Master Summoner Online

Chapter 427: At the touch

At this moment, Yu Luochen was trembling. This was not trembling but excited. "Come! Come! I can't wait!" Yu Luochen's mouth made an excitement sound like a roaring stock.

"NND, too arrogant"

The old cow roared, and twirled his tomahawk at the opponent.

"Uncontrollable Power" Then his left palm was entangled with blood, which instantly turned into a huge blood claw and grabbed the young cow!

Compared with this big paw, the speed of the young cow's underage is nothing at all. This paw saw the old cow rushing over the stuffy head and then the blood claw quickly ran over the old cow's chest for a while. The old cow's chest Five more paw prints in an instant


Rao is the whole point of Lao Niu ’s minors and the Knight ’s natural defense growth. When he was almost killed by spike, it was almost a bit. At this time, the Lao Ni could be said to be scared and frightened. Rolling to the ground, the body armor was covered with a lot of snow!

"I rely! Is this still human?"

"What are you doing!"

The rain fell and a roar, and a lunge rushed past.


The polar devil snarled, three storms came in the sky, and the rain falling dust pushed out two blood claws with both hands. I saw that they collided with the polar storm, but the pair of blood claws failed to stop, and the power of the polar storm was twisted. Scattered

"Cut!" The body flickered, was extremely flexible, and it shrank a hundred meters away, but at this time a young man in black appeared in the void without any warning, and his short sword stabbed sharply at his heart's seat. under.

—5345 points of injury floated out, and the rain falling dust swayed immediately before being stabbed, trying to avoid the vital parts, but at this moment a quenching flew over the rain falling dust's head, and a small knife struck the sky. It was just right, but unfortunately the response of Yu Luochen's dust was a little better. This one hit Qiankun was put away on his body.

The rain fell and the dust retreated, before it was time to fill a blood bottle, the lonely swords had been hunted down.


It was shaken twice in succession, attacked once, and defended by the hedgehog for the second time!

"Drink!" The resurrected old cow suddenly appeared on the side of Yu Luochen's dust, raised his tomahawk, and chopped down on the shoulder of Yu Luochen!

"Small volume!" The hedgehog quickly proliferated under a clone, and the old cow attacked under the age of one. At the same time, he took a step back and poured a blood medicine quickly.

"Come again! Come again!" Rainfall Dust said excitedly, but he didn't say a word, but saw a bag suddenly bulge on the snow, and then a skeleton wearing a armor turned out of the snow and issued a "click" to the rainfall. "Click" sound.

"Cut! Hao Long, really pick a time." Yu Luochen mouth moved: "Several people take note of this battle today, we will fight another day."

"Do you want to run away?" Lao Niu shouted.

The rain fell dust and said, "Run away? Oh! It's just you, it's almost effortless to kill you. The other three are enough to be my opponents, and you don't deserve it!"

"What!" The cow was furious when he was young, and rushed forward when he brought up the tomahawk. "Challenge me! Go back and practice for a few years!" He said, pushing his hands forward, twining his two hands' blood. The blood red palm is sent out.

The old man felt bad, and quickly took up a defensive posture, but even so, the terrorist power of the blood palm still shot him out, meaningless to let the old man take a breath of air. The figure of falling dust has long been unknown.

The blood of the Snow Dragon on our side was also polished by everyone, and after a long shout, it fell to the snow, leaving a pile of loot.

"Hurry up, everyone, we are wasting too much time here, and it is estimated that someone is already hitting BOSS in this area at this time." Brother Superman shouted.

"That's right, it can't be delayed any longer," I said.

So the Gatling Blast Dragon and the Sonic Werewolf immediately retracted, the Amber Dragon leaned down, and I, Tianzhao, and the Black God sat up one after another, Xueyue also turned over and stood on the ice crystal phoenix, Erica also called the Feather Snake, the Phoenix Student Union MM sits on the mechanical tyrannosaurus, Xiao Ai and Feng Xiaoyue sit on the Longxin big red eagle, Ziyue sits on her own fighting eagle, and Kuqiulin is taken back.

The remaining few boys are sitting behind the ultimate electronic dragon. The second world does not have so many restrictions on manning. Men, women, women, men, and men are all allowed, but the last one should It is impossible to appear unless everyone understands. In addition, this series of preconditions is that the mount can carry the unit that moves the body, and the owner of the mount agrees that meeting these two conditions can bring people.

Finally, after a half-hour flight, we waited for a group of people to fly over the snow and the canyon. At this time, we can see a white light towering into the clouds, the destination of this area, the energy tower.

At this point, more than a dozen players have gathered here to remember, but this is not a single person came forward, not to miss but not to dare, because at this time on the ground around the tall white light energy tower, countless The ice tiger is wandering, and countless ice dragons are flying in the sky. Among them, the BOSS-level ice dragons are dozens of heads. In the face of such a large number, they can only find death.

There was a long howling sound in the western sky, and the sound of the howling sounded like an early thunder.

However, with Chang Xiao, a figure suddenly appeared in the field.

I saw this man wearing a set of blood-colored armor, expressionless, and his Majesty rode a **** wolf-shaped creature with two heads covered in blood. His body was not hair but scales, and a lizard-like tail Swinging behind him, there are four sharp barbs on the tail.

"Boom" two times, this evil beast stepped on the ground with his front foot slamming a light of blood, and the snow within ten feet around it was wiped out.

Shu Dao laughed on the team channel at this time: "I really didn't expect that Qin Wei will appear here."

I didn't say a word of fire and eyes--

Level 85, Blood Swordsman, Equipment: Black Dragon General (Seal Equipment), White Dragon Moxie (Seal Equipment), Blood Knight Armor (Gold), Warcraft Mount: Abyss Bloodlust.

call! I said, "This guy was so fierce that I didn't know and had no chance to summon him."

Shu Road smiled bitterly: "I don't think it is possible."

"Why?" I asked.

Shu Tao: "I have been in contact with Qin Yun, who is very deep and out of place. If he comes to you to name him, you can burn high incense."

I smiled bitterly: "It's so difficult."


"Then how about your name, come to me?"

"I ... this is something to consider."

"Okay! I'll wait for your reply." Turn off the call after speaking.

Next, another person appeared. This man was very handsome, with a long body and thick eyebrows and eyes, carrying a two-meter-long exaggerated giant sword. He didn't say a word when he came over, and he did n’t know what he was thinking. It is the Dragon Cavalry-Night and Love, although I don't know what the strength is, it must be strong.

The time passed by another half an hour. At this time, hundreds of players have gathered around it. There should not be many people in this task. When there are so many people, it can only be said that this task is not a shared mission map but it can Sharing, so when the mission site is exposed, it naturally attracts many people who have no mission. Most of this person should come here to mix some oil and water. If it is not the local death penalty, I think more talents will come. Correct.

But at this time, a huge figure appeared, waiting to see that figure, this one turned out to be a blue dragon up to 20-30 meters long.

The dragon's blue scales shimmered throughout the body, layered between us, and blue gas entangled on the body, loosing ice mist, the dragon head was faint, the head was born with two horns, the belly had four claws, and the giant dragon tail was Swinging behind him, at this moment the "ha ha" laughed in that dragon's mouth: "Stupid human, since you are here to die, then I will complete you!"

In the next moment, a roar through the heavens and the earth, in the next moment, whether it is an ice dragon or an ice dragon, beside the dragon, countless ice tigers on the ground also rushed out, rushing out in all directions, Suddenly, a fierce battle began.

Flying dragons, dived straight down, tigers all over the ground, rushed forward, a fierce battle, immediately triggered!

Suddenly, countless elements began to gather in the calm sky. Here, a large range of group attack skills such as meteor fire rain, death hurricane, ice storm, geonuclear burst, lightning storm, etc. suddenly burst out. I do n’t know how many The fire and rain meteorite and wind blade flashed out to cover the sky. The turbulent energy almost formed a storm, and launched a raid from different directions to the raging monster army!

Countless fire and rain, ice edge or wind blade hit various monsters to produce a variety of effects, the monsters will not sit still, the ice tiger shoots the ice blade, the dragon spit out breath, various skills spread out again Hit each other.

The monsters were pushed down by waves, but due to killing with many monsters, they stepped on the companion's body and rushed to kill them.

Qin Yue mentioned the two swords behind him, and sneered at himself: "I thought this task could be quieter. I didn't expect to become so lively, okay, since it's going to be trouble, it's so lively." The two swords sent out two string-moon blood-colored energies, and they killed the two ice tigers who spiked up first, then rushed out while driving down the bloodthirsty beast, and plunged into the strange group.

Ye and Qingqing said nothing, pulled out the great sword behind them, a black energy at the tip of the sword, and finally formed a huge black light ball, a huge black light ball

"Destroy the dragon!" With this bland voice, the black light ball was blasted out, instantly exploding all the monsters in the explosion range, and even the **** was blasted by this devastating force.

More people shot around to face the countless monsters in front of them.

At this time, the blue dragon did not watch the show in the rear like other bosses, but instead rushed out first. The strength of this guy can be said to be extremely terrible. If you just spray the dragon breath, you can kill dozens. Famous players, despite your blood and blood, almost no one can stop you.

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