Master Of None

1442 1442. Showy Appearance

"I can say that Su and Remey will be back in the arena some point soon." Waker was very impressed by his friend's improvements. They had shown off their tactics while also holding back so that they did not give away any of their best moves.

"I am more interested to see these next matches. There seems to be a decent commotion within the waiting room." The group looked down at the entrance to the participant waiting area. There were multiple people rushing out to make way for someone that was leaving behind them. The looks over their shoulders showed that it was going to be someone that they didn't want to fight.

"It's not surprising with the darkness elemental mana I can feel around that entrance. I would say that a powerful opponent is coming. Those leaving ahead of them should hope that they do not need to face whoever that is. Only a handful I have seen will be able to handle that degree of elemental control." For Mordant to compliment the mana he felt to such a degree meant a lot.

What burst from the tunnel to the waiting area was an armored serpent that Walker recognized. It was Onyx in his full size without anything held back. "That's what those crates were for!" Onyx had requested that the wandering blacksmith create armor for him. On top of that, the armor was carved with darkness elemental runes which enhanced the armor that Onyx could make using the shadows he controlled.

Enhancing this even further, Onyx used light elemental mana to keep it all held in balance. Instead of the shadows spreading as they would without anything forcing them in to place, the light elemental mana traced lines. It held back the darkness elemental mana causing a shimmering light to reflect off the shiny metal portions.

Each and every section of armor was made so that Onyx could move flexibly. This was the ideal shape of an armor for him to add defenses and also keep mobility. To call it a master piece would be an understatement. The armor was perfect for Onyx. Perfect! "Onyx said that he had something for when he needed it but I didn't think that he had that. It's amazing."

"You are a little too starstruck to see Onyx with his new armor and using skills with it to enhance his strength. You're more like a father than an older brother." Ibis felt that he was witnessing an interesting side of Walker. A side that he had not seen because he had never really spent time with his adventurers after he was forced in to his office. It was pleasant.

"Ladies and gentlemen, before you, you see Onyx. the abyssal serpent we all have heard about. Those little ones that play tag in your shadows in the market are his students. Every single person who has wondered who the little brother of our heroes is, this is him. The abyssal serpent that will one day bring a nearly extinct race of monsters to the point of world wide recognition. With his entry in this tournament, the demi-human race voiced their support of the abyssal serpent's goals!"

Scylla had carefully waited for this moment. She had spoken with king Rorick with her intentions. They were already helping other monster races. They had even made important ties with the goblins and grey haired spiders even though the forest elves had already pledged to assist them first.

The crowd was in awe of the strength they saw. On top of that, they were filled with hope hearing that Genesis was already bringing other races together to uplift those who desire to be more. Those that had seen Onyx knew him as a much more mature being that could easily converse with anyone. Yet, they did not realize his true strength.

To demonstrate that he was actually a powerful monster, Onyx coiled up in the arena he had been directed to. His loud his echoed slightly before his head lowered to look at the man before him. "Facing our quick growing Onyx, we have a special volunteer. This man before you is a human general from the city of Diamond. He is Marshal Green Known as the unshakable shield of the border." Scylla had invited the general here after hearing that he was retiring. It was the perfect way for him to transition and find a home in Genesis to train soldiers.

The General Marshal was fairly well built and tall even though he had plenty of white hair due to his age. He carried a long spear and tower shield. His reputation was known to more than just one race. The stories of how he had trained the toughest defensive formations had been sung about by minstrels in every city that allowed for travelers to come there.

"Well met Onyx. I hope that you can display your strength properly against me." General Marshal knew he would not have trouble against Onyx. he had fought many beings in his time at the border with greater strength. He just enjoyed that he would be able to help a promising young being show off the strength they would use to shape the future.

"I appreciate your journey here. Please come by our home later for dinner so that you can meet my family." The introduction said and done, they prepared to battle.

The first attack had to come from Onyx. he knew that the general was waiting for him so that he could block any attacks that came at him. Therefore, Onyx undid his coil and whipped his tail forward. The smash that followed shook the entire stadium. The stones were cracked but quickly repaired and reinforced by the earth mages.

"That armor also enhanced his skills. It has to be the darkness elemental runes allowing Onyx to add more mana to his attacks." Walker hadn't grasped the uniqueness of the runes he saw.



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