Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 382: Surrounding tactics

Seeing the one-horned black rhinoceros and the demon king who also did not have the upper hand, Chen Hao and Hawthorn decisively helped each other.

Chen Yu unexpectedly summoned the bat flower on the cloud where the ruling was located, and went alone to the enemy camp!

Just because the demon king occupied the big cloud, afraid of being hit by it, Nirvana's cards did not dare to go to this cloud. But at this time, the demon king and the one-horned black rhinoceros were mutually restrained, which gave Chen Yu a chance to let the bat flower come to the vicinity of the demon king.

The bat flower card is so easy to use, it can throw the white whiskers on the petals, specify a few targets in the most range, and force the target to the front.

Chen Hao directly designated the one-horned black rhinoceros, as well as the lions and white wolves on the big clouds.

These three, just all the cards of Nie Yuandao!

He let the bat flower take the initiative to walk to the edge of the cloud, and when he jumped down, he stretched out a long wave of bunches. This seems to say: "I want to commit suicide, you can go through the funeral!"

The audience laughed and laughed and found that while Chen Yu let the bat flower jumped down the cloud and committed suicide, he actually dragged the three animal cards of Nie Shen down the cloud.

One for three, decisive!

Su Yang smiled and said: "Great, bat flowers committed suicide, dragging three beasts across the face."


Is this sensation too horrible?

In the live broadcast room, they brushed up the barrage: "Today's lion is so poor, the first game was persuaded by Qin Keqing, the second game was dragged down by the bat flowers, and the poor king of the beast has completely lost his dignity!" What is called porcelain? Qin Keqing died and advised the opponent to hang on nothing, Chen Hao's bat flower jumped himself to commit suicide, but also dragged three cards together to launch, this is the highest realm of touching porcelain!"

From the perspective of looking up, the picture just like a beautiful flower holding three beasts, falling together from the sky, as spectacular as a dumpling.

Liu Wei sighed: "I don't know how to evaluate."

Su Yang smiled and said: "Chen Chen is still very decisive. It is very profitable. It is very skillful to play in the lore map. However, it is impossible for 20 cards to be completely controlled by displacement. Nie Xiaoqian and The bat flower has already died, and the demon king is still colliding with the one-horned black rhinoceros. The remaining iron fan princess skills are cooling... Then I have to use regular play."

The lore map, the card that controls the displacement, the one that needs to be killed, is only the key card on the opposite side.

In fact, Chen Hao actually wants to drag down the birds of the mountain. The distance of the bird card is too far. He can't reach it. He can only kill a few cards of Nie Yuandao before the principle.

After killing the three main output cards of Nie Yuandao, Chen Hao followed the release of the remote attack card. Not far away, Xie Mingzhe also summoned a long-range attack card on the big cloud, and a wave of group attacks simultaneously smashed. Xiao Ke followed up to summon the Taishan King, placed a pan on the cloud, and directly grabbed the elk that was operated by Shao Dongyang in the central area and threw it into the oil pan.

Nirvana's strategy is obvious. First, kill the cards in the area around the "back" area, and then solve the cards on the small clouds outside, and open the gap from the inside to the outside.

This "from the inside out" style of play has really worked.

In a blink of an eye, the card group on the big cloud was surrounded by Nirvana's card group, and more and more deaths!

But at the same time, the mountains are not idle.

His bird's card movement speed is the fastest in the league, flying in the air, only a few seconds around the map.

After the golden eagle was killed by the iron fan princess, he followed up to summon the vultures -

This Raptor card attack is quite strong, and the skill mechanism is very special. It can catch the locked target with the claws and fly to the sky. The target was dizzy for 3 seconds because of fear of height, while losing 5% of blood per second. After 3 seconds, the target fell to the ground, and 15% of the blood was dropped.

On a normal map, vultures cause 30% of the damage to a single target and stun for 3 seconds, usually used to control the opposite core card. But now is the air battle map.

Dropped to the ground? Falling to the ground here is mortal.

Hawthorn's operation on the vultures is very flexible. In the past, the card was placed on the outer card of Mount Tai, and after three seconds of hovering in the sky, it threw the Mount Tai to the gap between the clouds - Taishan Wang fell. Clouds, instantly killed!

Followed by the birds of the mountain, the Falcon and the Egret appeared at the same time.

The Falcon is also a single attack card, dive attack, repel the target 2 meters, and the claw machine superimposes the bleeding effect. He specifically picks the card on the small cloud to repel, so that the distance of 2 meters is enough for the opponent to fall. The cloud; the egret and the vulture are similar, except that the vulture is for 3 seconds, and the egret will let the opponent rise to the ground for 5 seconds and lose blood.

Under the cooperation of these birds, the cards on the small clouds around Nirvana are also very heavy.

Tang Muzhou saw this and could not help but frown: "This map is a 'back'-shaped layout. Nirvana plays from the middle, and the ruling is played from the outside to the inside. The number of cards on both sides looks similar now. See who will play the opposite party first. Off."

The central cloud is the main force, and the surrounding clouds are scattered soldiers.

Eliminating the main force card difference will open and establish a great advantage, so Nie Wei’s strategy of playing from the middle is very reasonable. The outer squadrons are usually cards with strong individual combat capability and strong maneuverability. Even if the main team in the middle is destroyed, it may be surprisingly successful by individual combat!

The tactical thinking of both sides is very clear.

This game is extremely thrilling. From time to time, there will be cards that are thrown into the clouds by the vultures of the mountains, or by the iron fan of Xie Mingzhe. The two cards are created because of the operation of Chen Hao. The attack skill of the Hawthorn Birds has a cooling limit. When the game is played for 3 minutes, there are only 10 cards remaining on both sides!

At 10:10, the card was killed in half.

In the last game, it took 5 minutes to add up to only one card. In this game, only 3 minutes, but 20 cards were killed. It can be seen that the rhythm of the air combat map is fast!

Even if your defense is high, the blood volume is thicker, and if you fall into the cloud, it will die.

The careful audience also found that the cards on the central cloud had been destroyed, and the remaining 10 cards were scattered. There were 5 cards left in the central area of ​​Nirvana, and there were 5 left around, which seemed to occupy the advantage of formation.

However, the next moment, Hawthorn suddenly summoned the bird brand - flamingo!

This is a group of animals, a flamingo card can summon five small flamingos, each inheriting 20% ​​of the attributes of the main card, and causing a continuous fire attack on the target.

The flamingo's design idea is based on Shao Dongyang's summoning card. The mountain stalk keeps the main card in the distance that the opponent can't reach. The five birds that are summoned follow the opponent's continuous fire damage.

Xie Mingzhe saw the flamingo appearing to make up the output, knowing that it was not a way to drag it down, licking the vulture and blood, and simply summoning the shackles, and the nine arrows shot and directly shot the vultures of the mountains.

Continue to let the vultures live, constantly grab the cards and fall to death, Nirvana will definitely fall into crisis.

The death of vultures makes Nirvana temporarily not to be forced to be controlled by the displacement of the mountains. Although the Falcons and Egrets also have displacement control, the Falcons can only repel 2 meters. As long as the cards remain on the clouds over 4 meters in diameter, the Falcons Can't push the card down; the egret's in-place ascends to heaven, the card is still in the original coordinates after flying, and although it continues to be terrible, at least there will be no crisis of falling.

The death of the vulture made the ruling situation even more inferior.

However, gradually, Su Yang found something wrong: "Wait... ruling this position?"

Wu Yue, who overlooked the whole picture of God's perspective, also noticed that the voice suddenly became excited: "Is the ruling to be anti-encirclement?!"

In this game, Shao Dongyang played the auxiliary. Nie Wei’s priority was to deal with Nie Yuandao’s high-attack beast and the foothills that were very annoying. The new animal’s small animal was temporarily ignored.

First, killing small animals is too laborious. If you have to catch the small animals that are smashing at that time, you might as well go to collect other cards. Secondly, the biggest threat to Nirvana is the card of Nie Wei’s mentoring. Solve the biggest threat first.

There was no obvious mistake in this kind of thinking, but at this time, Xie Mingzhe also noticed that it was wrong.

Although he couldn't look at the map from God's perspective and saw the overall layout of the ruling, his keen sense of the game told him that Li Xiao's little animal suddenly began to move quickly, which is definitely not a good sign!

Xie Mingzhe is alert to the underground order: "Distribute!"

But he ended up being a step late.

At this point, the cards of both sides have become 9:9, the vultures of the mountains are shot by the shackles, and a residual blood card of Nirvana is also killed by flamingos. Nirvana has 5 cards in the middle of the "back" type. Because the area of ​​this cloud reaches 10 square meters, the falcon of the mountain can't beat the 2 meters to make the card fall into the cloud, which is relatively safer.

It is this position that makes the ruling seize the opportunity -

The little hamster is surrounded by all directions and releases the skill. The range is locked and cannot be moved for 5 seconds!

The flexible little white rabbit suddenly jumped over the big clouds and beat the opponent with the fleshy rabbit claws, causing continuous general attack damage; the small Teddy followed closely, the small Teddy fighting the battle completely ignored the people in front of him. The volume is ten times larger than it is, mad, seeing people bite, recruiting crit!

The mountain is followed by the summoning of the last card - the white crane.

Beautiful birds, with their white wings open, flew slowly through the air.

All the friendly targets on the white crane's flight path are blessed by the white crane. The fire shield is on the body, which can resist any type of control and continuously improve the attack power. If it is the general attack state, it will increase the attack speed by 10% every second.

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

He went to the old Nie!

In the first game, Nirvana started playing very slowly, and finally the painting style suddenly changed, and a wave of currents collapsed.

In the second game, Nie Shen was doing the opposite. The opening was very fast, a few waves of operation, and the dumplings continued in the sky. Many cards were shot down in the clouds and fell directly into the card sauce. In 20 minutes, 20 were killed. The card is very fast. When it was possible to endgame, the ruling suddenly stabilized. The mountain scorpion actually brought out a super-assisted bird poetry white crane. The number of birds in this game reached 6!

Xie Mingzhe fought from the middle and smashed the main force of the central region and then smashed the periphery one by one.

The ruling was played from the outside to the inside. When the cards around Nirvana were almost killed, the ruling suddenly used the flexibility of small animals to come up with a wave of "reverse encirclement"!

The back-shaped battle map, Hawthorn and Li Wei are the real main force.

Li Wei's little animals came out in the endgame, and they used the mountain to fight the war of consumption - little white rabbit, little hamster, little Teddy, looking at one more than a cute, but fighting one but more fierce!

The cards in the central area of ​​Nirvana were eventually consumed. Although Xie Mingzhe solved the birds in the mountains as soon as possible, Li Xiao’s three small animal cards were too flexible, and it was difficult to catch them. Finally, they lived to the end.

- Who can think of a newcomer who is not eye-catching, is actually the focus of this game.

Nie Yuandao's reverse encirclement strategy is completely different from the previous violent suppression of the lore map. Xie Mingzhe lost his heart.

Although Nirvana prepared for the air battle map for a long time before the game, the arbitrable air battle is still very strong.

If you want to beat them in the air battle map, you may have to wait for the next season.

When Xiao Ke saw the words "failure", his heart was very guilty, and he lowered his head and said, "If it wasn't for my Nie Xiaoqian's start, it would be seconds. This may be the winner of this game."

Xie Mingzhe said calmly: "It doesn't matter, you can't blame you all. Their tactics in this game have already been determined. I have made mistakes in the command. This game is very good, and all three of us have problems."

Chen Yu said with a smile: "Winning is everyone's credit. Losing is the responsibility of everyone. There is no need to blame anyone - 1:1. Just start from scratch."

As the team's oldest player, Chen Ge does have a stable military role at a critical moment.

Listening to him, Xiao Ke and Qin Xuan both played the spirit. Xie Mingzhe also smiled and patted the shoulders of the two teammates. "The third game is our home game. Let's cheer and grab the match point!"

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