Male God, a Little Su

414 My Artists Are Cool 15

In this way, Jiang Chi does have the capital to play big names.

Jiang Chi sat on the chair and listened to Zhao Yu's words, but turned to look at Su Yan.

"It's good to get rid of the powder, as long as my little fans are always there."

His thin lips evoked an uninhibited arc, and his eyebrows had a bit of a bad feeling.

"Jiang Chi, sit down."

Su Yan felt that if Jiang Chi was angry with Zhao Yu again, they would call an ambulance for Zhao Yu to go to the hospital later.

She pressed Jiang Chi with her small hand and raised his face.

He said softly, "I'll give you a little makeup, and cover the wound on the corner of your mouth."

In fact, Zhao Yu is angry, mainly because of this.

Hearing the girl's soft tone, Jiang Chi's irritability was instantly eased. His thin lips hooked, "Then you have to be careful, don't turn me into a flower-"

This narrow tone made Su Yan's hands tremble.

She glanced at Jiang Chi angrily, "You forced me just now."

From the original memory, Su Rou knew that her makeup skills were actually very good. In particular, the original body was originally an art school, and in this regard, it has a unique advantage.

ten minutes later.

Jiang Chi took Su Yan to the interview room.

The trainees of the s group are already in place.

Jiang Chi walked over and sat in the middle, as if his long legs had nowhere to rest, they leaned over onto the coffee table.

Zhao Yu's brows jumped, and she kept comforting herself in her heart: Forget it, forget it, don't you know what virtue Jiang Chi has? Don't be angry, who is mad at yourself!

Jiang Chi, this bastard!

"Can you put your legs down?"

A soft voice sounded low.

Zhao Yu was stunned and turned to look.

In my heart, I mourned for Su Yan for a second, thinking that she must be finished. I just started my job, and I haven't warmed up yet, and I'm about to be fired.

After all, Jiang Chi has always hated others to take care of him.

However, it was the next thing that made him drop his chin. I saw him raise his hands and nodded resignedly, "Okay, it's alright, right?"

He put his legs down and sat on the sofa with his hands on his knees.

Zhao Yu was inexplicably kind. After Su Yan's outline, Jiang Chi's already surly and tough eyebrows seemed to be a bit more fierce.

Lin Yue usually went to soften the lines of his facial features.

This little girl, what a fat thing!

The camera is turned on.

The reporter who was interviewing handed the microphone to Jiang Chi and stepped away from the camera. At the back, Jiang Chi's assistant held up an inscription board, and Jiang Chi just had to read it.

He lazily held the microphone and faced the camera calmly.

"Hello everyone, I'm Jiang Chi, I'm honored..." After reading the beginning, Jiang Chi couldn't continue.

What kind of stupid line is this?

Also, I am honored to be the mentor of Shining Action... Here I will work with you to make progress together...

Why not just write the lines as socialist harmony and progress?

He turned around and didn't look at the inscription board at all.

"Hello everyone, I'm Jiang Chi, the mentor of the Shining Action this time. I hope the trainees can learn more from this experience and strive to become as good as me. Thank you, we will not see you on June 14th. Don't leave-"

"Cough..." Su Yan couldn't help but chuckle, does this person have narcissism?

Zhao Yu frowned.

The reporter asked cautiously, "This... is it over?"

"Yeah," Jiang Chi put down the microphone, "Am I not saying enough?"

"But you haven't said anything to encourage the trainees..." The reporter said innocently.

More of these tonight, and more during the day! I can see that all here is true love, thank you for your support, and bow!

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