Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 727: Kuzan's Righteousness

Huge black shadows shrouded the special model Lei Jin Lei Zi driven by Iogu Kuzan, and there were more looming shadows hanging from the top to the bottom of Le Jin Lei Zi's body, covering the steel body. At the same time, Iogu Kuzan's subordinates could not see clearly the situation of Regin Rez's cockpit.

Regardless of how they called in the communication channel, Reginald seemed like a dead thing, never reacting to the call, and there was no such thing as a movement.

From the moment the huge black shadow appeared, the subordinates could only remember the memory of the moment Iogu Kuzan suddenly became painful.

"Damn it! Iznario Farid!! What the **** did you do to Lord Iogu?"

no doubt.

That huge black shadow is the traitor Iogu Kuzan and his party are looking for.

Here is the goal,

Iogu Kuzan, who led himself and others, fell into silence.

So, under these various factors, the Graz team launched an action on the spot.

That 120mm rifle in the hands of the Graz team continuously fired a series of bullets at the huge shadow, and arbitrarily shot a trace of quite brilliant sparks on the huge shadow.

However, this brilliant spark made someone hiding behind the scenes feel unpleasant.

"A puppy of a puppy? Huh! Really loyal!"

Hidden by the dark shadows, Regin Rez, who looked particularly hazy, suddenly shook his whole body, as if there was movement.

This surprised the Graz team, who was working together to besiege the huge shadow.

"Master Iogu!"

"Master Iogu! Are you okay?"

"Master Iogu, get away from the weird shadow!! We support you!"

The loyal subordinates called the name of Iogu Kuzan in the communication channel one after another.

The black shadow agitated, and Reginaldz, who was enveloped by it, slowly raised his hands, tightened his fists as if trying to catch something, and then slammed it to the sides.


A sound as if something was being torn apart strangely sounded in the hearts of the pilots of the Graz team, and the Regin Rezes they had been calling, and the pilots finally escaped from the shadow of the shadows.

Needless to say, the Graz team, which had acted tacitly in the past, immediately separated two fuselages and quickly stepped forward, holding on to Reginald, and trying to take it away from the shadows.

"Master Iogu! Please hold on! We'll do it right away..."

Seeing that the two Grazes were about to support Reginald to accelerate the retreat, the two Grazes suddenly moved and stopped.

This puzzled the teammates who were attacking Sombra and providing cover for their evacuation.

"Hey! What the **** are you doing!! Don't bring Lord Iogu..."

In the fluctuating flames of the 120mm rifle, the bodies of the two Grazes holding Reginalds shook slightly, and they tilted to the left and right at almost the same time.


The moment the heavy body fell on the sand dunes, two long and sharp spikes with a trace of engine oil at the end suddenly appeared in the eyes of the remaining pilots.

This is not an attack from the enemy!

It was from Regin Rez driven by Iogu Kuzan, who they wanted to rescue.


At the moment when the sound of metal vibrations tore the air, Graz's pilots clearly saw the two spikes retracted into Reginald's body.

As far as they know, Reginald has never been equipped with such a weird weapon.

What's more, as the pilot of Reginrez, Iogu Kuzan would not have any thoughts about this weird weapon.


However, no matter how old impressions deny what the Graze pilots saw before their eyes, it turned out that Regin Reze was supposed to be rescued by them, and even Iogu Kuzan suddenly shot it and personally. The reality of killing subordinates.


The weird buzzing sounded loudly, echoing on the sand dunes for a long time.

Amidst this weird buzzing sound, the huge shadow that had been serving as the target of Team Graz quietly retreated, giving this dune to Regin Rez, who had become a little unusual.

"Soldier of Galalhorn! What's the matter? This is Iogu Kuzan whom you admire and loyal to!"

As the huge black shadow retreated, Iznario Farid's voice echoed in the communication channel with a hint of joking.

"Shut up! Traitor! What the **** did you do to Lord Iogu? Stop it!"

Among the surviving Grazes, one Graze suddenly rushed out, raising the 120mm rifle in his hand to attack the huge black shadow slowly retreating, while shouting angrily.

"Master Jade Iogu will never kill Jade!! Jed ​​was only praised by Master Iogu not long ago, and he will surely become the best pilot in Galalhorn! !"


The low roar of the 120mm rifle, like the anger erupting in the heart of this Graze pilot, flooded the huge black shadow like a tide, and the momentum was quite shocking.

Facing this scene, Iznario Farid, who was hiding behind the scenes, not only was not scared, but slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

"Is it the best pilot? Very good! Then, let your respected Iogu Kuzan come to the test for you!"

A stern red light flashed from above the sand dunes, and a black shadow appeared in front of Graz, who had rushed into the huge black shadow.


At the same time, a sound of metal being penetrated followed.

A blush with a trace of pain that pierced the eyes of other pilot Grazes slowly flowed out of the punctured hole, and was quietly mixed in the oil that was rolling down the sand dunes.


Changes come so fast,

It was so unexpected.

The two fallen Grazs were able to deceive themselves by deceiving themselves. If Iogu Kuzan was washed away, then, the scene repeated in front of me, witnessed the attack on the huge black shadow with my own eyes. How did the pilots who Graz was killed by Reginrez? I am afraid that there is no way for Iogu Kuzan to wash away the crimes of killing his subordinates by himself, right?


With a hole in the cockpit, Graz rolled weakly from the sand dune, splashing waves of dust.

Looking at the hole covered with sand and dust, the remaining Graze pilots couldn't help but ring in their ears what the pilot had just said to excuse Iogu Kuzan before his death.

"Hypnosis? Control?"

They don't know the truth.

The only thing that knows is Regin Rez, and even Iogu Kuzan is really going to bury them here.

"Are the mobile engineer units still alive?"

There are two remaining Grazs, but the mobile engineer's side is unclear.

However, as long as you think about the possibility that the surrounding area may have been surrounded by the small MA Bluman, the remaining two pilots of Graz have no hope of the possibility of anyone living in the mobile engineering unit. NS.

"Is this our last battle?"

After the two pilots of Graze looked at each other across the screen, they all showed decisive expressions.

"If this is the case, then use our lives to awaken our most respected Lord Iogu Kuzan!!"

Thus, the fire of generosity to die has been ignited.

The two Grazes charged from the left and the other right, raising their weapons and aiming them at the target with a fierce attack.

The 120mm rifle in Graz's hand was under the control of the two pilots, swallowing flames full of anger and determination, vowing to completely swallow the enemy in front of him.

But this attack full of determined flames was not launched towards Regin Leizi, it was launched towards the huge black shadow slowly retreating.

"Sure enough, came to attack me? Humph. It's still a stupid human! Iogu Kuzan. It's your turn."

Seeing the two remaining Grazes exploding with a determination not to fear death, Iznario Farid thought that he could see a good show of the commander and his subordinates fighting, but he did not think of the choice of these Grazes pilots. However, the muzzle was pointed at the shadow in unison.

Such a boring result gave Iznario Farid the idea of ​​ending this farce as soon as possible.

Therefore, Reginald, who was deliberately avoided by the two Grazes, moved again.


The weird buzzing sound became deeper and deeper and more frightening.

At the moment when the flames ejected from the thrusters became brighter, two spikes appeared in the palms of Regin Rez's hands, and with Regin Rez's wave, they went straight to the back of the two Grazes.


As soon as the low buzzing sound of Yahalp's efforts to improve, Graz, who was aimed at by Reginald, avoided the attack from behind in time.

Looking at the spike that almost buried himself, the pilot of Graz no longer fluctuates.

"Sure enough, did you refuse to let us go? Lord Iogu!"

"Joseph! I'll cover you!"

"No! Go and kill the dark shadow. Only in this way can you make..."

The pilot Graz, known as Joseph, just wanted to let his teammates take this opportunity to attack the huge shadow, but he didn't want to flash in front of him, and he lost the sight of Regin Rez.

Moreover, at the moment he noticed this scene, a black dot appeared in the center of the screen in front of him.

This black spot expanded rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, this black spot became a spike that pierced the heart of a pilot Grace named Joseph.

"Joseph!! Lord Iogu!! What the **** are you doing!!! That's your right-hand man!!!"

The look of the last pilot Graz was hopeless and helpless!

The comrades whom he knew and trusted were admired, and his loyal bosses were ruined one by one.

How can he accept this scene? !


Even if

He knew Iogu Kuzan might be controlled!


The dripping spikes slowly retracted under the gaze of the last pilot Graz.

The electronic pupil shining with terrible red light appeared in front of his eyes.


The ominous body that had personally ruined all its subordinates finally noticed itself.

Raise a gun and shoot?

When the trigger was pulled, what came out was the empty sound of the bullet after it was empty.

Pull out the sword?

The last pilot Graz smiled palely and gave up the idea of ​​raising the blade and resisting Iogu.

"Master Iogu Kuzan!! If my sacrifice can remind you of the glory of the Kuzan family, the glory of Galalhorn, then... just take it! My life!! What we have Dear Iogu Kuzan!!!"

In the end, Graz left all his arms and rushed up with his bare hands. He hugged Regin Reze in one fell swoop and pushed Regin Reze away from the shadow of the huge shadow.

Push away,

Push as far as possible...


When the weird metal pierced the object, there were bright red flowers splashing in the cockpit of Graz.

but! !

The pain of tearing his body did not stop the last pilot Graz from his actions.

"Master Iogu!! Watch it! This is our life!!"


The decisive death was interrupted by the next spike that pierced the cockpit thoroughly.

Graz, who had lost the light of death, fell suddenly.

Lei Jin Lei Zi, who pierced it, stood quietly and looked at the huge black shadow.

Between the two are the five Grazes that fell on the sand dune and rolled down to the bottom of the dune.

At this moment, the hot desert wind blew across the sand dunes, bringing up waves of sand and dust that buried Graz, which became more intense, and more and more obscured the sky.

When this sand dune regained its clear sky again, this sand dune had already changed its appearance.

What was left was the Regin Reze who was still standing there, looking at each other in the distance, and the huge black shadow that could not shake a single trace of it even if it was a strong sandstorm.

"Crack... Qiang!!"

The sound of the blade being drawn out shook the hot air, and Reginaldz raised the blade in his and pointed it at the direction of Galalhorn's headquarters.

In the next moment, communication signals around the world suddenly became chaotic.


Abro's contact with the Far North was interrupted.

Unknown Eugene climbed out of the mobile engineer's cockpit and waved his right hand at the red lotus iron lion stepping on the wreckage of MA Hammons from a distance.


When the Garralhorn headquarters just received an emergency communication from a city south of the Mediterranean Sea, it suddenly interrupted the signal, leaving CIC in charge of the communication with a look of confusion.


Listening to the meaningless noise, Karta Ixu, who commanded the Earth Control and Integrated Fleet to descend to a level suitable for landing operations, silently looked at the desert south of the Mediterranean Sea.

Just now, according to the intelligence feedback from the global surveillance satellites, there seemed to be a battle between MSs in that desert.

Although the resolution of the photo is not high, Calta Yixiu can still tell that the two sides in the battle are using the active mobile suits of Galalhorn.

"Commander! An unknown signal is hijacking our communications!"

"What? Can it be released?"

"Yes! Put it on the main screen now!"

In the next second, a picture with a background of yellow sand appeared on the main screen.

In the center of the picture, there is a machine with a sword raised up, pointing to a certain side in the sky.

"I declare in the name of the head of the Kuzan family of the Seven Stars that I, Iogu Kuzan, will, in the name of supreme justice, eliminate all the scum that occupy the high position of Galalhorn, the corpse position, and the corrupt and withered scum, as Galal. Horn brings a revolution in the name of justice!!"


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