Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1743 Wastes come to lie down 81


Su Yan smiled and didn't even look back.

"Yi Ze!! Yi Ze!"

Bai Sisi tried her best, her voice was almost hoarse, but Yize never looked back.

She was crying and shouting like a lunatic. The female fans at the scene were very frightened. It was the boys who rushed over and temporarily controlled her before the security came.

Listening to her calling Yi Ze's name constantly, the people next to her teased, "Auntie, I didn't see it, are you still a fan of Ze Shao?"

"But you should give up. Younger Zee only sees older sisters in his eyes. It is impossible to see other women in this life. If you like Younger Zeh, it is better to love older sisters. She is beautiful and sassy."

"you shut up!!"

This sentence, like a thorn, pierced into Bai Sisi's heart.

She stared back gloomily, "Su Yan is a bitch!! If it weren't for her, Yi Ze would be mine! I will marry Yi Ze, and we will live happily ever after! It's all her fault, she should be damned. !!"

"Fuck—what the fuck did you say??"

There was almost a mess on the spot.

Most of the people who can catch up to the scene are Su Yan's fanatical fans. Those big boys regard Su Yan as a goddess, and there are many girls who like Su Yan.

At this time, they were not happy when they heard that the goddess was humiliated.

If it wasn't for being stopped, and seeing Bai Sisi's appearance of being sick and old, they would have already started.

"Throw her out!! This is a mad woman! How dare you humiliate my goddess? You don't take a piss and take a look at your face, what match are you with Mr. Shang Ze? It's really a toad who wants to eat swan meat, but I didn't see it. It's not uncommon for Ze Shao to take care of you?"

"I'm not leaving!! You let me go!"

In front of so many people, Bai Sisi was forcibly thrown out.

This scene was seen by many people, and they took a video and uploaded it to the Internet.

Caused the ridicule of countless people.

The Bai family has long since fallen, and now they only rely on a small company to make ends meet. Although I don't want to care about Bai Sisi anymore, the netizens are all supernatural. Now that Bai Sisi has been released from prison, he was quickly picked up by the almighty netizens.

In order not to let her continue to embarrass the family, they could only quickly find someone to take her back and lock her up.

On the Internet, it is full of ridicule, and there is very little sympathy for Bai Sisi.

[This kind of person can still come out? I still can't think about it, my sister doesn't feel pain, what would I have done if she hadn't been treated in time? This is murder, and it deserves a lifetime of prison! ! 】

[Look at what scares me, Ze Shao, it's been twenty years, and I haven't recovered until now]

[But what does she mean by that? Said our sister is a junior? ? 】

【Little San, don't be deceived by her. My dad was a fan of my sister at the beginning. He said that it was this woman who could not ask for anything, and Ze Shao never liked her from beginning to end. Before Ze Shao didn't have a girlfriend, she also regarded herself as a girl friend of Ze Ze, especially shameless. Later, Ze Shao was with her sister. Seeing that she couldn't grab her sister, she had the idea of ​​killing her, which was vicious enough. 】

[It's really embarrassing for us women, like people without breaking the law, but stalking them, or even committing crimes, no matter how miserable they are, they are not worthy of sympathy! ! 】

[I feel that she is a little crazy, I hope Ze Shao protects her sister, don't let this crazy woman get close to her sister @YIze]


At this time, the Bai family.

In the narrow and dark attic, Percy was slumped on the ground in embarrassment, her voice hoarse.

"Let me out... I'm not crazy, I'm not sick..."

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