Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 695 How to teach a scumbag to be a man 84

The little girl covered her stomach with confusion in her eyes, as if she couldn't even hear what he said.

"Where's the ID? Huh?"

Qiao Ye supported her trembling little shoulder, pursed his lower lip and lowered his voice and asked again.


Su Yan blinked, her stomach seemed to be turning upside down, as if her intestines were twisted together. It's more like there's a big hand that reaches into her stomach and continues to rampage.

"In, in the bedroom..."

She groaned, her forehead covered in cold sweat.

With a bang, he poured into Qiao Ye's arms.

At this moment, she was clutching his pajamas as if she had grabbed a life-saving straw, and she refused to let go.

Qiao Ye couldn't care less.

He glanced at the small house and saw the bedroom with the lights on on the right side of the living room.

Taking a deep breath, she bent down suddenly and picked up Su Yan. She went in with Su Yan and took her ID card.

When he went out, he noticed that he was in such a hurry that he didn't even wear shoes.


late at night.

The hospital was quiet and smelled of disinfectant water. On the waiting chairs outside the operating room, the patient's family members were numb and sat on the chairs tiredly. From time to time, they stood up and walked to the screen outside the operating room to check the progress of the operation.

Qiao Ye crossed his fingers, leaned forward slightly with his elbows on his knees, his eyebrows lowered and he couldn't see his emotions clearly.

Who would have known that she had induced appendicitis just by eating a few ice creams?

Qiao Ye couldn't imagine it, what if he hadn't been a neighbor with the little girl?

She was alone at home, making Tiantian not respond and making the ground not work. Her parents are not at home, who will take care of her?

Appendicitis, if not operated on in time, can also be life-threatening.

In the hospital, there are many sudden illnesses that suddenly seek medical treatment.

Qiao Ye was dressed in dark blue long-sleeved pajamas and sat barefoot in the waiting area, which was already quite decent.

So, no one will find it strange.

Only occasionally would someone's eyes fall on his face.

This kind of tolerance and appearance is actually hard to come across in real life.

When it was dawn, the Su family's parents hurried to the hospital.

Su Yan was lying on the hospital bed, her face pale.

Qiao Ye bought a bowl of white rice porridge outside, and asked the satellite to send him washing clothes. At this time, he sorted it out and was feeding Su Yan a spoonful of food.

She had to wait five hours after the operation before she could eat. After the illness passed, the little girl seemed to have lost a lot of weight, and the baby fat on her cheeks had sunk. Black hair stuck to his cheeks, haggard and pitiful.

"How? How did you suddenly get appendicitis?"

The parents of the Su family walked in one after the other.

The man was wearing a cheap suit with creases on his jacket. With a satchel on her wrist, the woman frowned when she saw Su Yan lying on the bed.

"What did I tell you before? Don't eat a lot of cold things! The doctor said that it was because she ate too much cold drinks." Mother Su said angrily.

After watching the satellite come in, he didn't say a word of concern. Instead, the woman who started to criticize couldn't believe it. This is Su Yan's mother?

How can there be such a mother in the world?

Su Yan had just had an operation not long ago, and now she was startled by Su's mother. The porridge choked into her throat and she was out of breath.

Tears flowed out.


Accompanied by a violent cough, the throbbing pain of the blade made Su Yan almost collapse.

She was lying on the bed, crying out of breath, extremely aggrieved.

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