Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 715: The Evil Festival is coming again!

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A black spot appeared on the horizon.


Black spots are surging endlessly.

A black spot spreading across the horizon is rapidly developing from the point.

That is not an illusion.

It is not the wave that quickly drags the world into darkness because of the setting sun.

But the nightmare once feared by mankind once again descended on the black wave in this world.


Among the roars of the thrusters, there were a large number of them, and they were black, and the black body with a contour similar to that of an ant was swiftly advancing toward the target ahead in a certain formation.

As they moved, a billow of smoke and dust mixed with snowflakes was raised.

And among the smoke and dust, there is a white machine that is larger and more terrifying than these black machines. Surrounded by these black machines, it unswervingly moves forward, toward the mankind’s establishment and settlement. The city is advancing.

That kind of huge momentum does not make people feel any good feelings about it.

Because, at the moment this black line appeared, the two sides fighting on the battlefield on the outskirts of Edmonton all received warnings from their loyal partners.

Among them, Galalhorn's Graz troops are the most.

The harsh warning sound,

The familiar and unfamiliar warning text,

The new pilots who were born three hundred years after the end of the War of Evil were a little flustered, and even more seem to be at a loss.

"MA?! Hasmon? The ancient enemy of the Era War era?"

"how is this possible?!!"

Along with the memory of being buried in the dust of history, the Galalhorn new pilots suddenly ignored the Gundam Barbatos, Gusin, and Meteor that were fighting with them because of the sudden appearance of the ancient enemy.

Fortunately, Barbatos and Guxin, who were once the main forces of the Evil Sacrifice and Humanity Wars, also made piercing screams at the moment that the black line spread across the horizon, causing Mikazuki and Zhaohong to stop their attack.

"Hey! Sanriyue, Zhaohong, what happened? MA?! What is that?"

Through the Alaya Consciousness System, the MS pilots of the Tiehua regiment quickly learned from the system what the dark tide spreading over the horizon was.

But as a result, the new generation of pilots on the Galalhorn side showed the same reaction.

"I don't understand! It's hard to understand. Just know that it's the enemy!"

Zhaohong shook his head vigorously, no longer paying attention to the data constantly emerging from the Alaya Consciousness System.

"Yes! I don't quite understand either! But the white body surrounded by black ones seems to be Barbatos' prey."

And Sanriyue seemed to have further clarified the identity of the other party, and immediately locked the target on the white plane, which at first glance looked like the white body of the flying bird that Sanriyue had seen after arriving on earth.

It was still on the battlefield of fierce fighting, and fell silent because of the sudden black tide, but soon, the Galalhorn side actually retreated first, ignoring whether the Tiehua regiment would pursue him or not.

What's more, the Tiehua regiment is preventing the Tiehua regiment from crossing the bridge. The Galalhorn troops stationed at the entrance of Edmonton are directly playing the banner of a temporary truce, so that Olga, who is standing on the side observing the situation, is not. untie.

"What the **** happened? Galalhorn actually asked for a truce with us?"

Olga, who was standing in the rear cabin of the mobile engineer, did not react for a while, but the communication from the rear soon made him understand what was going on.

"Head! Head! The big thing is not good!"

Ryder's figure rushed out from the bushes behind, panting, and raising his head to look at Olga.

"Commander! Commander! Just now, San Riyue and they sent back news, it seems that a large number of enemies have appeared in the north of the suburb of Edmonton. It is said that it is said to be the culprit that triggered the war of evil, M···"

Ryder said with an anxious look at the end, but got stuck unexpectedly.

"M?! M what... the war of sacrifice? Didn't that thing end three hundred years ago?"

On the way from Mars to the earth, Olga had seen too many traces left by the war of sacrifice in this world.

"Head, let me explain!"

Before Ryder could speak again, a pleasant voice came from the communication channel.

It's Lux Klein.

"Miss Lux. What happened to the rear?"

Upon hearing Lux's voice, Olga's expression suddenly became respectful.

"It's MA! Although I don't know what happened, the enemy that appeared north of the suburbs of Edmonton was the product of the war of sacrifice that nearly ruined mankind three hundred years ago, MA-Harmons."

"What?! The enemy from three hundred years ago appeared again?"

In an instant, Olga's thinking was broken.

No matter how daring Olga, no matter how dare to fight, it is inevitable that he will become unresponsive when facing ancient enemies who have disappeared for three hundred years and suddenly revived in this era.

"Yes! That's an enemy from the Era War era three hundred years ago. In this regard, Kalta Yixiu from the Galalhorn Seven Star Family has a say."

Standing on the rooftop of the railway station that was temporarily requisitioned by the Tiehua Group and used as a temporary stronghold, Lacus put down the headset and handed it to the silver-haired girl who was standing next to her who had removed her disguise.

The silver-haired girl withdrew her gaze from the distance and landed on the headset handed over by Lacus for a while before taking the headset.

"I'm Karta Ixiu. Opposite the communication is Olga Izca, the head of the Iron Chinese Regiment, right?"

"Ah! Yes. This is Olga. This is the first formal conversation like this! The eldest lady from the Seven Stars family, Karta Ixiu."

Although Olga was taken aback by Kalta's words, he also fought back.

In this regard, Kalta did not have any fluctuations.

Now she will only focus on the line of Kuroshio that is getting closer and closer to this side in the distance.

This is not only her idea, but also a responsibility that comes from the Seven Star Family, an inherent responsibility.

Although this responsibility has been forgotten by the Seven Star Family in the long three hundred years.

"Head Olga, listen up! The enemy now appearing north of the suburbs of Edmonton is the enemy of the Era War era, killing a quarter of the population at the time, MA Hasmon. Although. I don't know why it appeared here, but thanks to it, Galalhorn's attention may have shifted from the Iron Hua regiment to them."

Calta's speculation made Olga nodded.

"Yes. Galalhorn has already signaled a temporary truce on our side!"

After getting confirmation from Olga, Kalta did not reply immediately, but looked at Lux.

But all she saw was Lax's calm smile, and it seemed that there was no sign of being frightened by the resurrected ancient enemy.

"You·········klein, are you not afraid?"

Lux's calm made Kalta suddenly feel that his nerves have become a little tight due to the appearance of MA, it seems a bit ridiculous.

"No, I'm afraid. But I believe that everything that happened suddenly will be over. Isn't it?"

Kalta frowned. She didn't understand the reason for Lux's peace, let alone the meaning of Lux's words.

In the end, she just continued to say to the headset:

"Captain Olga. Bring your troops back! Gather all available troops, and then make a choice, retreat, or stay here to fight."

In Kalta's heart, naturally, he wanted the Tiehua regiment to stay here and continue fighting.

This is not only because the Tiehua regiment possesses the Gundam skeleton body that hunted down the MA, but also because the Freedom Gundam that has not yet come back to reunite with the Tiehua regiment.

Kalta believes that as long as these units can be assembled, they should be able to withstand the attack of MA.

However, now, as a prisoner, Karta Ixiu has no right to make this request.

Immediately afterwards, before Olga could react, Lacus retrieved the headset from Kalta.

"Head Olga, withdraw! Your Excellency Shimiao and Gudilia have succeeded. The next thing is how we should make a decision."

Listening to Lux's words, Olga thought for a while and responded:

"Okay! If that's the case, then the Tiehua Group will withdraw!"

As a result, the battle between the Tiehua regiment and Galalhorn can be considered to have come to an end for the time being.

However, the riots caused by the fighting are far from over.

"Gudilia. Your speech just now was very good! Thanks to your blessing, everyone here can be considered to recognize me to continue to serve as the representative of Abro."

As the applause lingering over the venue gradually subsided, Shimiao who greeted Gudilia stepping down from the platform also expressed praise and thanks.

However, Gudilia unexpectedly noticed the strangeness behind Shimiao's words.

"Representative Shimiao, what is going on?"

Despite the tension, Gudilia keenly sensed that the atmosphere in the venue seemed to have changed.

More and more people walked in from the outside, as if they were bringing some disturbing news into the venue that had just come to an end.

"Perhaps the goddess of fate made a joke with us."

After the old man in front of Gudilia showed a bitter smile, he looked solemnly at one of the heroes who allowed him to continue to serve as Abro's representative. Gudilia Lanna Bernstein said:

"Now, an aircraft older than my age is leading its army towards our city, Edmonton, and is expected to arrive in half an hour."

"Ancient body? The army?!"

Gudilia hadn't reacted for a while, but faintly noticed something.

"Yes. The ancient machine, the ancient enemy. The Evil Sacrifice War, the murderer who caused the disaster that almost wiped out mankind, has awakened again in our time."

Shimiao moved her gaze and looked at her opponent, where Enri Freir was.

There was no one there.

Upon receiving the news that the MA army was heading towards Edmonton, Enri Freire, who had already gone, got up and left on the spot.

It is not difficult to see that this woman, who almost came to the position of Abro's representative with the help of the big tree behind her, was probably seeking help from supporters.


In this situation, I am afraid that the supporter behind Enri Freir, the head of the Farid family, one of the Seven Stars, will not help it anymore.

Thinking of this, Shimiao's eyes suddenly condensed.

Now, it's not the time to think about these things.

"Everyone! Be quiet!"

When the cane hit the ground, Shimiao's voice sounded, and the whole meeting place's attention was focused on him.

"I believe you all know the current state of affairs. I won't say anything extra! The next thing is to evacuate all the citizens of Edmonton within half an hour as much as possible! Don't complain about not being able to do so. , Those who can’t do it stand here in Edmonton, waiting for the MA army to kill!"

Shimiao's voice was very old, but at this moment it was exceptionally powerful and extremely penetrating.

Even if someone has an opinion in their minds, they can't say it.

Because the situation is really as Maki said.

If you can't do it, you can only stand here in Edmonton and wait for death!

The MA army is not a pirate or a robber.

The latter only asks for money and things, but the former aims to exterminate mankind!

"Yes! Then, see you later! Representative Shi Miao!"

As the second person of the Shimiao faction Senator Alessi expressed his attitude and actions on the spot.

Under his leadership, the members of the Shimiao faction took the lead in completing the mobilization and began to move as far as possible to evacuate the citizens within half an hour.

Seeing this, members of other factions have also followed their footsteps.

To completely evacuate the residents of this city within half an hour is simply a fantasy.

But they have to do it!

Seeing people go to the empty meeting place, Shimiao exhaled slightly and looked at Gudilia.

"Sorry! Gudilia. We must start the action right away. If you want to reunite with the Iron Chinese group, I will arrange for you to be sent out of the city by hand. But I don't recommend you to do this."

Shimiao said as she cast her gaze out of the window.

It is a pity that, due to the barriers of the building, Shimiao could not see the terrible Kuroshio tide coming towards Edmonton.

Gudilia subconsciously wanted to ask to reunite with the Tiehua Group, but when the words came to her lips, she hesitated.

She knew that if she ran back to rendezvous with the Tiehua Group, she might be distracted by the Tiehua Group to protect her.

After all, **** is still old and spicy.

Shimiao saw Gudilia's worry at a glance.

"Gudilia. Or, wait a while, and I will arrange for someone to contact the Tiehua Group now. If you want to go or stay, you will talk about it after you get in touch, how about?"

Gudilia was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"Thank you! Representative Shi Miao."

"Haha! You are welcome! As far as I am concerned, both the Iron China Group and your Gudilia Lanna Bernstein are my benefactors. Yes. The Lord Lei Mingkai is also my benefactor!"

"Presumably, the lord who galloped across the sky is now rushing back here! If he is here, we might be able to feel more at ease!"

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