Martial Arts Master

Chapter 475 Destined to be a fierce quarterfinal showdown

Bang bang bang!

Every punch and kick of Guchai contained exaggerated power. He no longer made a crisp sound, but continuously exploded the air, creating the sound of An Chaoyang and other Dan realm warriors going all out. In the process, the figure was fat. He didn't appear clumsy at all, but was as nimble as a civet cat, jumping up and down and swimming back and forth to gain the upper hand.

An Chaoyang had to concentrate on maintaining the "Youhu Yuanjing Wisdom" to resist the hunger, thirst, exposure and pain caused by the opponent's Heart Seal Fist. He fell into passivity for a while, relying on advance sensing and anticipating moves. After constant explosions, he could barely hold on without showing signs of defeat.

After attacking crazily for a while, Gu Guai saw that he still couldn't defeat his opponent. The look in his eyes changed and he recounted all the vicissitudes of life. He looked like an old man who was going through the last stage of his life. It made people look at him with sympathy and think of a similar ending that he was bound to come. .

Heart seal boxing, "old"!

The Gu Guessing Boxing technique changed, and it no longer caused any noise, but was filled with the desolation of the setting sun.


An Chaoyang pushed his feet inward, straightened his knees, twisted his body, swung his arms, and punched out his right fist with a half-collapse and half-bombing force. It collided with Guchai Shabo's fist, causing a dull sound and setting off a fire. Overflowing wind and waves.

As his arms bounced back, he suddenly felt a sense of lack of energy and physical weakness, as if he was watching himself grow older and weaker, his skin shriveled, lost its luster, and became wrinkled, and even he didn't want to stay longer. Take a look, for fear that it will give you a nightmare if you are not careful.

As a literary young man who likes to read novels and listen to love songs, An Chaoyang's heart is undoubtedly very delicate. He often feels sad about the spring and autumn. Sometimes he will think about his old age and feel thousands of emotions. At this time, he "truly" understands his old age. Suddenly I couldn't control myself.

Fortunately, his mind as calm as a lake was only disturbed by the storm, and the "round mirror" was not broken. Fortunately, he was still young and his elders still existed. Before joining the Xinghai Club, there were few old people practicing martial arts around him. Similar things, lacking deep feelings, managed to calm down the mood, suppress the wind and waves, and did not sweat like Peng Leyun. He even took a breath, hugged back the blood, and fought back with all his strength, trying to start a torrent of talk. trend.

Guchai's pupils shrank and he did not dare to neglect. All the fat on his body swelled and became sharp and angular. He erupted with explosive power and a shimmering dark gold luster. He struck with the "Devil-Conquering Pestle" and forcibly broke the An'an. The continuous follow-up of the rising sun.

He knew that his biggest problem was that he was overburdened, consumed a lot, and his body was easily "overloaded." He should not fight for a long time before he could practice the "Wisdom of Action and Equality" and enter the so-called inhuman level in China, so he made corresponding preparations and planned to In the upper stage, he forces his opponent to use his "Six Paths Reincarnation Fist" forcefully!

Bang bang bang! After another frenzied attack with heart seal fists and physical strength, Guchai finally found an opportunity, his eyes glowed with dark gold, and his fists seemed to be tainted with a colorful halo under the light, with flowing five colors. Yun, with a snap, waved his arm in the opposite direction and beat the enemy.

Six Paths of Samsara Fist, "The Way of Man"!

An Chaoyang was forced to evade, so he could only sink his mind into the round mirror-like "secret lake", shake out his arms, rush towards his fists, and forcefully block.


A dull sound like a drum struck his heart, and a song he had not heard for a long time suddenly sounded in An Chaoyang's ears:

"After the whole summer, the sadness has not gotten better. Driving on the endless highway, I feel like I have left myself..."

It was a melancholic melody that he listened to repeatedly in junior high school and recalled in high school. He often felt so sad that he couldn't help himself.

In that month of that year, the girl who was my childhood sweetheart said "I'm sorry" to herself and said "I still can't find the feelings, let's just be friends."

Making yourself better is the key to chasing girls, but even if you become better, girls may not fall in love with you.

When they were young, the two of them could hold an umbrella, run in the rain, get each other wet, and laugh freely. But when they grow up, they can only nod and ask each other when they pass each other. Well, so indifferent as if there weren't many entanglements.

Because of the passing of this relationship, I listened to songs all night long, blurring my vision and mourning my heart. From then on, I fell in love with loneliness, the feeling of being immersed in my own world, and the beautiful but painful lines. lyrics.

"It's a pity that it's not you who will accompany me until the end..."

Another old song came, and An Chaoyang was filled with disappointment. The wound that he thought had healed long ago was clearly revealed again. It was no longer bloody, but it still hurt when touched.

His emotions got out of control and he wanted to drink, sing, and vent.

This suddenly reminded him of a song he often listened to during this period. He only knew the old song because of a recent program. The vicissitudes of life and the hoarse man's voice hit his heart word by word:

"Just like the waning moon or the ebb tide of the sea, a piece of my heart was torn away by you. After many years, the regret is still there. There is a kind of hurt that will never get better in my lifetime..."

Yes, how can you forget that kind of shortcoming? That’s my whole youth! That was my entire past life!

"I cover it up with a heavy snowfall and bury the lost love in my heart. Whenever I say that my feelings are still blank, no one can hear that I am sighing..."

The melody was sad and the song was in his arms. An Chaoyang's heart quickly became empty. Regrets surged and broke through the embankment. The "Secret Lake Round Mirror Wisdom" could no longer be maintained. With a click, it was completely broken.

His emotions were like a flood, and he naturally sketched out his thoughts. His body straightened and swelled, and his fists were soft but violent. He blocked the palm of Guchai's hand that was about to hit his vital point, and took advantage of his previous confusion to reap the fruits of victory. The bones guess the palm.


Guchai, who was gifted with a powerful physical body, was unexpectedly beaten and flew backwards. His eyes were stunned and unbelievable, as if he had encountered a real "flood".

However, he soon realized that something was wrong. After An Chaoyang punched him, he did not take advantage of the situation to attack again. Instead, he stood there, breathing for a while, his eyes full of loss and a touch of sadness.

This... Guca did not think much about it. He seized this opportunity and pounced forward again, launching a new round of attack. This time, An Chaoyang, who did not have "Youhu Yuanjingzhi", was soon in a hurry and was caught. He opened the shelf, leaned over and knocked it over with an elbow.

The referee breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand and announced:

"Gu Guess wins!"

The whole stadium burst into cheers. Finally, a representative from the host country entered the quarterfinals.

An Chaoyang was not injured, only his arm was a little sore. He turned over and stood up, bowed his hands to Guchai with a gloomy expression and said:


Yes, thank you. If it hadn't been for today's battle, I'm afraid it would have taken me a long time to understand the true meaning of "flood"!

If you are still controlling your emotions, how can you talk about the "flood that breaks the dam"?

Only by completely bursting out emotions, not being calm, and integrating body and mind can we create a real "flood"!

It's a pity that this was a sudden realization. Without much practice, my body lost strength and my emotions lost control after one punch. Not only did I fail to seize the chance of victory, but I actually showed my defeat.

After saying that, with Guchai's confused expression, An Chaoyang turned around and returned to the stand with a slightly melancholy back.

"What a pity..." Lou Cheng and others could see that he had understood something and almost won, so they couldn't help but sigh.

"It's okay." An Chaoyang smiled calmly, indicating that he did not need comfort.

At this point, all the top eight have been produced, and the drawing of lots will begin later. There is no longer any principle of avoidance, and the top four will be decided the night after tomorrow.

While waiting, Lou Cheng and Yan Zheke chatted for a while. Both of them felt that at this point, it was a high probability to draw a strong non-human, so it didn't matter.

Fifteen minutes later, the arena was cleaned and re-arranged. After some nonsense, the guests drew the first name:

"Miluo, Vega."

The second seed, Vega, is known as a strong figure who will be the future overlord.

Immediately afterwards, the guest took out another round ball, looked at the name, and let out an appetizing exclamation.

After more than ten seconds, she seemed to recover, and announced in a sharp voice:

"Japan, Kara Zekun!"

The top seed Kaoru Karasawa!

The two favorites to win this competition actually met in the quarterfinals!

One of them is destined to die here!

The atmosphere at the scene was immediately heated up, and Lou Cheng soon heard his name:

"China, the building is complete."

If his character is outstanding and he draws the only non-seed and non-wild card player left, if he is extremely unlucky, he will have to encounter Peng Leyun... Lou Cheng thought thoughtfully, his posture unchanged.

Within a few seconds, the guest took out his opponent and showed the round path to the surroundings:

"Nan Zheng, Barnum!"

Fourth seed Barnum!

Not bad, not bad... Lou Cheng breathed out, feeling that this was neither bad nor bad.

He is indeed weaker than his opponent, but he is not without hope of winning!

At this moment, a subtle thought suddenly occurred to him:

There are still four contestants left, so it’s not impossible for that kind of showdown to happen!

While his thoughts were wandering, the guests had already chosen the "home team" for the third set of duels:

"Huaguo, Peng Leyun."

Then, she took out one of the three remaining balls and declared with a smile:

"Hua Guo, Ren Li!"

Damn it, it's really such a fateful showdown... Lou Cheng burst into laughter, while Ren Li next to him opened her eyes wide and her expression became excited.

This quarter-finals battle is really fierce, just thinking about it makes people excited!

There is no need to draw any more, the host Guchai will face the non-seeded and non-wild card player.

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