Master, I Need Charging

Chapter 44: Learn to coax a woman

  Yo Mo is because the eagerness in the eyes of Lord Demon is too obvious. Gu Anbao actually understood what he meant and said softly: "I don’t want to play the computer now..."

  Chen Yuheng tilted her head to look at her, "Want to read?"

  Gu Anbao shook his head slowly.

Most of the books on the shelf in the president’s office are things she can’t understand. What finance, what Internet, what new technology, what market effects... The only books you can read are the ones on the corner Sherlock Holmes, but she really can't take the effort to see those suspenseful cases.

  Chen Yuheng thought about it, took out his mobile phone, unlocked it and handed it to Gu Anbao.

  Gu Anbao looked at the mobile phone, and then looked at Chen Yuheng, hanging his head and said: "I don't want to play with the mobile phone either."

  Chen Yuheng could not understand.

   This robot is obviously unhappy...

   But wasn’t it okay when I just went out? How did it change in a flash?

  After all, he wasn't that careful, and he wouldn't be wasting time on such small things. Thinking that she might be fine after a while, she didn't think about it anymore and started working on her own.

  Allen came in once in the middle, and gave Gu Anbao a mobile phone.

  Chen Yuheng deliberately went to see her reaction and found that Gu Anbao was still sitting stunned after receiving the phone, not knowing what to do.

  Chen Yuheng was inexplicably upset...

   "Why don't you read the joke?" he asked.

  The expression on Gu Anbao's face finally changed. She slowly sat upright and put the phone back in her small satchel, and said in a low voice: "No mood."

  Chen Yuheng: "..."

  Vaguely pondered over her, this is she...fighting with him?

  If Gu Anbao knew what Chen Yuheng thought, she must feel that she died injustice. How dare she lose her temper? She was so obsessed that she lost her temper... Now she doesn't want to do anything, but it's just because she thinks she's not going to be seen, and she feels particularly downcast.

   This awkward look fell into Chen Yuheng's eyes, and he felt funny and arrogant. He couldn't think of what to do with the situation, and he continued to read the boring and long documents.

  Chen Yuheng did not expect that Gu Anbao's awkwardness continued until he came home from get off work.

When she returned home in the past, she would also follow the robot nono to do housework, tidy up the house, make a cup of coffee or something. Today, she was listless and didn’t even watch her favorite cartoon. She just sat in the living room for a while. , I went to find the charging cable and plugged it in, standby charging ing......

  Chen Yuheng only felt incredible!

   Lying in bed in the middle of the night, Lord Demon's insomnia...

   couldn't sleep, and sat up. Chen Yuheng opened the door halfway. From his point of view, there was a little person curled up on the sofa to rest.

  Chen Yuheng silently looked at Gu Anbao.

  Like the fulfillment of what Ace said, her habits are more and more like human beings. When there is no one at night, she will lie down to imitate the sleeping posture, even if the robot does not need to sleep at all...

   closed the door quietly, Chen Yuheng lay back on the bed, and the deep black eyes looked at the ceiling quietly, after a while, suddenly got up again, took the phone beside the bed to make a call.

   Ace's voice came from the phone: "...Boss, do you know what time it is? If you don't know, I can tell you now! Two o'clock! Two o'clock in the morning!--"

   "Nguyen Nguyen..." Chen Yuheng opened his head.

   "Nguyen Nguyen?! What happened to Nguyen Nguyen? She stole away again? Hurry up! Hurry up!"

   Chen Yuheng frowned, and suddenly regretted making this call...

   "She's a little wrong." Chen Yuheng can't describe Gu Anbao's abnormality. After thinking about it, she can only summarize it with something wrong.

   The other side of Ace was excited, "No-yes-Jin -?! What's wrong? Isn't it good at noon?"

   "...After returning to the company at noon, it seems..." Chen Yuheng said, inexplicably finding it difficult to speak, "It seems... in...fucking with me..."

   Ace's tone rose half a degree: "Trouble... temper? After going out on a blind date?"

   "Hmm." Chen Yuheng frowned and thought, this matter... will it be related to the blind date? But besides making videos, he didn't let her do anything else... Is he angry because of making videos?

   "Ha ha ha ha ha! Yu Heng you wood fish head! Ruan Ruan is jealous!" Ace smiled without warning.

  Chen Yuheng stunned.

  ...... jealous?

   A robot, jealous?

   "...Are you sure you are kidding?"

"What's so strange! Didn't you still say that she has a crush on you? It's called the fledgling effect, understand? She follows you every day, so the fledgling effect is produced! It's normal to eat a vinegar. Explain Artificial intelligence has grown and become more advanced..."

   is involved in artificial intelligence again...

  Asce said that she couldn't stop. She started talking on the phone and imagining the possibilities of artificial intelligence.

  Chen Yuheng had a headache and didn't want to listen anymore. "I'm asking you a solution."

   "You coax her!" Ast said.


  Coax a robot?

  Chen Yuheng felt very strange, let alone coaxing robots, just coaxing people...he had never coaxed...

   "Can it work?"

   "It definitely works! You see why she is so good with Lulu, not because Lulu often coaxes her! Give a small hairpin, give a mobile phone case, don't girls coax so much..."

  Chen Yuheng was a little depressed: "The card issuer and the phone case are all my money."


   The laugh of forbearance came from the phone with trembling.

  Chen Yuheng can think of Ace's playfulness at the moment without asking~ had no intention of ignoring him, hung up the phone, crossed his hands behind his head, and quietly looked at the ceiling.

  Coax...Can it be alright?


  ——The next day.

  After Chen Yuheng got up, he specially observed Gu Anbao.

   It seems that it looks pretty good...

  Although some emotions are still low, he is not in a daze. She stood at the table, put two pieces of sugar cubes in the milk, slender fingers holding a silver teaspoon, slowly stirring, circle by circle, very serious look.

  The robot noticed Chen Yuheng's gaze, raised his head to look at him, and quickly retracted his neck, tilted his head and pursed his lips, placed the milk glass in his usual sitting position, and turned to start packing the loose clothes in the living room.

  Chen Yuheng walked over to sit down, dried out sandwiches and milk as usual, then stared at Gu Anbao's busy figure for a while, and said, "Is there anything you want?"

  Gu Anbao packed his clothes and received a pot of water to water the green plants in the house. She heard Chen Yuheng's voice and looked at it with amazement.

  Chen Yuheng cleared his throat and said, "Or, is there anything...want to go?"

  Gu Anbao looked at Chen Yuheng confused, didn't quite understand what he wanted to do...

  Chen Yuheng is also a little uncomfortable.

  Think about the "coax" way you know, probably by giving gifts.

   "New clothes, new bags, new shoes, anything." Chen Yuheng tried to rejuvenate her, "Anything you like?"

  Gu Anbao was dumbfounded and asked with uncertain tone: "Anything?"

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