Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 239 The Great War Begins

Zod Heath looked at the superheroes who had fallen into the ground in a speechless manner.

He didn't expect the Weird Association to come out to do something at this time.

However, after letting them act before, Zod Heath knew that there would definitely be situations beyond his control, so he was relieved.

The problem now is to solve the Zeta Rians.

At this point, most of the world's nations capable of observing the battle were on high tension and alert.

This is an alien invasion!

Apart from the original Saiyan Raditz invasion, such a large-scale alien invasion is the first time!

Raditz was also alone that time. Although he was very powerful, he was defeated in the end.

However, this time was different. This time, it was a lot of aliens, and the number was still increasing.

Although Zod Hiss came out to turn the tide and wiped out tens of thousands of aliens by himself, his armor would definitely have limited energy, and it could not last forever.

Therefore, after Rabbit and Maozi and capable countries negotiated with the United States, they sent their own war machines, Decepticons, Iron Overlord, and the Air Force and Navy.

This time is no longer the time to be concerned about losses. I really want to be stationed in the United States by aliens, and then the whole world will face the crisis of alien invasion!

So Loki is stupid. If he opens the portal in a barren place, the Zeta Rising army will be able to attack the world after establishing a stronghold on the earth.

If you don't destroy it at the beginning, it will be very difficult to destroy it later, or use a nuclear warhead to wash the ground.

But that would be a huge loss.

Of course, Loki, who fell in love with and killed Thor, probably didn't have the brain to think about those things, because his plan to rule Midgard seemed impossible.

Midgard's strength looks more terrifying than Asgard. He also knows the identity of the one who flies in the sky. At present, Midgard's strongest man, and he has indeed shown the strength that matches his strongest man. .

Zod Heath glanced at a corner with a strange expression.

There, the Supreme Master Gu Yi was setting off fireworks.

The passing Zeta Rising turned a blind eye to her, and then was solved by Gu Yi with a random magic.

Is it really leisurely, or has Dormammu who came to collect debts been beaten back?

The last time Gu Yi said that he was going to deal with Dormammu, Zod Hiss was ready to see Gu Yi in the next ten years.

After all, in the battle of dimensions, time is meaningless, especially when Gu Yi entered the dark dimension to "pay off debts" with Dormammu.

It is possible that only a few days have passed in the time perception of the Ancient One, but decades have passed on Earth.

"Could it be that I've played too much, and I have gained experience from playing Dormammu, so I can solve it so quickly?"

Zod couldn't help but complain.

Dormammu is a magician who fortunately strayed into the dark dimension without a master. In Kama Taj, his talent and strength are not compared with the assistant king of the supreme mage, even if he is a first-class mage. has his place.

That's why he simply gave up his body and soul and merged directly with the dark dimension.

Because of this, he became a single-universe-level great demon... only in the dark dimension.

This has also led to Dormam not being a very powerful dimension demon god. After all, if Gu Yi became the master of the dark dimension, he might have mixed into the supercell now.

Seemingly sensing Zod Hiss' gaze, Gu Yi raised his head, smiled at him friendly, nodded, and gestured.

Zod's gaze shifted to the ground.

The superheroes who fell into the subsidence were shocked to discover that there was such a complex underground city!

"Jarvis, probe this place."

Tony Stark has an ominous premonition that there is such a big city under New York, maybe it is the headquarters of the Weird Association.

That is to say, what they have been looking for, the Weird Association, which is so incomprehensible that it has almost turned over the whole world, has always been under their noses! ! !

What a dereliction of duty this is, I'm afraid I'm not going to laugh at others.

And Jarvis used satellite detection, and quickly gave results.

This underground city has a full one cubic kilometer of space, and hundreds of channels have been dug up. Even the lowest numerical estimate, conservatively estimated, can accommodate a thousand weirdos.

The superheroes who had just fallen here were immediately divided and attacked by the Weird Association!

The dragon-level monster natural water completed the perception and attack of the killing intent almost instantly. Bruce Banner, Bronski and others were directly penetrated by the high-pressure water gun.

Weaker superheroes were even seriously injured.

"This is a trap!!!"

Nick Fury slapped the desk.

The situation on the superhero side has been fed back to the air carrier in time, and Nick Fury immediately guessed the ins and outs of the whole thing.

The second prince of Asgard, Loki, not only brought the invasion of the alien army that Thor said, he also contacted the Weird Association!

Otherwise, how could the opened wormhole choose to be in New York, because this is the headquarters of the Weird Association!

They want to unite with the Weird Association to annihilate the superheroes of the Excalibur Bureau in one fell swoop, and then they can conquer the world like a broken bamboo!

"Damn Fake!"

Nick Fury's face lit up.

It can only be said that they all underestimated the evil god Loki, worthy of the existence of a god in the name of fraud, and they were just acting so funny before, and they were all deceived!

Even the king of secret agents didn't see through Loki's acting. It's really scary. Is this the longevity species that has lived for thousands of years?

However, even if you see through it, it is impossible for the superheroes to retreat now.

In the case of hand-to-hand combat, there is an old saying that goes well.

"The brave one who meets the narrow road wins!"

As long as one side wants to retreat and avoid, then the morale and fighting spirit will definitely not be comparable to the other side.

This is a big taboo in the military, and Nick Fury, who has been on the battlefield, certainly does not know this truth.

"Let those war machines, Decepticons and Iron Overlord support the superheroes as soon as possible, or they may be attacked by a group!"

Nick Fury took over from Zod Heath in command.

The Director is now standing alone against the Chitauri army. He must stand up, or if Zod Hiss is distracted, problems may occur!

The Excalibur Bureau's War Machine, Iron Overlord and Decepticon were also dispatched, and the umbrella company was no exception.

This may be the closest human being to a "God"-level disaster. We must go all out and work together!

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