Master Summoner Online

Chapter 481: Belt training

Get it! Take a few early birds first, don't you have a feeling for me? In addition to that loli lollipop, the other two guys are older than me. Forget about this boring feeling.

Bring three people to leave the initial street, buy a variety of supplies towards the ‘Death Forest’ where I first leveled, and six people quickly walked out of the Dragon City and spent three minutes to the periphery of the Death Forest.

I said to the three behind me: "The monsters here don't like us at all! Just be honest!"

"I see!" Said Lolly.

"Rest assured! I am experienced in retraining!" Everyone told me to laugh at brother.

He didn't say anything but just nodded steadily.

I chuckled, carefully checked the kettle, compressed dry food, potion and other items that I carried with me. After the inspection was completed, let the black gods open the team in the team mode to bring us all together.

"Let's go, remember to be a little smaller!" In this kind of crisis, although the monsters here do not pose a threat to me, it can be fatal to the low-level players around me.

"Master!" Lolly lollipop stopped me.

"What's wrong?" I turned around, and the novice question was more!

Loli said: "The master is also the summoner. Why don't you see the master your summoner? And who are these two sisters?"

I said, "Oh, they are my good companions. With them, leveling is faster! As for the summoning beasts, there is no need to trouble them."

"Trouble?" Novice MM heard a puzzled look.

I laughed: "Lollipop! What is the summoning beast to you?"

Loli lollipop said: "I don't know, but many people say that summoning beasts is just a tool for leveling the summoner ..."

"No!" I interrupted her quickly: "Don't listen to those people, summoning beasts are not the tools of the summoner, don't treat them as a bunch of data streams! Remember! You are good to them, they are also Will pay you back! "

Loli lollipop nodded slightly, seemingly incomprehensible.

"Finally send you a word, the summoner stays behind the summoning beast forever!"

Loli lollipop still nodded, and then went all the way to the deep forest of death!

On the way, a small 12-level lizard jumped out, but it took me a fist and a groan, and I died instantly, followed by Goblin at level 15, Blue Water Spirit at level 18, Wild Wolf at level 20, The grey-haired dogs at level 22 are all indifferent, especially if you are a dragon, one step at a time, monsters that are one after another, either beating their brains apart or being kicked off the liver and hearts, and countless monsters die tragically under my fists.

Almost all the way to the blood wash, I can see three or two team players on the road, seeing me so sturdy, one after another came over to ask for a team, but they were rejected, and some of them were scared away. There are some who are not willing to yell, although this is true, there are no people who are not provocative.

A group of newcomers who have stripped me all are not my opponents. I went forward for a ten-minute journey all the way, and I was beaten up on my way to this place. My goal is deep in the forest of death, but a leveling treasure for novices! In the game, leapfrogging is very common, but it is also exquisite. Some bricks who are fortunate in this forum have studied it. The limit level of leapfrogging is 50. Of course, this is only limited to those who are skilled in operation and equipped with NB. Niu Ren, although the limit level is 50, the best level for killing monsters is 30, because the player gains experience to maximize it. If you challenge the limit level, the experience will not be maximized but will be proportional. The reason for the reduction is to maintain balance.

Moving forward, I suddenly smelled a **** smell, something was coming!


A strange sound sounded directly in the grass in front of a two-meter-long head with a triangular head, vomiting a letter, looking ugly!

I whispered: "Just here, protect yourself. These monsters are handed to me. If you are bored, play a card and chat for a day or something. Anyway, stay good!" Then Gatlin blasted out.

"Lollipop, can you call your summoned beast and let it absorb experience?" Lolly lollipop is very obedient to call her summoned beast, which is a cyan little wolf, very small like a puppy. Look I couldn't help but think of Garulu's original little black dog form, and then patted the thigh on the side of the iron falcon. "Please! Dude!" Gatling Benglong's eyes lightened, taking a step forward, stepping forward At the same time, it also attracted the attention of the other snake group!

A group of pythons hissed and rushed over!

Next to welcome them are the golden machine gun bullets!

After the upgraded Gatling Blast Dragon opened for the first time, bullets hurried across a distance of 100 meters in front of it, and the roaring gun tip brought out pieces of damage, and a large number of pythons fell to the ground!

But this is not enough. The purpose of attacking my attention this time is to attract the attention of this snake group. Soon, hundreds of frightened pythons appeared one after another, spitting red and red letters straight, making a hissing sound, and At the same time start the new skill of Gatling Blast Dragon 'Photon Smash! 'The two rows of launchers behind the Gatling Blast Dragon followed by numerous missiles. The volume of these missiles is much smaller than the previous photon missiles. The power is also reduced a lot. The experience I have learned is transmitted to my system vision.

Gatling Blast is completely a sharp damage output machine. The RPF1500 hardly stopped roaring. The two magazines were used up in less than two minutes. Fourteen Stinger Wasps turned into data streams, leaving only a few pieces of silver crystals to prove that they ever existed.

"Wow, a lot of experience!" Lolly's lollipop jumped happily, and the little blue wolf also absorbed the experience, and it should have evolved to go to sleep.

Several exclamations came from the team channel. According to the rules of the system team, I can get 50% of the total experience for each monster I destroy, and the remaining points are evenly distributed to the newcomers. The overall experience in the team mode is 15% bonus, 10% bonus for master and apprentice mode, which is 25% bonus, plus I deliberately adjusted the experience value to the lowest point of 20%, which means that a python itself has 80% experience An average of three rookie teammates. The basic experience of these pythons is quite high, and now it is double the time or the best level, the experience is maximized! In addition, their previous level 30 experience is not a lot, so their upgrade efficiency will never be low, but high.

The three of them suddenly leveled, and the newcomers who were still at the tenth level now are all twenty-one and two, but at this time I saw that the guy who called me to seek out my brother has rushed out!

"Where are you going back!"

Everyone told me not to look back, "Oh, I'll go get those coins back. This is not an item of equipment. It will be wiped out when the time expires. It's all money!" He ran and responded while running Be very careful!

OMG! As a fan of Xiao Ai! "Captain brother! I play games to make money!" Everyone told me to seek brother.

But at this moment, the effect of the sudden "permeation" made my beast irritate in my head and shouted immediately: "Get down!" Everyone told me to seek the elder brother's radioactive lying down, just a few seconds after he was lying down. With a roar, a huge shadow swept over his head, and then I saw a python appearing, more than five meters long, raised his head, a pair of brown eyes glowing with cold light, and the letter vomited. It's long.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scan-

Evil King, Level 35 BOSS, Introduction: Evil Pythons in the Death Forest are extremely aggressive and hibernating in winter, but woke up to find food because they could not bear the hunger!

It is a middle-level B0SS monster in the death forest. It is terrible for players in the twelfth grade or above, but it is as fragile as ants!

The evil python king saw that everyone called me to seek brother, and the thick tail was photographed, but everyone told me to seek the brother's body quickly to avoid it, followed by the stealth skill MISS hatred, the boss who lost the hatred showed hesitation, this BOSSAI is low , Can only rely on instinct to attack, from the perspective of the team, I can clearly see that everyone told me to seek brother to quickly retreat back, but at this time BOSS seems to find his whereabouts and swooped up!

"Black God. Tianzhao!" I yelled, the two were forced up, the evil python screamed and greeted us, and the huge tail flew everyone to ask me to turn around and avoid, while the black **** and Tianzhao both came The black **** in front of his seat at the same time: "You go back first!"

"Sorry." Everyone told me to seek a brother, and then quickly backed away, at this time the evil python king stared fiercely at the two girls in front of him. It seemed at this moment hesitant to attack.

It did not attack, the two MM attacked the past without saying a word! The black **** was attracted positively, and Tianzhao came behind the evil python king at this moment and grabbed its tail. A roar pulled it up, and then fell heavily on the big tree on one side. The evil python screamed, At the same time, a "crisp" sounded a crisp sound, and the big tree with a thick mouth broke in an instant.

During the severe pain, the evil python king revealed his fierce appearance, twisted his body, opened his blood basin and opened his mouth to bite into the sky! But then, the black **** waved the sickle's seat behind the evil python king, and the sharp blade opened a mouth directly behind this guy, and deep inside his mouth, all the internal organs flowed out. Then the sky shot from the front! A punch on the snake's head suddenly caused the two huge eyes of the evil python to fly out of the orbit, and the entire skull instantly shattered, then fell down and lost his life.

In the eyes of the novices, the powerful python king, at this moment was hit by two sturdy MM three fists and two feet, and fell to a tragic death. The python king dropped to the ground. This kind of boss has no idea how many times it has been wrapped Reliably, today's double explosion rate, or a blue leather belt and a white belt and white gloves, broke the loot for them. I don't want it, and it's useless.

After killing this evil python king, we took a rest in situ. We have this extremely powerful bodyguard. It is difficult to feel uneasy. I ca n’t help shaking my head when I think about it. That was scary step by step. If you take the wrong step, you may report back to the city, but it is not necessary now!

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