Martial Mythology

Chapter 476 Mutant Crisis

Chapter 476 Mutant Crisis

Since ancient times, the strongest has always been the symbol of the peak powerhouse in the mainland, and it is the ultimate goal pursued by countless cultivators. In order to become the strongest, countless cultivators have stepped forward one after another. The bones, but the person who can really go to the end and become the strongest person may only appear once in a thousand years, and in the era of withering geniuses, it may even take a few thousand years for a powerful person to appear.

The most powerful person represents glory and power, freedom and longevity!

For anyone, the Xeon has a fatal temptation, and no one can resist its temptation!

Every powerhouse is the top genius of an era, and he has his own pride in his bones!

But now, there is actually a kind of elixir that can make people directly become the strongest...

Can not accept!

This is absolutely unacceptable to any Xeon!

They spent their youth, endured loneliness, practiced hard for thousands of years, and finally became the strongest and set foot on the pinnacle of this world. However, before they had time to enjoy anything, they found that there was a group of people who casually took a pill Medicine, it becomes the same existence as them, this is simply a devastating blow to them!

Several people in the formation became short of breath, and their eyes were full of horror: "If it is so easy to become the strongest, then what is the point of our countless years of hard work?"

Their worldview has been subverted.

"No, they didn't pay the price at all." Fang Mu tried hard to convince himself, "Although they have the strength of the strongest, they are no longer pure human beings, not even monsters, they are just a group of Monsters, the human race will not accept them, and the monster race will not accept them, there is no place for them in this world."

Indeed, although mutants are powerful, they have never appeared in the eyes of the world.

Because they know that before they have the strength to subvert the entire human race and demon race, once they appear in front of the world, they will inevitably be attacked by the human race and the demon race. Neither the human race nor the demon race will allow this The deformed products survived in the world.

"But...for those who dream of becoming the strongest, this price is not a big deal." Dan Sheng Cui Jian still couldn't accept it, "People who are willing to become the strongest at any cost, in this world There is never a shortage of…”

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but fell silent. The mutant alliance has hundreds of members. Some of them may be forced, but there are definitely some who voluntarily become mutants. The temptation of people is too great, not many people can resist, Zheng Beiqiu's son, Zheng Feng, is an example, but Zheng Feng was unlucky and became a failure.

The Saint Luo Xuyang took a deep breath, and asked Zheng Beiqiu: "Is there a high probability of birth of the strongest mutant?"

Chen Gu, Dan Sheng Cui Jian and the others also looked at Zheng Beiqiu. There is no doubt that this question is very important.

"Not only is it not high, but it is outrageously low." Zheng Beiqiu understood what Luo Xuyang asked this question. He was going to die anyway, and he was not interested in playing any tricks, so he simply said everything he knew, "The mysterious The elixir, they call it 'Ni Ming Dan', which means changing fate against the sky. The materials of Ni Ming Dan are taken from powerful monsters, human flesh and blood, and a very special substance, and the refining process is extremely cumbersome , It takes a long time. It can be said that every Niming Pill is very precious, even rarer than a fifth-grade pill. They enslave more than a dozen five-star alchemists and a six-star alchemist to jointly refine it. It took thousands of years to refine less than 10,000..."

"And among the less than 10,000 rebellious pills, only three mutants of the most powerful were born, and hundreds of mutants in the escape, escape, and spirit realms, and the remaining more than 90% were all failures. You can imagine the probability of being completely obliterated and wiped out..."

Cruel, cold-blooded, perverted!

Regarding the mutant alliance, Zhensheng Luo Xuyang and others have a new understanding.

How could they eat the elixir made from the flesh and blood of their compatriots?

These people don't even have the bottom line that human beings should have, there is no lower limit!

"By the way, Niming Pill has another huge flaw besides the flaw of deforming people." Zheng Beiqiu suddenly thought of a problem. Integrating into the mutant alliance, and the members of the mutant alliance guard against him because they feel his hostility.

Array Saint Luo Xuyang immediately asked: "What defect?"

Zheng Beiqiu took a deep breath, and a look of pain flashed in his eyes: "Anyone who has taken the Niming Pill will not be able to reproduce, and the members of the Mutant Alliance, without exception, will have no offspring... It's not that they don't want offspring, but that they have never wanted offspring. From the moment they took Ni Ming Pill, they lost the ability to reproduce."

Hearing this, everyone was inexplicably relieved.

Almost every mutant is a pervert with psychological deformity. He frequently slaughters cities and countries, and poses a huge threat to the entire continent. If they have the ability to reproduce, then it is really terrible!

"Do you know their names?" Zhensheng Luo Xuyang suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked in a cold voice: "Those three mutants of the most powerful, and the two leaders of the mutant alliance."

Zheng Beiqiu shook his head, and said in a low voice: "The two leaders of the mutant alliance are extremely mysterious. The mutants said that the two lords were different from them, they were pure human beings. As for the three strongest mutants, they never mentioned their names, and when they called each other, they only called each other by their code names .”

After a pause, Zheng Beiqiu said with a complicated expression: "The Xeon mutant who mainly contacts me is codenamed 'God', and the codenames of the other two Xenomutants are 'Magic' and 'Cang'. Among them 'God' was born three thousand years ago, 'demon' was born two thousand years ago, and 'Cang' was born a few years ago."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Beiqiu closed his eyes, and said slowly: "If you want to destroy the Mutant Alliance, you'd better hurry up, I heard 'God' inadvertently mentioned that nearly a year ago, the alchemist of the Mutant Alliance , In the research of Niming Pill, a further breakthrough has been made. After spending nearly a year, a new Niming Pill is finally being researched... The new Niming Pill, although there are still some features of the previous generation of Niming Pill. flaws, but there is a great chance of giving birth to high-level mutants and low-level mutants. You guys, time is running out..."

For the mutant alliance, Zheng Beiqiu only had hatred in his heart, and hated it to the bone, because the tragedy of their father and son was caused by the mutant alliance.

If he could, he wished he could kill all the members of the mutant alliance with his own hands to vent his hatred!

It's just that he always had a little fantasy in his heart, what if one day the Mutant Alliance really researched the Rebellious Pill that has no side effects at all? If he took the Niming Pill, which had no side effects, would his son become a normal person again?

Now that he fell into the hands of Chen Gu and others, the luck and fantasy in his heart were completely shattered. The hatred that was suppressed in his heart, without the shackles of luck and fantasy, began to spread crazily, occupying his entire brain!

Hearing Zheng Beiqiu's shocking news, Luo Xuyang and the others couldn't help but change their expressions: "The new life-defying pill?"

This is absolutely terrible news!

If those crazy guys are really allowed to come up with a new life-defying pill and create a large group of mutants at the level of the strongest, then who else in this world can control them? Wouldn't the human race and the demon race all be finished?

They are very confident in the strength of the dean, but no matter how strong the dean is, he can withstand the siege of ten powerhouses, so what if it is replaced by a hundred or a thousand?

This is by no means alarmist talk, but something that may really happen in the future!

At this moment, even Chen Gu's expression became incomparably dignified, and there was a touch of horror in his eyes: "What exactly does this Mutant Alliance want to do? Rule the world?" The small world will be under their rule, and even the mighty Dragon Clan can't resist them at all.

Opening his eyes, Zheng Beiqiu felt a sense of revenge when he saw the people whose faces changed drastically. At this moment, he laughed happily: "Hahaha...ha! Anyway, our father and son are going to die, what will happen to the human race? I can't control it, you just go to have a headache!"

"No, we have to find them!" Zhen Sheng Luo Xuyang's heart throbbed, his expression was very urgent, "Find them at all costs!"

For the first time since he became a powerhouse, he felt the threat to his life. This threat was ten times, a hundred times better than the new powerhouses born during this period. These new powerhouses would reason with him, They will weigh the pros and cons, but those mutants have no reason to say, they are inhumane.

Chen Gu also became serious, and said in a deep voice: "Even if you use the power of the whole Yaozu clan, you must find them!"

Zheng Beiqiu gloated and laughed: "Fight, the harder you fight, the happier I will be. It's best if both of you are dead!" Or Chen Gu, Zhensheng Luo Xuyang and others, he wished that everyone would die, so that even if their father and son died, they would not be alone, and all their enemies would accompany them.

"Shut up!" Zhensheng Luo Xuyang sternly sternly said, "I have one last question."

"Ask, as long as I know, I will never hide it from you." Zheng Beiqiu sneered: "Anyway, you will come down to accompany us father and son sooner or later, so why not tell you?"

"What is the relationship between the mutant alliance and the royal family of the Ming Empire?" Luo Xuyang asked in a deep voice, "Why does Mo Wusheng regard the royal family of the Ming Empire as the culprit? What role does the royal family of the Ming Empire play in it?" It seems Several different questions actually mean the same thing.

Zheng Beiqiu smiled faintly: "The answer is very simple, because the mutant plan was first implemented by the royal family of the Ming Empire, and Mo Wusheng was the product of the mutant plan of the royal family of the Ming Empire. Unfortunately, the royal family of the Ming Empire was incompetent and spent thousands of years without achieving anything. The decent results were eventually snatched away by the current leader of the mutant alliance, and carried forward..."

The royal family of the Ming Empire was the founder, but they made wedding dresses for the Mutant Alliance. Even so, the royal family of the Ming Empire did not dare to say anything, because the crimes they committed in the past 10,000 years are too numerous to record. , the first to suffer was the royal family of the Ming Empire.

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