Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1096: Strike! Machine Emperor

"Woohoo, I also lost." Yun Lan frowned, and was really unacceptable for being abused.

I comforted: "I can only watch me now. I will win a game. The overall loss is affirmative, at least it will not be taken away by others."

Xueyue also said, "Please, please."

I laughed: "Do your best."


With the shouts of the crowd, I came to the court, but I didn't know what was going on.

"Some of you will have to work hard for 120 minutes," I said to the bodyguards around me.

The black **** nodded: "Rest assured, this opponent, Druid can mainly rely on the transformation and summoning beasts to fight, who can be better than the summoning beast than the owner." She was a little embarrassed, Indeed, few people in my summoned beast can really carry it.

Just then my opponent appeared, and I glanced at the other side, the goods did not look like Druid at all. In general, the druid enters a transformed state to prepare for war. This guy, a man in a dark green costume, puts his hands in his trouser pockets and poses a very full bs.

Look at it, suddenly! The other party actually spoke!

"Hehehe ~~~." Langya laughed softly, with a slight disdain in the laughter.

I muttered, "What are you laughing at?"

"You're called Dragon Spirit, right?"

"Do you know me?" It was a bit of a surprise that the man suddenly called himself. Although we are a household name, it is only limited to the two words of the beast god. The real name and the ID of Weiweilong are not clear to many people.

Langya said: "Not only know you, I also know your father, and even know he is there."

"What?" This guy's words surprised me. Although there were suspicions of fraud, I still wanted to know about my father's current situation, or whether he was dead or alive.

"Want to know? If you want to know, take the initiative."

"Do you think it's possible?" I asked for a joke, "I can't tell you then." The other man raised his index finger and shook.

I clenched my fists and said, "Then I will fight until you confess."

"You can't win me," Lang said disdainfully.

"Nothing is absolute, you wait."

After speaking, we did not speak again, the countdown quickly passed, and the moment the countdown disappeared!

"Come out of the core of wisdom!" Langya shouted and saw an egg-shaped machine more than three meters high before him.

Although I don't know what kind of attack this thing will launch, I don't know what purpose it is for now. I quickly gave the beauty bodyguard a wink. The four of us, Black God, Tian Zhao, and Ice Dragon MM, attacked the core of wisdom And I bypassed that thing and went straight to kill Langya himself. The druid has a cloth armor with a poor professional defense and health, and there is no shield protection. One shot of the dragon gun is enough to kill him.

"I knew I would come back!" The other chuckled.

I also chuckled. This simple tactic is easy to see through. Anyway, I can't think of any clever tactics. All I want is results, and my brain is not my strength.

With a bang "!", The heroic charge suddenly released. Although I was evaded by the opponent, I rushed to his side and saw him look cold: "The summoner fights melee ?! I knew it would be like this. "

"Then you know what will happen next!"

Said the dragon gun sent out.

"Protect the Lord!" Druid actually used the skills of the animal trainer, which should have burst from a monster, his body disappeared stupidly, and the place he had just stayed in had become the core of wisdom and suddenly appeared in There.

"Ice Breathing Blade!"

—51654 "Boom!"

The nucleus of wisdom blew into numerous fragments on the spot.

"Ha ha ha ha, be fooled!" The wolf teeth protecting the other side of the skills flashed a proud laugh, sneer: "The real power can only be exerted when the core of wisdom is destroyed ..." said this A halo emitting white light behind the guy saw five weird things emerging from the halo.

"Come out!"

"Emperor Zhidi unlimited", "Head of Zhidi", "Attack of the Emperor", "Defense of the Emperor", "Carrier of the Emperor"

"Reliance on destructive effects to summon?" How strange it is for this guy to summon five different mechanical parts.

"It's too early to be surprised." The other side said in disdain, the five mechanical parts floating in mid-air began to deform and assemble into a white robot, and the robot had this horizontal Arabic numeral 8 on its chest, from which I can see the glowing light ball inside.

"Well, the next thing is the beginning of the show." Then he turned into a light and entered the robot's head.

"What the **** is this giant robot?" Scanning the past with a golden eye in his eyes—name: Emperor Ji ∞, type: special department, race: mechanical clan, can evolution: no, life: 10000, attack: 2500, defense: 2500, Skill: Absorption: Non-players and BOSS units within the absorption range, equipped to Emperor Zhidi. Cool for one hour. Component support: Emperor Zhi can use the skills of any part of his body. Overall (passive): Emperor Zhi is a special form of five-in-one.

The attack and defense are only 25,000 points, and the health is huge. What kind of summon beast? Only that absorption function can equip non-player units to themselves. What does this mean?

"Forget it! Smash me no matter what you are! Come out! My summoners!" Shouted amber dragon, galuru, biochemical tyrannosaurus, ark, and the covenant summons the beasts.

"It's all here, so just experience the power of the Emperor Ji!" With this guy shouting, the horizontal character of the chest of the guy called Ji Emperor suddenly burst into a dazzling light. There are dozens of rays of light at a moment, these rays are entangled in the ark, amber dragon, black god, sky photo, ice dragon MM and other my beast mercenaries in an instant.

"what happened!"

"This is the power of the emperor. It can absorb some non-player units such as beasts, pets, and mercenaries!"

"Everyone come back!" Immediately cast the anti-summon, but was prompted not to cast, but the only bio-tyrannosaurus was taken back by me, and before I recovered from surprise, everyone was absorbed into this body by this guy .

Does absorption mean this? This guy is simply a robot that captures auxiliary units. Fortunately for other professions, for a summoner who eats by summoning beasts, this guy is like a summoner killer! hateful! It's a big deal.

"Strange how there is another one that can't be absorbed." I just reacted to him and saw the solitary Bio-Tyrannosaurus calling the beast space. By the way, when the light just touched it, it was bounced off by its outer shield Now, because the shield protects it, it has not been taken away.

"It doesn't matter, the Emperor Zhidi can increase his attack power according to the attack power of the units on the equipment."

The fire eye golden eye scan was shocked! This guy ’s attack power soared all the way to more than 100,000 points in an instant, and I went! How to fight this, a monster with hundreds of thousands of attack power is too scary, although its defense and blood volume have not changed, I can't guarantee that I will never be hit by him.

"Beast God! Defeat the beast by your own power to summon the beast!" Langya issued a howling, and drove over the near-invincible emperor to kill him!

In front of him, a steel knife on the right arm of the machine emperor was severely cut off from the top of his head. The horror of this knife was known to me and him. Under this blow, it must be divided into two.

With a bang, he fell overhead.

It just didn't appear that I expected all of the two halves, but instead struck a layer of transparent energy to protect Kai, and made a strange noise.

—10 "Impossible —" Langya was shocked. He knew that he was in the current state of energy. The general shield could not be blocked unless it was invincible, but my shield was not ordinary. On the occasion of the first round, I also looked forward to transformation. He and the Biochemical Tyrannosaurus are combined. During this time, the Biochemical Tyrannosaurus gains a new power called the hardened shield. Like the plasma shield during the Gatling Blast Dragon period, the effect is that no matter how much damage it will be forced to reduce to 10 Point, "Play a little smart!" Langfang said fiercely, the steel knife on the back of his hand, slashed wildly, the sword light flickered in the sky, and it was like a thunderous one after another.

I have no chance to respond. I can only resist the attack by relying on the tortoise shell of the hardened shield, but five thousand points lasting under such a fierce attack. Although it can completely resist the damage for me, the hardened shield lasts for a moment. It was reduced to 2000 points, but my body could not bear it. This guy drove me into the ground and could hardly move. The opponent's attack was to cut it without fancy, and then cut it, if the hardened shield was used up , The destructive power has reached hundreds of thousands of attacks, what a terrifying power?

My heart shook inexplicably, tumbling and flying out, and then banged heavily on the ground, but in the next second, my body was deeply sinking into the ground and approached again, this time with arms hitting the ground, shaking After a wave of earth and rock, I was forced to smash into the ground and flew out.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Shi Xuan felt like he was hit by a heavy tank. The Guardian Kai finally broke, and his body rolled and flew out of the ground hundreds of meters away.

Langya's constant bombardment continued to make me unavoidable. I didn't even have the strength to fight back. When the shield was broken, this meant that if the bomber was hit next time, it would be a biochemical dragon. The health value, the Emperor Ji's current terror power, the blood of Biochemical Tyrannosaurus is not enough to look at, one minute, no, not even a minute, I will be killed by this guy.

This is absolutely overwhelmingly destructive.


Was he rolling in the air and finally lost? Do I even lose here? For a long time, I have used absolute power to suppress others, and now I feel the feelings of those who are suppressed by myself.

"Boom!" He took another blow, and sure enough, the hardened shield broke, and his body rolled away again.

"Last hit!" The howling Langfang Manipulator's steel knife raised his head and fell!


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