Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 450: Premonitions of offensive and defensive warfare

Battleship Deucalion.

The core area where the Aldnoah reactor is located.

Euphemia was standing in it, silently watching the dim light from the Aldnoah reactor.

This is the light of civilization that comes from the black technological heritage left by ancient civilizations after a long period of time.

Although the light is faint, it is so beautiful.

"What a good thing! Aldnoah."

Euphemia retracted her gaze from the Aldnoah reactor and turned to look at the pair of tall and short girls standing behind her.

Ethelam Weiser Elliosya, and Edellizo who followed him all day.

"Once upon a time, the Visser royal family believed that the Aldnoah reactor could bring hope to the impoverished Visser people. However, in the accident 15 years ago, this naive idea collapsed with the disaster caused by the hyperspace gate runaway. Solution. Until now, we, Visser, have not been able to use this power inherited by the dying ancient civilization to open up a new world belonging to Visser."

Ethelam looked at the pink woman standing in the center of the Aldnoah reaction furnace and spoke her own thoughts.

"Really? In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with relying on the strength of one's own hands to open up new worlds. However, in the process of mastering the power, the result of over-superstitious belief in the strength of the hands, Ethelam must have already understood. ."

Euphemia took a few steps forward, stood in front of Ethelam, and stared at Ethelam.

"Yes. My father, Wisser's second emperor Kirzelia, was overly superstitious about the power of Aldnoah and launched an attack on the earth, but he was swallowed by the disaster caused by the violent hyperspace gate. ."

Ethelam lowered his gaze, and his expression was also a little sad.

Calculated based on the age of Ethelam, when Wisser's second emperor Kirzelia died in the hyperspace gate, she was just a baby in the infancy, let alone her father Kirze. A trace of Leah's memory.

"The things in the past, let her go! Now, all you have to do is to carry out your own ideas to the end. Even if you will usher in a result that disappoints you."

To Ethelam's surprise, Euphemia left this meaningful remark when she passed by her.

"Wait! Miss Euphemia! Do you mean my current efforts will be useless?"

Ethelam quickly turned around and called Yufimia who was standing at the door.

Yufimia turned her head, with an encouraging smile on her face.

"If you don't do it, how do you know the result? Athelam."

"Miss Euphemia!!"

Euphemia's back disappeared behind the automatic door. No matter how Ethelam shouted, Euphemia never responded to her call.

"Edellizzo. Will my efforts, my wishes, fail?"

Taking a few steps forward unconsciously, Ethelam stood where Euphemia stood before and asked Edellizo, who had been following behind him softly.

"No! Your Royal Highness will definitely succeed! Peace will definitely come! Because this is what you have been insisting on, Your Royal Highness!!"

No surprises.

Even in the face of death, Edellizo, who still follows behind him, always speaks to encourage himself in the past.

"Really? Thank you. Edellizzo. Now, the time is almost up."

In half an hour, the global broadcast for Ethelam will begin.

Except for some people who have retained a cautious attitude towards the global broadcast of Ateliam, including the refugees who have evacuated to the headquarters, they are more optimistic about the global broadcast.

In their eyes, the war triggered by the assassination of Princess Aitheram will inevitably come to an end under the appeal of Princess Aitheram who is "resurrected from the dead".

Therefore, the faces of the people receiving food in the dining hall have relaxed smiles.

Wang Wen Yunzi, Nina, Gam and others are gathered around the dinner table, holding the poker cards found in the cabinet while playing cards, while talking about what they want to do next.

Inaho Kaizuka, who was sitting next to him, did not join them. Suddenly, some Jiezuka Inaho, who felt wrong, looked up at the entrance of the dining hall.

"Then, that is Warrant Lieutenant Lei?!"

Under the gaze of Jiezuka Inahan, the figure that flashed past the entrance of the dining hall was Lei Mingkai.

Moreover, judging from Lei Mingkai's actions, his destination seems to be the battleship De Calion, which is supplying ammunition.

"Yunzi, Gum, I'll go out for a while."

Jiezuka Inahan, who was puzzled in his heart, stood up abruptly, and after hurriedly throwing a word, he followed Lei Mingkai and chased him up.

"Kay. That boy has followed."

As soon as Jiezuka Inahan followed, the white cat Zero pose lying on Lei Mingkai's shoulder yawned and issued a reminder.

"Yeah. I see. Just let him follow. According to Kieszuka Inaho's personality, I am afraid that some clues have already been discovered."

Lei Mingkai didn't care about Jiezuka Inaho catching up, instead he slowed down so that Jiezuka Inaho could keep up with him.

"Warrant Lieutenant Lei. Are you going to Decalion?"

As soon as Jiezuka Inahan caught up, he asked straightforwardly.

"Yeah. I want to check the condition of the body."

Although Lei Mingkai's answer was not a problem, Kieszuka Inaho saw a clue.

"Warrant Officer Lei. Do you think the war will continue?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Jiezuka Inahan directly hit a "straight ball."

"What do you think? Brother Jiezhong."

Lei Mingkai didn't answer clearly, instead kicking the question back to Inaho Kaizuka.

Jiezuka Inafan was silent, but his footsteps still followed Lei Mingkai.


Suddenly, Kaizuka Inaho said the culprit that triggered the long-term war between Visser and the Earth Alliance.

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

Lei Mingkai stopped and asked with interest.

Kiesuzuka Ina's performance at the moment has never appeared before.

Even the schoolmaster Inahan in Lei Mingkai's memory.

Kaizuka Inaho looked around, and slowly said his thoughts.

"Since the ancient civilization heritage of Aldnoah was unearthed, the first emperor of Visser, Religalia Visser Lebasser, became the successor of Aldnoah and established the Visser Empire on Mars. Therefore, since Religalia The members of the Visser royal family all have a trigger that can activate Aldnoah. This may be an opportunity for the rise of a huge empire."

"However, 15 years ago, in the global disaster triggered by the hyperspace gate, Kirzelia, the second emperor of the Visser Empire, died in it, causing the first emperor Religalia to reign in power and at the same time let Wei The royal family fell into the predicament of the remaining two members."

With that said, Jiezuka Inafan looked at Lei Mingkai, as if he wanted to see through Lei Mingkai's thoughts at the moment.

"Perhaps, it is true. However, during this period of time, I found that the assassination that triggered this battlefield did not seem as simple as it seemed. If there are only two members of the entire Visser royal family who have the activation factor. If so, why would the Orbital Knights assassinate Princess Ethelam in her youth?"

"Obviously, the current first emperor Religalia is very old. In time, with the death of Religalia and the death of Princess Ethelam, then the Aldnoah reactor may be the foundation of the Visser Empire. It will also come to a standstill. I don’t believe that the Orbital Knights would not have thought of this."

"So, what do you think is the reason?"

An interested smile hung from the corner of Lei Mingkai's mouth.

"Probably, there is another person in the hands of the Orbital Knight who has the activation factor to activate Aldnoah."

This sentence of Jiezuka Inafan suddenly changed Lei Mingkai's eyes.

"What about the evidence?"

"No. This is just my personal conjecture." Kaizuka Inaho did not produce any evidence to prove this conjecture.


"Yes. Throughout history, any member of the royal family has had more or less cases of derailment in private. Then, based on the moon and launched an attack on the earth, did the second emperor Visser who was in his prime also ever Made the same mistake?"

Looking at Jiezuka Inafan's serious face, Lei Mingkai suddenly felt that it was a bit misplaced.

This kind of topic obviously exists in the gossip weekly that publishes lace news, as well as the three aunts and six poems in the streets and alleys.

But now, Lei Mingkai really made Lei Mingkai a little uncomfortable when he came out of Kaizuka Inaho, who was serious and speculated about the contradiction between the orbital rider's actions before and after.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I think you might have a clear answer."

The answer to Lei Mingkai was Kiesuka Ina's answer.


Lei Mingkai shook his head, then raised his hand and patted Jiezuka Inaho.

"Young man. Go and prepare! Perhaps the battle will begin soon."

"In other words, I guessed it right?"

Jiezuka Inafan raised his gaze and looked at Lei Mingkai.

"I didn't say anything. Just let you prepare for emergencies."

Lei Mingkai was very cunning. He didn't answer Kaizuka Inahan's question. He just dealt with it casually, and then turned to continue to the battleship De Calion.

Seeing Lei Mingkai's back left, Jiezuka Inafan was very puzzled.

"Am I right?"

Half an hour later, the global broadcast of Aitheram began.

However, no matter how Ethelam proves his identity and calls on all the orbiting knights involved in the attack on the earth to stop the war, it is of no avail.

Zhazbarum, who had already grasped the fact that Ethelam was still alive, showed a sullen smile, and looked at the righteous words of Ethelam on the screen calling for the end of the war, and then Calmly raised his hand and waved, the long-awaited servants immediately began the procedure of Yanglu City landing on the ground.

It's time to let Zhazbarum Yang Lucheng descend from the sky and smash directly on the head of the Earth Joint Headquarters, and then pull out the still innocent Princess Ethelam, and then kill! !

"Princess Ai····Athelam!! Still...still alive!!"

Slein, who was born on Earth, may be an outlier to Zazbalum Yanglu City.

In particular, he is the only one who has been kept in the dark from beginning to end, and has no knowledge of the upcoming operations of Zazbalum Yanglu City, or even Zazbalum’s actions. Rein's intentional or unintentional rejection is even more obvious.

"Accident? Slein."

At this time, Fiana's cold voice sounded from behind Slein.

"Yes, yes. I was surprised, but also very happy."

Slein turned around in tears.

"Princess Ethelam is still alive, which is good news for you, right?"

Fiana asked again.

"Yes. This is great news! Princess Ethelam is still alive! She is still alive!"

Because of Ethelam’s global broadcast, he learned that the admired Her Royal Highness was still alive. The emotional Slein did not realize that the people around him had quietly pulled away from him, and even the eyes around him were inadvertently. Time has changed from indifference to hatred.

Fiana raised her gaze and looked at Princess Ethelam who was constantly calling for a truce on the front projection screen.

"Now, she is still alive, but next, she is going to die! Srein Teyelotte."

The coldness of Fiana's words shocked Slein's body, and the joy that had just learned that Princess Ethelam was still alive suddenly disappeared.


"This Yanglu City, these people, Zhazbalum, and me will all be part of the killing of Princess Ethelam. Slein. Open your eyes and look around! Stand! People here are not like you, admiring Her Royal Highness Princess Ethelam."

Fiana's indifference, as well as the hostile gaze cast by the people around him, caused Slein to step back again and again, looking at Fiana and the people around him in disbelief.


The earth boy who admired Princess Ethelam tremblingly stretched out his fingers, pointed at Fiana, and pointed at the people around him.

"Could it be that you are the real murderers behind the assassination of Princess Ethelam?!"

There was a flash of light in front of him, and a voice answered Slein's question.

"Yes. Slein Troyette. Originally, I wanted to confess to you after I landed on the earth. But now that you have discovered it, then I won't hide anything. Slein, The murderer behind the assassination of Princess Ethelam was me, Zazibarum."

"In addition, now my Yanglu City will directly land on the Earth Joint Headquarters and pursue and kill Princess Ethelam."

Zazbarum made no secret of his purpose, and even had a look of determination on his face.

"Impossible! You, aren't you the orbital knights who swore allegiance to the Royal Visser? Why do you want to assassinate the princess?"

"Why? This is You don't need to worry about it! Come! Bring Slein Troyette down. Now our righteousness is that no one is allowed to block it!!!"


Unexpectedly, the courage erupted from where he came from, when Slein was surrounded by people around him, he suddenly shot away the pistol worn by the person closest to him, and then pointed the gun at the people around him.

"Don't come here! Traitor!!"


Slein's muzzle was just raised, and a powerful force that caused Slein's internal organs to suddenly overwhelmed the river, and set off a force that made him unbearable and hit Slein's abdomen.


At the moment the darkness struck, Slein's last gaze fell on Fiana's indifferent face.

"Slein Troyette. Now, you are not qualified to be a knight to protect the princess."

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