Master, I Need Charging

Chapter 100: Hit 1 backward

Aunt Xu looked around and saw no one around, whispering to Gu Anbao, "Miss Shen's stepmother is the biological mother of Master Yuheng, that is, Yu Qinglan who just called."

Gu Anbao still looked dumb as if he couldn't understand what Aunt Xu said.

Aunt Xu also said: "Before, the children on both sides were still young. Yu Qinglan occasionally took Yu Heng to the Shen family for dinner. The old man didn't want to see their mother-child relationship alienated, so they very much agreed. Later, somehow, that Miss Shen liked Yuheng and did many extraordinary things... The Shen family felt that Yuheng lured their eldest lady to Yuheng...very polite, and then Yuheng never went again Passed the Shen family."

Gu Anbao suddenly...

This... obviously is an enmity...

Well, although she doesn’t like Shen Xinran, but... she actually admires Shen Xinran’s courage to confess on TV...really, super bold!

If it were her, she could not hold back a word!

In front of so many people, say that kind of thing... so powerful, although the last paragraph about underwear made her a little uncomfortable...

Gu Anbao thought with anger: You can't wear that kind of cup underwear even if you buy it for you!

Aunt Xu turned and walked to the kitchen, still talking in his mouth: "We have tolerated the previous things. This time we were on TV. Yuheng did the right thing. Let the Shen family know that we are not rare. Miss!"

Gu Anbao stayed in place for a while and suddenly woke up, took out his mobile phone and searched the Internet for news--

A search of Shen Xinran's name immediately popped up a lot of related news.

Gu Anbao's finger slowly slid across the screen, and those eye-catching news headlines made her frown.

How could this be……

Shen Xinran's fans have madly attacked Chen Yuheng's language through various channels such as news commentary, Weibo interaction, and RK official forums, and scolded Chen Yuheng for being bearish and scumbag.

Because RK's legal department responded to Shen Xinran's confession, he issued a statement of appeal on the Internet, arguing that Shen Xinran maliciously rumored, harming Chen Yuheng's interests, and indirectly threatening Chen Yuheng's personal safety.

However, Shen Xinran's fans did not buy it. They felt that the rich man like Chen Yuheng must have empathy, so she abandoned Shen Xinran and denied their relationship.

The public opinion on the Internet is almost one-sided, and all are Shen Xinran's sympathizers. After all, Shen Xinran’s public image has always been very good. She summoned up the courage to announce her love on TV, but she was denied by Chen Yuheng and prosecuted... This sounds really pitiful.

But... these abuses are too much for Chen Yuheng...too baffling!

Gu Anbao looked at the accusations and accusations on the Internet, and the more uncomfortable it became, the more anxiously he turned off the webpage, sitting on the sofa and sulking.

She trusts RK's strength in dealing with public relations crises. Presumably, there will be a reversal within a few days, otherwise Yu Qinglan will not specifically call for peace, but... she is still angry!

How can those people scold him like that?

None of you know him! Do you know what kind of person he is? I don’t know anything... I don’t know anything. It’s too much to just blame on one side...


What a scum man must not die, what will be retaliated sooner or later...

Gu Anbao hugged Chen Yuheng.

She couldn't help but think of the strange man who attacked them with a wine bottle, wasn't it just somehow? How could there be such a person? He wasn’t Shen Xinran anymore, and he had never even seen Shen Xinran himself, so he was grievous for her. This is simply... unreasonable!

No wonder Grandpa loses his temper, no wonder Aunt Xu refuses to let go.

In fact, it is so angry!

The mobile phone sounded a message, and Gu Anbao picked it up and looked at it.

Another message from Chen Yuheng...

This time he sent a photo, below the photo is a text message-

Master Boss: Newly bought sheets, purple, do you like it?

Gu Anbao clicks on the thumbnail of the photo. The photo shows the large bed in his bedroom. The sheets have been changed and the color is very elegant purple.

Gu Anbao looked at the photos on his phone, and his heart was funny and angry, thinking, when is it now, why are you still in the mood to buy this? ...

The original CEO Weibo was full of all kinds of thighs and thighs, and now they are completely exploded by Shen Xinran's navy.

Those who cursed people were angry even when they saw Gu Anbao. She thought, why didn't Chen Yuheng get angry? Why do you have time to pick the sheets...

Gu Anbao is also naive. President RK’s official blog, not to mention Chen Yuheng who is nominally a person, is actually operated by RK’s specially responsible personnel, not to mention... a versatile single man is finally enlightened and completely immersed in the freshness of love Feeling and excited, I didn't have time to go online and watch those messy things.

Gu Anbao responded to him very seriously: Do not put the newly purchased sheets directly, remember to let nono wash it off with water first.

Chen Yuheng returned to her: Do you want me?

Gu Anbao was extremely embarrassed.

What... how to answer the question!

Simply pretend to die and ignore him!

But Chen Yuheng didn't plan to let her go, the news was one after another.

Gu Anbao was very disturbed. He picked up his phone and found that there were already seven or eight unread new messages. Click to open and read again, all of which were full of pictures.

What did you buy?

In the photo are various styles of clothes.

Gu Anbao was very hopeless... attracted attention. Meimei's skirt or something, I really can't resist it...especially the retro British lady's skirt, super elegant, just like a princess.

Since watching the Roman holidays, she has fallen in love with this style of clothes.

Gu Anbao flipped through the photos one by one, thinking sweetly, Chen Yuheng's taste... was very similar to her.

At this time, a new message from Chen Yuheng popped up in the information chat box-

Master Boss: Lulu helped you pick it, do you like it?

Gu Anbao: "..."

In a daze for a moment, the boss has new news: In addition to clothes and shoes, I have bought a lot of other things. I will show you.

Gu Anbao blinked.

Is there anything else?

A lot of new photos emerged from the chat box, she clicked in, browsed one by one, and her face became more and more strange...

Chen Yuheng was right, there are many other things in the photo...

For example, the underwear and stockings that make people swell blood... and the ear covers of various animals...

Gu Anbao endured the twitching of his forehead, and looked down one by one, cat ears, fox ears, rabbit ears, dog ears... why are there deer horns? She is not a dragon!

...Wait, what is this hair?

Gu Anbao stared at the big ball of white hair, and after watching it for a long time, she finally reacted... Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

——It's a rabbit tail! ! !

Why did you buy her a tail? ! ! Why, why! ! !

Gu Anbao was extremely ashamed! He quickly typed a long string of words on the keyboard and replied to Chen Yuheng——

"Bad guy! Bad guy! Bad guy! Bad guy! Bad guy bad guy bad guy bad guy bad guy bad guy bad guy bad guy bad guy bad guy bad guy bad guy bad guy bad guy bad guy bad guy bad guy bad guy bad guy bad guy bad guy bad guy...bad guy!!!!!!

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