Marvel’s Marvel Entertainment Company

Chapter 48-The Most Sao and Most Unscrupulous Heroic Spirit in History

In Hell's Kitchen, Franks the Punisher did not prepare the holy relic. On the one hand, the direction of the holy relic is only to increase the success rate of the heroes who want to summon, and he does not have that rich wealth. On the other hand, he does not care about his followers. Strong and weak.

Franks's first requirement of the follower can cooperate with him.

He is a veteran, a veteran who has participated in several wars and performed countless dangerous missions under the global peace situation. During so many years of military service, he has been implicated by his teammates, and he has seen many elites who have been harmed by his teammates. .

The military is a place where team cooperation is emphasized. The more elite the troops are, the more so. The individual quality and team cooperation capabilities of the world's prestigious special forces have been improved proportionally.

For him, a follower who can cooperate with each other is more suitable than a follower who is too strong but does his own way.

Therefore, Franks did not prepare the holy relics, but directly summoned them, hoping to recruit servants who fit in with him.


Da da da···

Ding Ding Ding...

Fierce gunfire and dense and crisp metal strikes alternately sounded in a consistent rhythm, like a symphony, sounded in a simple, dimly lit factory building. Soon after the sound of a heavy object hit, the world Quieted down.

Deadpool pierced the gunner's heart with a knife, and the sharp tip even pierced the skin of the pickup truck's head, nailing the gunman to death.

Deadpool's actions were exaggerated, he touched his body like a BT, and when he touched the bullet hole, he buckled the bullet out of it. At the same time, he yelled at the only two standing in the factory in a frivolous tone:

"Wow, it hurts, but this is not the point. The point is that my leather jacket is broken. Repairing the leather jacket is a technical job. Master Deadpool's workmanship is not very good, and Master Deadpool without a leather jacket has no soul. ··"


Frank killed the little boss who was still holding his breath with a sharp shot, and said impatiently:

"Shut up, I'll add money to you!"


Deadpool doesn't care about Frank's bad attitude at all. To him, it doesn't matter whether he is a master or a servant. Rich is the uncle. Now Frank is his uncle. Even if he is happy, he will never make a sound.


Frank raised his head and took a deep Roar suck. The servant he summoned claimed to be an excellent mercenary in the parallel world. In fact, he was indeed very skilled, experienced and veteran. After a run-in, he could form a very good cooperation.

And there is the Ability of immortality and speeding regeneration, which can be used to carry out various dangerous actions or block swords, which is simply great.

If that broken mouth can reduce nonsense, swear words, and cheap talk, and don't be addicted to money like life, then it can be called a perfect partner.

But it's not necessarily a bad thing for a servant to be addicted to money. Frank doesn't care about money. The funds seized after annihilating the gang and sabotaging the gang's transactions, except for leaving the necessary money to maintain equipment and maintain life, it does not matter to Deadpool.

In a way, Deadpool's mercenaries that can be sold as long as the money is in place, ethics and virginity C, are still very reassuring.

But Frank understands human nature. Even if he doesn't care about the wealth of the gang, he won't show it. On the contrary, he is more stingy most of the time. Only in this way can he give Deadpool a feeling that money is not easy, and he will go all out when fighting.

As for Lingshu, it is a good thing. When necessary, it can provide a lot of magic power to the follower, and it can also make the follower return to the master instantly regardless of the distance. Such a thing is a killer, and it is a waste of resources to control the follower. .

Frank looked at Deadpool, who was abnormally not searching for money but ran to him to make an inexplicable move, and said helplessly:

"What's the matter with you?"

Okay, let’s add one more thing. In addition to being cheap and greedy for money, the servant named Deadpool also has a peculiar brain circuit. Although he cooperates well in battle, it is difficult for him to keep up with Deadpool’s “different” thinking in daily life. .


Deadpool pointed to his mouth, then pointed to Frank.Frank remembered the ban before himself, and said impatiently:


When the voice fell, Frank looked up keenly and saw two people standing high and one short, one too strong and one slightly thin, standing on the edge of the hole in the roof of the factory building.

The shorter person is wearing a red tight-fitting leather jacket with a face mask showing his mouth and chin. It can be seen from his body type that he is a man. He is not actually thin, but his companion is too strong.

His companion is two heads taller than him, like a rock and water chestnut, the muscles are full of explosive power and visual impact, each line is full of beauty of strength, and the bronze skin reflects the metallic color in the moonlight.

The T-shaped open helmet not only hides the face, but also reveals a kind of coldness. The red cloak flutters with the wind. There are a pair of stainless steel arm guards on the forearms, a round shield in one hand, a spear in the other hand, a belt on the underwear, and a pair of calf guards. Apart from that, there is nothing left, nothing else.

It is like a powerful warrior from the Middle Ages in Europe who came through time and walked out of oil paintings.


This thought came to Frank's mind.

Deadpool also spoke at the moment, chattering like an unstoppable sewer:

"Ah, that's what Uncle Deadpool is going to say. Someone is here. It doesn't look like an ordinary person. Look at this muscle. It's really hard and strong. It really makes Uncle Deadpool envy.

There is also a freak in a tight leather jacket..."

Having said this, Deadpool paused and said thoughtfully:

"FK, why does it sound familiar?"



Matt Murdoch:


Heroes of Ancient Warriors:


Three people slander: Are you a little self-aware?


Deadpool clapped his hands, suddenly realized:

"Ha, isn't this the same as Master Deadpool? I have to say, man, you are very tasteful! But I want to ask how you solve the problem of too tight part D? Master Deadpool's leather clothes always feel a little bit eggy, brother feeling bad."

Deadpool said that in the crowd, in full view, he stretched out his hand and scratched at a certain position, and made a very angry noise at the same time.

"Oh, huh, hiss, yeah! Canada! Cool! Comfortable!"


Matt Murdoch: What if I suddenly don't want to wear this suit! ? What if I want to hit someone suddenly! ?


PS: It was only recently discovered that Daredevil’s real name is not Matthew Murdoch, his full name should be Matthew Michael Murdoch, or Matt Murdoch for short.

In addition, the full name of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D is Nicholas Joseph Fury, and Nick Fury is the abbreviation.

Well, no Zhao Si...

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