Master Summoner Online

Chapter 372: Thunder War Halberd

The tip of a gun pierced the neck of a soldier, taking away his last blood, while the skylight around him killed two swordsmen with lightning!

I rushed to the right with the summoned beast and the mercenary. The other was overturned one by one. The amber dragon rushed into the opponent's long-range occupation camp. Tigers should not mean that dragons are in the crowd. The huge sharp attacks are not something they can resist at all.


I suddenly inserted the red-eyed dragon gun into the dirt, looked coldly at the front, and shouted, "Come when you have a seed! I want to kill you today!"

The words didn't end. Suddenly, more than a dozen players on the other side rushed into one of them and yelled, "It's too arrogant!"

A knight player flew directly, and the red-eyed dragon gun in my hand was like a sea dragon, killing me face-to-face without fear. Just one second before the two were in contact, I was short, my gun was aimed at the chest of the opponent, and lightning. Announcement! Suddenly, the Red-Eyed Dragon Lance pierced his chest at lightning speed, and then pushed it hard. The Red-Eyed Dragon Lance opened a large hole directly in front of his chest!


The knights of the knights are terrible!

I didn't stop at my feet, I already had red eyes, and the ghosts traveled straight at night. The shield suddenly broke on the outside of the chest of a mage player. The next moment, a sharp knife was launched, and the blade of steel fell to cut it into two. segment!

There was a cold in the back, and a shot in the back was cold!


"Fuck! So low!" The man not only exclaimed. At the same time, the black **** rushed forward, swinging an arc with a sickle in his hand, and two slaps, the two archers were swept away at the same time. The next moment, the sickle struck my archer so sneakily, even with his shoulders Cut into two pieces.

A mage wielding a staff and preparing for the next skill was swept into a plug before the skill was released, and fell straight back, before turning to the ground, it turned into white light of death, and even the staff in his hand was lost. On the ground!

Behind the same time, Tianzhao cut down the other three players, and I took the opportunity to rush and kill. With my cooperation with the summoned beast and the mercenaries, no one dared to step forward.

At this time, no one is a fool, and other players who have not been attacked finally realize how powerful they are facing. How can they fight this one or two?

Facts have proved that the people of Wuhe are consistent in the face of interests and dangers. No matter how loudly they scream, the people under them don't listen to him. At this time, they completely give up the idea of ​​continuing to attack and start with the fastest Speed ​​escapes in different directions.

I think the only thing they expect is that I don't aim the attack at myself.

Of course I don't think so, want to run? Not so easy! Ordered Amber Dragon to go upstairs and locked a slow mage first.

Although such a mage even flashed with the energy of feeding and then ran, only his speed was no faster than the speed of the amber dragon!

The huge body had completely enveloped the opponent under him, and the next moment he breathed out, and the mage's pitiful blood fell to the end, and he fell into an endless darkness instantly!

—8512 The damage is brushed out, this guy has died several times!

At this moment, the person in front of him is a living target. How can he easily let go of such an opportunity to kill?

The roar of Long Yin echoed above. Each roar represents the fall of a game of life. Several screams sounded one after another. The death Gobi has become a real death zone.

Dazhanhongtu's stupid player P, who is looking for a place, cannot be reversed. It can be said that it is a model of self-control, and it has become a joke.

finally. Except for the stupid man who was left behind by me, he brought hundreds of people to death.

The second world has developed to the present. The strength between top players and ordinary players is constantly increasing. Equipping such things does not mean everything. Do n’t think that you can bully people with good equipment. Many people are here.

I walked step by step towards the amazement that was scared in front of me. At this moment he wanted to turn and run away, but he was caught by me before he turned half, and he was beaten in front of me fiercely, angry. The blue eyes stared fiercely at him.

"you you···"

"You what you."

"What kind of enmity do I have with you!" Achieve exclaimed.

"What kind of enmity you know, I now give you two choices." I said coldly.

"What choice?"

"The first one deleted the number by himself and the second was killed by me."

"What are you talking about! Don't be too bullying!" Dazhan Hongtu angered.

"Oh! It's good to bully too much, but I'm going to bully too much today. I'll tell you that I will kill you one day if you don't want it. If you don't want it, delete it and leave!" He pushed back, and immediately he fell to the ground while the Red-Eyed Dragon Lance raised his eyebrow.

"I ask you once again what enmity we have!"

"I can only tell you that you have touched what you least should touch."

"what is that?"

"The dragon's inverse scale!" The voice didn't fall, the red-eyed dragon gun penetrated his head, and the blood mixed with his brain, and I kicked his body to the side, then went to wash the name.


After a painful wash, I returned to the capital of the dragon. After killing the boss, I picked up 170,000 gold coins, and my hands were cramped.

Of course, gold coins are only small money. Among the loot, I collected a very cool-looking spear, an archer's leather armor, a pair of gloves, and a pair of combat boots. I can see that these things are definitely not ordinary at a glance. In particular, this exquisitely dark red spear has a layer of brilliance flowing on the metal surface, and even I see it in my eyes.

At the same time, BOSS gave me a quick dark iron medal. Will this gadget be a construction helper again? I was very excited at this moment, and then held up a card. Then I picked up a card, the most unidentifiable thing among all the loot. I ca n’t see its name when I use it. ", Not unidentified, it's clear that this is something that has not yet been opened.

Dragon capital, laboratory

"Adventureer, come up with what you need to identify, hopefully something decent." A middle-aged appraiser said.

Seeing the four pieces of equipment placed on the table, the middle-aged appraiser's eyes lighted up, and he immediately took these things and carefully observed them.

At this time, the appraiser praised: "Your luck is really good. This should be from a low-level boss, all very good equipment!"

Then he said, "Do you need to appraise right away? The appraisal cost is 250,000 gold coins!"

250,000 gold coins! This identification fee alone is enough to frighten many people.

I did not hesitate to take out a large amount of gold coins and gave him the appraisal fee, anyway, there is no bargaining possibility in the second world.

After receiving the money, the middle-aged appraisers immediately started the appraisal work. As far as the appraisal methods are concerned, no matter which appraiser is exactly the same, and the equipment is quickly appraised one by one.

The first piece of equipment identified was the cool-looking spear.

Thunder War Halberd

Grade: Orange

Attack +2550

Strength Specialization +30.

+30 to Dexterity.

Increases attack power by 5%.

5% chance to ignore defense.

10% chance of producing a tear effect.

Thunder attribute attack.

Additional Skills (1): Thunder strikes, consumes 1000 mana, and causes a constant 1000 points of lightning damage to the target, a 50% chance to stun the opponent for five seconds and cool down for 30 minutes.

Additional Skills (2): Lightning Strike Blade, consumes 300 magic, inflicts magical magic damage to the target, and knocks back the opponent, cooling for 20 seconds.

Requires level: level 75.

The warrior profession is the mainstream of the Second World. Needless to say, the value of good equipment and rare equipment is high. Some of the hundreds of millions of players are willing to invest huge sums of money to satisfy the vanity of rich people.

The other equipment is also very good. Then I contacted Ye Shuang and said, "What are you doing?"



I continued: "I got a good gun. I wanted to give it to you, but now you're busy. I'll pick up the money!"

"Don't! Brother! That girl isn't beautiful. Wait for me in the dragon capital, and I'll be right there." He said that he should hang up before falling, and then Ye Shuang watched his mentor send him. The golden gun rushed into the gate.

Ye Shuanglai said in front of me with both eyes brightened and said, "Brother! This is for me!" He stretched his hands forward, but the seat seemed to be not the Thunder War Halberd in my hand, but the red on my back Eye Dragon Gun.

"Why? This is mine!" I quickly stepped back.

"Ah!" Ye Shuang froze, then pointed a finger at himself and said, "What about mine?"

"At this."

Talking to give him the Thunder War Halberd, the next moment he gave me a bear hug directly, and then said, "Come brother and kiss one!" Talking to my face and leaning up, "Kiss your sister!" One palm patted his face and pushed his head away.

"Look at everyone, guys!"


"Who! In public under the sun!"

"The sun is going down, OK?"


I quickly said, "Send your hand away."

Ye Shuang said very hard: "Oh."

Then he said the side where the guy came from, "I didn't give you the gun for nothing. You have to do something with me."

"What's the matter? Even if my brother speaks, as long as I can do it, it is absolutely inevitable." Ye Shuang said, patting his chest.

I said, "I'll hang the guy who sees Dazhan Hongtu in the wild in the future. Don't give up."

Ye Shuang laughed: "Rest assured, the guy last time linked to the first-level experience of Lao Tzu, and now he's still worried about it. I'll give him some color when I see him that day."

"Brother, you know who consigned the gang order."

"It's me."

"Wow! Brother burdock!"

"Required! Haha!"

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