Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 154: Hostile

Between one person and one horse, I don’t know how many times I’ve been confronted. I seem to be very familiar with each other’s fighting methods, especially the white horse. Once the old man’s momentum is getting stronger and stronger, it’s like when he wants to show his tricks. A step, far away.

With its incredible embarrassment, the old man is simply helpless.

Although the Sayādaw can communicate through the heavens and the earth, it can also pass through dozens of feet in an instant, but that requires a process. Although this process is a short pause, it takes a little more time.

And like this white horse, the degree of the chair is naturally displayed as a meal, and that is not the point that the Sayādaw can reach.

After a long struggle, the old man finally seized an opportunity, stepped forward, and his body suddenly turned over, and unexpectedly came to a place where the sight of White Horse could not be reached.

His fist was on the air - he made a slap in the face of the white horse's belly.

This change suddenly came as a result, even if He Yiming was shocked, could not help but breathe a little bit so heavy.

After the white horse smashed this heavy blow, the whole body suddenly flew up and made a few turns in the air. When it landed, it was unstable and fell to the ground.

He Yiming’s heart shouted pity, he has already seen that the old man’s fist is not preserved, and the boxing power is so great. If he smashes this blow, he is also seriously injured.

However, what surprised him was born.

The white horse that fell to the ground is nothing more than that. After hitting a roll, he immediately jumped up and watched the agility of his movements, but he did not suffer any damage.

He Yiming’s eyes are round and 7 eyes, and his heart is very different. What kind of beast is this? The movement is fast and lightning-fast, and the power is infinite. It’s still thick and thick, even such a huge force can’t hurt it.

At this point, He Yiming finally understood why the human sage had been entangled with this congenital beast for so long. Because the strength of this beast is really too strong, although He Yiming has not seen the real saint, but it is estimated that this guy will not be inferior even if he meets the ordinary saint.

However, He Yiming still underestimated the white horse.

After it turned over, it was long and the voice was full of anger.

It seems that he was kicked by the old man, hurting his self-respect, and even the white lengths covered by his neck trembled faintly.

Then, on the top of its head, the very eye-catching horns began to show a strange light.

When this light appeared, the old man's expression immediately became dignified, and his body suddenly made a huge momentum, and the strong moment of the extreme moment formed three different colors on top of his head. Tangible flower. Once these tangible flowers appeared, they immediately caused the madness of the heavens and the earth.

Then, all the three tangible flowers burst open, and they melted into one moment. The power of the heavens and the earth was mixed with the rush of the top and bottom, and the whole body of the old man was wrapped up.

It’s just a breath, and the old man’s body is like a thick armor.

Although this is not a real armor, this magical armor, which takes the tangible flower as the main body and absorbs a huge amount of heaven and earth, has the magical power of a far-sighted treasure.

He Yiming saw that the eyes were shining, and the combination of the original flower and the power of the heavens and the earth could even form such a miraculous change.

If he did not see it with his own eyes, he was simply unbelievable.

However, looking at the old man's appearance as an enemy, the next move of the white horse is definitely a small one.

Sure enough, the unicorn on the top of the white horse was more prosperous. When it reached its apex, there was a strange noise.

He Yiming took a sigh of relief, no wonder the old man would put on a full-fledged posture. The power on the top of this white horse turned out to be the power of the legendary thunder.

A purple light surrounds the one-horned horn, and the wave of the forces around the heavens and the earth is not under the old man.

He Yiming’s heart-felt suspicion, what is the origin of this beast, even in such a powerful realm, if it breaks through to the realm of the Holy Beast, it is still worth it.

The white horse slowly lowered his head, but his eyes were still firmly fixed on the old man in front of him.

The atmosphere between the mountains and the valleys suddenly became tense. Even though the flowing wind seemed to be affected by some kind of power, once it entered the mountain, it suddenly stopped.

There was a strong chill in the air, and everything here was quiet.

Finally, on the top of the white horse, the purple light flashed, and a clearly visible lightning flashed through the void and came to the old man.

He Yiming’s vest was cold and cold. After seeing this lightning, his only feeling was that he was so fast that he was almost at this level.

Purple light just came out from the corner of the white horse, and it has already hit the old man's chest and abdomen.

In the process, the old man did not even have the ability to evade.

This is the limit. In contrast, the movement between the top two lines of the wind seems to be a far cry.

However, the old man has been prepared for this. The strange armor on his body is precisely because he knows that he can't escape this attack, so he will try his best to produce the result. The powerful defense force on the armor will suddenly use this lightning. The force offset most of the time.

But that's it, the rest of the force is equally uncomfortable. The old man’s figure is like electricity, and he flies backwards like a fly.

A loud bang, his body slammed against the back of the mountain wall, and the magical armor on the chest was broken and no longer existed.

The old man took a sigh of relief and flashed a gratifying color in his eyes.

Although the armor broke, but it was able to offset this round of offensive - it is already very much calculated. If it was before, without condensing the armor, under the attack of this purple lightning, he would suffer a little more or less.

Seeing this thrilling scene, He Yiming took a deep breath and his eyes were bright and shimmering. In his heart, there was a thought of trying to try. I don’t know the physical armor of the old man. And how can the white horse's purple power force be able to fight with the five elements in his hands?

The old man's face suddenly changed, and he said coldly: "Give me out."

The fierce gaze came in the direction of He Yiming. Not only that, but Baima’s gaze was also cast at the same time, and it was full of bad taste.

He Yiming was dumbfounded, knowing that his breathing sound was too heavy and immediately caught their attention.

However, he was not afraid of his heart, carrying his hands and swaying out. One hundred and eight seems to be hesitating, and then followed up with Bao pig.

After all, it is not the mainland of Da Shen. If it is also necessary to avoid people and ears here, then it is too exaggerated.

The two men walked into the mountain in tandem, and the old man's face became more ugly, and the white horse's gaze seemed to have a strange flash.

With the strength of the old man and the natural spirit of the white horse, they did not even notice that someone was close.

If it wasn’t for the last white horse’s purple electric shock, He Yiming’s heart would be shaken, and it would not be possible to increase the breathing, so that they would be present.

Such a character, it is not easy to appear one at a time. At this time, there are two more sudden appearances, which naturally makes this person somewhat suspicious.

The cold gaze slowly moved from He Yiming's body to the body of one hundred and eight, and then moved to the body of the pig.

White horse suddenly hit a nose, and the big eyes of the smart swiftly moved a few times, but soon he was cast a doubtful look. Its nose swiftly moved a few times, and the big head slanted over, as if thinking about something, even He Yiming and others directly ignored it.

The old man’s gaze is concentrated on the body of the hundred and eight. In the feeling of the old man, this mysterious guy can hardly be called a human.

There is no heartbeat, no body temperature, but there is not even a trace of life, it is too frightening.

The faint, in the heart of the old man, the unpredictable and deep, even more than He Yiming, the old man is jealous.

The two sides watched each other for a moment, and He Yiming finally broke the deadlock. He said: "The two are fighting here, and the younger brother is unfortunately surprised."

The old man snorted and said: "You come here to make o"

He Yiming said with a wry smile: "The younger brother's ship encountered wind and waves in the sea, so the ship was overturned. We swam from the sea and accidentally came to the island. I don't know how you call it.

The old man’s face was a little sloppy, and he did not doubt He Yiming’s words.

Because in addition to this reason, even the old man himself can't think of why he came.

"The old man's name has long been forgotten." The old man was not cold or hot, and then turned his head and said: "There are outsiders in the sky, we will fight again next time."

Baima suddenly raised his head like a dream, and his big eyes smashed again a few The big head moved slightly, the four hooves rose, and instantly a white light was left, leaving the mountain In the concave.

Xiao is He Yiming has long noticed its movements, but still can only see a touch of afterimage.

This is far from the degree that human beings can afford, and He Yiming feels deeply shocked again.

The old man looked at them coldly, especially in the hundred and eight, and got his attention. Then he turned and strode, and left without returning.

He Yiming sighed a long time. In fact, he also knew that if the performance of himself and the hundred and eight people also caused the jealousy of this person, then it would be difficult to solve the problem of their struggle today.

"Hundred brothers, how do you swallow their strength?" He Yiming asked.

"It's very strong, but you can win." One hundred and eight said coldly.

He Yiming smiled and said: "Hundred brothers, this place is really interesting, let's stay here for a while." His eyes cast on the direction of the old man's departure, saying to himself: "The visible armor, It’s a funny old man.”

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