Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 731: Airborne Carpentaria

   The momentum of the successful landing of Galalhorn was finally suppressed by the ancient Evil Sacrifice.

  In the original plan, the Galalhorn mixed fleet headed by McGillis wanted to take advantage of the successful landing battle while retaking the outskirts of Carpentaria in one breath and establishing an outpost.

  Yes, this plan was frustrated by the sudden and fierce counterattack of the ancient emperor.

  While this made McGillis frown, it also caused some setbacks to the high morale of the Galalhorn mixed fleet.

   It's just that these frustrations are only a momentary thing.

   McGillis just groaned a little, then let it go.

If the ancient rituals recovered from history were really so easy to deal with, humans would not be nearly extinct by them until the ancient rituals wiped out a quarter of the population, and Galalhorn was founded. Becoming the leader of human resistance against the ancient evil sacrifice, only began to turn the situation around.

  If that weren't the case, how could the Gundam Bayeri that he is driving now be regarded as a symbol of supreme power by the world?

   "Commander. The third, fifth, ninth, and thirteen teams encountered the weird Graz who had previously fought with the commander in the A1 and C3 areas."

   News from the front line came from the mothership, which caused McGillis to concentrate slightly.

   "The casualties?"

   The strength of that weird Graz, McGillis has a deep understanding.

If it weren’t for the Gundam Bayeri and Alaya Consciousness systems to be powerful enough, McGillis would be suppressed by the weird Graz with a powerful output in one face-to-face meeting, and might even be defeated in one face-to-face meeting. .

"Yes! The third team lost one Graz. The fifth and ninth teams did not suffer any loss because they encountered the enemy during a joint search. However, the thirteenth team was completely destroyed! "

   "Is it all gone?"

   The final answer did not exceed McGillis’s expectations.

   "Temporarily slow down the offensive, set out to establish an outpost within the current control area, and pay attention to the enemy's movements!"

   "Yes! I understand!"

After sending a series of instructions to suspend the attack, McGillis released the connection with Gundam Bayeri. After the Alaya consciousness system was disengaged, he walked out of Gundam Bayeri’s cockpit and looked at the piece of land being caught by himself. The sea occupied by the Galalhorn mixed fleet that he led.

   And above the steel battleship cluster built by humans, is the moon high above the night sky.

Looking at the faint moonlight scattered on the sea surface, McGillis actually happened for a moment. On the day when the Evil Sacrifice broke out three hundred years ago, did Agunika Kayelu throw himself into the battlefield under the shining of the moon in the sky? Illusion.

   "Time, it's still long! Are you right? Agunika Kayelu."

   Under the night sky here, there is also a large transport plane that took off from Abro, crossed several time zones, and finally entered the airspace near Oceania when the full moon hung over Carpentaria.

   has surging power, enough to make a large transport aircraft carrying a fully armed MS span more than half of the earth. The low buzzing sound of the engine can not be completely isolated even with sound-proof headphones.

   But these sounds, which have been suppressed to the lowest level, did not have much effect on Sanriyue.

   For him, sitting in the cabin of a large transport plane that spans more than half of the earth, waiting with his land plane Barbatos for the moment of landing, is just a little bit of a special routine.

   The most obvious difference is that Mars jujube, which was eaten as a snack in the past, is replaced with high-calorie chocolate.

   Before leaving, Lei Mingkai asked the logistics staff to prepare for San Riyue.

   This may be Lei Mingkai's evil taste on a whim!

   At the moment when the world is undergoing tremendous changes, the Tiehua Group has lost the opportunity to continue to be involved with McGillis.

   Under the operation of Lei Mingkai and Lux, the Tiehua regiment has the official identity of the first independent armored regiment recognized by the Abro official in addition to the identity of the Mars Civil Security Company.

  In this way, the Tiehua Group not only does not have to worry about Galalhorn's investigation, it is more likely to use the regular interstellar route to strengthen the connection between Mars and the earth.


   This is also a later story.

   "Da, Da···"

When the sound of    boots stepping on the iron plate sounded, Mikazuki also stopped peeling the chocolate wrapper in his hand and looked at her side.

   "Your Excellency. Do you want it?"

   Mikazuki looked at the visitor, nodded slightly, and then passed the unwrapped chocolate in his hand.

   "No. Mikazuki, eat it! I have a lot more here! When you finish eating, come and get it again!"

   The visitor waved his hand, then turned to the container placed next to him, indicating that there was more chocolate in it.

   "Huh? Are these things thrown down with us?"

   San Riyue looked at the containers, and seemed a little confused.

   The next action is clear to Mikazuki.

The task of this large transport aircraft is to transport Lei Mingkai, Zero, Three Moon and Gundam Barbatos to the skies of Carpentaria across more than half of the earth to assist Galalhorn’s attack. .

   The situation on the front line, San Riyue is not quite clear.

   But he faintly guessed that there didn't seem to be enough places for this big guy to park firmly around Carpentaria.

   "Well, yes! It's just that these things will be dropped on the beach controlled by the Galalhorn mixed fleet after we airborne."

   Lei Mingkai nodded and said the next arrangement.

   After listening to Lei Mingkai in silence, San Riyue asked:

   "Although I don't understand well, can I just kill the guys who are called the evil sacrifice?"

   "Yes! Just kill them all!"

   Outside the porthole, you can already see that the dark ground is locked with bright spots.

   That is not the fire light lit by human activities, nor the light that represents the night scene of the city.

   is the brilliance of death that represents life being consumed meaninglessly.


   The lights on the bulkhead flickered several times, and then the captain's voice came from the headset.

"Your Excellency Lei Mingkai, San Sun Moon Augs, now we have half an hour's flight from Carpentaria, please prepare for parachuting! At that time, we will be as close as possible to the sky above the center of Carpentaria. Carry out airborne operations. But please don't expect too much."

   After a pause, the captain's voice seemed to have a wry smile.

   "After all, we don't know if there will be enemies like MA Hammons in the center of Carpentaria."

   "Received! We have no problem with the mission! Please do the airborne operation while ensuring your own safety! We will move closer to the friendly forces after landing! Please don't worry!"

   The captain’s choice is understandable.

   Lei Mingkai also understood very well.

   After all, only mobile suits and battleships are eligible to use the nano-reflective coating.

   reconnaissance aircraft, transport aircraft, and even mobile engineers who are running on the ground to assist MS troops are not eligible to use them.

   Therefore, in the case of unknown circumstances, this large transport plane did not dare to risk being shot from the sky by MA with beam cannons and flew into the center of Carpentaria.

   "Has it started?"

   Mikazuki shook his head, and after shaking off the somewhat heavy soundproof earphones, he looked at Gundam Barbatos wrapped in canvas.

   "It's starting! San Riyue, go get ready!"


   In the night sky, the large transport plane soaring high in the sky finally began to descend after crossing over half of the earth, and facing the night, the dawn that rose in the morning flew towards Carpentaria below.

   At the same time, the Galalhorn Hybrid Fleet, which is constantly monitoring the sky over Carpentaria, also noticed the large transport aircraft that suddenly broke into the battlefield.

   "Commander! The reinforcements sent by Abro have reached the sky over Carpentaria, and they are conducting airborne operations as planned."

Dimly, McGillis suddenly opened his eyes when he heard the news, looked over Carpentaria through the open cockpit door, and really saw the plane entering the best route. Large transport aircraft.


   noticed that this large transport plane is not the human side.

  , as an ancient ritual that continued to firmly control the city of Carpentaria, the large transport plane that descended from the sky was also found in the first time.

  Although, this lonely large transport plane does not seem to be a threat.

   But the AI ​​army, which faithfully implemented the defense strategy, immediately mobilized its forces to try to intercept this large transport plane, which is unknown.

   "We are locked! Your Excellency Lei Mingkai!! We can only send you here!!! Now, the airborne will begin immediately!!!"

   Seeing that the silent dark city below suddenly lit up with countless red lights, the captain who controlled the descending height of the transport plane suddenly froze and hurriedly shouted.

   "Understand! We are ready! Put Barbatos first!"

   As soon as Lei Mingkai's response sounded, the captain immediately opened the hatch and started airborne operations.

  In an instant, the entire cabin was flooded with cold wind pouring in from the opened hatch.

   "Hiss···This feeling! Enough!"

  Although the cold wind that poured into the cabin was raging like a knife, ZERO sat on the container without moving, watching Lei Mingkai flip the switch to send Gundam Barbatos out of the cabin.


   The moment the pulley block swept across the floor, Gundam Barbatos slid out of the cabin and fell towards the city below.

   At the moment when he suddenly lost the heavy volume from Gundam Barbatos, the large transport plane couldn't help but jolted.

   "Okay! Hold on! Your Excellency Lei Mingkai, please land as soon as possible! Let's watch out for more and more monsters!"

   The captain, who was trying to control the transport plane, continued to shout loudly, telling Lei Mingkai what he had seen.

   In fact, even if the captain didn't say anything, Lei Mingkai had already seen the scene below from the opened cabin door that he had seen not long ago.

   It's just that the red dots that are shaking and appearing densely are no longer located in the cold extreme north, but in the big city at the southern end of the equator.

   "This is Lei Mingkai, call the crew! Now we start the airborne! Thank you for sending me all the way!"

   "The crew received! This is what we should do! After landing, help us!"

   "Received! Over!"

   The moment he took off the earphones and threw them to the corner, Zero also ran onto Lei Mingkai’s shoulders in the cold wind.

   That is the throne when it is shown in the form of a white cat!

   "Kay! Let's start!"


   Facing the cold wind, Lei Mingkai, who was not wearing any landing equipment, opened his hands and stared at the dark city below and jumped.

   In the next second, a beam of light split the darkness, shot out from the deepest part of the dark city, pounced straight and started to turn, preparing to move away from Carpentaria's transport plane.

   is an attack!

   is the situation that the transport captain has been worried about!

  The hot light beam shook the strings of the night, bursting out with deafening hums, attracting the attention of all the creatures who have not slept into the hot and terrifying light beam.

   "Quick! Quick! Get out of here!"

   The cabin has not yet been completely closed.

   The steering has not been completed,

   An attack of concern followed.

   makes the transport plane almost inevitable!

   This moment seems to be the end of the transport plane and its crew.

  In this moment, the captain suddenly felt an illusion of relief.

  The mission, fortunately, was completed a moment ago!


   Terrible energy rushed across the night sky, swallowing the transport plane completely...

Do not! !

   The beam that tore through the night sky did not hit the transport plane!

   And just before hitting the transport plane, it was blocked by something unknown.

  From the porthole on the right, the captain could see that the light of death was so dazzling and terrifying.

   But under the cover of this terrifying light of This transport plane, which should have been blown up by the volley, was lucky to escape from the shadow of death, and quickly pulled up toward the higher sky.

   "That... Is that a lion?!!!"

   Suddenly, the deputy captain exclaimed.

   "The lion... is it him?!"

   The light beam that tore through the night sky quietly disappeared, failing to leave the flying transport plane behind.

   The only thing left in the night sky was the road-blocking lion that suddenly appeared and made the light beam useless.

Above the night sky where the moonlight is like yarn and there is still a trace of energy response, one end is draped in snow-white armor, and the head wears black transparent goggles. The temples are as sharp as a sword. The limbs are more conspicuous and red joints move slowly, and they carry two handles. A steel lion with a unique sword blade is stepping on the stairs condensed with dim light, step by step onto this dark city invaded by the ancient evil sacrifice.

Below    is the swaying, flickering red light spot and the rustling, rustling black servant army.

   Behind these servants, deeper in this dark city, is the man behind the beam cannon that almost made the transport plane hate the spot.

  The pure white lion fell from the night sky, stepped onto the top of the tallest building within a kilometer, overlooking the bottom, and raised his hair with an inviting roar! ! !


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