Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 419: The decisive battle is coming!

   A burst of snowflakes suddenly rose up on the deserted ice field.

In the icy cold wind, several heavy and huge circular iron gates slowly lifted the snow covering this barren ice field from below, revealing the secrets buried under this barren ice field. -Missile silos.

   "The launch procedure is in 1 minute to prepare for launch! All personnel will evacuate the silo immediately! Evacuate the silo immediately!"

   The red warning lights were swaying back and forth in the dim passage, and a nervous-looking soldier swiftly walked towards the safe area along the gradually closing gate.

   In another minute, the area they are now in will become a restricted area until all the rockets arranged in the silo are lifted off.

   "The launch counts down to 50 seconds!"

   The countdown sound resounded through the passage and echoed in everyone's ears.

   This is the most important battle.

   This is also the battle that Leonard has planned for a long time.

For this battle, Reynard did not hesitate to sacrifice the amalgam stronghold surrounding the Pacific Ocean and gave up the battle with Qian Shanwu for the amalgam, summoned back the forces he could control, completed the reorganization in a short time, and selected them. The strongest soldiers among them will all be thrown into this battle that Leonard regards as a decisive battle.

   "A long time, a long time, a long time."

   In the first silo, three AS super-heavy rockets, including Leonard’s plane, Fallen Angel, are waiting for the last moment to come.

   And Leonard took advantage of this opportunity of being isolated from the outside world, sitting in the cockpit of the landline plane and let out a sigh as if he had walked away from a long journey.

   Leonard doesn't know how many worlds he has traveled through, nor can he remember how many times he resets the world.

   The only thing he remembers is that every time the world is reset, the result will not be as he wishes, and he will always be given a fatal blow at the critical moment.

   Therefore, before every time he faces a decisive battle and seizes the device, Leonard will always recall the long journey at this moment, and the memory is still unusually clear.

   Inside, there are enemies and subordinates who follow him, and there are few, short-lived, warm memories.

   "Finally, I have come to this step again. But this step now is different from the past."

   Now, the super-heavy rocket quietly waiting for the final moment of launch is not a technology that this world can master.

   This is the technology provided by Ms. MISS.Q under the suggestion of MR.J.

   Leonard doesn't know where this technology comes from, nor is he interested in knowing it.

  What he knows is that this technology will inevitably allow the amalgam elites he leads to fall from the sky, launching a raid on Merida Island, the headquarters of Mithril, like a **** of heaven.

   Even at this moment, with the assistance of that traitor Qian Shanwu, Mithril has built a defensive circle around the Pacific, but it will not help.

  The only thing Leonard cared about was the knight, whether Lei Mingkai would notice his actions.

   "Leonard-sama! There are still thirty seconds before the launch time."

   Just as Leonard was thinking about his next actions, Sabina's voice rang on the communication channel.

   Sabina Lefno.

   Lee Fowler,

   Wilhelm Casper.

   These three generals who are regarded as Leonard's left and right hands are also on the list of participating in the war.

   Except for Sabina who is in the same silo with Leonard, the other two were appointed as the captains of the other two decisive teams, leading their subordinates to occupy silo 2 and silo 3 respectively.

   "Yeah. I see. Besides, how are our guests?"

   Leonard nodded.

   In addition to Leonard’s contribution this time, as a technology provider, MISS.Q is also on the list of this decisive battle.

   However, due to the small flaws in the size of the body she used, she could only use a silo by herself and lift off behind Leonard and others.

   "Ms.'s mood is fairly stable."

   Sabina nodded in response.

"That's good! Sabina, let me know, everything is in accordance with the plan. After we lift off, let the giant beasts lurking in the ocean start to act! Don't wait for our carriage to arrive, they are just playing around. That huge body just arrived."

   "Yes! Leonard-sir. Do it now."

   A short period of fifty seconds, quickly passed.

   After Sabina relayed Leonard’s order to the command center, the launch countdown reached zero.



In the raging flames, the super-heavy rockets tore through the biting cold wind on the ice sheet, rushed straight into the sky, and flew towards the outer space of nothingness, and then returned from the outer space. In an orbital assault, bypassing Mithril's defensive stronghold on the Pacific Rim, heading straight to the headquarters of Mithril-Merida Island.

   The decisive battle began.

   The sky over Merida Island.

   Avalon is quietly hiding in the white clouds, waiting for a certain moment to come.

   "This is my new job? Uh, what's the matter with this dress? It's awkward."

   Under the heavy salary, Nami La, who agreed to Euphemia's employment, made Lana exquisite materials, and even had clothes with patterns that Nami had never seen before.

   "Hello! This is Mira, Remyra. I am one of the people in charge here. Starting today, we will be colleagues."

   Under the guidance of the attendants, Mira also came to Nami, and carefully looked at this new face—the stranger who was also a whisperer.

   "Mira? Remyra? You, do you have something to do with Master Lei Mingkai?" Nami was taken aback for a moment, and she looked at Mira and asked.

   "Master Lei Mingkai?"

  Mila was confused by Nami's name for Lei Mingkai, and then she smiled again:

   "Hmm. Yes. Lei Mingkai is my brother. In addition, my brother is not Master Lei Mingkai. If you can, you should call him the knight commander, maybe an adult."

   "Knight Commander? Your lord?"

   At this moment, Nami remembered that when she had just been brought here, she was surrounded by a group of serious-looking women in long-sleeved maid costumes. After a long time tossing, she was relieved. Among them, Nami still faintly remembered that an older maid also specially told her to be very careful in her address and not to rush into the noble adult.

   "This...this is not really a royal ship, right?"

   Looking at Nami's shocked face, Mira also showed an understanding smile.

   After all, not everyone can accept Lei Mingkai's identity as smoothly as Mira. Especially for Nami, who has been in the human society of this world for a long time, it may take some time before she fully accepts the environment she is in now.

   It's just that there is not so much time for Nami to transition smoothly.

   "Attention to all! Attention to all! The entire ship enters a first-level combat state! The entire ship enters a first-level combat state! Everyone immediately enters combat positions! Everyone immediately enters combat positions!"

   The stern sirens instantly tore the air, and Nami subconsciously fought a cold war.

   "What, what's going on? Mira."

   Nami, who couldn't react to the sudden changes, quickly pulled Mira and asked.

   "The battle! The battle has begun! Nami, I'm very sorry! Now I can only let you learn how to stay on Avalon during the battle. Please follow me!"

  Mila looked left and right, pulled up Nami's right hand, and walked quickly towards Ganaku.

   Now that the order for the first-level combat state has been issued, it means that Lei Mingkai must drive the flame sword to attack.

  Mila must give the Flame Sword to Lei Mingkai in perfect condition as much as possible before.

   "Wait, wait. I will go by myself! Mira, lead the way!"

   Nami hurriedly shouted to Mira, and after indicating that she could follow, she hurried to Gannaku behind Mira.

   Avalon’s bridge.

   Euphemia sat on the throne, looking solemnly at the big screen in front of her.

   At her left and right, Fiana and Lei Mingkai are respectively.

   Further down is the golden pair of Lloyd and Cecil.

"Your Majesty. The knight commander's guess is correct. The enemy is now using a system similar to the "Apollo's carriage" used by Viscount Layla to launch a raid towards Merida under our feet. According to calculations, it is expected to be within five minutes. When it’s time to enter the optimal airborne altitude, Merida Island will probably usher in a massive airborne operation."

   Lloyd held the laser pointer in his right hand, gestured to the orbital calculation graph on the screen, and explained for Euphemia, Lei Mingkai and Fiana.

   "Can you intercept it?"

   Euphemia asked.

"Yes. But it's a bit difficult. The air defense missiles on our Avalon can intercept them. However, there is an extremely unreasonable system in the AS in this world-the λ drive system. If the enemy can use λ in outer space If the driving system intercepts the air defense missiles we launch, then it means that our air defense missiles are just doing useless work."

   Lloyd shook his head and expressed his concerns.

   Among the previous battle records created by Lei Mingkai that the lambda drive system has been used, Lloyd has already discovered the terribleness of the lambda drive system.

   The existence of this system cannot be analyzed by physical rules at all, and its characteristics subvert Lloyd’s perception of the world. Therefore, under this consideration, Lloyd does not recommend the use of anti-aircraft missiles in outer space.

   "Kay. How about you?"

   Euphemia pondered for a moment and looked at Lei Mingkai.

"Lloyd's concerns are correct. Now is not the best time to intercept. Compared to the obvious attack route of anti-aircraft missiles in outer space, attacks in the atmosphere are more difficult to defend. After all, after the enemy re-enters the atmosphere, Avalon, and even our Lionheart Knight can use a lot more attack methods."

   "Are you worried that the enemy will use the lambda drive system to offset the attack of the anti-aircraft missiles? Well, I understand. Then, Kay, you go and complete your task! Here, Avalon will leave it to me!"

   Euphemia groaned for a moment, and quickly made a decision.

   "Yes! Your Majesty!"

   At the same time, the outer space intelligence monitored by Avalon also spread to Merida Island and the Son of Danu.

   "What? The enemy actually used the orbital airborne method to carry out a space assault on us and Merida Island?"

   Holding the information from Avalon, Teresa's small hands trembled slightly, and she couldn't believe the information described on the paper.

   "I'm afraid this is true. Captain. When I got the information from Avalon, I had already searched the suspect area. The result was consistent with the information from Avalon."

   Although Richard was also shocked by the orbital airborne information, he was much more calm than Teresa.

"Really? I didn't expect my brother, Leonard to have such courage! Richard, search the sea near Merida Island with all his strength, no, even underwater intelligence must be clear. Our enemy, I'm afraid I won't launch such a simple tactic of falling from the sky."

   "Yes! Captain!"

   In fact, just as Teresa had expected, there were indeed six huge black shadows in the surrounding waters of Merida Island.

  Looking from high above, the existence of these dark shadows seems to be as huge as a whale swimming in the ocean.

   But these are not whales, they are also mysterious, unspeakable existences, but giant AS-Monsters hidden in this ocean under Leonard's order early in the morning.

   With the advent of the "carriage" used by Leonard, the behemoth that had already lurked in this ocean began to move, encircling Merida Island from all directions.

   orbital airborne,

   Giant beast attacked,

   This is not all the tricks launched by amalgam.

   At the moment when the giant beast set off a huge wave and emerged from the ocean, a wave of energy that humans could not catch with the naked eye but had a terrible impact on human society suddenly broke out.

   It was just a short moment when the electronic devices on Merida Island that had not been protected were instantly overloaded, all the chips were burned, and they fell into an abyss that could not be started.


   Theresa stood up straight uncontrollably, her small hands clenched tightly.

   There was also the nervous and panicked voice of the correspondent in her ear.

   "Report! We are disconnected from the combat headquarters! Moreover, even the communication networks around the world are also disconnected."


   At the moment, the communication with the combat headquarters was disconnected.

   Even if the correspondents and technicians inspect and repair the communication equipment for the first time, they cannot reverse the fact that the communication is disconnected.

   "Avalon! Is the connection with Avalon still?"

   Suddenly Theresa urged the correspondent again and again, as if the drowning man had caught the last straw.

   "Yes! Linking! Captain, please wait!"

   Amid the sweat of the correspondent, the communication with Avalon was finally connected.

   "Captain Teresa, is your situation okay?"

   The screen flashed, and Euphemia appeared on the main screen.

   From the comparison between her expression and the surrounding atmosphere, the situation on Avalon seems to be much more stable than that on Teresa.

   "We have cut off communication with the combat headquarters. Now, the only thing we can reach is Avalon."

   Teresa glanced at her, and nodded to Euphemia after the subordinates who were still repairing the communication.

   "Good! Avalon will share the battlefield situation information with you. Mithril, it's time to attack!"

   "Of course. Your Majesty. Richard, let Melissa and the others attack!"

   Richard, who watched the two women cooperate in a few words, responded loudly:

   "Yes! Captain!"



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