Master Summoner Online

Chapter 406: Wraith Tree Spirit

After taking a rest for ten minutes, we took back the Amber Dragon and proceeded carefully on the island. Along the way, the trees were lush, the flowers were bright, and the thorns seemed to be full of life.

Just after we dived into two or three hundred meters, three giant beasts suddenly appeared. Take a closer look. It turned out that the three heads were covered with turquoise scales and there were thorns on the back. Less than two or three meters high, I would only pit my father. Pulling the gun right away, I shouted at this moment: "Flash away!"

"哧 ——" A blue liquid spouted from the leopard's mouth, like a high-pressure water gun.

The four of us hurriedly avoided, and I would just spit white smoke at the position where my father had just stood, and then there was a scene of corrosion, and the ground was burnt and sunken.

I would only be stunned, "What kind of monster is this?"

I sent out fire eyes and golden eyes and said, "It is a 77-level elite beast sulfate leopard."

An unsuccessful three leopard sulfate leapt at once, me, the black god, and Tianzhao rushed together. At this time, a leopard sulfate leapt at me, and rushed towards him aggressively. The four claws running at high speed were sharp. Incomparably, every step will leave a deep mark on the ground.

Leopard Sulfate opened its mouth wide, exposing its teeth and fluttering. I was ready to meet, and slightly stretched my left hand forward. When the leopard Sulfate was about to rush to my face, he suddenly grabbed his paw with his backhand, and then moved to the right. fall.

"Bang!" Speed ​​is the greatest advantage of leopard sulfate or so leopard creatures, but at this moment it has become its lethal point. Its body that I cast out to make a beautiful straight three-flip in the air, and then He fell sturdily on a big tree.

"Roar!" The battle didn't end there. The leopard sulphate that was thrown out quickly stood up again, spewing a sulphuric acid again from the mouth, I quickly dodged, and then cast the "Hundred Ghosts Night Walk" with a sharp knife. This endangered leopard sulfate.

But at the same time, several other monsters who looked at each other stepped out of the thick fog, staring at the four of us with a kind of gaze to see the delicious prey.

At this point, the head monster rushed towards me with a footprint and a pit. I turned around and rushed in front of this bear-like monster in front of me. I turned my shoulders and avoided the swept giant claws. Then The heroic charge charged the bear against the large tree stump behind him, and then destroyed and slammed the opponent while being stunned.

The big bear's chest was instantly obscured by the flesh and blood, and then he fired a red-eyed dragon gun and stabbed at the wound with a 'declaration of lightning'.

—3922 damage figures float out.

The bear screamed. At this time, the leopard sulfate sulfate that was supposed to be solved now slammed at me again. The blue liquid in my mouth sprayed out. I flashed a test and the blue liquid shot directly behind him. The bear.

"Roar!" The big bear wailed suddenly, and the high-intensity corrosive liquid instantly corroded the big bear's body, and a large piece of white smoke penetrated into the bone wound. At this moment, the leopard sulfate leapt violently. "Hey!" The guy turned suddenly Its long tail flicked past me. I stepped back quickly. The flick of the tail passed me in astonishment.

After avoiding the attack. Point the red-eyed dragon gun at the severely injured bear and throw it out. The sharp gun pierced the bear instantly. After a successful hit, I did not stay in place but supported the ground with both hands. At the same time grabbed the neck of the leopard sulfate with both hands.

"Click!" With a sound, the leopard sulfate's head drooped softly, and the newly raised tail fell down.

After solving the two monsters, the surrounding monsters did not run away, but rushed up even more crazy.





The sounds of fighting kept ringing, and after some time these sounds disappeared, the world was quiet for a while.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

"Oh!" "

It hadn't been more than half a minute before it was quiet, and more monster voices came from around him.

Oops ... I soon discovered that there were probably ten times more monsters than just now, rushing towards my location. It seems that the previous battle could not even hide from warming up.

This is a big trouble! Looking at the approaching dark shadows, we can only brace our heads and prepare for the attack at this time. I will only take out the rocket launcher and blast into a tiger-shaped monster, blasting out more than 10,000 injuries, and this head The tiger's body dropped by half.

At this time, three leopard sulfate sulfates rushed at me. I immediately converted the Sonic Werewolf, and also called Gatling Blast Dragon for cover. The three leopard sulfate sulfates quickly turned into our experience.

But just after killing the three Leopard Sulfate, an 80-level elite beast named Iron Tiger pounced on the damage, but I also got it in cooperation with the summoned beast.

An hour later, this wave of fighting was over.

I felt that I was too tired to walk, and that this desperate battle made me overdraw almost all my physical strength. It also made me realize that this ghost place is more dangerous than I thought, and I do n’t know how many levels.

A lot of monsters will come out every 100 meters or 50 meters along the way. We have been attacked by dozens of monsters before we have been on the island for more than two kilometers, and more than once. A series of battles made me feel that every cell and every nerve in my body was soaked with sweat. Since I was conscious, I have never been so tired. I really should find a place to set up a tent and go in for a sleep.

However, it seems that it is not the time to sleep, because the sound of Soso is heard in the dirt under our feet. In the next moment, countless vines burst out of the soil, and immediately twined around my feet, about a dozen in total. The roots are full of tenacious vines, binding my feet so hard!

"Ah!" Tian Zhao exclaimed suddenly, and numerous vines sprang out of the soil. The speed was amazing, and Tian Zhao came with a lot of flowers without any effort!

The next moment, our four-man squad was all trapped by vines, which is not good news for us! At the same time, the Sonic werewolf was also entangled with seven or eight vines and kept roaring, that is, there is nothing he can do about these vines.

"What the **** are these?" I angered. "Why did we all win ..."

I will just pit father and say, "Must be my mission is BOSS, NND!"

"What to do?" I asked.

"Let me free up, I'll open the way with flamethrowers!"

"Okay!" I said, pulling out one of my hands and launching it quickly. The huge steel blade quickly cut to me and only pitted my father. Attacking with my teammates would not cause damage. Did not hurt others.

The blade of steel fell. Suddenly, I could only smash the two rattans on the pit father, and I would only pick up the flamethrower and shout, "Freedom!"


The blaze of flames burst out, and the vines were early. With the help of the flames, everyone was free again. The flames swept wildly. At this time, when they swept through the surrounding trees, they suddenly remembered a painful hiss!

I saw trees that looked ordinary, but suddenly stood up at this moment, with a pair of red eyes and dark holes in the thick trunk several times.

Take the golden eyes of fire-

Wraith Tree Essence, Level 85, Elite Beast, Introduction: Wraith Tree Essence is one of the Tree Essences. Like other Tree Essences, they are plants that have been altered by unknown forces. They usually lurk in ordinary woods and use themselves and The very similar appearance of ordinary trees will use the roots of the ground to entangle the prey on the ground and eat them after strangling.

After seeing this introduction, I suddenly realized that the big tree in front of me was actually a monster?

At this moment a Wraith Tree Essence locked my eyes, and a few vines came towards me like a chain of life!

"Carbide fire!"

Under the acceleration of the calcium carbide fire, the Z-shaped position quickly flashed these vines away, and then accelerated in one breath.

The Wraith Tree Essence couldn't catch me, so I just watched me in front of it. It is estimated that its skills also need to cool down time, so I just use this time, first a thunderstorm threw away!

"Boom ~!" The ground at the foot of this Wraith Tree Spirit split open, and a dazzling thunderbolt broke through the ground. The mighty Thunderlight drowned the Wraith Tree Spirit instantly.

— 3557 damage figures fly up!

Then I drove the Red-Eyed Dragon Gun and rushed down with two sharp hits!

In the face of injury, this 'steel plate' really did not dare to compliment, but the speed of the Wraith Tree Spirit's attack speed is really tortoise speed, so that after I then used the Tengyun raid, it began to lift the tree pole and swept it hard Come over!

— The 888 damage number is very high. The attack on this thing is really low, but at this time, the total amount of blood is very high. At the same time, I am not indifferent. The body was accompanied by one by one the damage figures flew up, and after smashing hundreds of times, the blood-thin, unreliable tree spirit was strangled to death.

I glanced at the situation on the other side. I saw Tian Zhao relying on the advantage of attack speed and cut down a tree spirit. I would only pit my father with a flamethrower and burn a tree spirit. At the same time, the black **** also Wielding a sickle, emptying the serum of a tree sperm in front of her, the leaves began to fall off, and the scene was very beautiful, just like the leafy rain in autumn.

Suddenly, ‘Ye Yu’ fluttered in the sky for a while, and this was the scene after we solved the tree spirits.

But at this time we could hear before we breathed a little more.


The ground trembled, and the earth swelled and cracked outward on the ground more than ten meters away in front of us. There seemed to be something to drill out. At the next moment, a huge object broke through the ground. It was a huge banyan tree. The trunk was extremely strong. Two large mill-ball-sized red **** burned in a pair of huge hollows.


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