Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 474: Radiation returns to its roots, action begins

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!

After a month of training, Victor Elder has completely adapted to the world rules of KOF Earth. With the help of the empress, all of his skills were successfully fine-tuned and displayed as an aboriginal.

He took himself, the little succubus and the five reincarnation newcomers as reference objects. After the empress ’s research, he got a weird conclusion:

No matter what power system you are in the host world? When you come to KOF Earth, you must respect the 'Martial Rules'. Only by manifesting its own strength and the form of 'Budo' will it not be weakened, and even gain. If you insist on using other power systems, the more you deviate from martial arts, the more you will be suppressed.

This is not difficult for Li Mo, who quickly reconstructed his own power structure. With Taiyin Flame Demon as the core, Nandou Shengquan is used. In general, it can be regarded as a fire attribute martial arts strongman, while hiding the attribute is negative spiritual power.


"It's finally fixed!"

In the closed practice room, Li Mo opened his eyes, he raised his palm, a dark flame appeared out of thin air, and burned quietly. Inside this black flame, there are traces of blood-colored streamer turning, revealing the extreme evil, polluting the breath that swallowed everything.

Then the color of the flame circulated, and the temperature of the black fire was getting higher and higher, and the flame was burning more and more. The trace of blood color subsided, wrapped in a layer of silver mist, the evil smell subsided, but the temperature was extremely high.

In the end, the flame changed again, still the dark foundation, mixed with the dim golden awn, revealing an endless and infinitely vast, high and high taste.

After the successful completion of the Radiation Return to the Classics, it became a hub of the "Fire Demon Tribulation", one of the three-core systems, and fully integrated with the "Fire Demon Species" in the heart, revitalizing his "Flame Demon Practice System". Let not only let the comprehensive power of ‘Fire Demon Trigger’ increase explosively, but also improve his own physical qualities at a rapid speed, so that he can truly understand the meaning of humanoid monsters.

The "Fire Demon Tribulation" he practiced in the past is just a magic method created by the Devil's Bone. It is a supplementary exercise method and is not a fundamental method. The martial arts, exercises, soul-magic powers, and magic bones and gold bodies he collected are all together, seemingly complete, but in fact they are scattered.

Now he reshapes his foundation, taking ‘Radiation Guiyuan Jing + Three Fire Magic Seeds’ as his foundation, all abilities are integrated into one body, and he has accumulated a lot of hair. Yesterday, when I was discussing at the Budochang, I could not control it for a while, and the dedicated and dedicated Gulica was seriously injured and sent to the hospital for treatment.

Not only did he develop the Radiation Guiyuan Jing, Xiaoding Furnace Coco Milly also planted another 'solar fiber' by Professor Li, merged with his meridian and transformed into 'radiation spirit root', and officially set foot on Li Mo The unique 'Radiation Guiyuan Dao' fulfilled her dream of becoming a double cultivation fellow.

The little succubus wept with joy and cried all night holding Li Mo's thighs. After that night, Millie found her goal in life and truly embarked on her own journey. Since then life is full of hope and fighting spirit, she should practice hard and improve every day.

As an educator, Li Mo also performed his due diligence. He showed great compassion and wrote three basic magic books tailored to the specific circumstances of several newcomers, which made them grateful.

Abu practiced a ‘Metal Element Buddha Basic Inner Skill’, the Frogman practiced a ‘Speed ​​Dexterous Shadow Magic Book’, and the Sith Girl Tasha practiced the ‘Dark Attribute Magic Book’.


In the past month, Li Mo seems to be low-key and not slumbering, but secretly used the "big brainwashing technique" to firmly control the Tokyo Otocha branch and integrate the iron plates operated in the Asian region, asking for money and someone. At the same time, he continued to give his men medicine (crazy dog), injection (devil factor), education (electrotherapy), so that the strength of the Tokyo branch continued to increase.

Due to the continuous generation of talent, Yinchao headquarters has increased its investment in the Tokyo branch under the hint of Igniz. Other regions continue to ship high-end experimental equipment to Tokyo, and Li Mo's research content is becoming more and more evil and more powerful.

At the same time, he used the powerful power of the Queen to invade the Internet, spread her tentacles all over the world, and monitor one after another combatants (especially beautiful female combatants?). The focus of Li Mo's investigation is mainly on the gods and three artifacts.

This is not only the task of the sheepskin roll, but also the requirement of Yinchao.

In the past half a month, Li Mo, besides practicing, also mobilized his staff to investigate Japanese myths and legends and consult historical documents. Eventually, even the ancestral tombs of the three artifact families were dug up, and a large amount of evidence was collected to prove that 'It is real. The evil "snake" is the spokesperson of Earth Consciousness-Gaia in Asia and Japan.

Judging from the Xingyue world view, the Serpent family and distant places are the ‘agents of will’ chosen by Gaia on Earth, that is, the existence of true ancestors, and are given powerful forces to maintain the normal operation of the planet.

From the perspective of ancient human beings, the will of the planet spoke of people as powerful and invincible, and acting on behalf of the heavens as gods. Such spokespersons were not uncommon in ancient times, and they existed in every region, so they formed various regional myths.

Now the planet will sleep and enter the era of the end of the law. Similar spokespersons either died or disappeared, or slept and were sealed. With the process of industrialization, the earth's environment has been severely damaged, and the rebirth of the Serpent family represents the dying counterattack of Gaia.

After finishing this information, Li Mo took the sheepskin roll from the dimension bag, took out a pen and paused twice, and wrote: ‘Mr. Lan, get up and eat! Do I need to read it to you one by one? The words copied by hand are too tired. ’

‘No need, just press the information on the sheepskin roll, I can read it. ’

‘No problem, you wait. ’

Li Mo quickly printed out the survey data and pressed a thick stack of A4 paper onto the sheepskin roll. Mr. Lan's efficiency is very high. After reading it quickly, he recognized his gains this month.

‘The first task is completed, but the work efficiency is too low. Next is the second mission. I hope you will help me investigate the three artifacts, as well as the intelligence, current situation and purpose of the Serpent family. Also, investigate in detail how the "Big Snake" appeared and came. ’

‘No problem, serve you wholeheartedly. ’

After Li Mo finished writing, he put away the sheepskin roll again. Then he took out a laptop computer, connected to Yinchao ’s satellite network, and quickly communicated with Igniz.

"Boss, he looks good."

The Igniz in the screen has regained his youth under the treatment of the old fairy. It looks in his early twenties, with long blond hair and fair skin, which is fair and attractive, and he is regarded as the handsome B. It ’s too shameless to contact the other party at the age of fifty!

"Yes, I feel good recently, I have a bigger appetite, sleep more soundly, my body is full of strength, and youth is really good! What is the need for me to contact me this time? I have sent someone to transport the equipment you want. . "

After Igniz regained his youth, his ambitions began to swell. In the end, he chose to kill his father and seized the power of Yin Chao. Nowadays, this incurable Chinese secondary disease has begun to pursue individual strength frantically and develop military strength with all its strength. The clone warrior plan has also been put on the agenda. Li Mo, who made outstanding contributions to him, also received generous rewards and trust.

"I have good news here. I will send the information to you. You will see it slowly." Soon, he transmitted the data of the will of the planet.

On the screen, Igniz first showed curiosity, although his expression became serious, then his eyes brightened, more and more excited, and finally he was completely crazy, laughing wildly! The information provided by Professor Li completely ignited his ambition to become a god.

How can a stupid blue star like Igniz resist the temptation to become a "god"?

So he issued the same instruction: "Dr. Victor, you are solely responsible for the Tokyo branch. You will send someone to test the three artifacts while searching for the whereabouts of the Serpent family. I am very interested in the Serpent family. If I can, I want to see Where is their power limit? "

"I already have clues about the Serpent family. Last year, the sponsor of KOF, Lukar, suddenly gained invincible power, which is related to the Serpent family."

"Oh? Deep down, I'll give you another fund."

After reading the professor's materials, Igniz watched the KOF95 video again. He showed an almost infatuated fascination with the abilities of Bashen Temple and Cao Yajing.

In the past, he did n’t know the inside story, he only treated the flames of the two as abilities. Now that he knows the history of the three artifacts, he already knows that this is the power passed down from myth, and it is also the way for humans to climb the throne , Coveted.

"Strictly monitor the three artifacts, secretly capture Cao Jingjing and Bashen Temple, and seize their power."

"As you wish!" Li Mo nodded and turned off the computer after confirming that the funds were received.

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