Martial Gods

Chapter 622

Even when she saw five people at the seventh level of the Holy Spirit, she was still like this.

And there is only Xiao Chen in his eyes.

Mei Mu just swiped from Xuanyuan Zun to the Valley Master of Huaxian Valley in turn, and then withdrew her gaze lightly.

"It's a shame that you managed to get out of the Thunder Pond Center alive." Miss Leng looked Xiao Chen up and down, and she was naturally a little surprised when she saw that he was not seriously injured.

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly: "I almost fell, thanks to the help of these seniors."


Miss Leng didn't give any reaction, but the two Supreme Elders of Immortal Mansion looked at each other solemnly.

For some reason, they felt a very subtle sense of oppression from Miss Leng.

But it definitely didn't originate from blood, nor from physique, nor from spiritual pressure and realm.

It's a very subtle but inexplicable feeling.

If you really want to say it, it may be temperament!

oppression in temperament.

The elders of the Immortal Mansion, without exception, are the top fighting strengths of the Eastern Heaven Spirit Realm. They know countless people and have rich experience. How could they be suppressed by a small woman in terms of temperament?

Evil door!

The Water King Zhou Tonghai and the Valley Master of Huaxian Valley also had this subtle feeling, but everyone knew it and didn't ask any more questions. They just wanted to observe this cold girl carefully.

Xiao Chen asked: "Why didn't you go out? Still staying in this place?"

Miss Leng turned slightly to the side, looked at the Thunder Dragon Forest at the junction of Xianlei Inner Territory and Xianlei Center, and said, "I can't get out, the entrance to the Thunder Pond and the outside world has been destroyed."


This sentence, like an explosion, exploded in the hearts of Xiao Chen, Xuanyuan Zun and others!

"This girl, are you sure? This is not a joke! It's about everyone's life and death!" One of the elders of the Immortal Mansion said solemnly.

Miss Leng said in a subtle tone: "Of course it's true, if you don't believe it, this elder can go and see for yourself."

"No need!" The elder Taishang waved his hand with a look of anger.

It's not that he was angry with the cold girl's ignorance, but that they managed to break out of the Thunder Pond Center, but now they can't get out at all after getting the news.

Isn't this God going to kill them!

"Miss Leng, do you have any clues?" Xiao Chen paused.

Leng girl said in the eyes of many people with questioning.

"Find a way to gather those red thunder lights together, as long as you try to stop it, I think it should be able to stop the riot of Lei Chi Xianlei and restore the exit of Lei Chi and the outside world."

Is there really a way?

Seeing him look surprised.

The cold girl snorted softly.

"You should have discovered that those red thunder lights are self-conscious, right? They are the key to controlling the formation of Thunder Dragon. Controlling it is equivalent to controlling the Xianlei in the Xianlei Pond!"

"But it's almost impossible to accomplish."

Xiao Chen asked, "Why?"

"Someone has to refine it to subdue it."

Xiao Chen asked again, "I can't?"

The cold girl hesitated for a while, then nodded.

Xuanyuan Zun interjected: "So, what about us?"

Although she didn't want to hit them, Leng girl still told the truth.

"No one in this Immortal Thunder Pond can refine it and subdue it. This thing is extremely terrifying. It belongs to the spiritual consciousness born from Immortal Thunder. Those Thunder Dragons are its spiritual bodies!"

The Supreme Elder said: "Why does this girl know so much about the Xianlei Pond and the red lightning? Even our two Supreme Elders don't know."

The cold girl said lightly.

"Because I have seen that kind of red fairy thunder in other places."

what! ?


Several people gasped in unison, and their faces changed in surprise.

Miss Leng's remarks made them deeply realize that there are not only immortal thunders in the Immortal Thunder Pond, but also the red immortal thunders that ride on the purple immortal thunders were born in the Immortal Thunder Pond!

It is for this reason.

The identity of the cold girl gradually became a mystery.

Xiao Chen didn't think so much, because he had been in contact with this cold girl for a few days. Although he didn't know her very well, she was definitely not bad.

Xiao Chen suddenly remembered a sentence that Miss Leng once mentioned.

Is Xianlei Pond really the first place where Xianlei descended?

Are the legends believable?

"It seems that Miss Leng has more secrets in her hands than I thought, but she didn't say it outright, and she probably couldn't fully trust me."

Xiao Chen thought so in his heart.


"Since you said that you must refine those red immortal thunders to subdue and control the riots of immortal thunders in the thunder pool, then, there should be a way to gather the scattered red immortal thunders together, right?"

The cold girl nodded.


Xiao Chen was inexplicably relieved.

With a faint smile, he said, "Since Miss Leng has already predicted that there is no spiritual practice in the entire Immortal Thunder Pond to subdue that kind of red immortal thunder, why are you still so calm?"

"Otherwise? Things have already happened, why don't we still cry?"

Xiao Chen secretly said that Miss Leng's mentality is really good, and he thought she had any way to break the situation. It seems that there is only one way left to refine the red immortal thunder and subdue the immortal thunder.

Miss Leng was silent for a while, and continued: "If I guessed correctly, there is a total chaos outside Xianlei Lake."

At the foot of Xianlei Pond is the residence of Xianfu.

I heard there might be chaos outside.

Xuanyuan Zun and the Supreme Elder were both nervous.

"I remember that there was a legendary incident of a riot in the Thunder Pond, which almost made the entire Dongshan Immortal Island no-fly zone dead!"

"I don't know if the Xianlei riot in Xianlei Pond can alarm the powerhouses of the Earth Emperor and even the Heavenly Emperor level. If they take action, we may still be saved!"

The Valley Master of Huaxian Valley shook his head and sighed: "Don't count on it, you should know better than us that Xianlei Pond is located in the no-fly zone, even if Xianlei riots, it will be restrained by invisible restrictions, and it is impossible to directly disturb the emperor. With the Heavenly Emperor Realm!"

Xuanyuan Zun and Taishang Elder's eyes gradually dimmed.

At this time.

But someone quickly approached them.

The body and the thunder arc rubbed against each other, and an amazing thunder broke out.

Xiao Chen's eyes were all attracted by the direction of the voice.

I see.

Four figures are rushing towards this side!

It was actually Xuanyuan'e, the elder of the Immortal Mansion.

Xuanyuan Fei and Xuanyuan Meng, the saint son and daughter of the Immortal Mansion.

And Ye Lang's master Ye Ku!

Gao Tianshu, the head of the Gaotian family, and Gao Tianyiyi, the second daughter, did not come with them.

Ye Ku has a strong temper, and his eyes are full of killing.

His eyes swept across Xuanyuan Zun and Miss Leng in turn.

People haven't stopped.

The voice came suddenly.

"Just now, who did that trick!? Get out of here!"

"My disciple Ye Lang's revenge, I Ye Ku, I will avenge it today!"

The crowd heard.

They were stunned.

The 'that method' mentioned in Ye Ku's mouth should be the Yilian that Xiao Chen used to destroy Lei Longlin, right?

So, he came to seek revenge for Xiao Chen?

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