Master Of None

1831 1831. Results Of Insight

"You are going to take advantage of the small insight you just got in to multiple elemental manas so that you can fully combine and refine the high elf dagger technique. I had a feeling." Walker smiled as he saw Gil's eyes flash with determination. 

"I knew that everyone would get some insight in their affinity related mana. That made sense. But when I was sitting here, I was thinking about  how the elemental mana seems to be attracted to the styles I use when I battle with them. You saw it with the light elf dagger technique. I Can't control the mana but it wraps around the dagger slightly and gives me more strength." 

"I am not like you, I don't use natural mana but it's definitely clear that the high elves used to be able to. I would say that they were high elves because they knew how to skip their affinities and call out all of them using their dagger styles and bow styles. Specifically, they could bring them all toward them and use natural mana in their dagger styles to be able to counter anything." 

While this was impressive, Walker could only nod his head. He had thought of something similar when Gil had bounced ideas off him before. Whenever they rested, he and Gil seemed to find a few minutes to talk about their progress lately. It was just friends talking, hit now, it made a lot more sense. Walker would never have been able to influence the dagger styles of the elves. He just wasn't as passionate to fuse them and discover their intentions. But Gil was, he could do that and find new ways to reach the origin of the dagger styles. 

Because Gil had such passion, it made Walker understand himself slightly. He too had his own goals. Lately, he had focused on natural mana and the other manas around. Life mana and death mana being the focus with a bit of space mana mixed in. These ideas had inspired him while Gil had been inspired by the fusion of all elven dagger techniques. 

"Elven soldiers! Report to me when you have finished your rest!" Walker boomed out over everyone. Gil just smirked while heading to the edge of the temporary camp. He was going to start the lead toward the pyramid while Walker kept the elves occupied with other orders. This wasn't to stop the elves from learning of Gil's attempts but to keep them from breaking his concentration. 

The elves had accepted Gil as another elf. Not as a human. But because of their admiration to the human that had fully immersed themselves in to elven culture, they had grown attached. It was the same for any hero or general. Their soldiers would do anything for them. Therefore, the elves might get over excited seeing Gil begin to succeed and accidentally break his concentration at a key moment. 

"I will be asking all of you to take the rear position. No matter your range of attack, I want those with forward combat ability to search the buildings near you. Those with long range physical and magical attacks will clear enemies lured out by those with forward combat ability. Those that can sneak will monitor the rear from any reforming, rear attacking, or other enemies that may try to come through hidden sections in this ruined city. I trust the sensitivity of the elven race to be able to protect us from these threats. We can not get ambushed while we carve our way through at the front!" 

The change in positioning was harsh for the elves. They did not expect to be separated from their groups in this way because they had believed they would maintain their groups and follow Gil. But Walker had given them enough warning and explained that their high sensitivity to mana would be imperative. Especially since Elvers were naturally in tune to their mana more than other races. It was similar to the way angels were but without the need for exterior mana at all times. 

"Dragonkin, follow the orders of your royal dragons and take the lead. The demi-human soldiers will be backing you now. Your strength will carve through the weaker undead faster." Walker was changing things for everyone. Some of the other soldiers already saw where they fit in and began moving. The humans in particular began taking the support roles. 

It wasn't that humans were weaker, but they had less advantage than other races. They did not have mana sensitivity like elves or the general strength boost like demi-humans. Nor the toughness of a dwarf or dragonkin. But their minds worked well. They could adapt and alter their movements to support others perfectly. That was where humans gained their superiority to stand among the intelligent races of the world. Adaptability. 

The royal dragons noticed things changing along with the rest of the party, but they all trusted Walker. Especially those that had fought beside him for a long time. The angels wondered what was happening since the groups they were about to separate in to were changed. But when the angels saw that a tougher formation had been created, they felt proud instead. 

The angels had thought that they would just divide and conquer. Yes it was risky, but they had powerful dragons. They had gotten somewhat arrogant. As if they had realized this and were about to alter their battle styles, a leader had already caught everyone and managed to bring them all back to focus. It was smart and efficient. Praise worthy for those that saw it and acted on it. Therefore, the angels respected Genesis just a little more if that. 

The moment they all began marching forward was the moment that the ruins pulsed with a little more dark elemental mana. It seemed that whatever had just failed had succeeded in a small way. As proof of this, a few undead finally showed themselves. "Gil, it's on you now." Walker pointed at the mummified worshippers ahead of them. The side buildings appeared to have housed many of these worshippers and now was a place for them to hide and store more stone coffins. 

As Gil dashed forward, other groups went in to the stone homes looking for runes to break. Their jobs were simple. Lure out undead and destroy the runes. The process could be done easily while the rest of the forces focused on the enemies ahead. 

While the party took their places, Su prepared to rush in and defend Gil if need be. But what they watched was his flowing movements take advantage of the slow mummified worshippers. "That's the water elf dagger technique. See the slightly blue mana around his dagger?" Walker mumbled this but the others heard him. Especially Current who was unsure what the party was holding back. 

But they did see the slight blue water elemental mana gather. A tough accomplishment since the water elemental mana was not very bountiful here. Yet, the pillars placed for years and years had trapped water elemental mana. Gil had managed to attract some of it regardless of his affinity. An amazing accomplishment for some. 

"There's the shift to wind." Gil's body turned and leaped in to the air with a series of quick dagger stabs breaking apart the head and shoulders of one of the mummified worshippers. It was fast and looked as if Gil had hovered for a moment. 

"Now for the earth style." Walker watched as Gil landed and took a strict stance. Immovable as one of the mummified worshippers struck out. Gil met the attack with both daggers and didn't even move an inch. His defense was solid while he followed up with a brutal cross slash attack as vengeance. "That was the fire elf technique. 

The changes were flawless. Each style used to attack and defend in the best way. But when Gil seemed to duck and dodge under and behind the target, Walker was seeing the dark elf technique for the first time. Eh had not seen Gil use it yet because he had not watched Gil train. But here it was. A style that relied on dodging and hiding away behind targets to defeat them. Very great for assassination or major hits. 

The white light that gathered around Gil next was an added bonus since Alice had long begun to sing again to help everyone get a buff. But for Gil, the light elemental mana had been attracted by his dagger style. He used it to slash downward and deal devastating damage to another mummified worshiper. 

This wasn't the end of it all though. The more undead lured out by soldiers the more that Gil pushed himself to join the fray. The rest of the party didn't need to watch anymore. They trusted Gil to continue on without worry. They could separate and begin destroying runes now. Their focus was not needed right now. The small reward of insight on mana had already proven useful to many. Now they would use that insight to fight. 


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