Master Of None

1492 1492. Battle Of Wrath

Walker stood in the air with his breath held. He watched as Mordant fought with shadows from a very far distance. It was amazing how he could use the shadows around others to cause them to change their directions. The benefit was that the angrier the soldier appeared to get the more they were able to be herded.

The anger that the soldiers had was blind. It was just to attack whatever they were aimed at. Therefore, when mordant irritated them by separating them with walls of their own shadow, they turned and charged toward the source of the shadows, this just happened to be the walls.

This left Barry face to face with the largest demon that Walker had ever seen much faster than expected.

Wrath was standing easily ten feet tall. His face was contorted in a permanent angry scowl. The horns on his head were bright red as if dyed with blood. They had many spikes that made anything they could touch stick to them. But where things became truly scary, were the muscles that covered his entire body. Arms, legs, and torso bigger than any that Walker could even fathom.

"Puny human! Nothing can stop my might!" Wrath roared out as he approached Barry. His entire existence was to let loose and fight. He could care less about anything around him as he dragged a large dull sword. The large trenches cut in to the ground were enough to show that the weight of the metal was not something an average person could budge.

"And here I thought you would be driving me mad in seconds. But I don't feel a…" Barry's words caught in his throat. He was stunned by the feeling of his blood boiling. It was the same feeling he had when he went all out. Wrath had just stepped closer to him and caused such an effect.

"Your anger is small, I am the might of the demon race. The most powerful warrior. The one who will stand stronger than any demon! Bow!" Wrath was single minded. His rage grew seeing that Barry didn't bow. That there were none acknowledging his might above others. Nothing to smash in to a pulp to sate his anger.

"It's time to get to work." Barry cracked his knuckles and drew his large ax from his back. He was ready to let loose. He trusted that the healers and Walker would ensure that he was able to recover from the drawbacks of him using his skills to their utmost.

The first encounter between Barry and wrath was simply stunning. The metallic clang of two larger than life weapons rang through the entire field. Those who heard in on the wall could only make out the figures of the battle but understood that they were blessed not to be nearby. The danger was greater than they could comprehend.

Barry was still holding himself fairly stable. He had been through many battles with this kind of force, but the strength that Wrath had was higher than his average opponents. It was already pushing Barry to the limits of his basic strength. Even the rogue dragons had not proven this much of an issue by comparison.

The second attack that came at Barry was enough to cleave through the ground. Wrath had started to lose the ability to speak as his eyes turned red. Wrath's muscles were straining more and more while growing in to his full size.

The skill that Wrath possessed had to do with battle specifically. Not only did it cause others to go mad around him, but it could take strength from his own anger. This made it the double edged sword of the title Wrath. Not only did he get stronger than any other demon could physically be, but he lost his mind. The extreme upside with an extreme downside. Very like the way Greed was. Immortality and constant possession of mana while being unable to lose the title.

The attack that Barry narrowly blocked threw him off his feet and rolling on to his back. The pain was fresh on his face but it was what he needed. He had started to warm up and felt he was in the right position to begin the true attack.

"Battle is where true warriors are born. Bleed boiling blood on to the earth as enemies fall before me. Feel the bliss of battle and forget the senseless emotions. Roar with fires of brutal unending war. Scream for a new opponent that will fall before you! Berserkers rampage!"

The chant that Barry let free was more animalistic than it was words. None would be able to tell it was the chant of a mastery skill, let alone a skill of any form. However, the reaction after he had done so was all too clear.

The mana around him became heavy. The air itself seemed to be weighing down on everything around him. The coloration of his skin became redder as if his blood was heating up. The sound of his heart was loud enough for anyone nearby to hear. Muscles strained on Barry's body as the ax he carried was enveloped by a red radiating mana coming from his body.

The mastery skill that Barry could use was not one that used elemental mana. It used his very own mana at an extreme rate. The very mana in his blood caused the extreme red coloration of mana around him. The look on his face was closer to the demonic monsters in fairy tales than Wrath was before him.

With a bloody battle roar, Barry jumped from where he was causing a massive crack in the ground to appear. The swing of his ax was wild and easy to predict, but Wrath met it head on. The attack alone was the first time Wrath had ever been knocked back like a ragdoll.



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