Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 404: Transfer students and commissions (Happy New Year's Day!!)

   is elegant and dignified, and treats people like spring breeze. This is the biggest feeling of the fourth class of the second year of the new transfer students.

   Especially when the transfer student still has a beautiful face that is enough to make people fall, most of the students in the fourth class of the second year of the second year immediately have a double affection for this beautiful and unfamiliar transfer student.

   And, to some girls with a burning gossip heart, the white cat in the arms of the transfer student feels familiar. As a result, under their inquiries, gossip news that spread throughout the entire Zhendai High School in an instant was born.


   Among the few people standing in the corner of the classroom, Kyoko Tokiwa habitually took his beloved photos and snapped a few pictures of the students in a circle, and did not forget to spit out a few words by the way.

   "Transfer students are really popular!"

   Chidori who was next to him was helpless, and replied feebly.


   If Chidori doesn't care about the topic of transfer students, she only knows that this transfer student who behaves elegantly and gives others a sense of coercion is directed at her. This is when a certain transfer student who had just transferred to another school was similar but not the same.

   "What is it? Chidori-san. Do you have any questions?"

   Feeling Chidori's gaze as if he was looking at the husky who loves to tear down the house, Sagara Sousuke was a little inexplicable.

   "Heh! You knew the purpose of this transfer student here from the beginning?"

   Chidori wants to feel that his worldview over the years is about to collapse.

"Probably! Although the order I received did not elaborate, but in fact I can guess some. Don't worry! No one will be against you." Sagara Sosuke just wanted to say Yufimia's name. But immediately changed another statement.

  For the students of Jindai High School, it is better not to know the true identity of Yufimia.

   After all, the fact that the dignified queen of a country would come to this unobtrusive and unremarkable school is itself a thing that can impact the Three Views.

   "Well! Forget it!"

Seeing more and more people around Yufimia, the unhappy Chidori stepped forward, separated the people in half with her supreme power and courage, and slapped the table. He glared at the students around him who were burning with gossip.

"I said, you have to be modest! Today is someone, Yufimiya is in our school the first day! If you surround yourself like this, aren't you afraid to scare others? Besides, if you continue to surround yourself like this If you go down, you may attract the attention of the teacher! At that time, some unexpected things may happen."

   After drinking the crowd loudly, Chidori was about to turn his head and look at Euphemia, who was still at ease in the face of the crowd's rounds of inquiries.

   "Student Euphemia. I think you should be tired too? How about I take you to visit our school?"

   Euphemia heard the words, looked around, then slowly nodded.

   "So, please ask Chidori to be classmates."

   So, among the people's regrets, Yufimia, who picked up the White Cat Zero Style, followed the Chidoriya at a rhythmic pace and left the classroom.

   And the back of Yufimia and Chidori about to leave together was captured by Tokiwa Kyoko.

   "Hehe. The war between the goddess of the fourth class of the second year and the new queen is really exciting!"

   What Kyoko Tokiwa didn't expect was that the complaints he made unintentionally got the approval of Sagara Sosuke.

   "Well. Maybe that's the case. However, I think Chidori's classmates should not be better than your Majesty."

   "Huh? Your Majesty?" Tokiwa Kyoko blinked, as if he had heard something extraordinary.

   "No, it's okay. You heard it wrong." Sagara Sosuke, who found himself leaking for a while, hurriedly stepped forward and followed. Tokiwa Kyoko was left with a puzzled face.

   "What the **** happened?"

   While in the office, Kagurazaka Eri is also under tremendous pressure.

  Because, similar to Chidori, at the same time that Jindai High School welcomes new transfer students, it also welcomes a new teacher—an iceberg beauty with bright blond hair.

   Her name is Fiana. From now on, she will work in this school as a physical education teacher.

   Whether it is in the natural instinct of a woman or because of Fiana's almost rolling appearance, Kagura Saka Eri almost subconsciously launched a state of alert when he saw Fiana. And this became even more obvious when I saw what seemed to be an ulterior secret between Lei Mingkai, who had disappeared for a long time, but suddenly returned to school to work, and the new blond beauty teacher. .

   It is obvious that even his younger generation Takako Tsuboi can see clearly.

   "Teacher Fiana. You mean you can start class today?"

  As the head teacher, Kagura Eri Saka asked responsibly.

   "Yes. My side is ready. Kagurazaka-sensei." Fiana responded readily to Kagurazaka Eri's question. Every move made Kagura Saka Eri feel that the blonde beauty in front of him does not seem to be a physical education teacher in the ordinary sense, but more like those soldiers who appear on the news.

   "How come? Maybe I think too much."

   After secretly suppressing what he thought was extremely unreliable, Kagura Eri Saka maintained his predecessor's posture as much as possible and nodded towards Fiana.

   "That's good! The next lesson is up to you! Teacher Fiana."

   "Yes! Leave it to me!"

  Looking at the back of Fiana’s departure, Takako Tsuboi, who had been on the sidelines for a long time, quietly approached Kagurazaka Eri and asked in a low voice:

   "Senior. Do you think there will be any problems? This new teacher Fiana gives me the feeling that it seems to be similar to the problem student in your class."

   When he mentioned the problem student in his class, Kagurazaka Eri sighed and shook his head.

   "Perhaps! But at least, the Fiana teacher shouldn't seem to be like Sagara-san. After all, they are all grown-ups."

   Kagura Saka Eri and Tsuboi Takako may not get any answers to Fiana's guess for a while. The only thing they knew was that when Euphemia and Fiana entered this ordinary high school one after another, the formation high school might usher in a very lively day.

   At this point, someone sitting in the meeting room also thinks so.

   "I didn't expect that our principal would accidentally fall ill and need to be admitted to the hospital for recuperation. This is really regrettable! Isn't it? Teacher Lei Mingkai."

After    Jindai High School's current student council president Lin Shui Dunxin opened the fan with a slap, he subtly cast his eyes on Lei Mingkai sitting opposite under the cover of the fan.

"That's really regrettable! To be honest, if I hadn't just returned from a business trip abroad, I would have rushed to the hospital to visit the principal first." Lei Mingkai shook his head slightly, his face also showing a trace of regret. Look.


   Lei Mingkai, who said regrets on his lips, knew the inside story of the principal's illness.

As one of Mallory’s friends, the principal who wanted to enter the formation high school for a period of time as a transfer student in Euphemia not only acted quickly to handle the admissions of Euphemia and Fiana, and the entry process , And after getting everything done, he immediately hid in the hospital on the grounds of physical discomfort and ignored the affairs of Zhendai High School.

   Of course, in this almost fleeing situation, the affairs of the Formation High School were also taken over by the professional team sent by Mallory. These changes are naturally beyond Lin Shui Dunxin's eyes.

   "Yes! Had it not been for the principal to decline the visit, I am afraid I could also tell the principal about the current situation."

   While talking, Lin Shui Dunxin suddenly retracted the fan in his hand, looked at Lei Mingkai’s eyes and asked:

   "I wonder how long Mr. Lei will stay here this time?"

   "Maybe half a month, maybe a month, or maybe even a semester. After all, there are so many things that you have to deal with one by one, right?"

   Lei Mingkai smiled slightly, but did not respond directly.

   However, these answers are enough for a smart person like Lin Shui Dunxin.

   "Really? Then, I have an unsympathetic request. I wonder if Mr. Lei can be accommodating?"

   Lin Shui Toshin said word by word, and at the same time, he watched Lei Mingkai's face change.

   "Oh? Please speak. If I can help?"

   Lei Mingkai raised his brows.

"I believe Mr. Lei has seen it too. The current student union is very short of manpower. I hope that Yufimiya Li Britania and Mr. Lei Mingkai can serve as the image ambassador and etiquette teacher of our student union. As for the time, The length of the time is up to Mr. Lei or Yufimiya to decide. How?"

   When Lin Shui Dunxin spoke, Lei Mingkai was slightly surprised.

   Unexpectedly, this guy actually guessed the relationship between Lei Mingkai and Yuphemia, and the lion opened his mouth, wanting the dignified queen to serve as the image ambassador of the student union of a high school. This courage is indeed different from ordinary people.

   "Lin Shui Dunxin. I don't know if you have ever heard such a sentence-people's hearts are not enough."

"Oh? Do you have a proverb from an ancient country? I have naturally heard it. But don’t you think this is a good opportunity? For you and for the Yufimia classmate, you must not do it for Did you come to this school with prestige? I want to experience the ordinary student life more. It's a good thing. Isn't it?"

   Lin Shui Dunxin faced Lei Mingkai's insinuations, but he was calm.

  The words are over, Lei Mingkai also nodded slowly.

   Just as Lin Shui Dunxin said, Euphemia did not come to this school to show off.

   Therefore, as long as Euphemia hears Lin Shui Dunxin’s invitation, she will nod after thinking about it.

   "Then, let me look forward to how our student union will change with the help of classmate Yufimia! Everything, please teacher Torrey."

   "Hehe. You really have a problem for me!"

   "Where? For Teacher Lei, it's just a small problem. It doesn't matter to you or the respected adult."

  Lin Shui Dunxin.

   is really a terrible figure hidden in ordinary high school.

   If his stage can be converted from this high school to a larger and broader stage, I am afraid it will become another quite legendary story.

   After a brief exchange and reached an agreement to join the Student Union, Lin Shui Atsushi was satisfied and left with Mikihara, who was inseparable with him.

   At the same time, the communication signal from Avalon also made Lei Mingkai's contactor ring a bell.

"it's me."

   Lei Mingkai glanced at the closed door of the conference room, and then connected to the communication with Avalon.

   "Knight Commander. This is Cecil. I am sending you an emergency message. Lloyd has found something incredible in the research institute. You need to visit the Knight Commander yourself."

   As soon as the communication opened, Cecil's voice came over.

   "Unbelievable things? I know. Tell Lloyd that I will be there in 8 hours. Let him keep things safe before then."

   As expected.

   In the research institute where the former MR.AU has kept it tightly, there are indeed some secrets that the outside world cannot know.

   And these secrets will be revealed before Lei Mingkai's eyes.

   "MR.AU. What good things are you hiding?"

   After hanging up the communication, Lei Mingkai's gaze fell on the edge of the playground below.

   There, Chidori is leading Euphemia to visit this school.

   The roar of the propeller shook the long space, and the helicopter carrying Leonard slowly landed in a small city at the far south of South America, which was called the end of the world.

   "Long time no see! Dear madam."

   As soon as Leonard stepped off the helicopter, he welcomed the woman in black who had been waiting around ~ who was enough to confuse all living beings.

   "Stop the gossip. Leonard. You broke my good deeds."

   The woman who made Leonard show a welcome attitude was MISS.Q who cooperated with MR.AU, but immediately hid her identity after MR.AU died and quickly disappeared from the amalgam sight.

"No. Dear Madam. Although there is my credit for this, it shouldn't be all my fault. If it weren't for MR.AU's lack of greed and want to annex my power and property, I'm afraid it would not fall into it. As it is today."

   Leonard did not deny his intention to urge MR.AU to die, but he did not promise that it was all his fault.

"Huh! I won't talk about these things. Now, the thing I care about most is whether you can take over the power of MR.AU and complete my commission." MISS.Q snorted coldly, not caring about Leonard's explain.

   Facing the advance of MISS.Q, Leonard showed a relaxed smile.

"Of course. Dear Madam. You and I have the same purpose. Although our understanding of that thing may be somewhat different, we are the same in the final purpose. What MR.AU cannot accomplish Commission, let me do it for you now! Madam!"


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