Master Summoner Online

Chapter 397: knock down

Time flies, killing is very stalemate. The over 2.5 million blood and ultra-high attack defense of BOSS is too difficult to kill. This is still the case with the help of hundreds of people in the audience. If I were alone Definitely not killed!

At this moment, the sudden change suddenly occurred!

At this point BOSS suddenly threw the sword with both hands into the air, the two swords combined into one, and a sense of oppression came from Mount Tai. The extinct move that appeared before finally came to an end of the CD time!


I opened my eyes, but couldn't say a word, ran away? It's impossible, we can't escape the light of the trick!

Just now, everyone has seen the power of that trick, and several MMs were shocked with their mouths wide open, and their faces were full of despair.

"Did you finish? We still haven't played this elite boss ..." Xueyue said, seemingly helpless, what else can the rest of the players do?

At this time, Mo Yan and several other priests cast a ‘Light Sealed Magic Array’, but the Light Sealed Magic Array was modified, and the original silence effect was set to be probabilistic, that is, it was no longer a 100% departure.

At this time there were only five priests present, and the five ‘Bright Seals’ arrays had nothing more than the restraint of the boss and the silence effect was not triggered.

Everyone was desperate. Watching the boss's big move ready to go, the silent tactics also failed. Mo Yan stood there blankly, raised her beautiful face and looked at the boss, his face was unwilling and wronged.

At this point no matter how everyone attacks, BOSS skills are constantly playing, I saw the two swords fell into the ground.

"I didn't expect it to be here, but I'm still unwilling to ..."

"It's over!"

"Everyone is leaving together."


The world is dark, the sun and the moon are dark, and everyone's emotions have fallen to the bottom of the valley. The taste of welcoming death is really uncomfortable and too depressed.

But at this moment, a huge and incomparable voice appeared in front of everyone, a huge and incomparable arm flew out the sword towards the fly, and the powerful skills of BOSS were interrupted stiffly!

"Boy, you're almost going to be beaten into grandson by this goods! Hahaha!" It wasn't the person who made this sound was my ark. At this moment, everyone saw the dawn of victory, and the commander of the abyss seemed to know The opponent in front of him is not easy to mess with, and then retreats sharply. At this moment, the unicorn on the ark's head flashes a dark red light instantly.

Immediately after that, the dark red energy was pushed out of the "Boom" with a loud noise, and the energy hit the BOSS to produce a big explosion.

Countless energy streams emerged from the inside, and the surrounding ground "cracked and cracked" began to explode. The huge wind and waves caused people to stand up and even make it difficult to open their eyes. Many people lay down on their stomachs.

I saw a series of damage figures floating from the center of the explosion.





I got down too. At this moment, this gas wave can't bear the shock. Since the ark released BOSS's blood of 150,000 in less than half a minute.

Consider the first summoned beast in the second world today. Give it up!

The big bang continued, and the ground was shaking in waves.

"Lying, trough!" Said tearlessly, "mud, horse!"

"Beast God! Mighty!"

"Boss NB!"

"Beast God NB!"


After the ark's long-range skills were put out, he did not see his tired look, but was trembling and full of fighting spirit.

Head up and rushed up with two axes to make the BOSS body incomplete,

Wu Hua sighed: "Mad grass mud horse!"

At this point, everyone else has already become SB, including the Summoner who guards such a powerful NB Summoner, all lying on the battleship Dragon Beast with his mouth open and speechless, because the Ark is already singled out this elite BOSS. Already.

The sword light was united, and the damage value was flying all over the sky.

Qi and blood: 2933302500000

Qi and blood: 2837812500000

Qi and blood: 2629982500000

Qi and blood: 2355752500000


The ark is more and more brave and fierce, and there is no sign of exhaustion at this time. At this time, the defeat of the BOSS is a matter of time. With the rapid decrease of blood, the commander of the abyss obviously starts to slow. , Qi and blood is less than 150,000 points.

"Everyone!" I shouted sternly, this is the last moment, no room for conservativeness. All players immediately attacked the boss.

attack! attack! In the roaring shout, all the combat players did not take a half step back in front of the BOSS's attack, and tried their best to launch the attack. The BOSS was instantly drowned by the fireball, wind blade and meteorite, and the roar of the soldiers became high again!

The number of injuries has been brushed, and the blood on the Commander of the Abyss has been bleaked a lot, and many places have even gone out, revealing its bruised body.

Under such an attack, the BOSS can no longer bear it at this time. However, if it wants to escape, it depends on others agreeing to disagree. The soldiers who rely on the charge to the front of the BOSS immediately surround it, one by one, directly attack its body, and give it again. It does great damage!

The remaining summoned beasts will soon join the siege team, at this time the injured BOSS has been surrounded by death!

Various magic elements in the back row are assembled again, covering the BOSS. Everyone knows how to beat the water dog. If you let it run, all these sacrifices will be in vain!

At this time, the soldiers in the hands of BOSS waving swords one after another or summoned beasts fell to the ground!

"Go around and go and let it run away!" I shouted, not without such precedent in the second world. At the cost of great sacrifice, BOSS will be wiped out. But it ran away at the last minute.

If this situation happens again, everyone will really want to cry without tears!

Several mechas filled the gap immediately. Use your body and the huge sword in your hand to resist the attack of the Keeper of the Ruins, that is, not to give it any chance to escape.

At this moment, BOSS knows that he has no hope of escape, and starts his last struggle. It steps on and releases the aura of flame continuously, wielding two swords, trying to destroy the surrounding soldiers and summoning beasts.

The energy is raging and the lights are intertwined. Although the BOSS has destroyed most of our intercepting forces, the warriors and summoned beasts who have forgotten their lives are entangled and dragged them to their place. One of the beasts fell down, and the other rushed over. One soldier turned to ashes, and the other soldier roared and waved his weapon!

"Yeah ---" BOSS roared, his face was distorted, and his whole body turned black, and it roared upward, and the roar carried incomparable anger and despair, making the whole sky discolored!

Instantly, a huge black hole was opened in the sky, and a black dragon in the black hole burst out, and the dragon snarled.

"Fuck! BOSS zoomed in and everyone flashed!" I hurried.

The players around hurriedly retreated, and at this time, a large black halo released from the black dragon spread rapidly around him. This abyss commander released the strongest killing trick at the last moment!

First, the black halo drowned the remaining soldiers and summoned beasts around the BOSS. They were directly destroyed in this energy of destruction. None of them survived, and the white light of death shone into a piece!

And the ten-meter-long black dragon opened his teeth and rushed towards the front side of me. In front of the front, there were no players who could resist!

In front of the Black Dragon coming in an instant, I was planning to resist. At this time, a huge figure appeared in front of me, officially my ark. I saw him punch up, and suddenly the fist and the Black Dragon encountered a shocking explosion, on the explosion field. Energy almost includes all players!

More white light of death flashed on this desolate battlefield at that moment!

When the surviving players opened their eyes that were just stinged by the light from the explosion, I was not injured under the protection of the Ark, but the Ark fell down very uncomfortably. I hurriedly retracted it and found it in front of me. The ground was black and the companions who had been fighting a few seconds ago disappeared without a trace!

BOSS issued the strongest skills. At this time, there were less than 20 players remaining around, and the loss was more than everyone imagined!

However, the commander of the abyss has also exhausted its last strength. At this time, the perseverance of the weapon still clenched in the hands of the earth, its eyes have lost its light, and the scarred body brings out a light of blood, giving A very desolate beauty, but it did not die!

BOSS's move just now is obviously at the cost of burning his own life. There were less than a few hundred points left in the original blood of 50,000, and he was seriously injured and dying!

This result, although terrible for us.

"Little knife, are you still alive?" I shouted.

"Alive, but the little wolf hung up!" The little knife stood up from the rubble, his face was ashes, and his leather armor was torn.

I went on to say, "Whoever is alive is equipped with extra luck, lend it to him, little knife, you can give the boss a final look!"

The little knife choked and said, "Why?"

I said, "Your last predator dagger has a 12% explosion rate, plus the lucky bonus on everyone's equipment can definitely cut a knockout!" He traded the white dragon claw to him, Bailong Claw has no class restrictions, and anyone can equip it.

Immediately after Erica, No Tears, Brother Superman, and Lone Mark saw four pieces of equipment and handed them to the little knife.

After receiving the equipment, Little Knife said happily: "Great! Now I'm 9 lucky, look at me!"

After speaking a lunge, he rushed directly to the boss. Facing the huge boss that was dying, he clenched the predator dagger over his hands, and a black energy gathered on the sword to shine!


One shot easily penetrated the seat of the boss's heart and took away the best blood of the boss.



Exploded completely!

Gorgeously explosive!

Pay more than 1,000 player first-level experience, and some of them pay the price of two-level experience. Level 95 Elite Boss Abyss Commander was finally killed!

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