Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 485: Decided to become an idol!

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!

The next morning, in a conservative casual outfit with a bandage on her arm, the unknown dance of fire, with excitement in her heart, came to the headquarters of the SNK building, ready to start a new life.

Prior to this, her main job was an old profession that had been eliminated long ago-'Ninja', and she had no assassination experience. Nowadays, I am transferred to the fighters to teach ordinary martial arts, and the business has been tepid. Because her education is too low, she has never entered a formal large enterprise but has worked in various small shops. Being hired by SNK this time was an unprecedented experience, which made her excited.

Because the contract has been signed yesterday, I do n’t know that after the arrival of the fire dance, it will be directly received by a special person and the formal work will begin.

After seeing her future colleague partner on the first floor, she was like a bird with a startled bow and exclaimed: "It's you!"

In the hall where people are coming and going, the vigilance in the heart of the fire dance is mentioned to the highest moment. The originally complex emotions were wiped out, replaced by vigilance, hatred and war intentions. The warrior's instinct, which has been tempered for many years, made her subconsciously pose with a single hand, and there is a posture that she can do it if she doesn't agree.

Professor Li Si's elementary school apprentice Sisna Tasha, wearing a uniform of senior Yinchao employees, stood untouched with a pretty face. Her expression was indifferent, and there were two band-aids on her cheeks. She couldn't see the emotions in her eyes, so she stared at her opponent quietly and chose to stare silently.

As time passed, more and more viewers ate melons, continually pointed fingers at the dance, whispered to each other, and the atmosphere was very embarrassing.

I don't know that Huo Wu's face was stiff, and he sniffed the corner of his mouth in embarrassment. It's too shameful to have this kind of thing happen on the first day at work.

Tasha will feel a lot better after the fire dance "Look" is lost. She was defeated last time when she was defeated in a sneak attack, and she finally got a game back today. After the idea was reached, Tasha said coldly: "Come with me! The boss is waiting for you."

Dancing depressed his guard, hesitated, and immediately followed.

She had reacted violently just now, which affected her shoulder injury. Now she feels a fierce pain, and she feels resentful. But after seeing OK stretched on Tasha's face, he thought that the other party had also been injured by himself, and his heart was finally balanced.

"Hey, do you look young, and are you also a combatant? Why did you attack me that night?" I wondered that Fire Dance followed behind Sissy.

"Mission!" Tasha responded coldly and took the new companion to the office on the top floor.


In the office, Li Mo sat lazily on the seat, frowning and staring out the window.

The Coco Millie beside him, like a diligent cat slave, walked around him. After holding a rag, wiping the table around, and filling Li Mo with snacks on the table, he was completely treated as a pet, waiting for him to eat with compassion.

Seeing that Li Mo was unmoved, the little succubus was not angry, and then took out a comb from his pocket, combed his hair, massaged his scalp, let him relax, and kept his mood happy. Afterwards, Millie took care of his collar lightly and adjusted the position of the clothes. After starting various massage services, he pleased his master and wanted to stimulate his appetite.

In the end, Little Loli simply squatted down, took out a white cloth and wiped it on his shoes, and began to dress up her own owner, and indulged in it.

Li Mo was very happy to be served by this grinding little loli, although the whole body was very comfortable all over, with 18,000 pores all smooth. But besides being comfortable, his self-esteem is also wacky. He always feels that Millie is tossing herself as a beloved doll, with a touch of shame, and she seems to be wrapped up by Lori |

How can my Elder Victor indulge in the gentle township? ! The easy life that was brought by this clothes to reach out and open the mouth to dissolve the firm mind and heart? Yes, you must do something to prove that you have not forgotten your original intention, prove that you have not been captured by the small succubus, and prove your tenacious will!

So he pressed Kermily's head, pushed the little succubus to the side, rolled his eyes and said, "I'm going to practice when I'm bored, I'm annoying! Give up, I won't be corrupted by you."

But Millie was not afraid, she had a small breast, like a **** officer fighting with her own "great master", sticking to him without any turning back, she wanted to die with him, and began to cry with a clear loli: "No The breakfast nutrition must be balanced, eat all of these before I leave. Master you do n’t want to eat, do you want me to feed you with mouth? Or feed you with mouth? Or feed you with mouth? "

With that, her eyes were fast and she put a handful of dried fruit in her mouth and kept crawling up to Li Mo.

Li Mo was shocked and quickly said: "Forget it, I'm afraid of you, I will eat it myself."

Before waiting for him to grab the plate, Millie had already put various snacks into his mouth, one after another, and looked at him with a smile, his eyes full of spoiling, and enjoyed the process of feeding the owner very much. Properly fed him as a pet.

Apart from the fierce struggle inside Li Mo, he narrowed his eyes and ate it obediently.

This little succubus is very understanding, and every snack is just right. When he wants to eat sweet, the sweet is in his mouth. Moreover, Millie chooses snacks and is very particular about collocation, which will never be repeated. Each grain is combined with each other. Through the continuous change of taste, it not only fully brings out the wonderfulness of various foods, but also produces a combo effect.

Dozens of fruits with different flavors bombarded his **** sequence of carefully matched. Not only did they not conflict with each other, but the tastes interfered with each other, but they echoed each other. As a continuous skill, his taste buds could not be defeated, and he finally surrendered to the little succubus under the "devil nutrition with taste harmony-super kill".

"It's really a god-class furnace, your life skills are terrible." Li Mo narrowed his eyes and praised.

"Thank you for your praise, I will continue to work hard!" Feeling the satisfaction of Li Mo's heart, Millie's heart was full of fighting spirit. This kind of satisfaction seems to be accumulating enough experience to upgrade the level and unlock new furnace skills!

"Can you read the thoughts in my heart when you feed me just now?" Li Mo asked.

The little succubus nodded again and again, and said happily: "Uh um, I can blur the voice in the master's heart, what kind of snacks I want to eat, and then make my own claims, according to the" food collocation formula "in the soul, calculate a series of Not only meets the taste of the owner, but also has a nutritious 'food chain'. "

"It seems that the" Magic Media "has been repaired! Little Coco, the master has a very, very important task for you. Are you determined to complete it?"

But Millie has a small face and promises seriously: "No matter what task, Coco can definitely be completed!"

"Very good, you come with your ears attached, I will tell you ..."


When Fire Dance arrived at the office, Li Mo didn't respond much. In order to reduce the vigilance of the other party and reduce the bad feelings, he also took great pains. He only scanned the other party's status with Shennian, then he stopped, and started a normal conversation to inform the other party about the future work.

Practitioners often use divine scans to observe their opponents. This method seems invisible and undetectable, but it is not the case for fighters who do not know Fire Dance.

Compared with mortals whose minds and spirits are polluted by the world, the fighters have long tempered themselves, their bodies are tough and their souls are sharp, and Li Mo's excessive use of divine explorations will inevitably trigger the reaction of the other side.

A person looking at a beautiful woman with greedy eyes will cause discomfort and disgust. The use of this mindfulness is more direct for people with sharp hearts, and it will cause unhappiness and plant the seeds of hostility in the subconscious mind.

Li Mo attaches great importance to this furnace, and naturally does not know what to do. After explaining the content of the other party's work clearly, he said again: "This time there is another deep meaning for the recruitment of Miss Dance. Your appearance and body are first-rate beauties. We want to make you a KOF idol. The star, just like the Athena at the palace, I wonder if you are willing? "

"Idol? Is it really okay?" Huo Wu's eyes lighted up, obviously attracted by the topic. She was only nineteen years old. It was a good age for daydreaming, not to mention fame also helped the genre.

In order to save the ruined dojo, I do not know that Fire Dance decided to accept the invitation, please become an idol!

"Of course, you don't want to object. Just come here today. This is Coco Milly. Next time, she will take you to treatment and recovery training. At the same time, she will be familiar with the company's work flow and related matters of this year's KOF. . "

"Thank you, I will definitely cherish this opportunity!" I did not know the fire dance bowed respectfully, sincerely said.

"We will be satisfied!" Professor Li said meaningfully.

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