Master of Fist

Chapter 436: Mechanic’s Invitation

"By the way, how is Lao Zhang recently?" Someone asked from the side.

He Laosi knew that Lao Zhang was an old helper at the port, but it was a pity that he was hit by a boulder that was dropped in the port half a year ago when the orcs were attacking the city. visceral heart and lungs.

"He died the day before yesterday. Poor old Zhang beat a bachelor all his life until he died without even touching a woman's hand."

One person's narration made everyone present silent. Everyone was a helper, and most of them were in the same situation as Lao Zhang. Of course, some of them came from Taonan like He Laosi.

But now that he has fallen so far, he thinks that his future situation will be almost the same as this old Zhang.

"Hey, brothers come alive!"

There was a long silence until a place in the distance flickered with stars, and everyone suddenly became energetic.

Everyone has lived at the pier for a long time, with sharp eyesight, they are very familiar with the flickering light of the flying boat and can distinguish it at a glance.

He Laosi also took a closer look, and indeed the light flickering in the distance was the reflected light of the star sail of the flying boat, which he was very familiar with.

"Hey, it seems like a big deal!"

"No! One, two, three..."

When the light spots in the distance were getting closer and closer, everyone found that the dense light spots were almost connected together.

"This can't be the army withdrawn from the front line?" Someone said in surprise.

He Laosi has also heard about it. It is said that the alliance is currently at a disadvantage and has decided to completely abandon the front line. Soon the alliance's troops on the front line will all be withdrawn. I didn't expect it to be so fast.

"This time, there is no need to rob people." Someone murmured.

This huge airship fleet naturally attracted the attention of many people in the port, and many nearby patrols began to move closer to the airship to conduct necessary checks and inspections, and they could only be released after confirming that there was no serious problem.


After a while, a medium-sized flying boat led by Zhizhi slowly docked at the port. At this time, many people were already standing at the dock.

"Hey, you see, such a big battle, here must be a high-ranking big shot!" A helper pointed to the alliance insiders who were standing and waiting near the dock of the flying boat and whispered.

"Well, even several elders have come."

He Laosi was also secretly startled, elders are often hard to see for little people like them. The only people who can talk to a small helper like him are ordinary alliance insiders.

I met some deacons when the gym was still there, but the elders still belonged to a higher level of existence, and the elders would not show up easily unless necessary.


"Hey, why is it a young man?"

"Yeah, so young, so young is classy?"

"Such geniuses are beyond our imagination."


Looking at the city of Tianchen that reappeared in front of him, Jiang Heng felt as if he had passed away. It was obviously not long since he left last time, but Jiang Heng sighed from the bottom of his heart.

It was only moderate when it left, and it was superior when it returned.

"Jiang...Senior brother Jiang?!"

A slightly surprised voice came from my ear, looking for the reputation, it turned out to be Yan Lao who I had seen before.

At this time, Yan Lao was still wearing a slightly dirty alliance black robe, and his body smelled of alcohol, as if he had just been drinking. His face was flushed and excited, as if seeing a long-lost relative.

"Long time no see, Mr. Yan."

Jiang Heng responded indifferently, this simple greeting made Yan Lao stand up straight, and his colleagues beside him felt a toothache.

Since there are acquaintances to support, it is natural for acquaintances to lead.

This time, Jiang Heng's status is different when he comes back this time, so the mansion allocated naturally is also different, yes! It is the mansion.

According to Yanlao's description, after knowing Jiang Heng stepped into the upper class, he specially prepared a villa in the city to serve as Jiang Heng's residence. As for others, they are not treated so well.

Those warriors who participated in the war can only be assigned to the camp outside the city. It is said that it is because the army will return to the city station one after another and it may not be enough, so they can only make do with it. As for those members of the alliance, most of them have residences in the city, so there is no need to worry.

Only Zhou Fu was following Jiang Heng at this time, as an apprentice, he was obliged to follow his master and wait for orders.

According to the rules of the alliance, apprentices even have to take care of the master's daily life under certain circumstances.

"Brother Jiang, by the way, here is your invitation card!"

Taking the flying boat to the Jiangheng Bieyuan group, Mr. Yan suddenly remembered something and took out an envelope from his arms and handed it over.


Jiang Heng took the envelope suspiciously, he doesn't seem to have any acquaintances in the city, right?

Opening the envelope, he took a look at Jiang Heng and smiled.

"This kid actually came here?"

The person who wrote it was Peter Pied, and Jiang Heng naturally remembered the young master of the Muse Consortium, so he was so impressed. It's not that this kid's life was saved. It's that this kid has the same name as a colleague from Qinglan Realm.

Just why did this kid come here?

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng asked about what had happened in the past half a year or so, and Mr. Yan didn't hesitate to tell everything he knew one by one.

In particular, it focuses on the offensive and defensive battle of Tianchen City that day.

"Advanced Mechanic?!"

Hearing something, Jiang Heng was a little surprised.

He continued to listen until he heard the whole process, and then Jiang Heng let out a sigh of relief.

"That is to say, that senior mechanic is now living with the person who gave you this post?" Jiang Heng looked at Mr. Yan and waved the invitation in his hand.

"Yes!" Yan Lao didn't hide anything, but he had a slightly hesitant look on his face, and after thinking about it, he said a little solemnly: "Senior brother Jiang, this...this invitation invites you to a banquet, or you can ignore it That's it!"


Jiang Heng was surprised, for a moment he didn't understand what the other party meant.

"It's just... that honored guest from the Luohui Empire seems to have a bad temper! In front of the front, he competed with the city lord every day, and won the city lord's face in three tricks. This invitation, the banquet is fake, but this immediately Wei is true!"

Yan Lao lowered his voice and explained patiently.

"Liwei? Where does this start? A match is a match, and a loss is a loss. Could it be that this mechanic is still aggressive?" Jiang Heng was a little puzzled. This is the league's home game. The mechanic from the Luohui Empire has no reason. So arrogant?

Hearing Yan Lao immediately became anxious.

"Senior Brother Jiang, listen to my advice. It's okay if you win, but this..."

No matter how anxious Yan Lao is, it is really a mechanic who is weak, but this method is really powerful.

In fact, Yan Lao’s anxiety was not out of the villain’s heart, but mainly because he was thinking in a different direction. Seeing the imperialists defeating their own superiors so easily in the alliance territory, and also winning so easily, he naturally felt very uncomfortable.

Naturally, he didn't have a good impression of the mechanic during the conversation.

Jiang Heng nodded slightly and put away the invitation, completely ignoring Yan Lao's reassurance.

Soon arrived at the location of Bieyuan.

This is a villa located in the city near the city lord's mansion in the center. It covers an area of ​​more than 400 square meters, which is considered a rare mansion in the crowded city of Tianchen.


Xiaoqin fled to Tianchen City a few years ago, and she was originally a young lady of a martial arts family, but unfortunately the whole family was forced to flee to Tianchen City in that catastrophe.

When the family came here, they had to ask for money to eat, drink, and drink, and they didn't bring anything valuable in a hurry.

Xiaoqin's family is not a real big family, but a landlord. Strictly speaking, it is a small mine owner who takes care of the mine affairs for some gymnasiums and dojos.

The family doesn't have any skills at all, and the father is the supervisor of the mine. After coming to Tianchen City, they can't go back to their old profession, right?

The family couldn't find a source of income when they came here, and in the end they were forced to sell their daughter to the alliance.

For several years in the alliance, Xiaoqin has been taught by some female officials in the Etiquette Department of the city, training them in piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and serving people. According to the female officials, they will all have to serve important people in the future, and the first thing to change is their temperament.

Fortunately, Xiaoqin is of some background, her tutor was pretty good since she was a child, and her appearance is the best among them. She didn't complete all the assessments of the Etiquette Department until a month ago.

It's just that Xiaoqin couldn't help but get upset when she heard that she was going to welcome her future master.

"Xiaoqin, don't be nervous, the big man is actually not as free as we think, and won't have too many demands. And let me tell you..."

A slightly older and beautiful waitress standing in front of the gate of the other garden with Xiaoqin said with a smile.

"Most important people are martial idiots. I heard some sisters say that even if you beg others to break your body, others don't have time!"

Talking about the beautiful maid's smile, the flowers trembled wildly, but Xiaoqin blushed.

During her time in the Etiquette Department, Xiaoqin learned a lot about serving men under the guidance of the female officer, but at this moment she still couldn't help but blush with embarrassment.

"Okay, let's stop talking. It seems to be here!"

Following the words of the beautiful maid, Xiaoqin unconsciously looked at the clothes on her body and nodded slightly, it was very clean.

It's just that Xiaoqin still couldn't help thinking wildly in her mind at this time.

"I heard that the big men are very old. Could it be a bad old man?"

Just when Xiaoqin couldn't help thinking wildly, a small vehicle that could only accommodate a few people slowly landed in front of the gate of Bieyuan.

With her lowered head, Xiaoqin couldn't help raising her head and holding back a glance. She just glanced roughly and felt a thump in her heart.

Sure enough, he is very old!

Looking at the old man over there who was looking forward to a young man laughing and chatting vigorously, Xiaoqin felt a little sad, thinking that at her age, she had never fantasized about the perfect man in her mind.

But the reality is like this.

Just as Xiaoqin was lamenting in her heart, several people on the vehicle walked towards her.

It's just strange that the leader is not the white-haired old man, but the young man?

"Huh? Why are you guys standing here, Senior Brother Jiang? Don't you know who is the owner of this place?"

Old Yan led Jiang Heng forward, and was the first to see Xiaoqin who was blocking the courtyard gate in a daze, and couldn't help scolding.

"Please forgive me, Elder. Xiaoqin just came out of the Etiquette Department and didn't realize it by accident. Xiaoqin is still in a daze. Why don't you invite the master in?" Seeing this, the beautiful maid hurriedly poked her elbow to the side, still not recovering. the violin.

"Ah! Well...Okay!"

Xiaoqin came back to her senses completely, there was an unbelievable surprise in her beautiful eyes, she quickly moved away and bowed to the young man in front of her.

"Alas! Everyone is gone! Look at you!"

The beautiful maid couldn't help joking. She naturally saw Xiaoqin's scene just now, how could she, who was much older, couldn't figure out the little girl's mind.

Hearing this, Xiaoqin's pretty face turned red again.

"Xiaoqin, we are lucky this time! I didn't expect the master to be so young. I heard that some of the big shots served by my sister are old men over two thousand years old."

In Xiaoqin's mind, she didn't pay much attention to what the other person said, and her little brain was completely occupied by the appearance of the man before.

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