Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 502: soldiers

Early in the morning, there was a commotion outside the hotel, so noisy that people had to wake up. Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Lin opened the window to see that the street was full of soldiers, blocking the gate of the hotel.

"Magician inside listen, yesterday two of you women offended the greatest family in the land, the only child of the Baron Rab. But the Baron was magnanimous and decided to spare those who did no wrong, rather than punish All of you, on the condition that the two women be handed over to be judged by the baron according to the laws of the land. If you don't agree, and insist on shielding the daring criminal, none of you will escape, and the baron's army will All of you will be sent to hell. Even if you are lucky enough not to die in the battle, the stake will be your only end. Repeat again, hand over..."

Before he finished speaking, the voice stopped abruptly. All the soldiers looked up and saw a magician in pajamas who suddenly appeared on the rain cover on the first floor, with a long sword in his right hand and a head in his left hand, with blood dripping from his broken neck. The expression of the human head was as usual, completely unaware of his own death. He came here with the army, is familiar with noble etiquette, and is the baron's most trusted liaison officer.

How could his head be in the hands of the magician? The curious soldier turned his head and saw that there was only a headless body hunched on the horse that the liaison officer was riding. Blood was coming out of the broken neck of Bobodi, splashing the faces of the surrounding soldiers.

Among the troops who came here, some people were not afraid when they saw this, but they were very excited about the death of the liaison officer. That person is not dead, so why is it someone else's turn to take over.

So he tried to arouse everyone's emotions, so as to control the command of this army. He shouted: "This magician used evil magic and took the life of the baron's messenger. For the majesty of the baron, he only has one..."

The sound stopped again, and the magician changed into a sitting position, Ji sat on the rain cover, with one leg dangling outside the eaves. The difference is that there is an extra head beside him, which is exactly that ambitious and annoying **** who inspires the soldiers to charge. That impassioned expression was so lifelike that it didn't fit 'his' current situation at all.

Just when everyone was panicking, a third person spoke up. Of course, he first rebuked the magician on the eaves, and then took up the righteousness, saying that he didn't want to take revenge on the magician, even if he was sorry for the baron, he was also sorry for the deceased. So they have to report...

The voice stopped again, and everything was as usual. If there is a difference, there is another head beside a certain magician.

Now even the dullest people can see some clues, and some people even saw how the magician killed people. As long as someone speaks, that person will suddenly appear behind the speaker, and then his head will be cut off with a single sword, easily and without hindrance. Immediately before everyone could react, he disappeared again and returned to the position on the rain cover, as if he had never left.

For a moment, no one dared to speak and looked at each other. The man sitting on the rain cover yawned a lot, feeling a little bored. Instead, it was the long sword in his hand that spoke: "Why do you think that none of the people below dare to speak? Originally, they came here aggressively to make trouble, but now no one speaks?"

"It's very simple." Holding the box in front of him, Lin said: "It's easy for people to be superstitious about the power brought by a large number of people, while ignoring the difference in strength. Especially the most wonderful thing is that those who are noble People will stay in a safe place themselves, and irresponsibly advocate others to die. Because they believe that before the people in front die, they will be safe. And when the people in front die almost, He still has time and opportunity to escape. But what if you take away this layer of cognition, let them understand that no place is safe, and even encourage others to die first, then what will happen now? There is no sacrifice at will Will these noble people who only dare to speak out and dare not die be as brave and fearless as they say? There is a saying in my hometown, shoot the general first, shoot the horse, capture the thief first and capture the king If you kill the commander who only knows how to command blindly, how many of the remaining people will be willing to choose to be an enemy to a person who is unwilling to harm his family or this land. The only damage is There is only the face of a nobleman. And is that kind of thing valuable to a soldier? Maybe they get their salary from the nobleman, and even if they die, they will have a pension, but the premise of all this is that the noble family can still alive. If they are destined to die, then allegiance is just death in vain. In the end, one of their own relatives will lose a family member, and they will not get any compensation. In this case, how many people are willing to give their lives to deal with a situation they cannot win What about people? After all, appearing in a place where a magician can see with the naked eye is a mistake."

After several questions, although it was a dialogue between Lin and Xiaqie, it also hit the morale of this group of soldiers. The people who took the lead are all dead, and it seems that the objects of their allegiance are destined to disappear, so what is the purpose of giving their lives in vain.

Among the soldiers, of course, there are many loyal ones. Seeing that the morale of their comrades has been hit like this, they have the idea of ​​retreating. In a hurry, he came forward and shouted: "Don't believe what this magician said. If he was really not afraid of our superiority in numbers, he wouldn't talk so much nonsense. Everyone, kill him, do your best for the baron... "

Before he could finish his sentence, he already bowed his head.

This time, the magician on the rain cover changed his posture, also holding a head, it was the man who spoke. The murderer, on the other hand, lifted the boxer in front of him with a little dissatisfaction, and said, "It doesn't seem like a good thing if the knife is too fast."

"How do you say it?" When did one's advantages become disadvantages, Xia Qie asked curiously.

"Look, if the sword is not stained with blood, it's as if I haven't cut anyone. If today I hold my head in one hand and hold a **** long sword in the other, it looks more convincing. Or is it that I haven't killed enough? There are too many, so there is not enough blood. Maybe it is a good choice to collect a bucket of blood and let you drip while dripping."

Amidst someone's strange voice, there was the first soldier who couldn't bear to be frightened, threw away his weapon, turned and fled. No one stopped the soldiers from fleeing, because the heads of those who were in charge of command and had the authority to execute the deserters had already been piled up at the magician's feet. 52 Literature

However, before a certain person had time to appreciate the scene of the enemy fleeing, he was first complained about by the weapon in his hand. Xia Qie said angrily: "You idiot, what a stupid idea! Just to scare people, you want to pour blood on my head. Do you know that blood stains are super annoying, if you don't deal with them, the whole thing will be super uncomfortable."

"You are a sword, how can you have so many strange hairs!"

"Ah, why don't you pour that bucket of blood on your head, it's guaranteed to be more scary. You fat man, don't think that I won't recognize you if you change into a vest!"

"Hehe, I was discovered. I thought I was pretending well." 'Lin' showed a narrow smile.

"Why did you run out?" Xia Qie asked.

'Lin' replied: "It's normal to have a second personality when you're half asleep, when your spirits are low, or when you have **** after drinking. Otherwise, there are so many people who always talk about themselves after waking up. Can't remember anything. Without us doing this, they wouldn't have the opportunity to make excuses like this."

"Just your stinky mouth will kill that idiot in your vest sooner or later."

"Hey, why do you think he doesn't have me in his bones? The relationship between me and him is on a higher level than the realm of 'I'm in your mud and you in my mud'. If his character If there is really no me, then I should not exist, do you understand? Ah, no, of course you don’t understand. Is it too difficult for a hard-working person to understand things that require brains, after all, blood Concentrate on the lower body."

"...I don't have a lower body."

"No, you don't even have an upper body. Hey, hey, hey hey..." Someone in the strange smile was thrown a hardcover book out of the window by the half-asleep lich, and he staggered. , the whole person fell from the rain cover to the ground of the first floor.

With this fall, someone was not only stunned by the fall, but also woke up. Rubbing his eyes again, he looked around sleepily. I fell out of bed... Well, grabbing the loess beside me, someone understood vaguely that it seemed that this not only fell out of bed, but also fell out of the window and onto the first floor.

but so sleepy...

Another flash, Lin went back to sleep on the bed in the original room. Then a certain sword shouted lonely: "Hey~, I have been forgotten. Someone will pick me up."

In the conflict in the early morning, the corpses left behind will naturally be cleaned up by the body collectors in the town. Of course, there will also be magistrates responsible for maintaining law and order to arrest and punish such vicious and serious elements in order to maintain the stability of the town.

But if the strength gap is too large, the whole town will appear quite calm. The current situation in Colombo Port is like this, everyone just wants to send the plague **** away as soon as instead of angering the other party.

As for the unlucky ghost who died, to be honest, Baron Raab was not as great as his subordinates boasted. The baron is just one of the people with noble blood in the port of Colombo. Therefore, when his subordinates die, no residents will feel sad and angry, and even feel a little happy. The baron's fat, useless son was quite unpopular in the port, though not to the point of wrath.

Moreover, the common people in the Lost World are not ignorant and obedient citizens. Maybe they didn't dare to trouble the nobles directly, but it's not uncommon for a group of guards to go too far and sometimes disappear in dark alleys. So they find trouble with the magician, and then they are killed. This can only be regarded as a different daily life, and the residents will not be surprised.

However, in an alley, the person who was secretly watching all this could not be called 'satisfied' with such a result. Pulling down the hood of the big cloak, he hid his face more tightly. The hand with dark skin was quickly retracted under the cloak.

Although the sunlight in the early morning at the end of winter is not so strong, it is still difficult for the underground residents to adapt to it. At least the curse from the sun, the burning sensation on the skin is real. Everything on the ground is disgusting.

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