Master Of None

1582 1582. Feel The Light

Before Walker could even do anything, he had bumped in to one of the dragon hatchlings walking out of the mansion. "Hello little one, where is Midnight? Is she inside or at the cathedral?"

The little water dragon hatchling turned its head confused a little as it processed what Walker had said. Because these dragon hatchlings were raised the same way as other dragons, they were still behind Midnight in intelligence. They needed the time to learn and adapt to language along with Genesis.

After looking at Walker for some time, the hatching was able to roar out a rough few growls that he took for meaning that she was on the way to the cathedral after dropping off the other hatchlings.

" I know that some of the hatchlings have already found places to learn, but all of them?" Walker watched the water dragon hatchling head toward the water elf dwellings with plenty of energy. He had not expected that the hatchling's curiosity would allow them to learn and grow so fast.

Even though the hatchlings were still uneducated and too young, especially in dragon terms, they were adapting very well. Some of them had only been in the city for a few days. Others were still waiting to see the earth dragon egg hatch and be the first dragon to be born within Genesis. The first dragon that would be able to fully claim a natural born Genesis citizenship. This alone made Walker smile ear to ear.

The sudden burst of flames over the top of a nearby shop made Walker stop his smiles and thought process. Instead, he jumped in to the air and made his way to the shop. When he found the shop keeper and Midnight, he was surprised to see the soldering basket of apples that had been toasted and burned beyond their use.

"Well, that basket nearly knocked me clean over. Thank you for catching them. Our guardian dragon." The older woman that had been trying to organize the stall had clearly managed to walk right under a falling basket of apples that would have hurt her frail body. But Midnight had acted quickly to burn it to nothing that could even harm a fly. The only damage were a few pieces of ash that had fallen on the older woman's clothing.

"I try and catch up with you only to find that you are burning evil apples?" Walker's teasing voice snapped Midnight out of her revelry in compliments from the older woman. Midnight had truly enjoyed being called the guardian dragon of the city. It was normal that she would make a name for herself since she ran around the entire city with the hatchings or even alone at times.

"Brother!" The huff and growl that would normally be missed was translated by the system in to a yell for Walker. The older woman just chuckled.

"How much for some extra roasted apples?" Walker tossed a few coins on the counter after grabbing a nearby broom and sweeping the burnt apples away.

"Oh, you didn't need to do that. I can handle the losses myself. There are always a few bad apples and messes to clean up." The woman tried to get Walker to stop but before she could do anything, Walker already had the ground cleaned and was pulling Midnight away with him.

"So, I was wondering, do you want to practice some dragon skills with me?" Walker saw the light in Midnight's eyes as. She clearly wanted to and didn't even need to speak to make this clear. "Alright, then we should head out of the city a little. I Want to be away from everyone when I try to fuse the elemental dragon aspect to create a natural dragon aspect. Fleur is going to help me too." On cue, Fleur revealed herself to be hiding behind Walker.

"Fire breath, I want to practice fire breath!" Midnight's sudden response was still strange to Walker. He knew that she was very dedicated to her own growth but having her directly say it and him understand was very odd. But it was great, he too could train some of his skills that related to dragon fire.

"Then I will try it out too. I should be able to make any dragon fire that you use. Or dragon breath attacks. The elemental dragon aspect should also be able to be split in to singular elemental dragon aspects. Maybe I should try and figure out how to use other dragon domains too. If I can do that I might have an easier time." The ice dragon domain was fresh in Walker's mind since he knew it was powerful and helped him and others in battle.

"Where would you be heading?" The voice from above was one that Walker thought would remain reclusive for her entire time in Genesis. Especially since the light elemental floor in the mage tower seemed to be the only place that she wanted to be.

"Hello Rise, I was heading just outside the city to train the elemental dragon aspect, dragon domain theories, and some dragon breath attacks. Midnight is mainly focusing on the dragon breath attacks. She has a better handle of darkness elemental attacks because of her bloodline before she awakened the true dragon champion bloodline. If you can give her some guidance on light elemental dragon breath I would be very grateful."

"I was disappointed seeing that you did not highlight light elemental mana even though you say you are balancing all elemental mana. As the best possible teacher here it would be against the very pride of the dragon race to let you fail to grasp understanding." Rise tried to make it sound like she was doing the entire dragon race a favor. Yet, Walker could tell that she was actually happy to be asked for help.

For Rise, it had been many years since she was able to guide another dragon. Even her champion did not need guidance. After the younger dragons were old enough to learn, the elder dragons taught them. This left Rise alone with her personal growth and only that. Since she had been in Genesis, she had been able to grow significantly in her understanding of light elemental mana. The density of mana in the tower was to blame for this.

"You are a darkness dragon, but you are not. Your body has changed and you must understand how to grasp the light that was once your weakest elemental affinity. You also have a strong bond with fire. I can see that you have a bond with a fire elemental spirit. That dragon golem I have seen return to the village." Walker was very surprised to what that Rise had caught on to this. She was clearly observing the city much more closely than he had thought.

The small huff from Midnight was agreement. She had gotten comfortable with darkness and fire. She had been able to easily use her flame breath today and was able to easily turn her flames black with a decaying effects of darkness elemental mana. It was easy for her now. But as Rise watched, Midnight tried to gather the light elemental mana to show off what she knew. It was slow, painfully slow.

"Stop. You are forcing the light elemental mana in to your body. You need to be able to feel it in the air and coming from the sun. how will you ever be able to manipulate it, take it in to your body, and then expel it in a mixed mana breath attack?" The way Rise said it sounded like she was watching someone that had never successfully used light elemental breath attacks before.

"If we want to absorb the light elemental mana in to our body, shouldn't we pull it from the air? Or is it better to let it flow through us naturally?" The difference was larger than what many people would believe. Walker knew that fire elemental mana could run rampant if allowed to flow but water would be able to become stronger if left to flow naturally. These two things were what he had managed to understand as his elemental manipulation skill advanced.

"Naturally, the light is what warms and creates growth. It may be strange to let it do so but that is why every light elemental dragons fly so high. We want to capture as much light as our bodies can." Now that Walker heard why Rise had always flown so high up it made a lot of sense.

The thought seemed to be pushing Walker and Midnight to go higher. Rose had already flapped her wings to take off. "Midnight, up we go." Midnight just spread her wings in reply to Walker with a daring look. She looked like she wanted to race to the sun.



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