright lights, and four huge screens also appeared in the four directions of the island.

   Among the four screens are the generals who are now in charge of the various fronts of the earth, and even the fronts of Southeast Asia, as well as Kojima's own boss, Colonel Rea.

   "Kojima. It seems that this second lieutenant did a good job on your side." Colonel Leia spoke slowly.

   His speech also represents the recognition of many generals.

"Yes. After all, most of our information on this a is from Lieutenant Lei Mingkai's handwriting. If it weren't for his activeness, I am afraid we would not be so familiar with this a now." Kojima nodded. Sighed.

   The record of leading a whole mechanical hybrid brigade in the first half of the year is not as important as the weeks when they came here.

   Strictly speaking, Kojima may have been embarrassed in front of your colleagues.

" The situation mentioned by Lieutenant Lei Mingkai just now, we have already calculated through the supercomputer of this department. This a does have a defensive net that can break through Chabro, and will defeat Chabro in one fell swoop. A terrible force razed to the ground." Colonel Leia looked around, and after obtaining the acquiescence of the generals, he spoke out the information he knew.

   "What? Is it true? So, is it time to attack?" While Kojima was shocked by this fact, he also realized that this Southeast Asian front may have reached the time when it must be resolved.

   "Yes! Kojima, mobilize all available forces! We must fight the enemy when the enemy's a is finally completed, and solve the enemy! Do all we can to prevent this a from appearing above Chabro."

   Colonel Leia clenched his fist and said loudly

   "At the same time, I will also be on the front line and take command, Kojima, everything is up to you!"

   "Yes! Colonel!"

  The light went black immediately.

   When it turned on again, the faces that appeared under the light were Colonel Rea and a man whose face was crossed by a scar.

   "Chief of Staff. The second Lieutenant Lei Mingkai you recommended is really good! I hope this second lieutenant can help me after the war is over."

   Colonel Leia's eyes flashed with admiration, and he unabashedly told the scared man in front of him about his appreciation of Lei Mingkai.

   "I believe Lieutenant Lei Mingkai will serve you! Master General."

  Roar of the machine lion

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