Master Summoner Online

Chapter 403: Camp

I asked, "How do I do that?"

I will just pit father: "Look at the row of tall grass over there, we quietly walked around and hit them a little too far."

I smiled: "Agree, I charge you to cover!"


So the people immediately walked around the woods and walked into the bushes. At this time, they saw the urging wanderer opposite, and when they were happy to pack up the flesh of that beast, the three of me, Tianzhao and the Black God were thundering and killing!

"Destroy the charge!" The black **** sang aloud, suddenly launched his skills towards a wanderer, and the whole man flew out like a cannonball.

Huh! With a muffled sound, a wanderer warrior who was dividing the muscles next to the carcass was hit thickly and severely, and immediately flew out three or four meters away. At the same time, the twin blades of the sky took a light and chopped to the other side. Wanderer.

After launching a heroic charge and knocking a wanderer into flight, the two bystander wanderers retreated into the rear woods at the same time, and at the same time they each pulled out their staffs, which were two wanderer element divisions.

And in the woods behind them, there were a few dark shadows shaking and flashing.

After the black **** who first rushed into the rogue camp succeeded, the sickle waved against the rogue warrior in his hand. The sharp sickle crossed the waist of the opponent and immediately broke the opponent's thin defense. The broken armor was mixed. Splattered with blood.

The wanderer warrior screamed and rolled away immediately. The Black God did not chase after victory, but his body suddenly flashed away. After the body flashed away, he saw that the twin blades of the sky had been crossed, and the black energy rays gathered on the twin blades.

Death cross!

The dazzling cross energy blasted out, hitting the rogue warrior who rolled on the ground instantly, and the opponent raised his weapon at this time in an attempt to parry. Unexpectedly, the death cross could not be resisted by itself. The death cross stimulated the hit and instantly damaged it. !!


The unlucky wanderer warrior was torn open a long cross-shaped wound on the chest, the flesh turned black, and was knocked to the ground under the action of a strong impact, sending a painful sorrow!

The black **** was now going to deal with the wanderer warrior who had fought with Tianzhao before.

At this time, the wanderer warrior who was hit by me also got up at this time, it was waving a double-edged alloy axe, and came around from my side!

I was preparing to meet, suddenly, hey! I'll just pit my dad's beam to open a blood hole in its bare head!


The wandering fighter's impact suddenly slowed down, and at the same time I would just pit father, two consecutive shots on his forehead, and suddenly produced a knockout effect!

The whole brain burst, and the brain was splashed with blood and water on the grass and streams. The wanderer who lost his head rushed forward with a few steps by inertia, and even smashed the axe on the mud with a dull sound!

Ranger warrior has 8000 points of blood, and two shots and three shots are wasteful.

I killed one, and then Amaterasu and the Black God killed the two remaining **** enemies. At this time, I felt a bit redundant.

Three of the 5 wanderers encountered were killed, and the remaining two elemental divisions retreated to a group of wanderers outside, but their number was not large, about six or seven.

Immediately afterwards, several fireballs flew out. These fireballs hid near us and exploded. There was not much threat at the same time. At the same time, I found that the response of the two elemental divisions seemed quite weak. These newly emerged wanderers did not seem to have much thought. Fire back at us and hurried back into the jungle.

"Do you want to catch up?" Tianzhao shouted.

I will only pit my father in a deep voice: "Don't chase after them. If the wanderers lose money and the enemy is not very strong, they will definitely retreat temporarily and invite more helpers to come back to pursue the siege."

I also said, "It's true that sitting rashly is not good for the actions that follow us, and the reputation of the wanderer as cunning and difficult to deal with is not in vain."

Black Shinto: "If we go back and stay in place, we just wait to be sieged."

After listening to the words of the Black God, everyone nodded, and immediately returned to the long grass and searched in other directions. We encountered many wanderers along the way, but after a fierce battle, they have completely wiped out these wanderers.

Then we continued to penetrate deeper into the green sea jungle, encountering more than a dozen wanderer teams along the way, but after we cooperated to eliminate or repel the opponent's attack again and again, we were only slightly injured.

In this way, we killed one at four in the afternoon, and countless vagrants were hung upside down, but my task was never prompted to complete. Obviously, this task was for me to take away the opponent's old nest stand, and then I would give up. feel.

Then, after turning here for another half an hour, a clear smoke finally caught my attention and immediately rushed to the past with everyone.

Soon a natural lake with an area of ​​more than a dozen square kilometers appeared in front of you, and when you looked further away, it was a flat and swamp area. At this time there was a rather weird camp in the open space north of Xiaohu.

Why weird is because the camp buildings here are very strange, they don't stand on the ground. And in a large monster, the fire eye golden eye scans this thing is a load-bearing beast called a 60-level ordinary beast. According to the data, they are relatives of Kodo, but they are docile and bear hardships on their backs. The domesticated beasts, meanwhile, the backs of these weight-bearing beasts are completely flat. A wooden house is set up there, and a weight-bearing beast carries a small wooden house. Dozens of weighted beasts gathered together to form a small camp, worthy of being a nomadic people in the upper reaches of the mainland.

At the same time, three or five groups of wanderers were sitting around in the open space and chatting in incomprehensible languages, and others were taking a nap on the back of a weight-bearing beast. The game was grinding the weapon in the hand with a sharpening stone. Harmonious, but it's not harmonious to me.

The Amber Dragon called out immediately, the next moment the Dragon Stars started!

The red clouds rolled in the sky, and the whole world seemed to be enveloped in the haze of blood all at once, and countless fires and meteors poured down!

This group of wanderers were hit by tentacles immediately. The fireball fell into the camp and the sound of explosions sounded. At the same time, the gatling blast called out the gatling machine gun's barrel spontaneously. The electromagnetically-driven noise was deafening. !!

Click! Click!

The next second, the machine gun spewed a half-meter-long tongue of fire, and the bullet rain that was sloping like a rainstorm was fiercely fired at a ranger's position ten meters away. At the same time, it also needed missiles and beams. In addition, I was calling out The Sonic werewolf launched a crescent moon to join the battle.

At the same time, I will only put up a weird little house at this time. Small robots will walk out of the small house and walk towards the camp. He also set up several small forts around the house and volleyed at the camp. He also copied it. Assault rifle attack, the amber dragon swept through a mouthful of explosive breath and was sent into the camp to set off waves of explosion.

This pre-emptive strike made a magical effect instantly. Although the wanderer has a high AI, when he will never be like a real person, I, the black **** and Tianzhao suddenly rushed into the wanderer's camp at this time with a group of wanderer warriors and hunters. The assassins fought fiercely and fiercely, and the number of opponents was more than us. However, on the strength of the individual, we are definitely more than loitering.

At this time, the opponent also launched a counterattack. The wandering elemental division in the back row waved his staff, and the light of the elemental energy crisscrossed in the camp. I immediately rushed the amber dragon, and the suffocating elemental division screamed, At the same time, I saw a wanderer elemental screamed and fell to the ground after being caught by the amber dragon, and then it was sturdy with a giant dragon tail. The flesh and blood suddenly became fuzzy, at this time those weight-bearing beasts seemed to be instinctively In response, some heavy beasts started to escape in front of Longwei of Amber Dragon.

The wanderer was cut off instantly, but these wanderers who had no retreat broke out the most fierce side, and slammed into our lives.

However, I do not have any decent commander among these wanderers, but BOSS always comes last!

The wanderers around fell to the ground one after another, and suddenly banged! The house above the weightless beast that did not escape from the wanderer's camp exploded, and the pieces of wood flew across the heart!

The body of this weight-bearing beast is obviously larger than other similar ones. The house on the back was larger and more luxurious and delicate. Now it suddenly explodes into pieces, and the contents inside are exposed.

A man in a white robe with blue-gray skin and two scarlet eyes staring at us coldly, at this moment he leapt down from the back of a weight-bearing beast. The weapon that this guy held in his hands was one meter and five meters long. The broad sword of this sword, the blue and white currents constantly swim around the sword body, it is daunting.

"Stupid humans, you will be punished for this!" The guy snarled!

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