Ling Xian looked towards the Crown Prince, the Crown Prince, who wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. From his body, two ice rivers came out, and the Crown Prince moved toward Ling Xian, one-armed, one glaciers Crossing the heavens and the earth, moving towards him!

Ling Xian’s eyes are slightly trembled, no, it’s a bit stupid to feel that this month’s Crown Prince.

Inexplicably, the other party knows that he can control Xianli and spiritual qi. Do you have to use magic spell?

At this time, Ling Xian heard the Crown Prince shouting loudly: “I don’t believe, I don’t believe you can always control Xianli!”

Ling Xian waved, the fairy power in this glaciers was extracted by him, and a glaciers dissipated.

Ling Xian volleyed and slammed the Crown Prince Crown Prince!

Crown Prince, Crown Prince, is still ignoring, still wants to continue to fight with Ling Xian.

On the body of the Crown Prince, a bright moon rises, and in his hand, there is a long spear with a snow, and the method of the spell cultivator is not very useful for Ling Xian.

Moon Prince Road: “Under the moon, my strength will double, and my fleshly body is so powerful. At this moment, I will kill you with the method of painingtaking cultivation! Hey, as long as you don’t break me Within the bright moon of the body, you can’t break my open moon, you will lose!”

Ling Xian has a slight glimpse, the amount, it turns out that your round of the moon can be broken!

No, when you are fighting, you want to explain your moves to your opponent, and also tell your weaknesses, Devil Path!

This is for fear that I can’t die, so tell my opponent how to die?

Ling Xian is somewhat puzzled. At first, there was some suspicion that the other party deceived himself, so that he deliberately attracted himself to attack the moonlight of Crown Prince within the body, but he could try it.

Ling Xian is very keen on the perception of Xianli and spiritual qi. He can feel that there is a strong fluctuation in the force of the fairy arm above the Crown Prince of the Moon Palace.

Ling Xian moved towards the Moon Palace, rushing to the Immortal Technique, and the palm of the hand is playing against the Crown Prince.

Bang bang bang!

The two hit a three-shot, and Ling Xian was beaten back and forth, and on the fist, it was overflowing with a trace of blood.

Not to mention, this round of the moon can not be broken, but really can not beat the Crown Prince Crown Prince.

Moon Palace Crown Prince wants to chase

At this moment, at the foot of the Crown Prince of the Moon Palace, stepping on an icicle, his face fell to the ground on his own ice!

Ling Xian quickly got up, um, how did the other party fall at this time?

Is it the trick to lure the enemy?

Ling Xian 骞 rudder disease chain 镒忓埌镄勬槸锛屽 镒忓埌镄勬槸锛屽 杩怗 oddess 锛屾鍦ㄧ粰浠栨巯镊 镄勮鎽嗐 镄勮鎽嗐 镄勮鎽嗐

Ling Xian 璋ㄦ厧镞犳瘮锛岄 闱椤湴鐪嬬潃 埚 Crown Prince Crown Prince Prince Crown Prince 镄勭獊鐒 鍑 €

榧婚潚鑴歌 鍦 鍦 row rown Prince 绔欎 璧 璧 潵锛屽 潵锛屽 潵锛屽 潵锛屽 锛屼篃娌 锛屼篃娌 锛屼篃娌 锛屼篃娌 锛屼篃娌 锛屼篃娌笂鎽斾简涓€璺わ纴杩栾緢瀛愰兘娌°C湁杩欐牱镄勪簨鍟婏紒

Prince chain埚 Crown Prince 鐖简璧锋潵锛屽嵈鏄凡缁忓け铡讳 涔樿儨杩 涔樿儨杩 镄刼pportunity 銆

Ling Xian looked towards chain 埚 Crown Prince 锛屾兂瑕佸 port port 涓猳 port port port port port port port port 埚 with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with槑 堬纴涓 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 杞槑 杞槑 杞槑 杞槑 杞槑

灏卞湪杩欐椂锛岀粡鍙楃潃Ling Xian 鍜屾湀瀹 hunting rown Prince 浜ゆ垬浣欐 渚佃镄刢 渚佃镄刢 渚佃镄刢 ity wall 锛屽 鐒跺 掑浜嗕笅鏉ワ纴姣棤阒镄勬湀瀹 镄勬湀瀹 row rown Prince 锛岃杩椤 掍笅镄刢 掍笅镄刢 掍笅镄刢 掍笅镄刢 掍笅镄刢 掍笅镄刢 掍笅镄刢 掍笅镄刢 掍笅镄刢 掍笅镄刢

Ling Xian said with a big smile 锛气滃ソ滃ソopportunity 锛佲€

椋炶 屼笂锛 屼笂锛 ov ov ov ov ov ov ov 垰浠巆 墡 墡 墡 墡 墡 墡 垰浠巆 垰浠巆 垰浠巆 垰浠巆 垰浠巆 row row row row row row row row row row row row row row row row


Ka-cha !

Chain Crown Prince 镄勫彸镊俴a-cha 涓 澹 澹 剢鍝嶏纴宸茬粡鏄 剢鍝嶏纴宸茬粡鏄 Ling Xian 涓 鎷 鎷 鎷 鎷 鎷 鎷 鎷

Prince 堟秷澶憋纴 chain 埚 Crown Prince 浠庣鐭 箣涓埇浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴杩欎竴鍦 箣涓埇浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴杩欎竴鍦 箣涓埇浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴杩欎竴鍦杩欎箞璇”纾鍟婏紒

鈥滀笉镒ф槸cultivation 绂佸繉cultivation technique 镄勫瓨鍦纴杩欎竴娆★纴鏄垜杈扑锛佺煭镞堕棿涔嫔唴锛屾垜镄勪锛佺煭镞堕棿涔嫔唴锛屾垜镄勪锛佺煭镞堕棿涔嫔唴锛屾垜镄勪锷挎牴笉浼氱粰浣爋 笉浼氱粰浣爋pportunity 鏉€浜嗘垜镄勶紒鈥

Chain Crown Prince 椋炶 绂诲紑浜嗘鍦 绂诲紑浜嗘鍦 纴鐩 纴鐩 埌椋炲嚭鍗冮噷杩滐纴 埌椋炲嚭鍗冮噷杩滐纴 埌椋炲嚭鍗冮噷杩滐纴 嶅 嶅 鐒 鐒 兂璧 兂璧 兂璧 兂璧 兂璧 滀笉鏄 滀笉鏄 滀笉鏄 滀笉鏄 滀笉鏄 滀笉鏄纴鎴戜 浠 涔堣 涔堣 涔堣 涔堣 浜宻 浜宻 浜宻 master 锛岃嚜宸 master 锛岃嚜宸 煭镞堕棿涔嫔唴镞犳硶鎭 煭镞堕棿涔嫔唴镞犳硶鎭 (1) 鍟娿 傗 傗 傗

Ling Xian row hunting rown Prince 锛岃 umbrella 灏辫耽浜嗭纻


Ling Xian   涓 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 镄勬妩澶 镄勬妩澶 镄勬妩澶 灞曞紑涓 灞曞紑涓 灞曞紑涓 灞曞紑涓 灞曞紑涓 灞曞紑涓 ins ins ins ins ins ins ins ins ins ins All 鎻愬崌锛屽鏂笕 鎻愬崌锛屽鏂笕 鎻愬崌锛屽鏂笕 all is Supreme Yin Divine Body 锛岃嚜宸辫缮鐪熶笉鏄 嬶纴缁撴灉锛岀粨鏋沧湁镣 嬶纴缁撴灉锛岀粨鏋沧湁镣 嬶纴缁撴灉锛岀粨鏋沧湁镣 嬶纴缁撴灉锛岀粨鏋沧湁镣 濡椤晩銆

绠椾 锛屼笉绠 锛屼笉绠 ‘简简 缁晣瀹堜 缁晣瀹堜 锛

Ling Xian 鍐嶆椋炶韩鏉ュ埌 city wall 涔嬩笂锛宨nstructed 锛气滃紶楦滃紶楦滃紶楦orororor Brother 锛岄€熼€熷甫浜熷甫浜澶峜澶峜ity wall 锛屾垜瑕佺户缁幓杩庢垬浜嗭紒鈥

Ling Xian 阆揿畲锛岀洿鎺ラ韬啿钖戜简绁炲北鍏ュ彛銆

寮犻福鍜屼紬澶氱殑鐕曞北棰嗕富l了 towards Ling Xian 鍐嶆鍐 嚭铡荤殑 嚭铡荤殑 嚭铡荤殑 汉 汉 汉 汉 汉 汉 row row row row row row row row row row row row row row row row row row row row row row row row row闱(一)墠锛屼篃涓嶈墠锛屼篃涓嶈€


鈥滆 锲涘ぇ浠椤浗锛屼篃涓嶈 锲涘ぇ浠椤浗锛屼篃涓嶈 锲涘ぇ浠椤浗锛屼篃涓嶈 锲涘ぇ浠椤浗锛屼篃涓嶈

鐕曞 浜宻 浜宻 master 鎴樿儨浜嗘湀瀹 hunting rown Prince 镄勬秷鎭灛闂 紶寮 锛孲 锛孲 arry arry arry arry arry arry arry arry arry arry arry arry arry arry €鎴桡纴鈥滆伞鐕曞北鍒板簳鏄粈涔堟潵铡嗭纴浜宻ect master 灞呯劧铡夊鍒 杩栾埇绋嫔 杩栾埇绋嫔 杩栾埇绋嫔

Prince ammonia chain 埚 Crown Prince 锛屼篃涓嶆槸鐕曞 浜宻 浜宻 master 镄勬晫 嬶紒鈥 嬶紒鈥

鈥滆 鍙槸鐕曞 鍙槸鐕曞 鍙槸鐕曞 闂ㄤ笅浜宒 闂ㄤ笅浜宒 闂ㄤ笅浜宒 闂ㄤ笅浜宒 闂ㄤ笅浜宒 闂ㄤ笅浜宒 row row row row row row row row row row row row row row row row row row row row row纴鍙埚帀瀹 纴鍙埚帀瀹 埌浜嗕粈涔堢 搴 搴 搴 搴 纻鈥 纻鈥

鈥滃弽姝f潃涔滳rown Prince 灏 锛屾潃 锛屾潃 锛屾潃 up up talent talent talent talent talent talent talent talent talent

鈥 嚂灞憋纴鍒 簳鏄偅 簳鏄偅 屽嚭鐜 屽嚭鐜 屽嚭鐜 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 ect ect ect ect ect ect ect

鈥 嚂灞憋纴銮潪鐪熺殑鑳 涓 涓 涓猄 涓猄 arry arry arry arry arry arry arry tarry Sky 镄剆 upreme talent 涓嶆垚锛熲€

Chen Ming 鎸ュ垁锛岀洿鎺ュ皢韬墠镄勪竴涓狤arth Immortal 锷堟垚涓ゅ 锛屼粬骞 锛屼粬骞 锛屼粬骞 锛屼粬骞 夊姩鐢╩ 夊姩鐢╩ agical power 锛屼 浠栧浠婄殑 浠栧浠婄殑 fleshly Body power body 骞 熷 熷 熷 熷 夌殑 夌殑 夌殑 夌殑 夌殑 夌殑 夌殑 夌殑 夌殑 夌殑 夌殑 夌殑 夌殑 夌殑 夌殑 夌殑

鍦ㄨ韩镞侊纴涓夋焺椋炲墤moved towards 浠栭鏉ワ纴Chen Ming 涓€韫湴闱纴椋炶韩岃捣锛岃岃捣锛岃岃捣锛岃杩囦笁镆勯鍓杩囦笁镆勯鍓纴纴€璺冨啿杩涗汉缇や箣涓纴鎸ュ姩缇や箣涓纴鎸ュ姩嬩腑镄勪嬩腑镄勪骞骞潐锛屼潐锛屼钀钀钀

Im 瓍鑸殑阃熷 锛岃浠栧湪 锛岃浠栧湪 Earth Immortal 涔嬩腑 钖戞棤鏁岋纴绾 钖戞棤鏁岋纴绾 鎹槚锛宐 鎹槚锛宐 de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de Arth Immortal 娈掑懡銆

Chen Ming 鍦ㄦ棤鏁癊arth Immortal 涔嬩腑宸〉啿鍙崇啿鍙獊锛岀粓浜庢槸鍕夊鍐蹭鍐蹭鍑鍑岃岃岃涓椂 chain欙纴澶╄壊宸茬粡阃愭笎榛戜 涓嬫潵銆

镊墠鏂癸纴 夌潃涓夎 car car car car car car car car car 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴 桡纴鎴戜笉鍙煡阆 綘浠庝綍 綘浠庝綍 屾潵锛屼絾鏄纴浣犵殑 屾潵锛屼絾鏄纴浣犵殑 屾潵锛屼絾鏄纴浣犵殑 屾潵锛屼絾鏄纴浣犵殑 屾潵锛屼絾鏄纴浣犵殑 屾潵锛屼絾鏄纴浣犵殑 屾潵锛屼絾鏄纴浣犵殑 屾潵锛屼絾鏄纴浣犵殑 屾潵锛屼絾鏄纴浣犵殑 屾潵锛屼絾鏄纴浣犵殑 屾潵锛屼絾鏄纴浣犵殑 屾潵锛屼絾鏄纴浣犵殑 屾潵锛屼絾鏄纴浣犵殑

Chen Ming 绗戠潃looked towards 鐪 墠镄勯噾闀剁帀锛宻 墠镄勯噾闀剁帀锛宻 墠镄勯噾闀剁帀锛宻 墠镄勯噾闀剁帀锛宻 墠镄勯噾闀剁帀锛宻 墠镄勯噾闀剁帀锛宻 墠镄勯噾闀剁帀锛宻 墠镄勯噾闀剁帀锛宻 墠镄勯噾闀剁帀锛宻 墠镄勯噾闀剁帀锛宻 墠镄勯噾闀剁帀锛宻 墠镄勯噾闀剁帀锛宻 墠镄勯噾闀剁帀锛宻 墠镄勯噾闀剁帀锛宻 墠镄勯噾闀剁帀锛宻 墠镄勯噾闀剁帀锛宻 墠镄勯噾闀剁帀锛宻 墠镄勯噾闀剁帀锛宻 墠镄勯噾闀剁帀锛宻 墠镄勯噾闀剁帀锛宻 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆

戦暥鐜塻lightly smiled 锛屾帉涓竴 佃幉鑺 佃幉鑺 锛岃幉鑺卞紑鏀 锛岃幉鑺卞紑鏀 锛岃幉鑺卞紑鏀 锛岃幉鑺卞紑鏀 纴濡 纴濡 纴濡 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 悓 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 滃 滃 滃 滃 滃戞墦鐢蜂銆傗

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