Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 226 Surprised

In the jungle, night comes early.

When the sun goes down, the light dims.

The members of the Black Blade Regiment chose a high ground to camp. After experiencing the previous attacks, the vigilance of the entire team has been raised to a critical point to prevent anyone from attacking the camp.

Qiu Qingkong also announced an order not to act alone.

At this time, under a big tree in the center of the camp, Qiu Qingkong was squatting on the ground, reviewing the bodies of several dead followers. His eyes shone fiercely and sharply like a beast in the darkness after nightfall.

Standing behind him was a deputy, and another middle-aged deputy was in charge of the night watch and was personally patrolling the outside of the camp.

Knowing that Qiu Qingkong was rarely really angry, the deputy's heart trembled, and he subconsciously relaxed his breathing while standing aside.

The deputy thought for a while and asked cautiously: "As for who the murderer is, has your lord made a judgment?"

"Well," Qiu Qingkong said in a low voice, as if suppressing his anger: "The murderer should be the three people we are chasing."


This answer was very unexpected by the deputy: "They are busy running for their lives under our chase, how dare they attack us in turn, and... if they have this strength, why do they run away?"

Qiu Qingkong said coldly: "It's because they didn't expect that the other party would dare to attack us when there was a huge gap in strength before, so they succeeded. Come and take a look at this corpse."

The deputy looked at the corpse that Qiu Qingkong pointed to. There was a piercing wound on the neck, and the skin around the wound showed slight burn marks, as if some kind of high-temperature sharp weapon had pierced the throat instantly.

This is the body shot to death by Taohua's star arrow.

"When I first heard that the other party attacked us and caused many deaths on our side, including me, my first impression was that the other party was a terrifying master, ignoring that the murderer might be someone we were chasing. But look at this The scars of the corpse.

The same scars also appeared on Sui Yan (pale face) and others who were killed this morning. "

Indeed, one of the pale-faced people who were killed in the morning was also shot to death with an arrow when Taohua appeared, and the scars were the same. This proved that it was Cao Yan and the three who were being pursued that caused heavy casualties to them.

The deputy's expression shook slightly, so the opponent was not as strong as imagined: "My lord, what should we do next?"

Qiu Qingkong said gloomyly: "Of course it is to find them and kill them. I have already thought of a way. As long as the other party appears again, I will never leave safely."


somewhere in the jungle.

Cao Yan, Tao Hua, and Feng Qiwu used some tricks to interrogate the prisoner who had just been taken prisoner.

At this time, the three gathered together to discuss.

"There are two ways in front of us. One is to withdraw directly. The Black Blade has just suffered a big loss and is probably trying to find us. In this case, if we withdraw, they will not be able to do so in time. Followed." Cao Yan said.

Feng Qiwu stared at Cao Yan who was talking eloquently, a little distracted.

This encounter in the jungle made her realize another side of Cao Yan.

The guy in front of him, under the disadvantage of the disparity in strength between the enemy and himself, dared to attack the opponent in turn is amazing enough,

Also successfully killed many opponents. You know, that is the Black Blade Group led by Qiu Qingkong... Feng Qiwu blinked his eyes and thought.

After Cao Yan finished speaking, she was stunned for a moment before she came back to her senses: "You said there are two ways, the first one is for us to withdraw, and the second way is to continue to attack the other party, right?"

Cao Yan took it for granted, "Yes, what do you think?"

Feng Qiwu hurriedly shook his head: "I don't approve of continuing to attack the opponent, it's too risky. Before you succeeded, killing many opponents in a row, the main reason was that they didn't expect us to dare to fight back when we were being chased. Now they defend Strict, everyone gathered together. Under such circumstances, it would be very irrational for us to attack again.

I think it's better to withdraw. "

Cao Yandao: "I have a way to make the opponent's team instantly chaotic and scattered. We should actually take the opportunity to do it again. I think that since we have already fought with the opponent, we must fight to the end. Giving up halfway will only cause the opponent to counterattack. , we must frighten them and disable them.”

Cao Yan's usual strategy is to just do nothing, once he does, he will kill him and not let go.

Feng Qiwu pursed his lips, thinking that this guy is really a weird person, he was timid and cautious before, but when he really met someone, he was surprisingly courageous.

Feng Qiwu was not in favor of continuing to work with others. First of all, Qiu Qingkong was known for her strength for a long time, so it was difficult to have Cao Yan's unscrupulousness.

Moreover, the current strength of the Magic Rhinoceros Hunting Team is still far superior to them.

"What do you think of Taohua?" Feng Qiwu asked Taohua.

Her purpose of asking this question was to hope that Taohua could persuade Cao Yan like herself, but as soon as she said the words, she realized that she was asking stupidly.

Based on the contact after this meeting, Taohua completely obeyed Cao Yan's orders and never raised any objections.

Asking about Peach Blossom is a waste of time.

Sure enough, as soon as Feng Qiwu finished speaking, Taohua said: "I will listen to the boss."

Feng Qiwu patted his forehead, and said speechlessly: "Okay, since it's two to one, Cao Yan, please talk about your plan."

The three immediately discussed in low voices. In fact, it was Cao Yan who said that Taohua and Feng Qiwu were listening.

Soon after, they began a second wave of raids on the camp.

In the camp, Qiu Qingkong was also discussing with his deputy how to get Cao Yan and the others out.

While the two of them were talking, they suddenly heard loud noises coming from outside the camp.

Qiu Qingkong said in a deep voice: "You are so bold, you really dare to come again."

The deputy said angrily: "This time we are prepared to let them come and go."

While the two were talking, the noise outside the camp became louder and louder, and someone shouted: "Hurry up, control the magic rhinoceros..."

"Don't mess around, everyone, control your mounts."

"The magic rhinoceros doesn't listen to control at all."

"how so?"

For a while, the tent was filled with the sound of running and shouting. It sounded like something was wrong with the magic rhinoceros mount.

Qiu Qingkong leaped to a tree beside him. His mental power was strong, and his eyes were not affected by the darkness. Immediately, he saw the twenty or so magic rhinoceros in the camp startled for some reason, and ran wildly in all directions.

Blackblade's warriors pursued these magic rhinoceros everywhere.

The whole camp was in chaos.

Qiu Qingkong was shocked and angry.

The reason why everyone in his magic rhinoceros hunting team can use third-level or even fourth-level magic rhinoceros as riding animals is because the magic rhino that Qiu Qingkong himself is riding is the king of this magic rhinoceros group. Therefore, it can control all the magic rhinoceros and be used by the black blade.

In the past few years, the Magic Rhinoceros Hunting Team has established a great reputation for the Black Blade Adventure Group and achieved such a great reputation.

There has never been a situation where the magic rhinoceros went crazy like today and completely disobeyed orders.

Qiu Qingkong hurriedly took out the trap ball and released her own magic rhinoceros, trying to control the restlessness of the other magic rhinoceros.

However, his demon rhinoceros appeared, roared, and issued group orders, trying to calm down many demon rhinoceros, but it was useless.

More than twenty demon rhinoceros ran wildly and ran into the jungle separately, and the soldiers who wanted to chase and appease them also scattered and went their own way.

In the jungle a little further away, Feng Qiwu stared dumbfounded at Hei Ren's camp turning into a mess, and said excitedly, "Cao Yan, how did you do it? Why did those magic rhinoceros go crazy?"

It's actually quite simple to make the magic rhinoceros go crazy and run around.

The ants were divided into small groups, sneaked under the belly of the magic rhinoceros, and then jumped up, all the male magic rhinoceros were bitten, and all the female magic rhinoceros were bitten, biting them bit by bit the key.

In this case, each magic rhinoceros is not only frightened, but basically in a state of frightened madness.

The leader of the pack tried to appease them, and probably didn't.

Cao Yan didn't explain much, but simply said: "The magic rhinoceros was startled, the camp was in chaos, and the men from the black blade chased the magic rhinoceros, and the power disappeared invisibly. You should act according to the plan."

Taohua said hello, jumped into the jungle, and began to carry out Cao Yan's orders.

Before Feng Qiwu left, he suddenly turned his head and said to Cao Yan: "According to the plan, you seem to be quite dangerous, so be careful."

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