Master Summoner Online

Chapter 431: A woman meets an enemy




The staggering sound of weapons coming from the snow to the ground. It was in the room where I stood in front of the night and my love. This guy this guy pulled out a huge sword and chopped people without saying a word.

"Good job!" After successfully avoiding the opponent's blow, I held the Red-Eyed Dragon Lance with both hands and stared at the opponent in front of me. To be honest, I had no idea how tricky his opponent was. To some extent, his strength is undoubtedly at the level of peerless masters, rain falling dust.

"Okay! Love and night! Let's do it again!" I said the name lightly after night and love, I was excited at this time.

"Ka!" Accompanied by a harsh metal resound, the two rushed face to face, a series of chaotic metal pops in an instant.

"Ding!" In a crisp metal stagger, the arms of both sides staggered countlessly. Gun marks and sword marks in the air were vividly visible, and finally the force of the collision between the two sides of the weapon bounced off.

"It's amazing. I actually bounced all my attacks directly from the front. I'm really happy." I re-posed the fighting posture, and in my green eyes, the flames of the battle must have been burning.

"One more time!" After gently shaking the red-eyed dragon gun in his hand, he turned his side at the same time, and the red-eyed dragon gun in the hands of the second assault hit the dragon **** sword in the hands of Ye and Qingqing again.

One time, two times, three times ... The arms of the two sides are constantly interlaced. How many times have they been interlaced? Even my party does not know. I can only see the beautiful traces of weapons in the air, a gun and a sword. The encounter in the air again and again gave off a dazzling and gorgeous flash.

"Ka!" A dull burst of armor interrupted the offensive between the two sides, almost at the same time, and the two retreated.

There was a noticeable crack in the armor on the left shoulder of Ye Yuqing. Through the pierced armor, a conspicuous scar could be seen. There was also a crack in the seat on the waist of my armor. There was a little blood flowing out of the crack. .

"Ding ~! Player Lao Niu underwent the Ice Zone Energy Tower!"

Seeing this reminded me, I couldn't help but laugh, haha, the old cow succeeded. Now that it has been completed, there is no need for us to continue to fight, so I shouted, "Xueyue is gone!"

"Okay!" Xueyue's double swords began to retreat after opening Qin Yue. I also retreated sharply and said, "Night and love, we will fight again tomorrow!" While talking, a red eagle appeared above his head.

"Brother!" Long Xin drove the Big Red Eagle to pounce down, and while I was in front of me, I jumped up and grabbed a red claw of a Red Eagle, while flying at a low altitude for a period of time, I reached out and dragged the snow moon At the same time that Xueyue took a wing and the Red Eagle hurriedly lifted the air to fly to the energy tower, at this moment I saw the night and love on the ground looked up at us, his face did not have any expression, and he did not speak very Deep look.

At this moment, everyone gathered in front of the energy tower. At this time, the door of the energy tower opened and a white light transmission array appeared in front of the eyes.

I laughed: "Ye Shuang! How does it feel in the stomach of BOSS?"

Ye Shuang smiled bitterly: "Fuck! I was almost digested."

Yuxue added: "I'm almost the same."

Erica said: "I think you both should be digested."

Tears asked without a trace: "What will become of you after being digested?"

Brother Superman laughed: "Become poop."

I said, "Okay, that's all right, let's go to the next area."

"it is good!"


At the moment of appearing in the wind dragon domain, I just felt that a flower was in front of me, and the immeasurable grassland appeared in front of me in the next moment. Ostrich creatures, but they are covered with heavy armor and scream sharply in their mouths, screaming at us, and taking pictures of fire eyes to see this thing called-armored bird!

The armored bird is a monster with a strong defense force, and it is also a monster of the magic system. It can spray wind blades in its mouth and its movement speed is not slow. It can be said that it is difficult to deal with it.

"Only me!"

I lifted my hand with a huge cuboid face and flew out. I saw the armor bird bite. Then everyone attacked and greeted. This armor bird was beheaded and killed by us. The RP did not erupt. Roll out a few silver coins and roll them on the ground, as if you are despising us. To be honest, this is the simplest and most stupid monster that comes in.

This area can be said to be vast and blue, although occasionally a few armored birds come over to find trouble, at this time the path came back and lonely trace: "An interesting thing happened in front of you."

"What's the matter?" Asked the little knife with a strong curiosity.

"I saw that a MM was chased by a group of people in front of me. It was a good opportunity to play a hero to save the beauty."

Brother Superman said: "Then why don't you save people directly?"

Gu Chen said coldly: "I'm not interested in this kind of thing, but it's a big beauty, and the quality is not worse than any one present. The man who has been so sullen recently can go play!"

"Since there is still such a thing, I am a seven-foot man with a dignified heart, and I must take this kind of thing!" After running, he ran away. But he didn't run two steps, he ran back again, and asked softly, "Your boy didn't lie to me, is she really a beauty?"

"I won't know if I go!" Goku didn't take it easy on Ye Shuang's bad attitude.

"By the way, you can quickly follow up, in case I can't cover the scene, I can take care of it!"

Tears without a trace also shouted: "Fuck! Just the insignificant look of God Moon to save people, what if they are misunderstood, only the loyal and mature appearance of a teenager like me can complete the task perfectly."

I asked, "Should we just keep up?"

"Okay, I'll see what it looks like!" Brother Superman said, and everyone followed.

I saw five players chasing a female player everywhere. The player chased behind was a warrior wearing a red armor. There was an assassin, two mages, and an archer. There were dozens of hairs in the back. The screaming armored bird was chasing after it. In the end, it was still followed by a huge and burly man wrapped in armor, holding a sword in one hand and a shield in one hand, and constantly trying to charge forward, but the armored birds around it Always blocking its way, making it angry and helpless.

These armored birds, big men, five male players, and female players chased me after you, and they were so happy that they chased and shouted after the players.

"Sister, don't run away, let's play with you and get what everyone has!"

"Smelly girl, I won't blame today, see how long you can run!"


The chased female player is a beautiful priest, holding a white book in her hand, wearing a milky white robe. This book has no highlights, but she is too hot, and the peaks and peaks on her chest will almost be worn out. The robe support burst, and the willow waist and hips can be described as awesome.

At this point, Ye Shuang and Tears No Trace were about to come, and I also shot a golden eye at the female pastor--

Level 74, Holy Priest, Equipment: Code of Light (Orange), Current Status: Dawning Storm, others unknown.

At this time, the hot pastor saw the Ye Shuang and the tearless trace and immediately shouted, "The two brothers on the opposite side, save me! The bad guys bullied me!" With a very pitiful and very cute expression.

My colleague still looked at the last big guy.

Steel Guard, Level 95, Elite Beast, Introduction: A steel armor is loaded with soul and gains the ability to move. The steel shell makes it vulnerable to any attack, and it is extremely difficult to kill it.

At this time in front of the female pastor who came from Ye Shuang and Tears No Trace, Ye Shuang shouted, "You guys, you silk, a group of big men bullying a weak woman, it's not bad."

Tears disappeared: "Just."

At this point the group of people stopped and led the soldiers and shouted, "Do n’t worry about you guys. Believe it or not, we're going to make you all good."

Before the words were finished, Ye Shuang had launched an assault, and the Thunder War Halberd in his hand slammed against the man three times--




The man who was beaten took two steps back, and couldn't help but sneer: "Fuck! I almost stopped Lao Tzu! Damn! Brothers went on together and did these two obstructing guys!"


Then the archer fired two arrows in a row, hitting Ye Shuang's chest.



"Rely on! How can this be so!" Then the archer was shocked. For a player such as Ye Shuang who has extremely strong blood and defense, only a 70-level little archer can play such a figure.

At this moment, the sacred priest's fingers fell on Ye Shuang with a wave of white light!


Wow! The treatment output is considerable! In addition, she used the basic skills of the priest, and then dropped the sea of ​​fire skills without tears. The blood and blood of the opposite group fell rapidly. Without the priest's treatment output, these five guys couldn't resist Ye Shuang and tears. Marks attack.

The mage and the archer attacked from a distance, but with no trace of tears, the three of them were crushed to death. "Dead, bastard!" The warrior had gone mad, and under single-headed conditions, Ye Shuang Passing the professional advantage, all kinds of repeated strokes made the other party scream, the blood medicine kept screaming, but the blood was unable to make up for it, and it was always walking on the edge of death. The assassin continuously attacked Ye Shuang, but this name The assassin's tragic attack could not even break Ye Shuang's defense. He could only fight the opponent's MM. However, the MM was also very good in operation and various avoidances. The assassin could be said to be angry and helpless.


I said, "Tianzhao. The black **** destroyed the monsters in the back, and others disturbed them!"

"Yes!" Tianzhao and the Black God walked around from the other side of the PK seat between the players. Tianzhao took the lead, and a dance of blood was slanted out, banging heavily on the neck of a armored bird, followed immediately Counting on the sword in succession, the armor bird fell to the ground and became a cold body.

At the same time, another armored bird fell under the continuous attack of the Black God without any resistance.

Immediately after the armored birds around, the last steel guard roared suddenly, and the sword in his hand was chopped down at the black **** like a bamboo!

The sickle in the black god's hand swung forward.


The black god's sickle very accurately held the opponent's sword, and at the same time solved the skylight of a armored bird leap, and the blood storm in his hand broke through its breastplate, bringing out a large -2222 points of damage!

At the same time, the black **** pushed back the opponent's sword, and the sickle in his hand swept through the seat of the blood storm and cracked the steel guard breastplate!


"Roar!" The steel guard snarled and raised his sword and slashed at the black god!

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