Master, I Need Charging

Chapter 31: Overtime maintenance

  Chen Yuheng took Gu Anbao to RK, and even without returning to the office, went directly to the maintenance department.

  The technicians were ready, and Lulu was also present. At the sight of Gu Anbao's dirty look, Lulu was so distressed that his eyes were red.

   But Chen Yuheng has no good face for Lulu. Although this matter is mainly due to Shen Xinran's intentional concealment and blame, Lulu also has to bear some responsibility.

   "Let's get another set of clothes that she can wear." Chen Yuheng said with a sullen face.

   Lulu nodded again and again and hurried away, Chen Yuheng stopped her again, "Wait..."

   He thought about it, in order to avoid such an embarrassing situation today, and said: "Two sets are required, and the same is true for underwear. If there is no suitable one, let Cheryl customize to the previous size."

   Lulu retreated with respect.

   Next, the work of the technical staff officially began...

  They let Gu Anbao lie on a metal tabletop similar to a space capsule, and then performed layer-by-layer scanning. The display of the robot's internal structure appeared synchronously in the display on the worktable.

   Chip ok, circuit board ok, information processor ok, artificial bone ok...

Scanned to the outermost skin, dense red punctuation appeared on the display, the computer's alarm sound continued: "The outer layer is damaged, please repair. Coordinates x57, y192. The outer layer is damaged, please repair. Coordinate x103, y43. The outer layer is damaged, please repair..."

   The piercing alarm sound was heard in Gu Anbao's ears, and the scalp felt numb...

  Technical staff quickly concluded: "A total of 67 outer layers are damaged due to penetration, scratching, and tearing. The outer layer needs to be repaired as soon as possible to avoid secondary damage."

  Chen Yuheng frowned and looked at a large red on the screen.

   The damaged parts are mainly concentrated on the arms and calves. No wonder the socks are about to rot into cloth...

   "Let's start repairing."

  Chen Yuheng finished, one of the technicians picked up a chainsaw......

  Gu Anbao was shocked: "!!!"

   Isn't it... she thinks so?

   The switch turned on, and the chainsaw made a noisy sound-Gu Anbao on the metal stage was excited, and his hands immediately covered his eyes!

  Dare to watch!

  Chen Yuheng pulled her hand away, "cover what? Hand must be cut."

  Gu Anbao's hand was pulled away, and his eyes were still closed.

   The technician holding a chainsaw on the side made a few strokes on her leg. Somewhat confused Chen Yuheng: "Mr. Chen, the robot has been shaking."

  Gu Anbao: "..."

   Did she shake? ...She didn't want to...

  Chen Yuheng heard the words, touched her neck, and directly pressed the shutdown button.

  ...... Still shaking.

  Chen Yuheng looked a little ugly...The technicians looked at each other, not daring to say anything.

  Gu Anbao also understood that he was delaying others' work, whispering very embarrassedly: "Otherwise, please hold it for me..."

   What a reasonable robot...

  Chen Yuheng silently said, "Repair with Pok glue."

   The two technicians looked at each other and hesitated, "Mr. Chen, in that case...may be slower."

  Originally, their plan was to saw off the damaged skin layer, remove it separately, perform high-temperature repair with a special device, and then put it back on the robot's body, and then wipe the traces at the seam.

   But if you use Pok glue...

  Chen Yuheng said with a cold face: "It's better than sawing a dog nibbling and making the seam unmanageable."

  Technicians rushed to prepare.

  Gu Anbao secretly relieved and called...

   No more chainsaws...

   It’s really scary to watch the thing sign on his body...

   But what is Pok glue? Can I glue the wound?

  Gu Anbao waited for a while with anticipation, and saw them pushing a round metal bucket with a roll around. The bucket was filled with a completely transparent liquid. It looked like ordinary tap water.

  Gu Anbao sat on the metal platform and left them at his mercy.

  Technicians grabbed her two slender white legs and reached into the bucket——

   The color of the water surface immediately changed. Gu Anbao looked at it curiously. After half a second, she suddenly reacted! Shouted with horror: "Chen Yuheng! Chen Yuheng! Chen Yuheng!......"

   called three times in a row, fast and fast!

  Technicians looked at her in shock, wondering: Is this robot short-circuited?

  Chen Yuheng was appalled by her, approached two steps and asked, "What's wrong?"

  Gu Anbao's eyes widened, looking at her calf instantly dissolved by Pok glue...She opened her mouth several times and finally recovered her voice: "...It's okay..."

   The skin on the calf has disappeared completely, leaving only the metallic bone structure inside.

   was called his name at the time, just because he was scared...

  The calf part was over. The technician melted her two arms, then pushed a new bucket of milky white gelatinous liquid, poured it into the mold, and let Gu Anbao's limbs extend into the mold filled with liquid.

  It took about two hours to wait for drying. Chen Yuheng looked down at his watch and decided to go back to the office to work.

   So, only Gu Anbao and two technicians are left in this studio.

   As soon as the big boss left, the two also relaxed a lot, moved their shoulders a few times, and gathered together to talk and laugh.

"...Fortunately, only the skin layer was damaged. When I first received the news, I heard that there was a problem with the Devil's robot. Let our department arrange for repair work, which was a big shock... Who dares to repair the robot made by Mr. Ace? What if something goes wrong?"

"It’s not necessary to fix the problem, it’s okay to check the problem... In fact, I was also shocked at the time, but I was not afraid of repair problems, haha, I think someone actually broke the Devil’s robot~www. is really bold enough."

   "Hey, compensation must be indispensable. Although it is only the skin layer, this is Mr. Ace's work. The name of Mr. Ace is worth a lot of money..."

   "Oh yes, Mr. Ace is coming back soon?"

   "Well, yeah, I heard that he came back this week before, but you also know that he often puts the devil's pigeons, and the ghost knows whether he will return this week..."

   The door opened with a crunch.

   The two of them chatted suddenly, their faces pale.

  Lulu walked in with a pile of clothes, and looked at the two people inexplicably, "What are you looking at? Don't know me!"

  The two were relieved and wiped cold sweat, "Lulu, almost scared to death by you... we thought the devil was coming again..."

  Lulu gave them two glances.

  -Two hours later, Gu Anbao's hands and feet were finally liberated. As soon as the abrasive tool opened, a pair of thick and fat white arms were completed!

  Gu Anbao looked at his new arm, a little dumbfounded, this is too thick... And, the color is not the same as the original...

   At this time, the technician sent her to another metal platform.

   There is a fixed lock on this metal table. As soon as they lay down, they locked her body. Someone asked: "Is the computer engraving machine ready?"

   "Okay." Another answered.

  Someone pressed the button, Gu Anbao immediately saw that the blades of light fluttered on both sides of the body...

   She closed her eyes in despair.

  I knew early...I should be patient at that time...

   This is more scary than a chain saw or something...

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