Master Summoner Online

Chapter 338: Ice Mirror

The rain fell, the battle ended, the system announced my victory, and the audience began to sensation!

"Good job! Come on !!!"

"We are invincible by the summoner!"

"That's just the case with the giants of death!"

"I'm totally right to buy you!"


It seems that the profession of the summoner after the game should not continue to be upset.

"Wow, master, you really do. A moment ago, Tian Zhao couldn't help but want to shoot ~!" Tian Zhao said!

I grinned and said, "I have the confidence to win him, otherwise I will call you together as usual!"

"It's also the master's mighty power!" Tian Zhao laughed.

After speaking, return to the standby room, the game enters the rest time again ...

In the next group of matches, the two players were Yu Luo Chen and Erika, both of which were very strong.

"Master, who do we buy for that person?" Tianzhao asked.

I laughed: "I don't know, who do you think is good to buy?"

Tian Zhao smiled lightly: "Buy Erica to support our female compatriots."

"Whatever." I said casually.

The two stared at each other on the platform, with a cold rain falling down on Erica, throwing the short knife in his hands, and the countdown passed. The rain falling down and groaned in place: "You are strong or weak! "

Erica said: "I won't tell you!"

As soon as this word came out, the rain fell into dust! Presumably this is the first time he has encountered such an answer.

Yu Luochen said: "Then your strength lets me see it!" I saw the short knife in Yu Luochen's hand slamming up and rushed forward.

As the opponent of the rain falling dust, Erica quickly blessed herself with a shield, and threw out two ice blades!

"Woohoo ~!" Yu Luochen's body slightly moved the ice skate across his face and almost missed, then the four bitters in his hands were ready to go!

"Woohoo ~!" Seeing the opportunity, Yu Luochen stopped his footsteps, throwing out four Sufferings, and disappeared into the air in a flash. Force your opponent!

"What should the master say in this scene?" Tianzhao asked.

I laughed and said, "Let there be no suffering."

"Woohoo! Obviously let the bullets fly!" Tian Zhao said.

"It's almost there!" I laughed, and my eyes fell back on the field.

I saw that Erika's response was not slow. I used the flashes in time to flash through the four bitters, and at the same time the sound of rain and dust appeared in front of Erika!

There was a smirk, and the next moment, the scarlet knife in his hand suddenly appeared, and the knife reached Erica's heart!

Seeing that the other party was coming, Erica was not panic, apparently she had her own set of countermeasures!

When the short sword in the rain falls into the heart of the opponent!

"Slap ~!" Suddenly! An identical rain drop of dust appeared behind Erica, and the short knife in her hand broke, and landed directly on Erica's back!

"Ah! This is the second kill !?" Tian Zhao exclaimed.

I was stunned: "Keep watching and say it!"

I saw that Erika was attacked by two rain-falling dusts at almost the same time, and the shield fell out of blood all at once, but the next moment the rain-falling dust was startled, at this moment, a frost appeared on his arm. Freeze his hands.

When the torrential rain brought the dog back to God, he shouted, "Hum, whoever cares about it, will blow your blood away, and you will die!"

The next moment I saw that Erica's complexion started to turn whiter, her hair started to turn white, and her skin began to turn into ice. At that moment, the pair of beautiful eyes also became a pair of ice eyes, and the whole person became an ice man. Everyone was shocked!

"Ah ... what's going on!" Tianzhao shouted.

The next moment Erika appeared not far away and said in her mouth: "Beautiful and elegant Goddess of Ice! Please lend me your power! The foolish thing in front of me is frozen, extremely deep cold!"

An instant of cold swept the rain and dust and the iceman suddenly, a huge icicle sticking out, the rain and falling dust was frozen inside, Erica smiled at this moment.

"Slap ~!" But at the moment when Erica showed a smile, the back of Erica appeared suddenly, one arm and one yang, and a short knife passing over the shield behind Erica.

—2351 damage numbers flew up, and Erika flashed to the other side of the ring at this time, and it was the real rain that was behind the attack of Erika, and the two were frozen only by him. It was just a stand-in. At the same time, the rain fell and the dust immediately rushed up, and it didn't seem to intend to give Erica a chance to breathe.

"Woohoo, I'm so unlucky, I actually met such a BT opponent!" Erika grumbled resentfully, her eyes filled with helplessness.

Erica shook her hair and said, "Forget whoever you are! It's OK to hit you!"

Suddenly, Erica's fighting spirit rose, spread out her magic book, and began to prepare for the next magic.

"Brush ~!" The rain falling dust rushed up like a light, and the short knife fell again, but Erica ducked sideways and dodged, and did something, then pulled her leg and ran!

Seeing that his own moving speed could not shake the other party, Erica turned and waved her mouth in the air and began to sing. After a while, a huge magic circle suddenly appeared above Erica's head!

The rain fell and the dust stopped in a shock, next!

"Roar ~!" A cloud of dragons roaring and roaring out of the magic circle suddenly appeared, a skill ‘Frost Dragon Roar’!

"Ice and snow is your absolute majesty. The icy ground doesn't need any hope. Please show your authority! Wrath of Ice and Snow!" A clear chanting sounded from Erika's mouth.

Suddenly, a huge white cold swept across the earth like a storm, freezing everything, and the rain-falling dust, which was restricted in an instant, stiffly took the hit of the frosty dragon howl!

—6587 points of damage float out, magical damage is sharp, and the blood of the rain drops to less than 5% at the same time. At the same time, Erica withdraws with a hit!

"Oh ~!" A note flashed to the other side of the ring, while the rain fell to catch up.

But Erika kept flashing from time to time to throw out a few small magics to delay the procrastination, and then continue to run!

And the rain fall dust, just like Erica running around the field, but in fact every move, but when the rain fall dust quickly reaches out, every magic thrown by Elika can be wiped, in order to maximize Avoid the attack and supply himself with potions.

Almost a full circle chasing around this circular arena, the two have never forgotten to replenish water on the way, of course one is red and the other is blue!

The two toss for a long time, the rain falling into the dust accidentally, what's the matter, was hurt by a magic of Erica.

"Boom ~!" A Bingling **** fell precisely on the rain and dust, and it suddenly blew off about 30% of his blood.

At the same time, the rain fell and his body fell low and suddenly rushed up! At the same time, there was a stream of air rising at the foot, which caused the moving speed to rise a lot. At the same time, Erica flashed, but was pushed in for an instant. As a result, Erika, who had just used the flash, was unable to throw him away!

"Cut! Don't try to defeat me!" Erica sighed angrily, as if forced to run out of steam, an ice explosion exploded in front of her chest. This explosion was not intended for the other party, but for her own. When I looked doubtful.

However, with this explosion, Erica and Yuluo Dust re-opened again. At the same time, the flashing CD just passed, "咻 ~!" The whole person flashed out. Now Yuluo Dust is in the center of the ring, Erica. On the periphery, then Erika waved his hand, and a row of ice-creams were sent out the next moment!

The rainfall dust stepped on the zig-zag pace, flashed an ice cream, and flashed closer to Erica!

At this moment, Erica suddenly looked cold! At this moment, the rain falling dust seemed to see something weird, and I just wanted to step back, but it was too late!

"Hey, let's die, freeze the light!" Without saying a word, Erica raised her hand and a blue zigzag light hit the rain falling dust.

"Brush!" The rain and dust were frozen into an ice cube.

Erica was ecstatic all of a sudden. To be honest, the frozen light is a fast attack skill in ice magic. The biggest feature of this trick is the high freezing probability and fast attack speed!

"Ice mirror ~!" Erika suddenly yelled around the ringstand, and the twelve ice mirrors appeared. At this moment, I thought that she had not run around the ringstand before, but to deploy these ice mirrors.

"Diamond ice blade!" Three ice blades stood up instantly! "Ice magic mirror! Copy!" With this coquettish drink, an ice blade protrudes from each ice mirror, and then three ice blades and twelve ice magic mirrors are copied out of the ice blade for a total of fifteen At the same time, the ice blade fell on the rain-falling dust that formed into ice cubes.

The audience widened their eyes in an instant, and the rain falling dust that turned into ice cubes was attacked by fifteen ice blades in an instant!

The blood of the rain falling dust disappeared instantly under the attack of fifteen ice blades.

The summoner who likes online games, please collect: ( The summaries of online game summoners' literature are the fastest.

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