铔棌镄勬垬涔 粓绌 粓绌 槸鍦 – Ming 镄勬 镄勬 涓粨鏉燂纴骞 涓粨鏉燂纴骞 涓粨鏉燂纴骞 涓粨鏉燂纴骞 涓粨鏉燂纴骞 涓粨鏉燂纴骞 涓粨鏉燂纴骞 涓粨鏉燂纴骞 涓粨鏉燂纴骞 涓粨鏉燂纴骞 涓粨鏉燂纴骞 涓粨鏉燂纴骞 涓粨鏉燂纴骞 涓粨鏉燂纴骞 涓粨鏉燂纴骞 涓粨鏉燂纴骞

Chen Ming 鍗曚汉鍖归┈鍏ュ笣鏄燂纴旋槸鍦ㄨ洰镞忛抠灏槸鍦ㄨ洰镞忛抠灏Simplified Supreme 濞佹湜锛岃洰镞忓ぉ涓嬶纴镄嗘槸 chain 涢绉洰镞忓ぉ涓嬶纴鍐嶆棤涓嶈噜銆

鐕旷殗Chen Ming 锛屽啀娆”畲鎴愪简铡嗕唬铔殗镄勫姛缁╋纴涓铡嗕唬铔殗镄勫姛缁╋纴涓缁熻洰鐤嗭纴锷熻缁熻洰鐤嗭纴锷熻缁熻洰鐤嗭纴锷熻


Winner is the king, loser is the villain.

鏁翠铔棌铔棌 merge king of Kingdom Yan 変 ill K Kingdom of Yan 楂樻槑镄勭偧pill room 涔嫔悗锛屾暣涓︼洰镞忥纴閮 槸寮 濮嬭摤鍕冨 濮嬭摤鍕冨彂灞曘€

涓 澶勫亸 澶勫亸 澶勫亸 澶勫亸 澶勫亸 澶勫亸 澶勫亸 槦杈 槦杈 槦杈 纴鍦ㄨ 棰楁槦杈

锷簯涔嫔锛屽叓浣岹olden Immortal el合 eestial Immortal 锛岄晣瀹埚洓鏂癸纴浠ュ历変変鍓嶆潵骞鍓嶆潵骞鍓嶆潵骞 crossing tribulation 闾d 汉銆

涓夊ぉ涔嫔悗锛屽姭浜戠粓浜庢槸娑堟映锛屽紶楦i獞镌€澶╁阜giant beast drops from the sky 锛屽懆锲inch殑鍏綅镄凣olden Immortal 鍜屾Est合 elestial Immortal 锛岄兘鏄痬oved towards 寮犻福椋炲幓锛屽湪寮犻福镄勮镄勮鍓嶆嫳鍓嶆嫳鍓嶆嫳嬮锛锛锛沧垜绛夋伃璐沧垜绛夋伃璐鍏垚锷焍鍏垚锷焍 reakthrough 鍒癎Olden Immortal realm 锛佲€

寮犻福姝ゅ埢涔熸槸娆e枩镞犳瘮锛宻aid with a big smile 锛气渉渉ahaha 锛屾暟鍗佸 a镄刾taking cultivation 锛屾垜涔熺粓浜庢槸breakthrough 鍒 鍒Golden Immortal realm 锛孧aster 涓 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 鍦ㄧ嚂灞憋纴涓岖煡阆撴湁澶氭兂鎴戜 杩欎簺 杩欎簺 杩欎簺 杩欎簺 杩欎簺 浠婃垜宸茬粡鏄疓 olden Immortal realm 锛屽凡缁忓埌浜嗗彲浠ュ洖铡荤殑镞跺 欎 欎 锛屾垜宸茬粡杩笉鍙婂緟浜嗭纴浣犵瓑锛岄 锛屾垜宸茬粡杩笉鍙婂緟浜嗭纴浣犵瓑锛岄 熼 熸敹鎷撅纴鎴戜 熸敹鎷撅纴鎴戜 熸敹鎷撅纴鎴戜 熸敹鎷撅纴鎴戜Ammonia 锛佲锛佲

Chain塆olden Immortal 阆掳 鈥滀 鈥滀 鈥滀 浜 浜 浜 浜 傗 傗 傗

寮犻福镐掗镐掗锛涒€滀綘浠哕浠€涔堬纴鎴戝浠婄寮€Master 锛屽凡缁廥NUMX 澶 浜嗭纴鎴戣嚜骞 浜嗭纴鎴戣嚜骞 浜嗭纴鎴戣嚜骞 浜嗭纴鎴戣嚜骞 Master 镄勬姎鍏讳笅闀垮ぇ锛冤ith one鈥檚heart set on speeding home 鍏讳笅闀垮ぇ锛冤€熼€熸敹鎷撅纴鎴戜熸敹鎷撅纴鎴戜熸敹鎷撅纴鎴戜洖瀹朵简锛佲€

鈥滀笉鐭ラ 鎴戣 鎴戣 娆 娆 洖铡 洖铡 洖铡 纴 纴 纴 纴 aster aster aster aster aster aster aster aster aster

After a few months.

寮犻福鏉ュ埌浜嗘柊镄勫笣鏄熶箣澶栵纴绔椤湪涓€棰楁槦杈棰楁槦杈笂杩滆 turned turned looking towards 闾iincomparable gigantic 镄勫笣鏄燂纴鈥沧垜绂诲紑40 澶 锛岀嚂灞卞 锛岀嚂灞卞 锛岀嚂灞卞 锛岀嚂灞卞 缁忔槸濡 缁忔槸濡 缁忔槸濡 粖镄勬皵锷 粖镄勬皵锷 粖镄勬皵锷 粖镄勬皵锷

Chain of 镄勯偅浜汫olden Immortal 杩樿寰楀紶楦f湁浜涘お杩囦簬镐ュ垏浜嗐€

鍦ㄤ粬浠殑鎯 涓纴寮犻 涓纴寮犻 涓纴寮犻 镄凪 镄凪 镄凪 鍙兘灏 鍙兘灏 涓 ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess濅笘澶╂墠锛屽彲鐩村埌姝ゅ埢锛屼粬浠墠鐭ラ死锛屼粬浠殑涓诲叕锛屽笀闂ㄥ埌搴曞己澶у埌浜嗕粈涔堢搴〕€

澶╃┖涔嬩腑锛屾暟锏green olden Immortal 宸”ぉ鍗獞镌€涓夌溂涔岄甫椋炶涓夌溂涔岄甫椋炶锛屾竻涓锛屾竻涓鑹茬殑澶╁阜giant beast 锛岃€屼笖浠栦滑镄刢ultivation base 锛岀珶鐒舵槸娓呬竴鑹茬殑Golden Immortal 銆

杩欐槸涓 涓 涓 涓 鐩涙棤姣 殑锲 殑锲 锛屼竴涓︷殣钘忓湪 锛屼竴涓︷殣钘忓湪 锛屼竴涓︷殣钘忓湪 锛屼竴涓︷殣钘忓湪 锛屼竴涓︷殣钘忓湪 Darkness 涓殑寮哄ぇ锲 銆 銆

鐩村埌杩欐椂锛屼粬浠墠鏄庣槠浜嗕负浠€涔堜粬浠殑涓诲叕with one鈥檚heart set on speeding home 銆

寮犻福宁》潃镊繁镄别ntire group 锛屾潵鍒Imperial Capital 镄刢ity gate 涔嫔墠锛屽彲浠ョ湅寰楀埌Forged ㄥ洿閮屽悇绉岖敓镒忓鐏钻笺

寮犻福澶 璧 璧 埌 city gate 鍓嶏纴灏辫杩涘叆鍏 腑锛屽 腑锛屽 鐒 鐒 鐒 几 几 嬫嫤浣忎 嬫嫤浣忎 嬫嫤浣忎 嬫嫤浣忎 嬫嫤浣忎 嬫嫤浣忎 嬫嫤浣忎 嬫嫤浣忎 嬫嫤浣忎 嬫嫤浣忎 涓︻巹楦 涓︻巹楦Fan Nan opera monkey 五 (5) miserable of the Imperial Imperial Yan Capital€

寮犻福said with a big smile 锛气沧垜鏄潵沧垜鏄潵沧垜鏄潵丮aster 镄勶紒鈥

鐜勯甫 threshold侀獞slightly frowned 锛岀劧钖庨死锛气滀綘滀綘滀綘 鏄皝锛熲€

寮犻福阆掳细鈥淐 hen Ming 鍟婏纴杩樿兘鏄皝锛熲€

鐜勯甫 threshold侀獞expression 寰井涓€鍙桡纴闄涗笅镄刣isciple 锛熻槠璇撮櫅涓嬮棬涓嬫槸chain変笁鍗冨disciple 锛屼絾鏄痱NUMX 骞翠粠Earth Immortal breakthrough 鍒癎olden Immortal 锛屾€庝箞钖捣鏉ラ兘chain夌偣涓嶅鍟娿

寮犻福褰揿嵆灏呜嚜宸褰揿嵆灏呜嚜宸”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””紑涔嫔悗鎷涙敹镄勶纴浠栦 涔熶笉璁よ瘑锛屽彧濂 涔熶笉璁よ瘑锛屽彧濂 涔熶笉璁よ瘑锛屽彧濂 浜哄甫镌 浠ょ硗杩涘幓绂 浠ょ硗杩涘幓绂 浠ょ硗杩涘幓绂 浠ょ硗杩涘幓绂

Chen Ming 姝ゅ埢姝e湪Imperial Court 涔嬩笂璁簨锛屽惉镌€涓嬮涓嬮镄勪竴浜涘皢鍐涳纴镐掑暩镄勪竴浜涘皢鍐涳纴镐掑暩嬩笅镄勫畼嬩笅镄勫畼樻樻镄纴镄纴掑缑鎼悊銆



镐掑暩阆掳 鈥滃浠婅洰镞忓ぉ涓嬶纴宸茬粡灏 綊鎴慓 reat Yan 锛岄渶瑕佸敖蹇淳浜哄墠铡 帉鎺 綇銆傗 綇銆傗 綇銆傗


镐掑暩阆掳 鈥沧棦鐒 鈥沧棦鐒 槸闄嶅叺锛屼 槸闄嶅叺锛屼 鏀 鏀 鏀 锛屽崄骞 锛屽崄骞 箣鍐咃纴娌 箣鍐咃纴娌 箣鍐咃纴娌 箣鍐咃纴娌 箣鍐咃纴娌 箣鍐咃纴娌 箣鍐咃纴娌 湁浣沧伓锛屽 湁浣沧伓锛屽墠鍙 墠鍙 墠鍙

镐掑暩姣旷珶宸茬粡褰撹 鍗婂澶╀笅镄勫 鍗婂澶╀笅镄勫 鐩 鐩 纴濡 纴濡 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 Chen Ming Chain 掓槸鎸

Chen Ming slightly nodded 锛岀劧钖庨死锛气滃滃滃鎸夋掑暩璇掑暩璇掑暩璇殑锷炪€傗€

涓嶆槸鍒殑铡熷洜锛屼富瑕佹槸涓€涓︻巹楦”Fan Nan 戠殑阃犱 澶︷珮浜嗭纴缁濆涓嶈兘闅忛殢渚 澶︷珮浜嗭纴缁濆涓嶈兘闅忛殢渚 澶︷珮浜嗭纴缁濆涓嶈兘闅忛殢渚 澶︷珮浜嗭纴缁濆涓嶈兘闅忛殢渚 澶︷珮浜嗭纴缁濆涓嶈兘闅忛殢渚変竴涓︻巹楦”扇楠戙€

鐜勯甫 threshold 侀獞阃犱 ring 涔嬮珮锛屾墠 threshold manuscript 浜嗙巹楦 扇 扇 戠殑 戠殑 戠殑 戠殑 戠殑 戠殑 戠殑 戠殑 戠殑 戠殑

灏卞湪杩欐椂锛屽 鐒 鐒 鐒 湁浜哄墠鏉ョ鎶ラ 湁浜哄墠鏉ョ鎶ラ 沧姤锛屽湪瀹棬涔嫔锛屾湁浜 沧姤锛屽湪瀹棬涔嫔锛屾湁浜 沧姤锛屽湪瀹棬涔嫔锛屾湁浜 沧姤锛屽湪瀹棬涔嫔锛屾湁浜 沧姤锛屽湪瀹棬涔嫔锛屾湁浜 沧姤锛屽湪瀹棬涔嫔锛屾湁浜 槸闄涗笅 槸闄涗笅 槸闄涗笅 槸闄涗笅 槸闄涗笅 槸闄涗笅 槸闄涗笅 槸闄涗笅紶楦 纴杩樿闄涗笅瀹 纴杩樿闄涗笅瀹 纴杩樿闄涗笅瀹 ず銆傗

Chen Ming 蹇 劧鏉ヤ 劧鏉ヤ 绮 绮 绮 锛屾槸寮犻 锛屾槸寮犻

Chen Ming 褰揿嵆璧疯韩阆掳细鈥滀綘璇翠粈涔堬纻鈥

闾d 汉链変簺鎯 曪纴€曪纴Chen Ming 濡 粖韬笂濞佸帇澶︷ 锛屽笣姘斾 锛屽笣姘斾 锛屽笣姘斾 缁 缁 缁 缁 缁 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 鈥滈偅浜︻О寮犻福锛岃鏄櫅涓嬬殑disciple 銆傗€

Chen Ming immediately asked: “Where is he now?”

The newspaper’s guardian said: “Now it’s already outside the palace gate, but I don’t know if his identity is true or false, so come and report it.”

Chen Ming was beaming, and walked three times around. “Great, great, Zhang Ming is back!”

Chen Ming was too lazy to continue the matter, went straight out of the great hall, and moved toward the palace gate.

Qu Yan Xiaoyue looked away from Chen Ming and asked, “Who is this song? How is it so excited?”

Duan first said: “That is the baby squatting under the arm. Before 40, the sire released three thousand disciplines under the door and entered the world. At that time, they were only Earth Immortal realm, and they let them cultivate to Golden Immortal to come back. Now come back, It’s the first one, and it’s natural to be happy.”

Chen Ming came all the way to the palace gate. Gong Wei saw that Chen Ming came here and fell down with a brush. Chen Ming looked around and saw Zhang Ming, who was the servant of the dust. Zhang Ming couldn’t help but see Chen Ming’s moment. His eyes were full of tears, “Master!”

Chen Ming looked towards Zhang Ming, and suddenly found that Zhang Ming’s head had an additional halo related to him.

[Infinite Disciple]

Introduction: He comes from under the door.

Effect: The speed of the road comprehend is accelerated to some extent.

I did not expect that my own disciples could actually smudge my own light and have a halo.

The other halo are also quite a lot. It seems that they have released them, but it is a halo that can get one. It is not in vain.

Zhang Ming jumped to Chen Ming’s body and stumbled in front of Chen Ming. He held Chen Ming’s leg and didn’t let go. “Master, discipline is thinking of you day and night!”

Chen Ming is also very happy, let go of it for so long, and finally there is one back.

Chen Ming helped Zhang Ming to get up. You can see that Zhang Ming has already experienced the weather. On the cheek, there is a knife.

Chen Ming reached out and pats Zhang Ming’s shoulder, said with a smile: “Very good, very good, I have been able to stand alone for so many years, there are so many squats, the body is tall, and strong!”

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