Master of Marvel World

Chapter 84 After the meeting

Wanda and the two suddenly raised their heads, staring fixedly at Shen He.

"Why did you do that?" Wanda's voice was hoarse.

After being caught by the enemy, they were all ready to be experimented and tortured.

"Revenge is a very normal emotion." Shen He stood up from his seat and walked down step by step, "I just want to find the right target for revenge. You are just taking the pain you have endured on innocent people."

"Innocent people?" Wanda suddenly raised her voice, "Is Tony Stark an innocent person? He invented and made those weapons! Those killing weapons! These weapon manufacturers have been promoting war and chaos ! You should go to Segway and see what the people there think of Tony Stark!"

"really interesting."

Shen He was not angry, he just looked at the two young people quietly.

"Someone killed someone with a kitchen knife, but you want to blame the knife maker who made that kitchen knife? Even if he made it for cooking?"

"It's different!" Wanda bit her lip.

"It's indeed different, but it's not that different." Shen He understood Wanda's thoughts, "The weapon manufacturers are the vested interests of the war, and you are the victims of the war. Logically speaking, you have reasons to hate them, but , Tony is just one of the few arms manufacturers who thinks that making weapons is for the protection of the peace, and he even shut down the arms manufacturing industry after he realized that he could not control the flow of the weapons he made.”

Stark Industries stopped producing and selling weapons long after the events of Iron One.

Now Tony is committed to the field of episodic energy, which is also a profitable field.


Wanda was stunned for a while.

"After he discovered that the weapon he invented fell into the hands of terrorists, he immediately chose to shut down the weapon manufacturing industry. This has been half a year ago." Shen He shrugged, "It seems that Hydra didn't tell you this a little."


Wanda and Pietro didn't know what to say for a while.

Their hatred for Stark stems more from their fear of what happened when they were young. Weapon manufacturers and war promoters are just excuses. What they hate and fear is the star that almost killed them. The duds.

"The reason why I tell you so much is because Nanzi told me that there is still kindness in your heart, but it is covered by anger." Shen He paused, and then said, "And we are very aware of the consequences of anger. Before you decided to take revenge on Stark, did you think about killing him, besides adding evil to yourself, what can you change?"

The answer is obvious, nothing can be changed.

Even Stark Industries doesn't sell weapons anymore, and there are still so many wars in the world.

"Think about it for yourself. Since you are still young and have not made any substantial mistakes, after you figure it out, you are no longer prisoners." Shen He shook his head lightly, and walked in front of Lincoln again, "Let's investigate I see, your leader is preparing a revenge massacre plan against all mankind."

"." Lincoln was completely shocked by the sudden words, and it took him a while to realize, "This is impossible!"

"The purpose of Chaldea is to protect humanity. We observe the future, detect events that may lead to the extinction of the entire civilization, and find solutions." Shen He said lightly, "Your leader is one of them, and she received nine The cruel treatment of the head snake, the object of this resentment has spread to all mankind."

"The leader is a very good person!" Lincoln suddenly became excited, "She gave us a home, you are slandering me!"

"She may be very good to you, but what about human beings?" Shen He glanced at him one last time, then returned to his seat, "I'm not asking you for proof, your leader is a hidden danger we need to deal with next. I need your cooperation, Agent Hill, can I hand it over to you? Attilan will send people to participate in this matter, and I have already talked to Black Bolt King."

"No problem." Hill stood up and responded.

"Wait, wait!" Lincoln took a few steps forward, "What do you mean by 'deal with'? Are you going to kill our leader because of something that hasn't happened yet? Just because of the future you said!?"

"Of course not." Shen He seemed to think of something suddenly, "Thank you for reminding me, everyone, the future detected by Chaldea only represents a possibility and can only be used as information reference. Let's investigate by ourselves, this is the principle that must be remembered when working in Chaldea, I hope no one will be so stupid as to take the future as the truth, because what we are doing is to change the future—the meeting will be dismissed!"

Everyone stood up with their hands behind their backs, waiting for Shen He to pack up and leave before gradually spreading out.

In fact, the main purpose of this meeting is to increase these people's sense of identity and honor for Chaldea.

Shen He wants them to understand that as the guardian of the earth, Chaldea has stronger strength, higher quality, and a more respected status than S.H.I.E.L.D.

Just after walking out of the meeting room, under the faint yellow light, a girl wearing a black sports jacket and sweatpants stood quietly outside the door.


Shen He looked at the girl who seemed to be waiting for him in surprise.

Did she have such a desire to learn?

"Is the meeting over?"

"Well, it's over."

Shen He waited for Joan's next words, but she suddenly stopped and remained silent, just staring at him with lavender eyes, her expression was as serious as when she was fighting.

".Jeanne? You are"

No matter how dull he was, Shen He noticed something was wrong, and he suddenly felt a little weak.

But before he finished his inquiry, Jeanne suddenly took a deep breath, and while encouraging herself, she quickly held Shen He's hand and said:

".Master, come with me"

Shen He was a little dazed, a little nervous, but was dragged towards her room by Jeandra with a look of bewilderment.

This short distance of ten minutes seems to have become extremely long.

Finally, when the door was opened, what appeared in front of Shen He was——

a big dog.

In just an instant, the surrounding environment changed suddenly.

The humid sea breeze is blowing slowly in the air, the sound of the water surface beating against the rocks is heard, the bright moonlight is shining on the sparkling sea, and the seaside under the night seems to have a different kind of charm.

In the whole world, there are only sea, moonlight, rocks, and Joan of Arc.

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