Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 279: Official dog flying dog

The Ten Temples and the Five Ghost Emperors all made cards. As the boss of the ghost world, the Emperor must have a name.

This card is naturally a Boss card in the ghost card, and the strength must not be lost to the ghoul made by Rui Sirui. Therefore, in the skill design, Xie Mingzhe spent a lot of thoughts, and revised several versions to finally determine.

Since it is the Lord of the Ghosts, then the Emperor of the Bengbu will come to the world, and it will definitely lead to dramatic changes in the surrounding environment. This is the same as the Boss's own light effect in the TV series. The gorgeous Diablo skills will show his distinguished identity.

The capital of the capital is the king of the ghost world, let him handle some plants, animals, mortals, and some of them are “big and small”. This kind of Boss generally does not need to be hands-on, and he will naturally have countless little devils to do it for him.

Therefore, Xie Mingzhe decided to design the Great Emperor of the capital to be the strongest – summoning ghost cards!

As for the image, such a noble ghost king certainly does not show his face in person, so he wears a black robe, and his entire head is shrouded in a faint black dense fog. He can only vaguely see the outline of his face, but he can’t see clearly. The true five senses are full of mystery.

酆都大帝 (土系)

Level: Level 1

Evolution Star: ★

Number of uses: 1/1

Basic attributes: 1000 health, 1500 damage, 1000 defense, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Additional Skills: The Ghost King is coming (the Lord of the Ghosts is the Lord of the Ghosts. When he comes to the world, he will let the surrounding environment completely become the darkness of the ghost world. After summoning the Emperor, the whole scene is immediately shrouded in darkness, both sides. All cards lose their view for 3 seconds; after 3 seconds, the scene view is restored, but the whole scene will be filled with dark fog, visibility is reduced by 50%; lock technology, when the Emperor is present, the dark fog always exists, only the fog when leaving Will dissipate)

Additional Skills: Lord of the Ghosts (As the highest authority in the ghost world, the Emperor of the Biandu can freely drive the little devil to do things for him. The Emperor of the Biandu summons five representative devils, each of whom inherits 20% of his basic attributes -

Devil: Raise your own 50% attack speed, teleport to the specified target, and pursue the target. Each attack will cause 80% of the base attack power. When the combo reaches a multiple of 5, it will cause another crit damage. Each time the target is killed, the attack speed is increased by 10%; the skill is not cooled, and the combo is interrupted and cleared and recalculated;

Grieving ghosts: Ghosts with extreme grievances can entangle the specified targets, release the "rebellious" negative state on the target, and cause the target to lose 3% of blood per second. The effect of grievances always exists and cannot be lifted. Will disappear; skills are not cooled, a game can only entangle a target;

Water Ghost: The drowning water ghost has a whole body with moisture. When the target is followed, the target will be slow, the speed and attack speed will drop by 50%, and the cooling will be 30 seconds.

Shooting Ghost: Draw 20% of the base attack power of the specified target and transfer the attack power to any ghost teammates, cooling for 30 seconds;

Rakshasa Ghost: 1 second fear for a single target, cool for 30 seconds;

Five little devils can exist at the same time. When the targets of the five devils are the same target, the "evil-ridden" state is triggered. The target killed by the five devils will be cursed by the devil, losing 20% ​​of the basic life value at a time. .

After the devil is killed, the cooldown of summoning the devil is 30 seconds. When all five were killed, the capital of the capital was automatically left.)

The Emperor of the capital can summon five different functions of the devil, which can be said to be the "king of the summons" in the card industry, and it is no worse than the summoning beast of the ruling. Because there are too many devils summoned by Emperor Yaodu, each devil can only inherit 20% of the blood and attack power, it is easy to be spiked. It is not particularly bad in the data, it is too much function, and the player who is wrapped up by the devil is sure. It will be very violent.

If you want to deal with this card, you should quickly set fire to kill his little devil. But the skill says that the "five dead light" ghosts will leave, as long as you keep a little devil not dead, he can wait for the skills to cool down and continue to summon other pets, constantly put the little devils around the opponent, annoying opponents.

The operation of this card is extremely difficult. Five devils can split up to five cards, or they can set fire to a second, but in the process of moving, they must pay attention to the group control and group attack skills. At the same time being seconds.

In order to design the appropriate skill effects, Xie Mingzhe has drawn a miniature version of the five little devils on the card, and then found Qin Xuan to make a 3D version of the model. The scenes covered by the dark fog are also made by Qin Xuan. material.

At this point, the civil service decks in the ghost world are all finished.

After all the preparations, Xie Mingzhe finally connected to the data center in his personal space and submitted an audit.


I found that Xie Mingzhe did not submit a new card. The official data engineers are somewhat grateful. It feels like they have escaped.

It’s rare to spend a few days, this day is exactly Friday, Zhou Jiayao decided to invite colleagues to relax and relax.

As a result, at three o'clock in the afternoon, she was preparing to book a restaurant for the evening party. The smart database once again sounded a familiar tone - there were eleven new cards, the database could not be judged, and submitted to the manual review channel, please review as soon as possible.

Eleven? !

Everyone's mouth suddenly became "O" type.

The engineers in the data department are about to cry: "The trough, eleven? Wouldn't it be Xie Mingzhe?"

Thanks to Xie Mingzhe's reply when I sent a message to the system: Ok, then I will submit more.

Zhou Jiayao: "..."

It must be him again, and he has ordered eleven!

Otherwise, who else submits so many times, and all the cards that the smart database can't judge?

Zhou Jiayao twitched his mouth and opened the database - Qin Guangwang, Chu Jiangwang, Song Emperor Wang, Wuguanwang, Miluo King, Yucheng Wang, Taishan Wang, Metropolis King, Equality King, Reincarnation...

After reading the names of these cards, Zhou Jiayao’s mind has one word left: “Wang, Wang, Wang”.

Other colleagues are also dizzy: "So many kings!"

Zou Xiaoning spoke to the channel: "There is still a joint skill, the tenth hall of the king of the king of life and death dominance? Ten halls of the king of the cause and effect of the reincarnation? My God, Xie Mingzhe did not go to be a screenwriter, shoot a TV drama called Ten Temple, the king can not do? Come to the scourge card!"

Next to a young girl, she said weakly: "The last one is the Emperor, I don't even know the words..."

Someone suggested: "It is quite rare to read this word."

Eleven cards, a variety of skill descriptions, everyone looked at it roughly, everyone started a headache.

What is messy?

Did you make a mistake and go to the pan? Was killed in the death of the city?

Hacking revenge? Reincarnation reincarnation opens a new brand?

Can Xie Mingzhe not toss the league's cards?

They are tossed by you alive, and they will be tossed by you, and you will be sinned by this guy.

The staff of the data department, look at me, I look at you, have no choice but to help.

Zou Xiaoning was crying and sullen: "The big weekend, it seems to have to work overtime. Ten cards, I don't know when it will be reviewed..."

The grievances in the office, everyone is quickly becoming a grievance, want to entangle Xie Mingzhe.

A moment later, Director Zhou Jiayao suddenly blinked: "The card he submitted this time, there is an additional information package, first look at what it is."

The director opened it and everyone was shocked.

—— Card skill special effects settings, please refer to the special effects designer.

Everyone: "..."

Do the cards, but also by the way to do the special effects of the skills, Xie Mingzhe you are really very intimate!

His serious and responsible attitude is indeed impeccable. However, how is the card's skills becoming more and more abnormal?

Zhou Jiayao twitched his mouth and slammed his head, which almost bursts, and said, "Xiao Zhang, you inform the map department next door; Xiaoning, you are going to call the engineers of the special effects department."

The map department was so annoying that he was called to a meeting!

The special effects department that received the notice for the first time: "???"

What do you review the card to close the special effects department? Our special effects department is to post-process the skills of the cards. Do we need to participate in the review of the card data?

As soon as I saw the results, everyone was shocked by the chin.

... cow X.

Except for this word, you don't know how to describe it.

Card skills are very amazing, but also comes with a luxury special effects package, buy one get one free!

Looking at the gorgeous skill effects released on the screen, the director of the special effects department said: "If Xie Mingzhe does not make cards in the future, he can come to our special effects department to work!"

One engineer was interested in the following: "The special effect of this oil pan is very interesting. Such a large pot is actually filled with boiling hot oil. It looks very scary."

The female colleague next to her looks stiff: "When the card is thrown into the pan, will the picture be too strange?"

One of the two goods suddenly smiled: "Ha ha ha, Nie Shen's tiger is put into the oil pan, will it become a fried tiger? Can you eat it? Ye Zhu's butterfly will be miserable, then a small butterfly, throw in In the oil pan, it will be fried in an instant?"

Everyone: "..."

What is this with?

Zhou Jiayao of the data department is going crazy: "Pause, don't discuss these first! Card skills, special effects, and the impact on the map scene, we have to analyze one by one!"

The employees of the three departments began to discuss each other bitterly.

The first one, Qin Guangwang, passed the skills review, and passed the special effects review...

The second one, Chu Jiang Wang...

Time passed slowly, and everyone was tortured to death by Xie Mingzhe.

Everyone worked overtime until late at night, and they were all fainted. What is the king of equality and the king of the rotation is completely unclear. In the back, there is only one word left in the mind.

Zou Xiaoning concluded: "I think that you can add a skill to Xie Mingzhe card, it is called ‘the card big devil’, the skill effect, the design of the cards is too wonderful, let the official engineers dizzy and dizzy!”

The employees who are about to collapse are deeply sympathetic.

If it is not the high salary and good treatment of the Star Card headquarters, there will be more than a dozen resignation letters on the boss's desk tomorrow.

If you go on like this, everyone's hair will fall out and become bald!

Perhaps, is that a beautiful scenery?

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